
Chapter Thirty-Seven

It's been a few hours after Everlyn had left. Lizzy was still in a shock after finding out that Max was actually able to have a pup which was impossible for him to do.

They were still struggling to hold themselves up. Their bodies were in aching pain and would only be able to receive relief once they touch the ground with their toes which were now ice cold.

They needed out and they needed it fast. How much more pain could they handle? Neither knew!

"Elizabeth?" Lucas called for the fifth time when she was again pulled out of her daze by him.

"Mmm?!" Ahe moaned put as to tell him that she was in fact listening.

"I know it might be too late and we might not even make it out of here alive but I need to tell you something. At leaset be at peace that I finally told you."

"What is it Luc?" Her voice was strained.

"I like you." Her ears perked up. Did she hear right she wondered or was it probably an hallucination?

"What are you talking about?" I only he could see her face of how confused she was or maybe that is why he chose to tell her now because he wouldn't be able to see her reaction.

"Elizabeth since the day i met you on that plane I had already started to develop something for you. But on the plane was not the first time i saw you. I was drawn to you when i noticed you was about to break down runny towards the restroom at the airport. Since the plane incident i could not stop thinking about you. And when my grandfather showed me a picture of you, i knew i could not let you go again. I finally had you even though we did not see eye to eye. We fought because i had realized that i was starting to have real feelings for you and i had no idea what to do about it. I tried my best to get you off my mind with another woman but i just could not. I kept seeing you. And as much as you regret sleeping with me, i honestly do not because that was the best night of my life. You and everything about you is perfect."

"Lucas please enough!"

"No I won't stop. That night was the best night of my entire existence. Your body belongs to a goddess, you are a goddess. You might not be pure but to me you are."

"You don't understand please stop."

"We all have skeletons in our closet. Some greater than others. But one day it would perish with the help of someone who cares for you. I want to be that person Elizabeth. I want to be the one who takes away your pain, making you feel numb with only love. I want to show you how worth it you are, how you should be cherished and treasured. I would give you everything, not only what you desire but also what you deserve."

"I know all what I'm saying right now might not mean much now but please give me a chance if we do make it out alive."

"I don't know what to say Lucas. All of this is too sudden and not the right time. I'm sorry"

"I don't expect an answer. I just wanted to tell you have I feel."

"Oh Lucas if only I did-"

"I know. I know." He hung his head down in shame not knowing what else to say. After all he just told he that he has feeling for her but she just turned him down. The pain of being rejected by her came nowhere near the pain of being chained.

Tension was left suspended in the air much like them. Not soon after Max banged the door open making the bright lights again light up making them hiss.

Max was hit with the tension in his face, wondering what was going on?

"How are my favorite two people doing? I missed you'll, well the screaming."

"Screw you and could you possibly stop with putting the light on and off, it is bloody annoying."

"Well wouldn't you love to? And since you are getting annoyed by it i won't stop remember your pain is my pleasure. But i came here with a present to help you'll. Don't worry its good. It will help take your pain away."

He talked towards them pulling out two needles from his jeans pocket. They both stared at it as he waved it around.

"Wha- no don't do this please."

"Oh sweetcheaks don't you worry one bit. Like I said it will take your pain away. See i'm being good today after all i had gotten good news this morning."

Lizzy knew what he was talking about and he wanted to rub it in her face.

"More like a tragic. So i see your so called mate is pregnant. How great that is and how great of a father you would be to someone who might not even be yours." She said it with so much hatred and venom in her voice.

"Yes my Luna is pregnant with MY pups. Could not have been any better." He emphasized on the word 'MY' just as he plunged the needle into the side of her neck then doing the same to a very quite Lucas who felt out of place cause this was not his fight to fight.

Straight away the liquid in the syringe had worked, knocking them both into unconsciousness.

For a while Lizzy thought that  was it, she was going to see her parents again and not have to face this monster of a mate ever again. But she was so wrong...


Crossing back over to the interrogation answers were about to be revealed as Tina was about to tell Mr Sean everything that she witnessed of that night when Lucas and Lizzy were taken away.

"The night was silent with a bit of warm wind blowing. Even though things seemed to be going fine that night, it was not. I could feel the chill in my body, a chill that made me afraid of death once again. It was a feeling i knew all too well in this place.

I was walking on the sidewalk of the road trying to at least find a warm place to keep to sleep for one night until i was kicked out of that place just like everywhere else i slept."

Mr Sean gave her his attention listened carefully to each detail she gave making sure not to miss a single word that might be important.

"I was headed towards a quite intersection. I did not expect anything but a few cars to go by. I watched each car fly past my walking figure, each car stopping at the streetlights waiting for the light to turn green. They all drove perfectly away with calmness.

While i was walking i watched how a black car drove past me, it sent chills of warning through my body. I stood there watching it as if it was just another car that would drive away. But i was so wrong. Once the car stopped at the intersection. I noticed another  car come speeding towards them. The noise of tyres screeching and burning and burning was in the silent night sending the birds around to fly off.

I expected the speeding car to stop but it never did. It went straight for the black car as if that was its target. I was guessing that the driver in the black car had no idea of what was heading towards them because they did not move. Suddenly it happened, the speeding car crashed into the black car, driving it off the road. You would have expected it to stop there, but no the car kept going sending the black car to tumble over. A scream of terra was heard. The glass windows shattered and landed all over the road. Blood was also noticeable as spots on the ground."

