
Chapter Thirty-Six

It's been an hour now and the guys were getting antsy. They wanted to know what the women tina knew.

They were in the boardroom eating sandwiches. They had no choice but to eat cause they needed their strength to find them.

But Vincent was feeling weird. Something kept telling him to go back. His wolf was silent, also not knowing what was happening.

"We've given her enough time. We should go now!" Jamal said while wiping his mouth clean of any crumbs, he just finished his BTL sandwich.

The guy's, Cole, Jamal, Adam, Nicholas, Eliot and Mr Sean looked at Vincent asking for permission after all this was his interagation.

He nods at them and in a flash some uneaten sandwiches were thrown in the trash can as they upped and left from the boardroom making their way back to where the woman was.

Before Vincent left the room, he grabbed two extra sandwiches and a flask of coffee for the woman Tina.

When he could reach the room with the rest of the guy's, Vincent caught a sweet smell. The scent of tropical fruits and the smell of rain dew. It was most addicting and he needed more of it.

"Alpha, she's in there. We did everything you said. She was not much of a struggle."

"Good! Wait out here for me. The camera is inside and you guy's  can watch it on that screen." Vincent looked at one of his worriors before turning to the guy's giving them directions of pointing to the computer outside the door that was on a desk.

"Take it easy on the female but make sure you get every information out of her."

Mr Sean said looking him in the eyes as if a challenge. Vincent knew better but to take it as a challenge because Mr Sean was like a grandfather to them all and always meant well.

"Of course" he said with a smirk.

When he opened the door, the smell hit him again.

Once he twisted the doorknob and opened the door. The sudden smell almost knocked him out. There was the smell again.

He looked for the source of the smell and his eyes caught a very petite women behind the desk.


His wolf Rufus screamed in his head. Vincent winced but quickly recovered from the shock.

He walked towards the women not to scare her. He noticed she was still looking down and playing with her fingers. She was now in clean clothes. She was wearing an army pants, long black sleeve shirt and combat boots. Her hair was washed and still wet, they were dark red like blood. Droplets were falling down her neck making him gulp.

He sniffed the air smelling that the tropical fruit and rain dew  belonged to her and not the vanilla soap she used.

The guy's outside gave a weird look while watching the screen where Vincent sniffing the air. Adam wanted to laugh but he kept it serious as it was a serious matter.

"What in God's name is this kid doing?!" Mr Sean asked looking confused.

Back inside Vincent neared the desk placing the two sandwiches and coffee in front of the woman Tina before settling down on the chair in front of her.

He put his hands together on the table. The unknown language of tattoos were on his finger and body making him look intimidating.

"So Tina I guess you know why you are here?" He wanted to hear her voice but she just nodded.

When he said her name it sounded wrong as if it did not belong to her. It bothered him that she was not looking at him.

"Look at me and answer when I talk to you!" He demanded out in a soft voice which was still intimidating.

The women Tina lifted her head slowly making Vincent choke on his spit.

"Yes sir I know why I am here."

She answered his question while staring him dead in the eye.

Her voice was sweet, face was Oval and beautiful. Her eyes were black which held emptiness. He wanted to hug and tell her that everything was going to be alright but he could not bring himself to do so right now while knowing the circumstances.

He nodded his head liking the way she answered him, standing her ground.

"These are for you, eat now before we start." He said turning her attention to the wrapped sandwiches and flask.

"I don't feel like eating right now."

"EAT NOW!" He again demanded out.

She saw the determination in his eyes and let out a breath. She felt uncomfortable but safe under his watch.  She was feeling vulnerable in front of him and she  did not like it one bit.

So she grabbed the sandwich unwrapping it and taking a bite of the BTL sandwich. She could not control the moan that escaped because that was the best real food she has eaten in a while.

Vincent watched how her tiny fingers unwrapped the sandwich. He also noticed that she was not skinny side but neither overweight.

He watched how her lips moved licking them and taking a bite. He did not expect a moan to leave her mouth that he was caught off guard and growled when she moaned.

She looked at Vincent hearing a growling noise. She instantly got shocked dropping the sandwich. She looked at him and his eyes where golden.She pushed back on her chair and instantly fell backwards. Hearing those noise before she knew what she was in front of her.

Vincent saw when she fell backwards with the chair and ran to her side only to see her shaking in shock. He bent down to her side but she screamed at him which shocked him.

"Stay away from me you monster."  She crawled away from him.

"Listen Tina-"

"No you listen to me. I am tired of you'll monsters scaring us humans to get what you'll want."

"What do you mean this happened before?"

"No-I've seen your egotistical kind before. Stay away from me."

"Please I can't. You have to let me-"

"Get-  don't  touch me you dog." She screamed when she saw him coming closer to her.

"Well aren't you a spitfire. Tina you have nowhere to go. You have go choice but to talk to me."

"I can just keep my mouth shut. I'm not going to tell you'll anything."

"Listen to me. People's lives are at stack. A young female your age was taken and my friend so you better talk now Tina." Vincent was getting irritated with her and could feel his wolf about to come out because of his mate disrespecting him.

