
Sightseeing II

Shall we?

Samael gestured and disappeared, leaving a trail of golden light in his wake. Alan smirked and expanded his wings, before he flapped them and zoomed off, chasing after Samael's figure.



Screams of excitement reverberated across, as the of then soared past multiple planets. While Alan seemed to be having the time of his life, Samael merely rolled his eyes at the antics of his friend.

He had created the multiverse with his own two hands after all. Nothing within it was a mystery to him. Jumping on to a large asteroid, Alan sped off across its surface before he jumped onto a large moon, and began running across its surface at immense speeds.


The moment his wings flapped, his body zoomed off, like a lightning bolt, with a force so strong that the surface of the moon nearly crumbled.

Alan laughed in excitement, watching the large planets, moons and the sun in the middle of the solar system.

"It's beautiful.."

He spoke in a really impressed tone, as his dreamy eyes cast over the giant celestial bodies in the distance.

"Of course, I made it myself." Samael was quick to draw the attention to himself as the creator of it all. Not that he was wrong though.

"Do you want to see something interesting?"

Watching Alan's honest reaction for his creation, he revealed a proud smile and gestured with his hand.

"What could be better than this?!"

Alan asked with an ecstatic smile.

"You'll see.."

Samael grabbed him by shoulder and both of them disappeared in an instant, leaving behind a trail of golden light.

After reappearing in some unknown dimension, Alan raised his head an looked around before gasping in shock.

Right before them was a dimension filled with an uncountable amount of stars, varying in sizes and glow.

"I'm home."

The moment Samael spoke, all the stars seemingly blasted towards him and engulfed him in their flames, like pets seeing their owner return after a long time. Even Alan was completely baffled at the revelation, seeing Samael laugh and play with the massive stars.

"What is this, some kind of star pet zoo?" Alan asked watching the stars embrace their owner in jealousy.

"It's not. Stars are celestial objects, but they are lifeforms as well. I made them with my own two hands.." Samael fiercely corrected, while Alan nodded and listened.

"Apart from my father, no one else knows that this is where I spend almost all my time, now you know too."

He stopped and looked at Alan for a moment, to which the youth smiled.

"I'm glad you trust me to such a extent my friend ." Alan spoke and tried to gently caress one of the stars, only to get his hands burned off by the flames.

"It's pretty sick isn't it. The creator of the multiverse, a demiurgic archangel has a fascination for giant balls of gas and flames."

Alan watched as wheel adapted to the flames and his hands healed before he turned towards Samael and scoffed.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I had nothing to do anyways, besides being here is better than that boring, stuck up village called Heaven. "

He's pushed away one of the stars and commented with an annoyed sigh.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it, in fact, I think it's freaking cool. You know, although you look means and annoying sometimes, you're a big softie on the inside, a real nice guy.."

Samael scoffed at Alan's evaluation, however he smiled and continued petting his stars.


After days of sightseeing, the two finally came to rest on a small planet. Lying on its surface, completely unbothered by the adverse conditions on the planet that made it unsuitable for the growth of lifeforms, they lay there as if nothing concerning happened.

"Man, I've really enjoyed this sightseeing. Might be my best ever."

Alan yawned and turned towards Samael who was busy looking up at the dark sky.

With a snap of his fingers a golden bowl materialised, filled with a whitish round snack, bearing resemblance to Chinese rice cakes.

"What's this?"

Alan asked and took one of the substances, sniffed it a bit and then took a bite.

"It's amazing!!!"

As it melted in his mouth it was the like the feeling of eating a cake covered in honey multiplied by infinity. He nearly collapsed from the burst of exotic tastes in his mouth.

"It's mana, the food of angels. You said you were hungry before.."

Samael took one out and munched on it, the taste bringing in a smile and satisfaction.

"It's beautiful isn't it.."

As the two lay on the hard ground, they gazed at the sky in marvel and appreciation.

"So what do you plan on doing with the rest of your immortal life anyway? What is your goal? Is there anything you want to achieve?"

Alan suddenly asked questions, throwing Samael offguard for a moment.

"What I want to achieve? Tsk. Why don't you tell me what you want to achieve first?"

He scoffed and threw the question back to him.

"I just want to train to become strong enough and then return to my old world, bring my mum back and let things go back to the way they were.."

Alan sighed and took a bite from the mana before continuing.

"I envy you so much Alan, that I'd give everything just to be you for a moment.." Samael suddenly spoke, and now it was Alan's turn to be caught offguard.

"What do you mean by that?" His raised a brow, and Samael turned to him and smiled before he placed his head onto its resting place.

"Calm down. I'd give anything to have the power and ability to be able to have a will to be able to set a goal for myself and to try to make meaning out of my existence.."

He joked and Alan calmed down, relieving the tension in his heart.

"But you have all the power in the world. Can't you make that happen?" Alan asked and looked towards him.

"Unfortunately, no. My father will not allow it. Omnipotence has no meaning when there's nothing to use the power for…I am shackled, bounded by the useless oracles and mandates to continue this montonous existence…"

He sulked while Alan simply listened.

Samael was speaking when he suddenly grasped onto something. An idea, a revelation.

'Alan what if I could get you home as soon as possible? Would you like that?"

He suddenly asked with an expectant gaze.

"Sure, but how do you oka on achieving this?" Alan asked, not sure of what he was saying.

"If I can absorb the power of the source and over void, I should be able to break through the multiverse and get you home and escape this reality, solving both of our problems."

Samael laughed, while Alan scratched his head.

"Are you sure? I mean I don't think the big guy will agree.."

Alan asked but Samael furrowed his brows.

"We don't need him, Alan. A king who does not seek out the well-being of his kingdom, does not deserve to be king and must be impeached."

Samael laughed and lied down, while Alan scratched his head in confusion and exhaustion.