
Chapter X

Before Dylan disappeared out of the light I grabbed his right arm and said, "Are you okay?".

He was silent for a moment. My lips are starting to shiver. The cold of the night's already hovering. It's bad since I already had my blouse and pants with me.

I looked intently at the back of Dylan. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's getting late, I should go." He removed my grip and started marching to the dark.

"You could stay here." I suggested. I owe the guy for saving my life. I should pay him back just by showing him that I also care for him. A friend as of this moment.

I can see him turn around and before I could have a blink, he collapses to the floor. "Dylan!", I shouted.

Someone upstairs heard me and immediately came down to see. It was Mr. Lo. We both carried Dylan to my apartment and let him rest in my bedroom. The work was difficult, Mr. Lo couldn't carry him and so we held him like one of the famous sculptures of Michelangelo's Pieta. I was carrying his lower part while Mr. Lo held the upper part of his body. We both pant and grunt out of agony due to the weight Dylan has. Out of my knowledge that this is how heavy he was.

"He looks familiar." Mr. Lo commented while slowly hovering his face angle to angle to see Dylan's face. "I'm pretty sure I've seen him somewhere". One hand in his lower chin.

I interrupted him. "Thanks for the help. I couldn't do it without you". He stands up straight and faces me.

"Na-uh! I couldn't do it without you too". I grin after that. The hand is still in the same position.

"Yeah, you're right". I turn my face to Dylan.

"What happened?"

"I don't know."

Mr. Lo reached his hand and put it at the top of Dylan's forehead. "I see, he suffers from a fever".

"Really? I knew he wasn't fine".

"You should treat him as soon as possible to lower his temperature". Mr. Lo faced me and pointed out the medicine that Dylan handed to me earlier. "That might do the trick".

After that Mr. Lo continued to instruct me on what to do if someone was experiencing a fever. I made it as a list.

"You can knock on my door if you need something." He said.

"For sure. Thanks again for this." I lifted up the notepad. He smiled and left the door closed.

I sighed before going back to the room.

As I woke up I heard the sizzling of a pan and bubbling of water in my kitchen. I immediately stood up from the floor. I must have fallen asleep on the couch and rolled out of it without even noticing that I had just fallen from it.

I put away the sheet that covers my body. The analog clock showed me that it's almost 10 in the morning. The sheet made me question whether I have it or not when I was lying here. If not, Dylan must have put it. I frowned after I noticed he was the one in the kitchen.

"Why are you not in bed?" I said after helping myself perch. "You should be resting after that high fever you had yesterday".

"Ow, you're awake". He flips the pan with the pancake on it.

"You sound alright"

"Just because I am"

"Okay, just so you know I was worried". He stops flipping and faces me. "Thank goodness for that medicine you got me. It really helps lower your fever."

I ignore him and go to the bathroom to wash my face. When I went back the food was already on the living room's table. I sat beside him and picked the last plate.

"Is it true?" Suddenly he opened up a question. I stopped eating and faced him.

"What's true?" Confused.

"You, worrying about yesterday?"

"Of course, I am. Who wasn't? You just collapsed in the middle of the sidewalk." I continue to chomp my food after I answer him.

There's a clinging sound from the touch of spoons and forks in the plate. "And you use the medicine I gave to you?" There's a shock in his voice.

I nod. That wasn't supposed to be a question. I need to do what I have to do.

"That was supposed to be yours." He said. I swallowed my food first before answering him.

"Yeah, exactly. I'm the owner and I can decide who I might use it". I stand up and fetch some orange juice from the fridge. I lean against the counter top. "The timing was good actually". I chugged the whole glass and put it down on the sink where the pans and bowls are.

"What about your condition? Are you sure you're already recovered?"

I go back to my seat and turn my body to face him. "Yeah. We already go to the doctor for a check-up"

"You mean, you and Reighly?"

"No. Me and Peter." I said.

He looked away and stood up with plates in his hands. "Right". Then started walking towards the sink.