She stopped, taken a deep breath while picturing the scene of what she saw. She shivered at the thought of blood everywhere.

"The speeding car that caused the crash was still on all fours with only the front damaged. Once i pulled out of my shock, i ran. I ran only on the sidewalk not yet on the road. But as i was running i noticed another car coming the same way that the speeding car came from.

The car stopped right next to the speeding car. Men quickly came out of both cars. I expected the two men from the speeding car to be badly injured but they were surprisingly fine. Suddenly i got a warning to not go any closer and i listened to it. I hid behind a newspaper box trying not to be noticed. Thankfully i was not.

I felt really desperately sorry for those people in the black car. I was pulled out of my worry when i noticed a guy with short black hair, tattoos and piercings go to the tumbled over car. He had this certain aura around him that was dangerous and powerful. He checked inside that car and turned to the guy's standing by the speeding car and nodded his head as if saying the people in the car was out for the count.

I knew i could not help those people in the car with those men there so i stayed hidden. Then the scary guy took out his phone and held it to his ear. I was not too far away so i could hear him talking. I heard him say things like 'the job is done Alpha, she's all yours, yes she is here but not alone, they both are unconscious, should we just leave him behind?'

Straight away i knew there was a male and female in that car. I realized that it all was planned and that they wanted the female only and not the male in car. But then they dragged out both their bodies from the car. First with dirty brown haired female and then a broad guy.

I heared on man say 'how adorable, look she tries to protect him from getting hurt, ha young love.' With that they all laughed. They placed their bodies in the car that was parked next to the speeding car. The scary guy said something like 'hide the car and any evidence of this, then unblock the road.' He sounded intimidating and the rest of the guy's nodded at him. I think his name was Xerxes because it suited him and i heard someone say it.

The scary guy then drove off with the two bodies and the rest of the men started to do what they were told. Before i could leave i saw something that i myself was trying to run away from.

The two men that was in the speeding car turned into wolfs and ran into the trees. After seeing that, i ran. I ran the opposite way of them, the same way i was coming from.

I did not tell anyone or call the police because they would call me crazy and also i've been in that situation before and i did not want it to happen again. Even though if i did the right thing and called the police i knew they would come for me.

So i ran far from that street until i can to an alleyway and just sat there crying my eyes out until i fell asleep.

I carried on with trying to survive the next day but the thought of what happend still hunted me. Then this morning two men in suit came up to me asking questions like have i seen anything strange and that they were looking for two people.

Since they were looking and not going to hurt me, in then told them that i saw an accident and two people were taken away. After  that they brought me here."

Tina let out a puff of deep breath as if saying that she was done. Mr Sean sat there blinking until he realized that she was done telling her side of what she saw happend.

She drank the rest of the coffee because of her mouth being dried after speaking for so long.

"That must have been hard for you. I'm sorry. You don't have to worry because you are safe being here and with the guy's. They will keep you safe. What you told me was very helpful,  thank you!"

"I'm glad that i can help. But if i may ask, who are these guy's?" She grew worried if she would really be safe.

"Soon you will meet them, but you don't have to worry because they are good men."

"Thank you, so are we done or is there anything else?"

"No dear, everything is fine for now. If we want to know anything we will ask then but for now i will show you to a room you will be sleeping in."

"You don't have to so that. I don't want to be a burden."

"Nonsense you are anything but a burden. I'm happy that i got to meet you. And like i said you would be taken care of from now on."


"No buts dear. Come on, i will leave you before going to meet up with the rest."

"Fine." She slumped her shoulders before waking up and following Mr Sean out the door.

But before they could go any further, a guard came up to them, whispering something into Mr Sean's ear and then handing him a disc. Mr Sean said thank you to the guard before going back to showing where Tina would be staying for the time being.

Tina was curious of what was on the disc but did not ask not wanting to be inquisitive.

Once Mr Sean found her a room that was actually happened to be next to Vincent's room he told her that she can order whatever she wanted but to stay in this room until one of the men come to get her.

After that he left going back to the boradroom to face an anxious group of guy's.

Once he entered, the guy's knew better than to bombard him with questions.

Mr Sean had also noticed that Vincent had returned from his run and is sitting anxiously tapping his fingers on the desk. Vincent caught his eyes but Mr Sean sent him a look that said they would talk later.

"Right listen up. I know you'll want answers but before you'll ask me first watch the recording then ask. But it is confusing though."

Mr Sean said while putting the disc into a player and the TV in room on. After he told them a few things, he pressed play.

They all listened in silence but the words that they wanted to say was visible on their faces. Some had shock, confusion, anger, worry on their faces.

After the recording was done the guy's were still silent. They pondered over questions in their head.

Nicholas was the first to speak.

"How do we find out if it was them?"

"I think we all know for a fact that is was them!" Adam said.

"But why would they want her and not Lucas?" Cole asked with suspicion in his voice. He thought maybe that was why she acted the way she did for coming to Seattle.

"We need a plan guy's. There is also this other Alpha that we need to identify. Maybe we could talk to that Alpha you had in mind?"

Mr Sean looked at Vincent for an answer.

"No, right now we cannot trust any other Alpha no matter what. And we need to keep her safe from them, got it!" He look pointedly at everyone as they nodded.

"Ahhhaaa" Aiden said out loud scaring a deep in thought Cole and Vincent.

"I think i might have a plan!" He said with an evil smirk while looking at Vincent.

Vincent just gulped not liking what he was about to hear.