
Chapter Ten

I recall the events that had happened back in Seattle. I think it's time I told you'll everything since you'll must be wondering how I am a wolf. So here is my story.

Everything was picture perfect. I was just a pup and wanted to become a princess and to just have fun.

My dad was the Alpha of the LUNAR PACK. His name was Logan stryder. My mum the Luna, her name was Blake Eliza Stryder. The whole pack loved their Alpha and Luna and Me the sweet little girl known as Lizzy who was dizzy they used to say. I was only 6 years old. I got my name Elizabeth from my mom who's second name is Eliza which was her grandmothers name.

Our pack had more allies than enemies. So I grew up thinking that no-one would harm us.

The pack next to us was the BLOOD MOON PACK. My dad the Alpha and Alpha Milton of the Blood Moon Pack were friends.

Both packs used to help each other when ever needed. That was until the rouge attack on the blood moon pack.

It was a winter's morning and the whole LUNAR PACK were awaiting the arrival of their Beta James and Jessica's pup. My dad the Alpha and my Mum the Luna were in the waiting room since we all were like a big family.

My dad had mistakenly left his phone back at the pack house because he was mind linked to go to the pack hospital in a rush. We could not miss the birth of our future beta.

During this time Alpha Milton was trying to get hold of my dad. Alpha Milton and his Luna Lucy was killed because of the rouges which left their son 'soon to be Alpha Max'. MAX had also tried to get a hold of my dad plenty of times.

Later at night after the celebration of the new pack member, our strong future female beta. My dad went to his office to retrieve his phone. That's when he saw the messages and phone calls.

*Alpha Logan

This is an Emergency. Rogues are attacking the Blood moon pack. We need your help. Please help us.

From Alpha Milton's son Max.


Upon reading this my dad did not know what to do. He quickly mindlinked the high pack warriors and went to the Blood moon pack. Once he reached his saw blood and dead bodies everywhere he told us. There were rogues that was still there but my dad and the warriors killed them all because they were surprised.

My dad then went to the hidden tunnel where all the women and children were to be kept if there was an attack in the Blood moon pack.

He let out everyone. But the one who was missing was Max. The rouges took him.

After searching for Max they finally found him. For just a 12-year-old boy they had beaten him up badly and made him watch how they killed his parents. Max was traumatized and vowed to get revenge on those who wronged his pack, he also swore to take down my pack because we never help them when they needed us the most.

MAX had become Alpha at the age of 13 because he wolf forced himself out. My dad had trained and helped him through the whole process. One thing was for sure that max was a good liar and never showed his emotions.

Once he had become a proper Alpha, a year later when he was 14 he went on a killing rampage. He went after the rouges and killed them. We were the only ones left that he wanted revenge on. He wanted to hurt us like how he was hurt.

During that time my mother was pregnant. It was a boy. Everyone was excited because he would become an Alpha if I had to go to another pack because of my mate.

One day we three were in my princess themed room playing when we heard a gun shot. My parents were not ready for an attack so thing did not end well. The last words of my parents were that they loved me and that's when everything went blank for me. During that time they were killed by Max. I was only 8, so I did not know what to do. When I woke up I was in a hospital.

Max Made me believe that rouges attacked my pack and that my parents were dead. He comforted me but with hatred. He said that he would take over my pack until I was old enough to be able to myself. I agreed with him.

I attended school just like everyone else. And when I did, I became friends with some Blood moon pack members. But little did I know that the whole pack wanted revenge and was plotting against me.

But when MAX turned 18 he was supposed to go find his mate. I was only 12. I asked him why he was not looking for his mate? He told me that he had already found her and it was me.

I was shocked and did not know how to react as I was not prepared for a mate anytime soon. Max vowed that he would always protect me and I believed him.

When I turned 16, Skyler my wolf appeared. They helped me during my first shift which was painful. My wolf was taller than most female wolfs because I had Alpha blood which made me stronger. My wolf called herself Skyler. I remember she had a white fur coat and blue eyes when I looked in the stream of water.

When I went to high school I was still friends with the members of the Blood moon pack. We all did everything together since they knew I was going to be their Luna which they hated. I shared my secrets and well everything with them.

Slowly I felt the mate pull towards max, but he hated me being his mate and did not want me near him. His wolf even wanted me dead sometimes.

Since it was December and my Birthday month and I was also done with school I was happy for the next step. On the night of my 18th birthday we all went out. That's when the mate bond hit me full force. We all got drunk. Max said he would like to take me home because I looked tired and drunk but that's when he saw an opportunity.

Skyler was on alert and told me that something was wrong but I never listen. That night max took full advantage of me. He raped me. He took my innocence away from me. My own mate.

Since that day things got worse. The people that I considered family and friends started to beat me. They made me live in the prison. And I had become an omega. During that time max used to come in and rape me again and again.

The time I lost Skyler was when max took me from my prison to go on stage in front of the whole pack. That's when and where Max had rejected me as his mate. I felt so hurt that the beatings I got did not come close to being rejected. Even though the things he did to me was bad I still excepted us to be mates but when he rejected me I just could not handle the humiliation and rejection neither could Skyler. I was sent back to the prison and while I was there, I became depressed and so did my wolf. So Skyler left me all alone to put up with all the torment and abuse. No one helped me. They used to give me wolf bane which made me even weaker and Skyler could not appear.

Max had told me the full story of how he planned the revenge and stuff which made me angry. But I could do nothing.

Everything I owned was in the prison cell with me. For example all my documents, picture, cloths that I needed. Which was one mistake they made and it was an advantage on my part.

One and a half years of being abused and raped I had enough. I was now 19. It was late June.

So I had a plan and I went through with it since Max went on a holiday with his so-called Luna who was supposedly my best friend. When one of the guards came to bring my meal of bread and water, that's when I killed him. He was caught off guard. I was lucky I was not caught with the noise of our struggle.

I took the prison keys and the stuff I needed. The credit card of all my money from my parents I still had which Max did not know of. I hid it in a picture frame when I they almost took my things once.

I took the stuff I needed and ran for my life. I was so happy that it was night and everyone was asleep and would probably let their guard down.

I managed to escape and from me running trying to find a taxi. The rest you know, so I won't say.

Everything might seem not bad now but if you were in my place you would know how it felt. I hate being who I am because of what I've been through. When they used to beat me I did not worry because I knew I would heal. I might not be hurt physically now but emotionally I am scared.

So this is my sad story that you wanted to know. I just hope everything will work out in the end.

Skyler and I are still upset about it, but we made a promise to protect each other and to not take shit from no-one anymore.

Even though I am scared for when Max comes looking for me and set all Alphas on high alert for me, but now I was on no-mans land, so they could not hurt me. I know that the moon goddess has something better planned out for me. But what challenge was she talking about?
