
DC: The Golden Craftsmen of the Amazon.

Yeong, A former Alaskan Lawman turned 40K Imperium Custodes, dies and is reborn in DC’s Ancient Greece with Minecraft powers. His twin, Bora, a medical student and prodigy becomes an Amazon, rising to prominence in Amazonia after a tragic end. Together, they navigate their new lives, seeking purpose and potentially aiding their new universe. Yeong Maxwell, once a simple law enforcement officer in Alaska, suddenly died in the line of duty and found himself unexpectedly transformed into a golden warrior, a Custodes of the Imperium serving the Emperor of Mankind. His extraordinary journey in the 40k universe takes a turn when he dies again during the Horus Heresy and is transported for the second time to the DC Universe’s ancient Greece with a unique Minecraft Crafting system, enabling him to create items from both the game and any fictional universe he’s known. Struggling with the purpose of his existence, Yeong adapts to his new life, wielding his newfound abilities. Meanwhile, Bora Maxwell, a medical student prodigy and Yeong’s twin sister, faces her own tragic end following her brother’s death, which plunges her into depression. Her soul is reborn among the first Amazons of ancient Greece, retaining her past memories. Leveraging her previous world’s knowledge and Amazonian training, Bora ascends to become a respected Amazon in Amazonia. Both siblings embark on a quest to discover the meaning of their second lives and to possibly aid the universe they now inhabit.

Tofu_Misu · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Reunion and Reconciliation.


[If anyone wants to see the art of the characters that are described in this story go to the Scribble Hub version and search for this story.]

This work is purely fanfiction and doesn't have any relation to the property of Game Workshop, Dynamite Entertainment, Mojang, or DC.

I don't own Minecraft, Warhammer 40k, Red Sonja, or DC.

All rights are reserved to those Companies.

Rated M and 18 Plus for Violent and Sexual Content.

Cover Art by arielscar_art on Instagram.


Chapter 2: Reunion and Reconciliation.

The City State of Amazonia.

Near the wall of the city.

Bora Infirmary.


Bora Maxwell or Bora POV.

My brother… Yeong was alive.

A tumult of emotions surged within me as I sat vigil by the side of a man whose stature resembled that of a titan. His robust form, dressed in garments too modest for the opulence of Amazonia's grandeur, lay in repose amidst the splendor. There he was, his breathing rhythmic and deep, his face—a map of old wars and endured hardships.

With a hand that quivered like a leaf in the wind, I brushed back a stray lock of his raven hair, feeling the sting of both solace and grief in my chest. Had it been decades, or perhaps centuries, since our paths had diverged since destiny's harsh winds had swept him away?

"Yeong," the name escaped my lips, a mere whisper lost in the cacophony of the city's life. "Brother, What strange roads led you here? What trials have you faced? And by the gods, what happened to you? "

Gazing upon Yeong's still form, a deluge of memories breached the walls of my mind. The Alaskan woods of our youth, where we roamed and revealed in fraternal bonds; the echoes of our mirth that once filled the corridors of our abode. Then came the fateful day when he was wrenched from my grasp, meeting his end while embracing his passion and preserving another's existence.

Tears threatened to breach the dams of my eyes, a testament to the years of separation, the ache of absence that had haunted me. Yet now, beholding him in his unconscious but unmistakably breathing form, a spark of hope flickered to life within my soul.

My thoughts drift back to today's series of events that led up to this moment of reunion. As dawn broke over Amazonia, the city awoke to its usual symphony of activity. The morning light, breaking through the mist, bathed the city in a warm glow. My day commenced with the customary care of the ailing, a routine I shared with one of my sisters-in-arms, Althea, my esteemed colleague and equal. Yet, this day was destined to diverge from the ordinary.

Philippus, a fellow Amazon Warrior, close friend, and trusted comrade, burst into the infirmary, urgency etched in her every move. She and her party had been on a routine scouting mission near the Thermodon River when one of her subordinates, Sonja, stumbled upon a lone boat wreck survivor, half-drowned and barely conscious. Upon seeing the giant of a man's condition and compelled by duty and compassion, the veteran Amazon captain and her party immediately brought the formidable stranger to my care.

Upon his arrival, I could not help but marvel at his stature, his muscles were as strong and thick as tree trunks, and his yellowish skin was scarred and bore the etchings of innumerable battles. His appearance was a stark contrast to the delicate nature of Amazonian architecture and the elegance of its culture. However, despite his rough and intimidating appearance, I could sense a hidden nobility within him, an aura of authority and power, a quiet confidence that belied his imposing physique.

As I am just about to perform a quick physical examination, my eyes then wander to his visage, and a pang of recognition strikes me. That face, those features—it was familiar, yet a ghostly shadow of what I once remembered. A long-buried memory stirred from the recesses of my mind, the image of a young man, freshly minted from the Police Academy, his gaze brimming with enthusiasm and joy, his face bearing a resemblance to the man who now lay before me.

My breath catches in my throat, and tears threaten to spill from my eyes. A thousand questions and emotions surge within me, yet all I can do is stand there, frozen in shock and disbelief. Then just as the thought crossed my mind, I heard his voice, a mere whisper, yet its deep baritone resonated with a familiar cadence.

"Bora... Sisters?"

"Y-Yeong?" The name escaped my lips, a mere whisper in the silence then I shook my head, my face becoming serious as I spun around to the gathering of Amazons. "Philippus, take our sisters away. I must tend to him alone."