"Are you okay? You look pale" His complexion was the same as yesterday. I stand up and chase him in the kitchen. I touch my palm on his forehead. I can see he was shocked after I did it.

"I-Im f-f-fine". He says and avoids eye contact with me. He looks so nervous.

"Are you sure? I believe you still have fever"

He nodded and put the dirty dishes in the sink. "Uhm." He faced me. "I haven't thanked you for taking care of me yesterday. By that, thanks for it".

"I guess all numbers are equal now." I said while smiling at him.

"What do you mean?"

"You treated my wounds when no one has. Now, it's my time to pay it back to you"

Something in me loosen up. I feel light and free. I've been trying to reach out to him this past month and as that came in hand I guess everything I wanted to tell him has lifted up. I never should have yelled at him in the first place. The guy was just doing what he thinks would remedy the situation.

I immediately felt guilt.

"When I was a kid..." I started. He looked at me. "I used to read the book my father handed to me on my 3rd birthday. It's a picture book so it was full of images of the story". I paused for a second and recollected the time I was at that tree. The tree made me feel safe and happy. Just like a formidable fortress in the middle of my youth.

I glanced at Dylan; his eyes were drawing with sympathy and sadness. "The time my father died I suffered from a sort of delusion due to stress and severe grievances. I don't want my mother to know and either my brother Lex was oblivious. So, I lied to them that I got a job here just to get away and hid it from them. I don't want them to worry. My mother and my brother had a lot on their plates and I don't want to add on it.. I tried to apply for some company, but I never got the chance. Until I was introduced to that theatre where I waste my whole-time serving people with their tickets and popcorn."

"You may wonder why I'm telling you this, but, sadly, the last time you saw me in blood was one of my episodes. I knew the time I realized that I owe you an apology was also the time that I had to explain to you why that happened. Why did I walk like nothing was hurting me? The truth is, I was numb. Numb by my thoughts. I always regret what I did. I shouldn't bring you into this mess that I create. You can believe me or not I've got more scary than the ones I have from my foot. I'm sorry, I really do"

After I told those lines I felt a warm hug from the person I told. I didn't anticipate it since I had my eyes on the floor the whole time. His strong arms wrap around my shoulder makes me think I'm safe for once. There Are no tears but I can feel his heart pounding in my ear. I smelt his perfume in his shirt and it smell good. I slowly wrap mine around his waist.

"I understand. You've been running too much." He consoles.

The moment I heard him, tears started to fall down. His words didn't only give me understanding but also safety from my thoughts and affliction. Knowing that someone was there beside me was already enough. I'm afraid. I'm always afraid. The judgement and mocks from people I don't know is not easy. So, it moves me that Dylan didn't show any of it. Instead, he showed me compassion and concern.

He loosens his embrace and looks down at me. His face was so close but I decided to look him in the eye. I wiped my tears and he helped me with it. I can feel his warm breath touching my face.

"If you will, I can run beside you." I immediately chuckle at the thought.

"Are you sure about that? It's going to be a highway." I said while still wiping my nose with my hand

He looked at my side cheek. "I'm..." He paused and removed the strand away from my face. "Your friend now, does I?" he followed.

"Well, you're certainly right." Then, we both laugh.

The moment was precious. It seems I was on the right track. I was right, it's good to tell someone the burden. They might lift it alongside you.

A phone rang. It was Dylan's. "I have to take this" The seriousness in his voice was vivid after he read what was on the screen. I moved from the embrace and so did he after we both realized we were still on it. He left my apartment and took the call outside. I quickly wash my face and dry it with the towel. I heard that the door opens.

"Caroll I have to go. Something came up." He shouted.

"Okay." I answered. The door slammed seconds after I answered.

It must be something important. I recollect the moment when we both embraced each other. It seems unreal. His green eyes, his hair, especially his lips. I shake my head after I snap from a realization that I was already fantasizing Dylan.

I opened my phone when I finished from the bathroom. A text from Peter shows up on the screen. Inviting me to have dinner with him along with an address of the restaurant. The last time I saw him we had a great time and I love how those moments come along.

