
Chapter Two

(Lucas pov)

"Get out of my fu#king room now. You were just a one night stand to have my demands met." I tell a female, I don't even know her name let alone do not want to.

It's around 3 in the morning now.

"Bu...t but you sa..id we had something". She started to stutter now. Looks like she's going to cry. Fucking great.

"Listen to me whoever the hell you are, Amber, no Jesica well I don't care. You was just someone at the bar I had my eyes on and I became a horny teenager and was not thinking straight. So what ever I said was a lie just to get you in my bed. So do yourself a favour and leave now before I embarrass you and label you as a prostitute." I said in my cold, hard and demanding voice.

She glared at me and said" I will make you regret ever trying to get me in your bed. I will take away what you love the most. Don't worry not your precious money that you oh so love so much. Something that would break you."

All I could see now was fury.

I new I was going to lose it and beat her to the pulp.

With my jaws and fists clenched together I began to get more angry because she threatened me, that hoe threatened me. I will show her.

Quickly I ran to her side, grabbing her by the throat with my left hand and started throwing punchs at that female with my right fist.

She tried fighting but gave up."you

tried .to. fucken.threaten .me. of all people huh?!

With each word I threw a punch.

I finally stopped once I started to see blood. But all I wanted was blood. I stopped myself before I could do anything else. "Next time I won't be so carm." I said

"You're a monster. You hit women. You will never be happy ever" with that she became unconscious.

I picked up my phone and called cole.

After the 4th ring he picked up.

"yes boss"

"I need you to get rid of the women in my room." I heard him sigh.

"Another one. Okay I'm on my way sir."

"Make it fast. I need to leave"

"Yes sir. Bye"

Cole basically is my second in command when I'm not around and also helps me with my messes. We have been friends since small and he knows my secrets. He just hates it when I hit women and he has to clean it up.

I trust him more than I trust own family who actually adores me more for taking over the family business than my beast of a brother. Let's say his more ruthless than me and everyone hates him.

15 minutes later

Knock .knock .knock.

I opened the door to see Cole standing with his head bowed in respect.

" Cole come in".

" Where's the body?"

When he saw the body after I pointed at it, he scrunched his nose and made a disgusted look.

"Dude you need to stop beating the hell out of these women. What are you going to do when you find the right one for you to bear your kids huh? Are you going to beat her sense less everyday? Cause let me tell you that she would leave you if you did do that. You need to find a way to control man."

I gave him a glare to which he shrugged off because he was giving me advice as my friend.

" Until then, I won't change. But they just make me lose it. I can't control. But I just won't change for the better for any female, even if 'she is the one for me'. "

"When the time comes, I'm sure you will try to cool it down because she will be your anchor just like Emily is mine."

Emily is his wife. Even though they are only 24, they love each other and let me say that she really is his anchor because she helped him when he needed it.

"Enough. I growled .What's done is done. We have to catch our plane that's in 2 hours. I will meet you there."

I leave the hotel room that I was in with my suitcase so that Cole can do his thing.

We came to Seattle for a meeting.

Which we got the deal and got 7 million dollers in the process.

Since the meeting is over, we are headed back to New York where we originally live and our where main branch is at.

We have many different companies like, Construction, law firms 'funny right, and we do so much wrong' , also we have a publishing company and so many more.

Our main branch is connected to all. I work from there. My own workers fear me to which I enjoy. They call me the demon.

I'm linked to the office gossip. Which reminds me that I need to fire my PA. Apparently she's been telling everyone that we are dating which is not true. Maybe we did it a few times but I told her it was nothing. Cause I won't date someone like a whore.


When I was about to reach the airport Cole phoned me and said he was waiting for me.

Once I've reached I took my luggage out of the car and went inside.

Cole gave me a look which said you gonna be mad and you drank so early in the flipen morning.

True, that is why he reached here before me. I decided to make a stop and have a couple of beers. He knows when I drink.

