
DC: with D&D Artificer

Follow Asher's journey in the Arrow-verse with an Artificer system. Witness his surprising creations, skill unlocks (yes, even the helm), and other useful or not-so-useful sub-classes. follow as Asher unravels why he was given such fate changing gift and the reason behind it, and in the process find out why his own brain has been lying to him. 2/?? Warning: This story mostly focuses on Asher's material search and creations. If you seek compact action or romance, you may find it elsewhere because this isn't it. P.S.: If the timeline of events in the Arrow-verse doesn't match up, please disregard it. I am aware. as I said the timelines will be confusing and it will even more confusing as the fangic goes on but hopefully you can keep up. and of you do get lost in the way, pray that Asher picks you up in the spellJammer Note: 100 Power Stones unlock an extra chapter. (Disclaimer: I only own my original character. Everything else belongs to their respective owners, including the cover.)

Lythan_Page · TV
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12 Chs

Building-A-Homemade-Drone (EDITED)(chapter 2)

Chapter 2

In the dimly lit workshop, if you could even call it that, Asher stood amidst a myriad of components, his gaze fixed on the collection before him. As he meticulously surveyed each item, a sense of anticipation welled up within him. "Alright, NRF24L01, check," he thought, moving his eyes to the next item on the list. His fingers danced across the tabletop, verifying the presence of each crucial element. "Arduino Nano, check. MPU6050, check. Joysticks (x4), check. Motors (x4), check. And lastly, wires, lots of wires, check," he murmured softly, a satisfied smile playing on his lips, as everything he needed to bring his creation to life was meticulously arranged before him.

With a mixture of pain and skill, Asher started the arduous task of connecting and assembling the intricate circuit. Small beads of sweat formed on his forehead, due to the concentration and effort he poured into his work. Each wire was delicately positioned, every connection meticulously crafted, of course this wasn't perfectly done, he made mistakes, connecting the wrong wires, but after some tries, everything was as he wanted, although he wasnt a master engineer, he did have the time.

 "Man, I've got to love the streets for teaching me this," he muttered,The knowledge gained from his experiences had become a valuable tool, allowing him to navigate the intricate world of electronics, which he gained mostly from watching others do it, he also read books and watched videos.

After painstakingly constructing the circuit, Asher held the newly formed controller in his hands, He marvelled at the amalgamation of wires, chips, and buttons. The controller felt weighty in his palms, which was true as it didnt weight that much.

"Now then, coding," Asher groaned, he was not a fan of coding as he thought a nightmare, a true nightmare, casted by the sandman himself, feeling tired, he retrieved an aged laptop from beneath the workbench, he carefully cradled it in his hands. The casing was worn and missing in places, exposing the inner circuitry. With a press of a button, the laptop flickered to life, some even wondered how it was still functioning. 

Emitting a dim glow that illuminated the surrounding workshop. Asher marvelled at the fact that the Wi-Fi signal managed to reach his underground hideout, all thanks to the antenna positioned beside his front door. It was a lifeline, of course the wifi wasn't his, Asher connected to the hardware store's Wi-Fi network, utilising the password he had acquired. He marvelled at the laptop's resilience, even in its worn state. 

Hours passed as Asher delved into the intricate world of coding, his brow furrowed in concentration. He wrestled with errors, refining and adjusting lines of code with painstaking precision. Each mistake was a lesson, each correction a step closer to his goal. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he leaned back in his chair, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction washing over him. "Alright, time for a short break," he declared, his voice filled with a hint of weariness.

Opening a small mini fridge nearby, Asher retrieved a half-finished apple pie and a chilled can of Coke. The aroma of baked apples and buttery crust filled the air as he savoured the makeshift feast. "I'm the richest homeless kid on the streets," he chuckled between bites, allowing himself a moment of respite and indulgence. But soon enough, his gaze returned to the drone, his desire to see it take flight burning bright within him. "Now, let's finish you up so I can get some of that sweet, sweet experience points and level up," he thought, with a sight.

Time seemed to both stretch and compress as Asher meticulously worked on the drone. The workshop buzzed with a symphony of small electronic noises and the occasional clink of tools. What felt like ages to him was in reality a mere six minutes, a testament to his unwavering focus. Finally, he assembled the drone, his hands deftly manoeuvring the delicate components with practised precision. The final piece clicked into place, and he prepared himself for its inaugural flight.

Excitement filled the room as Asher flipped the switch, eager to witness his creation come to life. However, his enthusiasm quickly turned to disappointment when the drone failed to respond, this felt like someone poured ice water on him, which brought him back to reality. "Fuck me," he cursed, frustration and impatience momentarily taking hold. Swiftly, he opened up the drone, delving into its inner workings to identify the source of the problem. His eyes then turned to the old laptop, as he scanned lines of code, seeking out the elusive error. It didn't take long for his eyes to spot the issue, a single string out of place. Grumbling under his breath, he rectified the mistake and reassembled the drone with practised speed.

With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, Asher switched on the drone once again. This time, luck was on his side. The drone hummed to life, responding to his commands. A smile of triumph spread across his face as he witnessed the fruition of his hard work. But his joy didn't stop there. Suddenly, a floating screen materialised in front of him, displaying a series of notifications. The atmosphere in the workshop crackled with electric energy, a blend of pride and anticipation. [Ding!] [It's detected that the host has built a drone from scratch.] [+ normal XP] [+ in the subclass (Jammer) XP] [+1 level in the main class (Artificer)] [+1 level], [+ 0.5 stat point] 

[ Name: Asher ]

[ Level: 3 (13%) ]

[ Main-Class: Artificer (lv.2) ]

[ HP: 94% ]

[ MP: 1.00/1.00 (1 mp last for one minute, 1 mp can be recovered every minute) ]

[ Current-Subclass: Jammer (lv.3/10) ]

[ Stat-Point: 1 ]

[ Stats: 

Strength: 0.34 (normal human strength = 1 point (130 pounds) ]

Speed: 0.64(normal human speed = 1 point (15 mph) ]

Vitality: 0.94 ( 1 vitality = 1% HP ]

Spirit: 1.00 ( 1 spirit = 1 MP ]

[ Skills:

Mending: This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as a broken chain link, Tier: 1 (23/1,000), cooldown: 5 minute ]


A/N like i promised, a complete overhaul of the system, even new stats are added, and i changed how skills progress, skills no longer require certain amount of MP, instead, he has certain amount of MP, which would last for a certain time, and he can use the skills for that time, which some of you might not like, but hey, this is why i though was better so, hopefully you guys like, and please do comment on what your thoughts are and if the chapter is any better, i really appreciate it.