
Chapter Nine


Wait what?! Where did that come from? Someone is in my room.

"Hello, who's there?" I yell out because I know I heard a voice somewhere. I just cannot pinpoint the exact location.

"It's Skyler, your wolf!"

No it cannot be. My eyes are wide open looking into space as if I had just come to a realization and confusion state. I thought she left me after what happened.

"I never left you Lizzy, I just needed some time to myself."

"You left me alone when I really needed you. We could have helped each other. You turned your back on me."

We communicated through our mind link. At this moment tears were rolling down my face. I could not help it. After such a long time she thinks of resurfacing as my wolf. After all I went through the same thing she did.

"I know Lizzy it was horrible of me to leave you but I just could not manage to think straight and also cause of the things you were given to intake. I am so sorry. I was just not strong enough, but I am here now gaining more strength."

"Please don't leave me alone again skyler please." I practically sob through our mind link.

"I won't think about it ever again. I love you Lizzy".

"I love you also skyler"

"Good because I was going to annoy you until you said it also." I chuckle a bit and cry at the same time.

"Ohhh how I missed you and your thoughts Skyler."

"Yep I missed you also, but I'm pretty hungry! What you got to eat?"

"You can never be serious in a million years can you. You still only think of food. I wonder how we are not fat."


I5 minutes later of Skyler pestering me about how I got here and what's happened.

She finally stops and for What?


"Let's go eat I'm hungry." She says.

"Fine" I roll my eyes and get off the bed and head to the kitchen.

I take out the chicken Alfredo pasta from the fridge and put it in the microwave to heat up.

"Skyler I don't have any meat to feed you for now but will you eat pasta?"

"It's okay for now but soon mama gotta have her meat." I laugh at her ridiculous comment.

I can feel my wolf looking around. Scanning this area to make sure we are safe. I won't say anything because she always had a habit of doing that.

"And I always will." She mindlinks me.

"Yeah I know you will."

I take out the chicken Alfredo from the microwave and take it to the table seated for 2.

"Yummy, my tummy is screaming looking at this, eat fast."

"Relax sky, I know it looks good."

I pick up the fork and dig in.

"Mmm." I moan cause this is so good.

I carry on eating without a word from sky because she knows I got table manners.

After eating I wash the dishes and put them away. I then pick up my bag that I dropped when I came in and head back to my room.

I sit on my comfy bed thinking about the day I had. I unzip my bag and take out my phone.

"Sky? Do you want to see what happened today instead of Me telling you because I took out pictures of the places I've been to?"

"Sure that would be cool"

I unlock my phone checking for any messages from Mr Sean regarding the job but nothing has come yet. I let out a breath and a sigh. I then go to my gallery where all my videos and pictures are stored.

"Okay so sky. The place we are in is New York, Manhattan. And the pictures are around New York."

I clicked on the first photo.

"This sky is the STATUE OF LIBERTY. It might not look big but once you are up close it if fu#king majestic."

I swiped next...

"The next place I went to is

the METROPOLITAN MUSEUM and let me tell you something it is another world in there. There was so much of things that I never knew even though the person who showed us around was boring, Amanda gave her own version which kept me awake and laughing. Everything was so cool. I wanted to touch stuff but the tour guide kept shouting at me."

" Hahaha and I can imagine you pouting with your puppy dog eyes and kept saying sorry"sky said back, which made me roll my eyes.

"You know it, but you know what was better?"


"The EMPIRE STATE BUILDING. It was so tall. When I stood on top and looked down onto the busy streets, I almost peed in my pants. There was also other many wonderful things about it but maybe one day I'll show you myself. How does that sound sky?"

"Fu#king amazing, well you know you have to let me out soon though?"

"Yeah, I just have to make sure it's safe." I then kept swiping past the pictures of trying Hot dogs and a few other new stuff I tried.

"So this is a part of the busy streets of TIMES SQUARE and MANHATTAN just a few hours ago while driving back".

"Bi$ch, it looks so fun!.... I wish I was with you sooner." Skyler's emotion now went from happy to sad in just seconds.

"Come on sky don't be Debbie downer because I am happy as long as you are with me now. No matter how late you did show up."

"I know" I need to cheer her up I thought.

But one thing came to me that I realized only now.

"Hey sky, how come you came back to me straight after I had the dream?"

"Well I wanted to come sooner but I did not have the energy to awaken and was still in slumber but all of a sudden I felt a sudden shock that rippled through my body that gave me strength to awaken in seconds.

"I have a feeling I know where you got it from but I don't know why she never heard our call before."

"Lizzy strange I know but let's let things happen for it to fall in place, and then we can see what SELENE meant okay?"

"Okay let's do that"

"Good cause now mama is tired and will probably get all moody is she don't get her sleep!"

"Yes mam, and asleep we go"

I jumped out of bed and did my business and changed into sleeping cloths only then I got back in bed.

"Goodnight Skyler."

"Goodnight Lizzy don't get to dizzy"

I chuckled a bit before nodding my head and went straight to dream land.
