

The tale of an unfortunate omega who got rejected by his mate but at the brink of death he was reclaimed and the love, attention , and affection he was getting after being claimed by his mate seemed like the calm before the storm Did things finally change for the better or would his alpha go back to how everything was and treated him like scum beneath his shoes again? An Omega who held onto hope. Hope. Tsk. Such a small word with huge consequences. On her deathbed his mother told him to never let go of hope and so he kept hoping, kept waiting and watching for things to change. Finding his Alpha tangles in bed again with the same person who had caused him so much pain and misery he couldn't bear the pain any longer and left. For two years, two long torturous years, it seemed like he never existed and truth be told his Alpha was almost going crazy until that fateful morning he returned to the pack, armed to the tooth and not alone. Now fully trained in the brutal Alpha facility. His omega is full of surprises and forgiveness is NOT one of them! Don’t forget to vote or leave a comment. All similarities to people and places are all coincidental. Happy reading!

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Lunch Day {90}

Vasili's morning ritual was a symphony of discipline and preparation. The cool water of the outdoor pool embraced him as he glided through its depths, his silver eyes reflecting the early morning light. The freckles dusted across his nose and cheeks seemed to catch the sun's rays, adding a playful contrast to his otherwise composed demeanor. Emerging from the pool, Vasili's thoughts shifted to the day ahead as he went up to his room for a shower. He dressed meticulously in his signature all-black attire, every piece chosen with care. The form-fitting combat pants hugged his frame, the black turtleneck shirt tucked in seamlessly, and the silver chain around his neck gleamed subtly against his pale skin. His feet slid into black ankle boots, a practical yet stylish choice for the day's activities. The black gloves on his hands were a familiar comfort, as were the visible Glocks in their thigh straps, a reminder of the world he navigated daily. Vasili's gaze lingered on his reflection in the full-length mirror, assessing the image that stared back at him. The long, straight lashes framed his silver eyes, emphasizing their intensity. His trimmed eyebrows arched slightly, adding a hint of intrigue to his features. A few rebellious baby hairs refused to cooperate with the low bun that held the rest of his pristine white hair in place. He chuckled at the sight, a rare moment of amusement amidst the tension that hung in the air. The sharp knock on Ashley's door signaled the start of their day. Ashley, clad in his all-black ensemble, greeted Vasili with a bright smile that clashed with the seriousness of their upcoming lunch meeting. The diamond studs in his ears caught the light, a subtle accent to his overall look. Vasili's gaze briefly flickered over Ashley's lip piercing, a reminder of his PA's penchant for subtle rebellion. The gold neck choker added a touch of elegance, while the silver tongue ring hinted at a hidden edge beneath Ashley's professional facade. His light brown eyes looked like he had applied an oil sheen on the short lashes and his black hair was kept in an unruly way that looked good on him.

Ashley gave Vasili a bright flirty smile but Vasili ignored the insufferable male who was his PA and walked toward the stairs leading to the ground floor from the gamma floor he and his men were occupying in the meantime. The packhouse had an elevator but he always opted for the stairs instead.

Vasili ignored the bowed greetings and fake smiles of his pack members as he strolled out of the main packhouse toward his car but the same couldn't be said for Ashley as he threw glares left and right to everyone he passed by with the only exception being children.

The obsidian Bugatti Centodieci purred to life as Vasili started the engine, Ashley settling into the passenger seat with practiced ease. The drive to the office was a quiet affair, each lost in their thoughts, mentally preparing for the tasking lunch that awaited them.

As Vasili and Vasha stepped into the office they received shocked and weary looks from his employees but they were all too afraid to ask him any questions or question his attire. Again, he ignored all the greetings and headed straight for the private elevator that would take him to the top floor with Ashley following silently like a shadow.

"You know they're going to talk and gossip about us for the next month or so right?" Ashley asked Vasili as he pressed the button for the top floor, the scanner beeped to confirm his identity before the slight hum of the elevator moving upwards came a second later.

"They can talk all they want as long as it doesn't get in the way of their work then I don't care" Vasili replied with a slight smile that had Ashley chuckling slightly.

The elevator beeped twice to let them know that it had arrived at the top floor, it's doors opening a second later. Ashley followed behind Vasili as he exited the elevator not missing the look of pure shock on the receptionist's face as she got up to greet them but the words died on the way up never making it past her bright red lips. Vasili ignored her as he walked past her into his office noting the slight smell of lust that he picked up as he passed her, his face scrunching in disgust. Carol is a beauty with her dark brown locks in a tight bun and a crisp black suit that hugged her figure just right and complimented her light brown skin. Too bad None of the men that had her panties in a twist at the moment swung that way.

He got down to business immediately, sorting through emails and files on his desk. Delegating tasks and canceling a few meetings he saw as a waste of time. He was so focused on the task that he didn't realize three hours had passed.

Vasili looked up from the MacBook on his desk to find Ashley nose-deep in his own laptop a slight frown on his otherwise handsome face.

"Ashley, I think we've done enough work for the morning. If we don't leave now we might end up arriving late and I don't want to deal with that arrogant Alpha's temper today" vasili said as he got up and stretched, a satisfying pop from his neck had him sighing.

"Plus we should probably eat soon or you'll get clingy and irritable and those aren't something we want to be present with Vasha or he'll rip you to shreds" he laughed when that got him a scowl from his slightly annoyed PA.

Ashley closed his laptop, slipped it into a black backpack, and shrugged when that earned him a look from Vasili

"Gotta get some of the work done today or we'll be swamped with them tomorrow, I'll probably be ignored by those angry Alphas so I might as well make good use of the time to get a few things done" he replied to Vasili's silent question. 'Makes sense' Vasili thought as they made their way to the door.

They ignored the looks of disbelief on some of the employees who hadn't seen them when they arrived at the office earlier and strolled to the car, driving out into the busy streets.

The restaurant, a bastion of high society, provided the backdrop for their lunch. Vasili's silver eyes assessed his surroundings with a practiced gaze, taking note of every detail. The glint of Ashley's tongue ring caught his attention momentarily, a reminder of their shared journey through the complexities of their world.

"Let's get this over with"

This author isn't dead (yet) lol.

Samaelia_Mccarthycreators' thoughts