


The sound of air being parted forcefully reverberated across the entire landscape, as massive winds swayed the large trees in the distance.

Standing under a tree, a handsome youth dressed in a black chiton moved gracefully, punching and kicking out with immense force.

He unleashed combos upon combos and hit upon hits, as he slowly increased his speed. His body turned into a blur, and every punch and kick blasted out strong winds into the distance.

After a moment he stopped and took in a deep breath to calm himself.

'A king that does not lookout for the well-being of his kingdom does not deserve to rule and must be impeached.'

Samael's words from before kept ringing in his mind, along with worry and fear.

'I shouldn't have answered that question when he asked me! Why am I so dumb sometimes?!'

Alan facepalmed and sighed, before he leaned against the tree in exasperation. He had unconsciously planted the seed for the first and most abominable moments in DC comics, the fall of Samael.

'So much for being a good friend..'

Alan smiled self depreciatingly and then took a seat on a small rock. He didn't mean for all of this to happen. He just wanted to get to know him on a personal level, like any true friend would.

However, it looked like his goodwill had spelt out the doom for his only friend in this multiverse. He didn't know if he could bear the burden of the blame and shame for being responsible for bringing about the fall of his only friend.

"What do you think wheel? Should I stay away to prevent this madness or should I try everything in my power to prevent it?"

He turned towards his imaginary friend and confessed, as his worry grew every second.

"But that's whole point wheel, I'm just too powerless to stop everything that has been set in motion. There's nothing at all that I can do.."

Alan roared in anger and proceeded to smash his fist into the ground, causing a massive crater from the point of collision along with an massive earthquake.


He sighed and calmed himself down, but right then he sensed an incoming familiar figure before he forced a small smile.


Turning around with clenched fists, Alan turned around, only for him to frown at the couple of figures that were now standing before him.

About three figures stood before him at the moment, an extremely beautiful fair skinned young woman dressed in silver armor with a blue cape. Her long platinum hair stretched to her waist, and the pure white six wings that fluttered behind her exuded a magnificent yet graceful charm.

To her left was another beautiful young woman whose appearance paled in comparison to the one in the middle. Dressed in blue robes, her long dark hair cascaded beautifully to her back, where two pairs of pitch black wings fluttered.

To the right of the woman in armor was a handsome, muscular young man dressed in sleeveless robes. His pure white single pair of wings fluttered behind him. His arms were folded, and the stern expression on his face was intimidating.

"And how may I help you?"

Alan raised a brow, seeing the three of them watching him with contempt but he still respectfully spoke.

"It seems Samael has found a new puppet.." The platinum haired woman commented, while her entourage laughed.

"You must be little sister huh. Interesting. If you're searching for Samael, I'm afraid he's not here."

Alan changed his tone, speaking neither respectfully nor haughtily. Since they looked down on him, he had no right to be respectful to them.

"Worry not, mortal, I did not come here to meet my failure of a brother, rather I came here to see the puppet he was so engrossed with.."

She spoke once more, ridiculing the young man who merely clenched his fists in annoyance.

"If that's all you came here for, then leave. I'm not interested in you."

Alan smirked and then took a seat on a rock behind him.

"You dare?!!"

The muscular man raged, but was stopped by the platinum haired woman.

"Okay, let's see what makes you so special.."

She laughed and pointed a finger at him.


A tiny orb of divine energy exploded forth, ripping apart nearly everything in the way, hurling Alan into the distance.

Stabilising himself in the air with his wings unfurled, Alan glared at the opponents, before he frowned. Just that single attack from the lady had destroyed everything within a 45km radius.

"Oh? Would you look at that?"

Watching the pure white wings on Alan's back, she suddenly laughed.

"No wonder I can sense the pride within you. It seems that fool Samael has shared with you his essence. He must adore you so much to go such an extent for you.. Let's see how he comes crying after I destroy his most prized puppet.."

She spoke and gestured with her finger. The bulky man suddenly unfolded his arms and walked forward with the meanest expression Alan had ever seen.

"Tear him apart, Amenadiel.."

She gestured and walked away with her other servant.

Meanwhile, Alan remained in the air, watching the muscular Angel walking towards him, with each of his steps, shaking the foundations of the earth.



Without hesitation both warriors moved instantly, reaching speeds that far outclassed sound itself and unleashed punches towards each other. The sheer force of their collision seemed to rip through space time, nearly destroying half of the earth.

Alan was blasted onto the ground losing a single exchange. Training with Samael had boosted his confidence, but now, the revelation dawned on him, that he didn't stand a chance.

Half of his body had exploded along with parts of the earth. He coughed out blood and strived to rise to his feet.

"You dare challenge the might of Lady Jophiel, while you cannot even best a simple throne like me in combat? How pathetic.."

Amenadiel, one of the seven thrones, known for his battle prowess and was second only to the Archangels.

"Yeah, I know, but you know something I always say? Karma is a bitch."

Alan gathered all the energy into his remaining hand and exploded forth with all of his strength, unleashing a punch, point blank into the face of the Angel.

Merely taking a step back, Amenadiel laughed, before grabbing Alan's arms and ripping it off his body, as blood spurted out.

It took a while for his brain to register the pain, however, Alan took it all in and tried to rise to his feat.

"I wonder what gives you confidence? Is it the false wings on your back?"



Grabbing onto Alan's pure white wings, he applied strength and ripped it off his back forcefully, spilling blood all over. This time, Alan couldn't keep the pain to himself. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before.



Later in the day, a golden haired figure landed on the surface of the earth, his apathetic expression changed in the next second, as he sensed the foreign energies in the air.

He instantly disappeared and reappeared at a destination only to find the residence of his friend destroyed beyond measure.

He suppressed the fear in his heart and continued walking until he finally stopped in a moment.

Before him were a pair of freshly torn wings drowned in a pool of blood. Anger swelled with his heart, but he rushed into the forest only for him to see the body of his friend, Alan pinned to the ground by silvery white spears and decimated beyond measure, although slowly healing.


His heart sank, and he staggered backwards in shock. He immediately closed and his winds and rotated his palms. Instantly time itself began to rewind, as he witnessed his friend getting decimated by his enemies.

"I'm sorry.."

Watching Alan's slowly healing body, Samael uttered, unfurled his wings and disappeared, as dark clouds materialised in the sky, along with flashes of lightning.