" Huh luc. Hmmm don't get angry but we won't be in first class but rather in 3rd. They said there is a problem in 1st class so they moved us."

What the fu#k.

"What? You know I hate flying with the low class. They are so pathetic."

" I know that. But I got us both window seats. I'll just be in the back of you."

While he was busy talking. I noticed a girl. She looks young and is alone here. It looked like she was about to cry and she ran off to the bathroom. I had a feeling to go to her but I shrugged it of and continued to listen to Cole.

"So will it be okay with you" I just remembered what he was talking about.

"Just don't expect me not to lose it." I said in a sturn voice.

"Wasn't gonna." he replied with a grin.


While I was getting onto the plane. Everyone was looking at me.

What you'll haven't seen a greek God before?...

I know I'm hot and sexy.

Once I found my seat and airhostes came to me. Cole was seated behind me and watched everything. Nothing he has not seen before. I thought I should take advantage of this moment since we are not in 1st class and I am already angry.

"Morning sir. Would you like anything?"

"Yes some alcohol"

"I'm sorry sir, we do not have any today. May I interest you in something else I could help you with?..."

Well well well. Ain't she a hoe. I can have some fun with her for now.

She gasped as I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her to me and so we started to make out.

I pull back to look at her face. Something seemed kind of off. But I could not put my finger on it. We went back to kissing. They were filled with our moans and grunts. It was definitely not a passionate kiss though.

While we were kissing I'm sure I heard someone clear their throat from behind the women in kissing.

That's when I tried to pull back. From the corner of my eyes I could see Cole trying to not laugh loud. What was he laughing at?

That's when the airhostes spoke up to the person behind her. When she turned to talk I could see a bit of the person. She was covering her eyes. Interesting....

It was the girl I saw earlier running into the toilet. She is hot that's for sure. But there's something about her that wants me to want her.

"I'm busy, go bother someone else if you want anything." The airhostes said. I rolled my eyes so that I don't slap her myself. I don't think my beauty saw me yet.

It took me by surprise as to what my beauty said next.

Wait beauty?? What the!

She responded back to her saying " look here your hoeness, you are in my seat which I paid for. So could you move your flat hoe ass cause I'm not in the mood to deal with someone as low as you. Making out with the passengers like what that hell and then you have a nerve to tell me off. You are so lucky that I never punch your fake nose."

Ohhh now I know what seemed off about the airhostes. I could see it now. Her nose was fake. But I wished the beauty with a mouth could have punched her. It would have been fun to watch.

'But my beauty could do something else with that rude mouth of hers. Something that's not kissing.'wink wink'

She then spoke up again" if you don't stop looking at me with your wide eyes i would gladly take them out of your head so you better scram from here before I do just that".

Again from the corner of my eyes I could see Cole laughing so hard but silent. Tears were coming down his face.

I want to punch him but I can't cause I also wanted to laugh. Especially when that airhostes I was kissing a seconds ago left in a flash.

I looked at my beautys face when she turned to look at me to see it was neutral. But her eyes held so much emotions. Her eyes was also red and puffy. It made me angry, who the fuck made my babygirl cry?

She has curves in the right places that's for sure. Her pink plump lips and freckles on her nose...those grey eyes mixed with a dark light shade of green...PERFECT ...

I want to run my hands all over her body. But I was still so angry over everything that happened since earlier and her crying.

I could feel her eyes raping me just like how I was doing to her now. But the words that came out next I new would cause me trouble. Why the hell would you say that Lucas? You sure did pull a tail on that one.

"What the fuck are you looking at you bitch. If you don't want to pleasure me then I suggest you fuck off before I do something I will not regret. But you will."

I wanted to slap my self. Cole looked surprise at what the girl did next and so did I.

She just put her bags in the compartment above us and sat down in her seat and started reading a magazine that was in the back of the seat compartment in front of her. Looking not affected by what I just said as if she's heard worst comments before, cause she never did once flinch when I spoke those hurtful words to her. I want to know why though?!

My mystery girl?
