

Gray/Emory still hadn't properly prepared for the mental joy he would experience from meeting the main characters of the story. At this point he would be making this world's history change, whether it be good or bad. His knowledge of the show extends up until the end of Volume 6, where many things, good and bad, happen. The calm air of the wilderness in the island did help the nervous tension in his mind, though.

After a while, they happen to see a clearing where a 2 story house stands, with a tool shed to the right of it. The exterior walls of the house is covered in logs while the roof is made of faded red brick with a chimney sticking out of it.

His mother knocks at the door a few times and waits for an answer.

After a moment, they could hear someone scurrying to the door. A tall man emerges carrying a child on his shoulder. The man has short yellow blonde hair, a clean shaven chin, and has a tattoo on his uncovered right bicep. Other than those, he is currently wearing casual clothes. Gray knows him as the father of both Ruby and Yang from the show, Taiyang Xiao Long. To his side, a child with golden blonde hair turns to see the guests. Her lilac eyes stare at Titania and Gray before asking.

"Daddy. People?" She says, curiously eyeing the other Gray, who's eyes widen at her.

"Yup. Now, say hello to Miss Heartveil and her son." Taiyang introduces.


"Nice to meet you Tai. Gray why don't you also greet them?" Titania smiles down at him.

Currently, Gray is having a nervous breakdown in his mind trying to keep himself calm while trying to interact with the characters he grew up watching. Here they are, the puntastic pair of dragons in front of him.

"Good morning Mister Xiao Long!" Gray says a bit too loud and happily for his comfort. Luckily, Tai just gets a tiny bit surprised by the gesture and smiles.

"Great manners and speech for a kid. You really know how to raise 'em huh Titania?" Tai compliments her. Meanwhile, Gray completely forgot the fact that he is in a 2 year old body with the mental age of 16.

"With how much he's been through, I'd say this change is for the better."

"Alright, come on in. Summer's inside, but please be a bit quiet. Qrow and Ruby are sleeping on the couch."

They enter inside and Tai closes the door behind them. Gray is still screaming in mental anticipation of meeting their family. Yang was then running to the living room where two couches lay. One with a sleeping drunk man wearing a cape that is black on the outside and red underneath, with a similarly sleeping baby next to him. The other with a woman dressed in casual black clothes, hair that graduates from black to red, and silver eyes.

"Mom. Guests." Yang says pointing to the mother and son pair that just entered the room.

"I know, Little Dragon. Oh. Why don't you make friends with them?" The silver eyed warrior says. Her voice echoes a moderate yet high pitched tone, close to Ruby's voice but with a more mature sound in it.

Yang turns to their new guests and walks to the other child. Gray was a bit distracted due to the snoring drunk Qrow and the quietly sleeping Ruby and beholds the sight as something that should be put in a photo album.

"Helo, I'm Yang! What's yor name?" Gray gets snapped out of his trance and responds back to her.(AN: Yes, those misspelled words are on purpose.)

"I'm Gray. Wanna be friends?" Gray slightly short circuit's in his mind in his attempt to converse with the Sunny Little Dragon. This is overall a new experience to him. Being a youth once more, growing up again, and in a few years, training to fight creatures of darkness. What a twist.

Yang nods in agreement and continues.

"Wana play tag?"


"You two can go play outside. Us adults are going to talk inside." Titania says to the children.

'Yeah. "adults" I guess I'm just gonna have to go the "Wisdom beyond my Years" route if I'm gonna take on this world.' Gray thought as both him and Yang proceed to the door.

"Just don't go far." Summer interjects while the children simultaneously hummed in agreement.


Some time after the children left, the full fledged huntsman, excluding Qrow, went on to more pressing matters. Titania mentioned the new mission the SDC published and the training that Tial is undergoing.

"So what do you think of it? The mission request, I mean." Titania has yet to know the rest of the information about the S&D(Search and Destroy) her husband was to partake in less than 2 months time.

Tai and Summer both display the same slightly concerned and serious look before Summer nods and returns an answer.

"I've been on a few SDC published missions myself, but I've never heard of some place called Acosador in Vacuo before. Usually it would be an Escort or Perimeter defense they would put up for these kind of objectives."

