
Chapter Twelve

I woke up to my not so normal routine today. With my alarm clock going off to early for the state I'm currently in, freshening up and going to the gym I have in my basement. Then took a shower, ate toast that will be able to help me and not go to the office today.

Oh, I should probably give you'll a reason why, some may have guessed and some may have not.

I am having the worst bloody hangover ever.

My head is thumping and I can still hear the music from last night at the club ALLISIO playing in my head.

After all the meetings and stress from work yesterday, I had actually regretted getting rid of Madison because there was no one to do my work, I had decided to loosen up. Have a shot or two which turned out to me having more than 10 shots and other funny drinks. But I did get satisfied if you know what I mean.

Since I decided to take a day off I should probably plan something to do. Maybe go to a bar. Just joking, I've had enough to drink to survive a couple of days.

But I was thinking of visiting my grandfather, you know be a peeping Tom myself. But first I need coffee!

I dress in my jeans and T-shirt which shows of my built, gel my hair, put my watch on and head to the garage where all 6 of my cars are kept.

Today I would choose my Lamborghini, which I must say it's my favorite. Especially with the upgrades and it being lime green.

I head towards Starbucks and manage to get a parking spot up front. I jumped out and head inside.

You see, I don't stand in lines, so I went straight to the front. The boy who looks in his teens just looked at me.

"What can I get for you Mr Kingston?" You could see the sweat dripping from his forehead.

"A coffee and make it strong" I snap at him.

Okay I know there are better things but I really like coffee and won't try anything else. Maybe one day but not in this state I'm in today. It makes me even more cranky.

Once it's ready I head back out, while I am walking to my car, I can see a group of people just standing there taking out pictures. What have they not seen a sports car before?

I push my ways to my car and "what the hell!? "I yell.

My car has designs on it. My car has drawings on it. I was not even gone for long and someone had decided to ruin my brand-new baby.

"Who did this?" I practically yelled out to the crowed.

I am so angry now that there is no way of telling me to take a chill pill.

I decided to drive to my grandfathers office. It's an estate agency. It's not really far, so I'll see if he can get me access to the security cameras. I cannot wait to find that person and beat them till they lay there dead, with their blood and guts out everywhere.

There is nothing I can do if I just stayed here and continued acting like a mad man trying to find out who did it.

Once I reached the estate agency, I get out but full eyes are on my car. People taking out pictures and pointing at it. Well people were doing the same thing while I was driving. Enjoy now but soon I will get my revenge for destroying my baby.

I go inside and see the receptionist. I simply don't greet her and just stomp my way to see my grandpa.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I did not register that I walked into someone. I heard a female voice. I did not say sorry or anything. I just kept walking.

I had a strange feeling though, to turn back. But suddenly my anger had disappeared like it was not even there. That's strange I thought to myself.

I shake that feeling away and enter my grandfathers office without knocking. What can I say I don't have manners.

"Haaaa Lucas, what a lovely surprise."

He says with his eyebrows pulled together.

"I need your help." So I sit down and explain everything about my baby to him.

"I'll see what I can do. This person knows who you are but why are they not scared?"

"They better praying I don't find them."

When it comes to our reputation and what we show the public is something put first but this has gone to far after the last incident of someone tried to break into my house. Since then, I have doubled security.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when he said "before you came inside, did you see a female pass you?"

"Yeah, she came out of this office right?" He nodded at me.

"I walked into her but I never see her face, why you ask?"

"Well she is the women I was telling you about. She is actually really excited for this job and promises to do her best."

Ohhh I see, it was her.

"These are her paperwork and documents she left with me."

He handed it to me.

I opened it and the first thing I saw was her picture. It was not just any girl, it was my mystery girl. Whose name I came to know now is Elizabeth Stryder.

I read over her stuff and I saw that she is only 19 and did not go to college. She used to live in Seattle(well that explains it). She has no parents. She never worked before.

So she practically moved here to start a new life. I wonder how she is doing on her own.

"I'll take a look at the rest later and you can inform her that she can come for an interview."

"Okay, listen she is a sweet girl, please don't mess with her feelings." He say to me as if spelling it out to me.

"I'll try my best but I cannot promise anything pops" I smirk as I say it and also the nick name I used. I was eating a Popsicle once, and he was eating popcorn, so I mistakenly called him pops and since then the name stuck.

"I give up for you sonny." Shaking his head at me, while smiling.

"I'll take your leave now because I still have a bad hangover. Bye"I said standing up and taking the files.

"Bye. And I'll find the culprit soon." I nod at him and walk out the door.

I look at the files in my hand with a smirk on my face.
