
DD:Drunken Delving

Dying suddenly and then being thrust right into the devil's asshole was the thought that crossed Vali's mind when he suddenly woke up into an unknown world, possessing an unknowing body. He thought that maybe he had gone mad at first, or maybe he had taken something to mess with his head, but it was much worse than that. Nevertheless, as a wise man once said: "There's nothing a good drink can't solve." and Vali definitely agrees with that. With his trusted friends wine, mead, beer, and moonshine , he charges right into the darkness with rosy cheeks and a hearty laugh.

SilentTreatment · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Exploring and Gaining Ep 1

Vali had managed to kill his beastly opponent, but now he was stuck. The thing had fallen right in top of him and he didn't seem to have the force to remove him. He tried for some time, but it was futile as it seemed to be twice his wight, and that was dead weight.

"Dammit..." cussed Vali as he felt the stinging pain on his hand. When the thing had collided with the spear, the spear had broken near where he was holding it , and some splinters had injured him. It was now bleeding slowly , but he wasn't in immediate danger.

'Fuck, if I knew that it would be so dangerous from the beginning I wouldn't have accepted.' angrily though Vali, but then he remembered that it was the previous owner of the body who had done so he felt stupid. ' Man , this is such a stupid situation. I feel like I've been wrongly convicted for something I didn't do.'


Vali lay on the ground speechless as he looked at the sky. He felt so lost and lonely for a moment that he felt like giving up, but the still warm blood of the thing he just killed made him smile at that previous thought.' Man, I almost gave up. What is wrong with me?' 

Vali took deep breaths filling his lungs with air and slowly tried to move the corpse. It took many attempts and much elbow grease to move the corpse, but Vali finally did so. By the end of it he was drenched in sweat and was breathing like a dog in the sun.


"The fuck, why are these things so heavy? If this body was a little more weak , then I would have died under there." Vali shivered at the thought. The humiliation of such a death would be enough to make him become a vengeful ghost. Fortunately it wasn't so. " Now what to do..." Vali looked at the thing he had just killed and couldn't help but feel lucky once again. The size of the thing, it's tusks and it's muscles were something he definitely couldn't handle. The best definitely was a predator, and he was the prey. 

' Hmph, it still died at my hands though!' Vali comforted himself 'Faust did also say that the things that would be encountered in the dungeon were strange, and I'm not surprised. Going by the rumors that they were the creatures created by the dark gods, I guess that they fit the description.'

Vali spaced put for a second as he remembered some history of this world. It wasn't more than rumors or maybe something more , but it was widely accepted that the dungeons were the battleground of the main gods that the inhabitants of this world worshipped , and the gods who opposed them, the dark gods. It was a simple division, but it was not as easy as that. With his knowledge from 21st century earth he could see some holes in that story, but now was not the time for deductions.

'Faust said that the dungeon 'expelled' the one's who entered it in about three hours after they entered. Right now there is still about two hours before I go back, but I can't stay here. ' Vali looked once again at the corpse and then at the way it came from.' If I go by game logic then the place this guy came from should have a lower chance of having anything else. Also I'm not sure if the blood smell will attract any other beast.'

With his mind made up Vali decided on his road, but not before removing the splinters of his hand, and then disinfecting his wound and his throat, especially the later. He felt much better after that and immediately moved forward, but he didn't forget the other lesson Faust told him. Everything in this dungeon could be taken out, but that is in exchange of EP. As a rule the bigger and rarer the thing, the more EP it would cost. There were also different things that decided the EP cost like the mana it contained, and the type of dungeon it was. For example, if one wanted to get some wood and the dungeon was a forest like the one Vali was currently in, it would cost less EP than it it came from a dungeon that was a mountain, a desert or something else.


Vali moved forward even more slowly than before . He was trying to avoid meeting any other monsters at the moment. In his hand was no more the spear he had started with, but only the end part of the shaft. He had tried to get the point, but it was buried deep in the muscle of the thing that attacked him so he gave up on it. He though had gained a short , and slightly pointy stick. It was nowhere near as good as his spear, but who was he to complain? He spent quite some time following the trail of the man beast, until he finally stopped in his tracks. 

'This is...' In front of him was no longer the trail of the beast, but a flat muddy road. It was crude and uneven with several holes in it, but a road nonetheless. Vali was a little taken aback by this, but he was also happy. He immediately hastened his step, and in less than two minutes he arrived at what could only be described as a cabin in the woods. The cabin wasn't that big, maybe 15 m² , and completely made out of wood. On the front of it there was a somewhat unkempt garden with several plants on it, and not far from the cabin there was a creature he was familiar with. Big belly, muscles, and tusks decorating it's face.