
Interlude: His thoughts

(Gray's POV)

I think calmly and fix my breathing again. Who knew that controlling my own aura would be this hard?

First, I had to be in a relaxed state when trying to activate it. Next, even a slight change of my state of mind could disrupt the amount of aura I'm trying to output and I waste precious energy when it flows OUT of my body. When I get to the first step, the grey aura shrouds my entire body. With my eyes closed, concentrating on the image of my aura flowing like a stream of water becomes an easier task. Easier, but still gosh darn hard.

Well, I can't expect myself to have the same amount of talent as Gon and Killua, but this mind exercise is really trying my patience.

I sigh at my little progress and lie back down on my kid sized bed.

It hasn't even been a month since I've "stayed" here. Am I just rushing myself? The events of the show don't start until about 15 years from now. Am I taking my situation all too smoothly? Probably, I mean, what if you were transported to a fantasy realm that you appreciated and admired? Despite all the dangers of said realm, would anyone else want to be in my position right now? Maybe I'm thinking too much about this.

I started my aura control at around 7 pm, thinking I'd achieve a bit of progress, and I did. Very little progress. It's been 4 hours which is WAAAY past a child's bedtime. I'm going to have to make a schedule for these types of stuff. At this age, aura is the only thing I can train on. Muscle training would cripple my growth, and stamina training will be more effective later on.

I stay on my bed, unable to sleep. I feel like such an anomaly to this world. I may have the body of someone else, but I still have the mind of someone with the premonition of a future, soon to be null.

I'm trying to cope with this new body as best as I can. The new height, the lacking amount of muscle mass, and this "manifestation of the soul" that seems so foreign to me. The world of Remnant doesn't like such a bad place, given that I'm still a two year old child with warriors meant to protect humanity as parents. There's still the dilemma of the faunus racism at hand. Pointless fighting for the reason that the other race has different characteristics than the other. Where does that hate even stem from? I'm really stuck when it comes these types of things. I just can't find a way around an unreasonable situation like this where there is no solid or explained reason why the conflict is happening. Both races are more or less rational entities capable of thought. So why can't I understand this? How do their minds work?

I think I need help. Not in the "I'm a mentally unstable human being" sort of way, but the more social kind. I need people to talk to, but how would they react to a small child bringing up topics requiring a decent understanding of psychological study?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Not to mention the fact that I'm now biologically tied to these people that I have yet to further my relationships with. In time, these people can help me. They're not just simple characters from a show that I used to watch anymore.

These are real people, with real emotions that I could either take for granted, use to my advantage, or protect with my soul. I could guide them; I could help them; I could even kill them... and destroy the new dream I now hold dear. To bring peace to this world, to end all this pointless conflict.

Heh. 2 years old and dreaming of sunshine.

Straying from thunder

Our bloody evolution

Sprouts new beginnings

I hope this chapter helps in showing how Emory views the world a bit better. Sorry for the short chapter though. I guarantee that the next one will be much longer.

Anyways, I hope y'all have a good day/night. :D

NonToxicRespondentcreators' thoughts