"Well your kind was not forgiven when you'll took everything away from me and left me homeless with no memory of who i am. Did anyone care no? NO. So why should i care about someone who I don't know."

She was almost on the break of tears while recalling the stuff she's been through.

"No memory?"

"Yes. Do you really think I want to be homeless? Your kind attacked me and brought me here that's all I remember."

"Who? Tina who?"

From his blood boiling he stopped to think about what she really said. A wolf attacked her! He was getting angrier at the thought of someone hurting his mate.

"I'm not talking anymore and you cannot force me. So leave me alone now." She did not like the fact that she just told a stranger about what happened.

"I'll be back remember. I won't leave you alone. Never! You're stuck with me now."

With that said he left the room. Banging the door behind him.

Once he went out all the guy's have him a 'what the hell look'. But before he could talk Nicholas began.

"What the hell man? I know that's not one of your tricks."


"What's wrong with You?" Jamal stopped him.

"You just lost someone who could give us the information we need but here you are growling?!" Cole said angrily.

"SHUT IT" Vincent screamed using his Alpha tone sending everyone quite.

"Do you'll think I like what happened in there?"

"She's my mate for crying out loud and she's scared of me."


They all dragged out except for Mr Sean. Watching how his eyes were turning black.

Vincent looked back at the computer seeing that she was still on the floor crying. His heart was breaking looking at his mate hurting.

Mr Sean came forth with a way he could help seeing that his wolf was coming forward.

"Vincent I need you to go cool of now. I'll go talk to her and calm her down. These knuckle head's  will scare her more. I'll go. Trust me son."

Vincent pondered over it for a minute before realizing that he is not going to get anywhere with his mate. So he'd rather trust Mr Sean.

"Fine, talk to her. Please make her see reason. I can't handle seeing her like that. I'll be back later. I need to shift."

"Go son and calm your wolf down while i take care of her."

With that he left running in the corridors because his wolf needed out fast.

Mr Sean looked at the boys strictly getting ready to reprimand them.

"I want to slap all of you'll. Go to the boardroom and wait there. I'll be back when I'm done in here."

"But we wan-"

"I said go."

They all stroad away like a children being denied a second round of ice-cream.

Once they were out of sight. Mr Sean put on his warm father face.

But as he entered he stopped when she screamed.

"I said I wont talk to you monsters. Get out of here!"

He knew this was going to take long.

"Tina dear?"

"I said get out!"

"Please listen to me. I promise I'm not a wolf. I'm a normal human like you. Please listen to me."

She kept quite signalling for him to continue.

"Dear please get off the cold floor and come sit on the chair."

He picked the chair up which earlier she sat down but fell of. She looked at the chair and began waking up from the floor. She watched Mr Sean carefully not fully trusting him yet.

Once she sat down, Mr Sean walked to the other chair in front of the desk where Vincent last occupied.

He saw how she eyed the sandwich that was not touched.

"Dear I know you are probably hungry. Now you have to eat please."

"Did he send you in here to talk to me?"

"No he left. I sent him away. Now eat"

She did. She picked up the second sandwich and began eating it. She did not let no moan out after what happend the first time.

Mr Sean watched how she eat out of hunger. He knew he had to get this girl better food. Once she was done eating, she picked the flask up and drank little coffee savoring the bitter taste.

"Later I will get you a proper meal okay?!"

For long she was not promised a meal. She went days without eating but now she was promised a meal made her teary which he noticed.

"Dear why are you crying?"

"It's just I had not eaten a proper meal in a long time and now you are promising me a meal and being kind."

"From now on you don't have to worry about your next meal do you hear me! You would be taken care of by someone who would love you forever. "

"No one loves me. I will always be alone."

"Dear you are not alone trust me. Soon you will know but for now trust me in what i say and please help me."

"Fine" she shrugged her shoulders while taking another sip of coffee.

"Dear why are you crying?"

"It's just I had not eaten a proper meal in a long time and now you are promising me a meal and being kind." he sounded grateful that she would finally talk.

"What do you want to know?" She lifted her eyebrow.

"Dear my grandson and his girlfriend were taken two days before. I love them two with all my heart. We all are hurting cause we cannot find any clues of them. As you saw when you arrived that we have people searching for them. Vincent who came in here to talk to you is on edge also. He did not mean to scare you. You must trust him. We don't want anything to happen to them. Lizzy is a sweet girl. Young also, only 19 and now she's gone. She has no family and now we are like her family, worried. she does not deserve any pain."

He felt a pang in his chest just thinking about how could he let this happen to that sweet girl who cried when she got her first but small apartment. But now he felt determined to find out what this girl saw.

"I was told that you saw something of that night. Please dear. Tell me everything you saw. You have to help me so that we can get them back safely home where they belong." He was practically begging her for answers.

"I'm not sure what I did see will be of any help cause it could have been anyone."

"No dear anything at this stage could help. Don't leave out any details."


"Ummm I was walking on the side of the road looking for a warm place to sleep when..."