
DD:Drunken Delving

Dying suddenly and then being thrust right into the devil's asshole was the thought that crossed Vali's mind when he suddenly woke up into an unknown world, possessing an unknowing body. He thought that maybe he had gone mad at first, or maybe he had taken something to mess with his head, but it was much worse than that. Nevertheless, as a wise man once said: "There's nothing a good drink can't solve." and Vali definitely agrees with that. With his trusted friends wine, mead, beer, and moonshine , he charges right into the darkness with rosy cheeks and a hearty laugh.

SilentTreatment · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Skill Gained, Bloos Rained

After Vali got a quick lesson on what to expect from the mage ,he was immediately rushed to the entrance of the dungeon. He came not two meters away from the black canvas and stood there looking at the black abyss, but a sudden push made him stumble inside.

"Fucking..." he didn't even have time to turn his head around to see who pushed him as he fell inside. The black membrane immediately gave way to him as he was met with a feeling of weightlessness, and then he was able to see again. As soon as his feet touched the ground once again he immediately became alert. He grabbed his spear with both hands and frantically looked around for anything unusual, but he was only met with silence. All around him he could only see a pretty bare forest with sparse and dying trees. The smell of rotting leaves and wet dirt tickled his nose, but with a rub he fixed that problem.

"It seems like I'm lucky...." said Vali as he released the breath he didn't know he was holding and immediately anger followed " Who the fuck was that guy who pushed me?! If I get my hands on him...*Ding*...huhh...ohhhh...

As he was venting his anger something rang of his ears and the blue window once again appeared on his vision. It was similar to the one the mage showed him , but it wasn't the same. Instead of showing his name and whatnot, he was shown something else.

You have received your first blessing. Lv1 skill acquired.


When you drink a certain amount of alcohol this skill takes effect. 

Mental -15%

Flexibility +10%

Reaction time -5%

Resistance to mind based magic and skills +10%

Pain Resistance +5%


"This, what fucking kind of skill is this? Drunken stupor? Is this a skill I can use in a bar fight.....dammit! Why can't I get a break?" Vali lamented his bad luck for gaining such a skill, but he was also intrigued by it's effect. He didn't know how , but the skills of this world were true. He contemplated about finding out its effects firsthand, but when he thought about it again he gave up on that idea.

'This really isn't a place I can get drunk in. For all I know there could be danger right here!' he tried to convince himself. He quickly turned his eyes forward and gazed toward the horizon. In the distance he saw a massive building that stood tall and large in front of him. It was very dark, however, as if the sun was blocked away somewhere in the middle of it. The building itself very looked old and worn, but it projectedthe feeling of sturdiness. There was an inscription in it, but Vali didn't care much about the writing or the meaning behind the inscription. He had to survive. Vali steeled his resolve and headed towards a random direction "Alright...let's head this way then."


He slowly trotted through the sparse forest with his spear in hand, and besides his breathing the sounds of breaking branches in the distance were the most prominent. Someone who was being told this and someone who hadn't ever been in a dungeon would think that it was a good situation for a dungeon, but it was the opposite. The random noises made Vali be very jumpy and it was actually draining him.


"Fuck..." cussed Vali as he once again jumped from a sudden and unknown sound in the distance. ' If I continue like this I'll die from stress long before anything in this dungeon hurts me.' Vali looked at the gourd he had on his hip and couldn't help but continue to tap it constantly. Thousands of thoughts passed through his mind and after a while he finally succumbed to his vices. 'Maybe....maybe if I just take a sip?' 

He didn't hold on for long as the cork was removed from it with haste. "Gup....gulp...ahhhhh....that is good!" whith a smile on his face Vali drunk a couple of gulps from the gourd, and he could feel himself relax his nerves. It was as if a big burden was lifted from his shoulders and his cheeks were more rosy. After that he continued on his way clearly more relaxed. Five more minutes passed relatively peacefuly, and Vali had almost forgot he was inside a dungeon when he heard something commig from behind. The sound of wet dirt beeing stepped on was clearly heard, and it was not something small.

Vali immediately turned around with fear on his face, and he was right to do so. Not far from him the figure of a hairy humanoid came into view. It was half a head taller than Vali, muscular, had a big protruding belly, and had the face of a hog. It's bloodshot eyes were staring at Vali as it breathed hard through its mouth; drool dropping heavily from its open grotesque maw.



Vali was frozen stiff from such an encounter, but the loud squeal from the thing made him snap out of it. The thing didn't wait for Vali to completely gain his mind as it rushed him with speed, and in less than three seconds was upon its prey. It was like a tank as it rushed forward and Vali almost shat his pants at that moment, but it didn't slow at all. It rushed forward as it always had, expecting to crush this prey as he had done with others, but for once Vali's mind and body came to an agreement. His body relaxed, his fear subsided and he moved. 

The end of the spear was put against the ground, and the tip was angled towards the belly of the charging thing. In the next half second Vali didn't really know what happened. He felt a heavy force collide with the spear, enough to shatter It and injure his hand , and that he was rammed by something heavy.

"Ghaaaa...haaaaa...haaaaa...." Vali breathed hard as the air in his lungs was forcefully expelled not long ago. " It hurts...."muttered Vali but no one could hear him. What was worse, the thing that had wanted to kill him a second ago now lay on top of him, drawing its last breath, it'sbloodshoteyes still staring at him. By his luck or by it's stupidity, the thing had rammed straight into Vali's spearhead and impaled itself. It's dark red blood reeked of something Vali couldn't pinpoint, but it was vile. Unfortunately for him he was now been covered by such blood. On the other hand, he wasn't without any gains as a blue window appeared in front of him.

Killed Mutated Creature (Hog\Human)

+10 EP