I texted him back saying 'Do I have a choice? (cheeky emoji) See you there".

The clock in my bedroom says it's already 1:34 in the afternoon. I wash the dirty dishes before doing my laundry. I'm not working in the theatre anymore so I have a lot of time to waste for this day. I didn't forget to make other resumes for my target companies to apply for. Maybe this time I can have it. Not in a publishing company but in office work. Sending a message that probably some paths are meant to be bent, not straight to get what our hearts desire.

After work, my mind drifted to another memory. The letters come flashing through my head. It's been a month since I received those letters from him, or to whomever it came from. The sending just stopped. Did I do something wrong to make it stop? At some point it passes through me that he might be a stalker. Just a simple resident here that I never noticed before. I can't evaluate everyone nor investigate their childhood, can I? He knows where I am and only a few know it.

I pulled back my hair and tied it up. This thinking kills me. I need something to drink. I open my fridge and fetch myself some water. I remember, my savings won't last till the end of this month. I really need a job before this month goes.

I woke up from a nap. I rubbed my eyes and saw that it was already dark outside. I quickly lifted my watch. It says 6:12. I only intended to sleep for an hour and it lasted for three. Am I that exhausted?

I quickly went to my bathroom. I had 'till 7 for our dinner with Peter and I should have prepared an hour ago. I texted Peter that I'll be late for the dinner and so he did affirm the same excuse.

My preparation ended at exactly 7. I did my shower, wore my dress, my hair, and for practical reasons my make-up. It's only light, just some lipstick and a little bit of mascara. Then, match it with my only 2-inch sandal that I got from my mother.

I texted Peter the moment I was outside the building and hailing a cab. I couldn't go there with only my bike. That would probably ruin my outfit and my hair. I waited for his reply but nothing was received. I didn't assume the cab was fast because it's already in front of me. I didn't wait and went inside and told the driver the address.

The ride was short and the driver dropped me off at the entrance of the restaurant. As I can remember this was also the place where Reighly and I ate after we bought some dresses for the wedding. It was named Italiana and their sauces are magnificent.

I approach the person in the entrance. "Hello. Good Evening". I greeted her. Her uniform is tight yet it suits her. "Table for 2." I requested.

"Please wait here. I'll be with you shortly". She said and went inside to look for our table.

I waited, but in the meantime I tapped my shoes on the floor. A hand suddenly brushes through my back. It sends shivers down my spine and so I look at the person. To my surprise it was Peter in his usual smile. He was in his tux and it made him look distinguished. He immediately gave me a cheek kiss.

The attendant came back and she escorted us to our table. "A waiter will be here shortly". She said after we are settled and go back to her stand.

"You look beautiful". He commented.

I definitely felt flattered after he said it. "And so are you". I said back to him. I immediately regretted what I said and corrected it. "I mean not in a feminine way. No.". I said, wearing the embarrassment on my cheeks. He started laughing and I admit he looked so handsome with those.

Not so long a waiter arrived and introduced himself to us. We never wasted a second and told him our orders. He wrote down all of it and politely left with the menus.

"Sorry I was late, I had something to finish before I left at work." I became curious about what work he has. He never told me any of those yet.

"No, it's fine. I was also late." Many minutes had passed and we talked about random topics 'till our food arrived and started to dig in.

The night was young and we had already finished our food when Peter asked for the bill. He insisted on paying it even though I suggested I take my part of the bill. We left the restaurant and so I assumed it was the end.

"Thank you for the dinner. Maybe, I'll see you next time?". I bid goodbye.

I looked as he was bewildered but eventually smiled. "The dinner was only a part of our date." He said. So, it made me think that he had more plans for this night. I only think that dates are only limited to some fancy dinners at a restaurant.

"There's more? I thought dates are just dinners." I explained to him. He shaked his head while chuckling. Once again, I was astonished as to how he laughed.

"Let's go?" That made me confused.

"To where?"

"To my car. We had someplace to be." He said.

Though bewildered I followed Peter into his car and both left the place.