"Not only that, but the amount of huntsmen they're hiring and the lack of info we have of this is too risky. And if the completion reward is that high, I'm beginning to wonder how big of a Dust deposit they've uncovered. Tial's got more than a whole month to train for this, so I guess he'll be prepared when that time comes." Tai explains.

"I could sign up for the mission as well, Titania. Just to be sure." Summer smiles at the analyzing woman, offering her kindness.

"No no no, Summer, it's fine. Tial will definitely be ready for the mission. Besides, I know you have to take care of Ruby." Titania replies gesturing at the two sleeping uncle and niece.

Summer looks at her and thinks for a moment. Anything could happen in a mission, especially if there's only this much information to work on. She does have to look after the girls, being the Super-mom and what not. The status of it on the mission board is that they require huntsmen who have completed at least 15 S and D missions, which is generally asking for experienced warriors to 'clean up' the mission site.

Summer sighs disappointingly that she can't join in the extermination.

"But I thank you for the sentiment Summer. Don't worry, I'll make sure to do everything I can to prepare him for this." Titania pauses for a few moments, thinking of another topic.

"There has been some good news though." She continues.

"What would that be?" Taiyang questions. What else could be happening to their somewhat far neighbors? The only other notable thing that he could remember was-

"It's about Gray." The couple could not hear any worry or concern in her voice, instead, there was a small mix of happiness and confusion. The last time she talked about her son, she tried hard not to think of what happened on that night, just a few months ago. "Have you noticed something new about him?"

"Other than he seems to be more polite and happy, I don't see what's wrong."

"That's the thing. He's more polite and now he can speak so fluently. It all happened last week and I don't know why or how, but when I came up to him," She paused for a second reminiscing of the more lively attitude of the boy. "He looked so happy. Even until now, it was a huge turn around from what he was before that week. And he's so eager to learn now, it confused me a bit, but he even understood and wrote pointers of one of the commonly published books of "Aura and the Soul"."

"That sounds like a terrifying change over one week."

"But this morning," She paused again, remembering the scene that happened just a few hours ago. "We got attacked by a Beowolf."

The couple's eyes widen at the telling. They both know that Gray has gained a trauma over those monster since the event of the Beo pack slaughter. They looked at the her and saw her smiling at the ground with slightly tearful eyes.

"He smiled. He actually smiled after that. He even asked if he could become a huntsman as well. Can you believe it? A week before, he was still a quiet child, shying away from even the thought of going outside... I don't know what happened to him, but what I do know is that he is now an energetic and kind boy aspiring to be a huntsman." Titania looked through the window to see both Yang and Grayson panting from exertion and smiled. Now filled with more pride and determination.

She remembered his declaration so clearly. Gray pumping his fist to the air and saying, 'If it means doing good, then YES!'. They were a child's words. So simple and innocent. But it removed the burden on her heart that Gray now had the mindset of a good individual.

Tai and Summer shared the same sentiment. They were glad that their neighbor could remove that heart aching fear and depression of their shoulders. Tai empathized with her and wished her luck. After Raven left for her own unknown reasons, Summer had been the one to ease his burden.

Several quiet minutes pass for the people who are still in their own thoughts about the matters that were discussed. Titania glanced at the clock and broke the silence.

"Well, I think we should get going. Tial might be wondering what's taking us so long anyway."

"Thanks for passing by. You know we don't get a lot of visitors with all the Grimm around and we're happy to help." Summer said.

They exchange handshakes and walk to the door, leaving one sleeping Ruby and one thinking Qrow.

'This is new. I never heard of such a huge U-turn in personality. It reminds me a lot about old Ozzy. A bit too much actually. Everything she just said lines up to what he does. I don't know if it's my gut leading me to a wild goose chase or a new "subject" so to say. Maybe I should tell him just in case.' Qrow thought. If this change could relate to anything about that secretive headmaster, then this should be worth mentioning to him.

He looked down at the short, black and red haired baby next to him, still sleeping soundly. He did still have a headache over that hangover.

'Maybe next time' He thought to himself, returning to his slumber.