
Chapter Three

(Elizabeth's pov)

At that moment my heart dropped to the ground, rolled around, went for a run and came back to its original place.

My heart was beating freaky fast. I just stood in one spot and that caused me to freak out even more.

I mean what do I do now? ...do I reply?

Once "he" that big headed jerk said those words, I tried not to flinch as I know it's a sign of weakness.

Why does he have to be so mean?

He does not even know me, to hate me.

He is so hot though...

"Lizzy what did you expect?...did you expect him to tell you all sweet things and put a cherry on top of It?

Did you not learn to not expect people to treat you equally?"

" I know, I know....but why does everyone and especially this jerk think of me in a hastily way for them to hate me. Why me..."

At that moment my subconscious gave up trying to fight with me.

I regain my posture and looked at my surroundings. There's this man behind the jerk that's looking at me in an amused way with a hint of shocked...

I try to forget about what he just said. Matter of fact I should try to forget his even there.

I mean his just no-one to me and plus I don't need someone like him in my life right now to make things even more complicated than it already is.

Wow....we are just going be seated next to each other on this plane but the way I'm acting as if I'm going to see him after this.

I am right isn't? We are not really going to see each other again or does fate really hate me that much to make me feel so much pain.


During the entire flight I had to endure MR JERK looking at me with the constant flight attendant hoes trying to get laid on this plane by him.

Can't they just keep it in their pants, well more like skirts but what ever. You know what I'm trying to say.

But something was wrong because which ever flight attendant would show up and practically lean over me to show their fake ass tits to him. He would just reject them and look at me.

Buddy don't look at me cause you ain't getting non of this and giving me your


What I know it's wrong to judge, and I am the last person who should judge a person, but he does look like he sleeps around a lot and maybe his a man whore.

Just because of these horny hoes I had to starve during this flight.

They only offered me something to eat and drink once. One time only! But him, like a thousand times.

They offered me a sandwich. What do you expect me to do with that cause it had onions in it and let say they don't agree with me.

So I had to leave it aside because when I asked for something else they replied with a nod but never returned and it's been a long hour.

What??A girl gotta eat. And I can eat a full-course meal ×4 right now. I shrugged mentally.

I've been almost 3 hours on the plane now and I think I'm feeling sick. Like puking. I wonder if It's the height or these hoes.

You must be wondering why I keep saying hoes right?!

Well because I don't really like swearing, well sometimes I do if I'm really pissed off I would swear but I'm not going to use it on them because they are just a waste of space in my life.

I continue to listen to my music on my iPod that I quickly bought at a stand in the

airport and reading a magazine I found.

But the constant worry of how my life is about to get harder keeps playing in the back of my head.


Finally, the plane has landed.

"WELCOME TO NEW YORK" the pilot says over the speaker.

The light to remove your seat belts just turned on.

Now I'm trying my best and fast that is to get my stuff and leave. But the line to leave the plane is so long.

I can feel someone glaring at me. It's burning right through my body. It is making me feel so uncomfortable right now. Especially in the position I am in.

Being squashed!

So apparently there was 6 first class people that were seated with us. And how unfortunately for me I got to set next to one. I told you I hate those kinds of people because they are so mean.

You must be asking why I am not like them even thought my parents practically owned millions.

Well the reason is that of my oh so dearest... "OUCH...what the Fudge balls!?" I practically yell. My poor head is hurt now.

I just bumped into a wall, no it was Something, I have no clue but It is gone now.

What the hell did I just bump into cause it is gone now. I think I can feel a headache coming on now.

Just great right?...now I can feel even more miserable while trying to find a place to stay or possibly try to get a job!

One question... How??
