
DC Universe: Supreme Villain

Prologue Pain. That is the only thing that Vincent remembered before darkness filled his vision. He glanced around at the room that he now stood in. There was a desk and a man dressed in all black with a cheshire smile. “Welcome to Purgatory. I am your guide to the Afterlife; you may refer to me as Grimm.” Grimm said smiling weirdly. ‘The fuck?’ The last thing he remembered was falling asleep after a gaming session. He had been in a tournament in a new game called Apex. You created a character from various races and one innate ability chosen at random. He never passed level 100, so he did not get a chance to unlock his inheritance from the Pantheon he served. “Those above would like to extend their apologies for their mistake. You see your death was related to the recent change in rule of the Heavens.” Grimm said nonchalantly. Hearing this Vincent shivered. The thought of his existence being out of his controlled scared him. Grimm watched his change in expression and cleared his throat before standing. “Fear not due to your death being premature we will be giving you another shot at life. Unfortunately, this means we cannot return your soul to your previous body due to the rules dictated by the new reining Hegemon. So, we will be sending you to a random world with a blessing from the God of Reincarnation.” Vincent smiled at the thought of living in a whole new world. He imagined himself doing as he pleased. A giant wheel appeared shocking him from his dreams. Grimm approached the wheel and with an unceasing smile pulled the handle attached to it. The wheel made a clicking sound as it turned. After what felt like ages it stopped revealing a name that shook Vincent to the core. “Oh my, it seems as though you will have quite the adventure.” Grimm said and laughed as Vincent did a dance. Where was once a blank spot now clearly read: DC Universe.

Elyquix · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Learn your place...beneath my feet.

Gotham a city of sin and broken dreams. It's been a week since Vincent was last seen at the Sirens Club but as of late nothing happened of note. The club flourished and things continued on. Vincent the man in question now resided in his new condo in the upper Westside of Gotham with his new servant Rose.

Vincent stared out into the night sky as the wind blew his long white hair revealing his bare chest. Behind him one could see the exhausted form of Rose lying in the bed. Every since they came she served him whole heartedly and you could see her content by the smile on her face.

Vincent noticed that his power continued to grow as time went by and when he slept with Rose it increased exponentially along with hers as well. He knew that he would soon have to really learn how to control these surges of power. Rose began to stir and Vincent turned to face her.

"It is time Ravager we have business with one of the so called rulers of Gotham."

Rose slowly gathered her clothes and headed to the shower along with him and cleaned up. After another hour their figures could be seen heading to one of the notorious places in Gotham. The Ice Lounge.

Oswald Cobblepot or better known as The Penguin. Penguin ran the club and its illegal side business with guile and shady bookkeeping. The Gotham police had tried many times to connect Cobblepot with the illegal activities but never could get anything serious to stick. This led many of Gotham citizens to believe that the police department was in Penguin's pockets.

These people were not wrong. Majority of the police were corrupt and were committing crimes themselves daily.

Vincent and Rose dressed the part of a rich couple. Rose with her extensive bank account insisted on buying him a new wardrobe and Vincent didn't deny her desire to show her wealth. She wore a slim fit black dress that went to just above her knees and her long white hair combed neatly into a high ponytail showing off her beautiful Asian face.

Vincent in kind wore a black dress shirt and pants that fit tightly on his muscular figure drawing the attention of many women around them. He ignored their looks and pulled Rose's figure closely to him making the women scowl and Rose blush. The two made it into the club and headed towards the V.I.P. section. The guard asked for ID and Rose showed him a black card and he let them through.

The V.I.P. was filled with the top echelon of Gotham and the air was filled with smoke and alcohol. The two new arrivals attracted attention but seeing Rose some people recognized the mercenary and looked away while others were curious of the man she clung to so affectionately.

The music filled the air and Rose proceeded to sway her body against the smiling Vincent as he joined in slowly groping her body in tempo with the beat.

If any looked closely they would see that a faint red glow could be seen in both of their eyes. Drawn by a unknown power everyone looked at the two lovers and some people even joined in but all kept a distance away from Vincent and Rose. Vincent smirked and turned Rose away and pulled her back against his chest and kissed the back of her exposed ear drawing a moan. As if feeling this themselves those women around them gasped and blushed.

The men noticed how the women acted and some frowned at Vincent.

The upper management noticed the ambience in the room and began to take action and notified the boss.

Penguin came out of his office and looked at the dance floor and immediately ordered the music to be stopped. Appearance startled a few of the staff but they recovered just as fast.

"I am no stranger to magic. How dare you enter into my establishment and corrupt it with your fowl." Penguin said silently giving a signal. Vincent and Rose smiled and turned to face the short man.

"Penguin, I am Vincent Black and I have come to take over your territory." Vincent said smiling and motioned for Rose to step back. A group of people entered in a attire both Vincent and Rose were familiar with.

"I am sad to inform you that this place is not up for grabs. Take this trash out of here and get rid of it." Penguin said.

"Ah, League of Assassins this is excellent timing for the new ability I've been wanting to use." Vincent said and unbuttoned his shirt revealing his pale skin and tattoos.

" Awaken and feast on the flesh of my enemies and bath in the blood of the innocent."

The tattoos began to move and detach from his body and formed demonic creatures of lore. Glowing red eyes were seen and roars filled the air. The people around began to run away but their panic served against them and the demons began to slaughter them.

Penguin looked in horror and tapped his cane in anger.

"What the hell are you waiting for kill them." He yelled and the League began channeling their ki and attacked the demons. Their efforts proved futile when they discovered the demons that were killed only got absorbed by the nearest one and served to strengthen them. Seeing this Penguin ran back into his office and pressed the panic button on his desk that he never thought he would push even though he had commissioned it.

"What do you want Cobblepot." A voice said over a speaker.

"I need as many men you can send me I will spare no expense." Penguin said in distraught.

The voice chuckled.

"Very well. I will require the payment in full." The voice said and a click was heard. Penguin ran back out into the club just in time to see the last of the Assassins die.

"Well that was disappointing." Vincent said raising his head to looked at the shaking Penguin. The demons continued to eat the corpses around them.

"What could I even offer to someone like you anyway. I am a regular human. Is it money you want I have billions take it." Penguin said trying to stall.

"Silly bird I don't want your money. What I want is something more abstract." Vincent said raising his hands and the demons turned into shadows and returned onto his body.


"Power?" Penguin said confused but his confusion lasted for a moment before the windows were shattered and more Assassins came through them.

Vincent looked at them lazily before he smiled again. He stepped forward and laughed.

"I must thank you, Penguin you seem to be as egotistical as I thought. Let me show you the error of your ways. Money is nothing without power." Vincent said a crimson mist came from his body and surrounded the Assassins and screaming began as it entered through every pore of their bodies.

Penguin could only look again in horror as the men and women he spent a fortune on was falling one by one.

"It's time for you to learn your place...Beneath my feet." Vincent said and the Assassins began to rise and in their eyes a crimson red glow could be clearly seen.

Penguin could only watch as the demons approached him.