"No time for debate. Leave us… Please…"

The Ebony Amazon veterans and captain hesitate for the briefest of moments. Then with a nod of acquiescence, Philippus led the others away, leaving me alone in the company of Yeong. A tempest of questions loomed, but I anchored myself in the present. His welfare was paramount. I drew closer, our hands clasping, his big hand against mine, the warmth of his life force mingling with mine as he once again felt unconscious.

And so, the present unfolded, and I confirmed his well-being. My examination revealed Yeong's robust health, surpassing even the most seasoned warrior women of Amazonia which was remarkable. His fatigue was not of the body but borne of a weary journey, exposure to the elements, and the weight of his circumstances.

There, by his side, the chamber's ambiance was aglow with the fire pit's soft radiance, casting a serene light upon us. My hands unconsciously adjusted my toga, grappling with the magnitude of our reunion. Yeong once thought lost to the abyss of time, was here—breathing, existing in this very world. It was a reality that defied comprehension.

After Yeong's passing, I was engulfed by a grief so profound it threatened to unravel the very fabric of my being. The void left by his absence was a maelstrom of despair, a hollow that seemed to consume my very soul. The pain was a relentless specter, driving me to the brink of insanity, ultimately leading to my own tragic demise and the subsequent rebirth into the Amazonian fold—a race of warrior women born from Greek mythology, crafted by the hands of Olympian goddesses to propagate Gaea's message of peace, tolerance, and equality.

In this new chapter of existence, I discovered comfort and a sense of purpose among the Amazons. I seized the opportunity to refine my skills and contribute to my new community, drawing upon the medical knowledge from my previous life. This allowed me to ascend the ranks swiftly, earning the position of a respected healer and counselor to General Antiope, the esteemed second-in-command of our nation.

As time wove its relentless tapestry, I learned to coexist with the ache of Yeong's absence—a constant, dull pain that was now a part of me. Yet, there were moments when the grief would surge like a tempest, threatening to overwhelm me once again. But at this moment, as I sat by his side, his undeniable presence brought forth a torrent of questions. From where had he come? How had he found his way here? What had transpired to bring him to this state since our paths had tragically diverged?

I couldn't help but observe the stark contrast between us. Yeong had aged like a sculpture weathered by time, his features although scarred were etched with a rugged grace of some sort, while I retained a youthful vibrance, untouched by the passage of years. The disparity was a stark reminder of the divergent journeys time had charted for us.

A wave of sorrow washed over me as I contemplated our past—our family, our friends, the brotherly bond that had been the bedrock of our existence—all now seemed like distant echoes of a former life. We were no longer the people we once were; time had molded us anew.

Yet, amidst the change, a part of me remained steadfast—the part that longed for the closeness we once shared, the unconditional love and loyalty that had been the cornerstone of our relationship. I yearned to reach out, to embrace him, to feel his presence and confirm that he was indeed here with me, alive and whole.



The sound was a gentle summons, pulling me from the labyrinth of my thoughts. With a grace born of years in the healing arts, I glided to the chamber's entrance, nestled in the infirmary's most tranquil wing. As the portal yielded, my heart skipped a beat at the vision before me, her presence a balm to my soul. A sight both familiar and comforting—a colleague and… dear friend, her golden locks and cerulean gaze a testament to her beauty.

Known far and wide throughout Amazonia, Althea was celebrated for her exceptional healing abilities and esteemed for her wisdom. Among the women of our sisterhood, she was the only one who could match my proficiency in both the realms of medicine and combat. Our connection was rich and intricate, woven together with strands of profound respect and friendly rivalry, a testament to our shared Amazonian experiences.

As Chief Surgeon, Althea oversaw the main infirmary at the heart of Amazonia, while I helmed our secondary healing haven on the city's fringe. Together, we mentored the medical neophytes and honed the skills of our healers. Our debates were frequent, often spirited exchanges on the nuances of treatment and surgical practice. Despite our occasional clashes, our shared dedication to healing and mutual achievements forged a bond of friendship that was both profound and enduring.

As she entered, the space between us charged with an unspoken connection. "Althea," I greeted, my voice softer than intended, a smile playing upon my lips. "Your presence is always a gift."

Her laughter, light and melodious, filled the room, easing the weight of my responsibilities. "Bora, distance never dims the call of friendship—or curiosity," she teased, her gaze lingering on mine before turning to the figure resting in the chamber.

Yeong's formidable presence drew her attention, yet it was the unguarded look of awe in her eyes that caught my breath. "He's... remarkable," she whispered, a note of wonder threading her words.

I felt a flush of protectiveness, my gaze meeting hers with a gentle chiding. "Althea, please have some decorum," I murmured, though my heart raced at the thought of her so near.

Her response was a symphony of admiration and mischief. "Bora, he's like a sculpture chiseled by the divine. His form is magnificent! By Hera, he's colossal, dwarfing even our mightiest." Her eyes met mine, alight with playful challenge. "Tell me, have you conducted a full examination? Employed the… Coveted techniques… of our sisterhood upon him? Or perhaps I should—"

"Althea," I said, my voice a steady anchor amidst the storm of emotions her words conjured. My hand found her shoulder, a gesture of camaraderie laced with an unspoken plea. "Let us first restore his vigor before we employ such... intimate ministrations."

The prospect of employing the infamous rites of the Amazon on my brother, rites of an intimate and personal nature, sparked a deep sense of hesitation within me. While these customs were highly regarded by my fellow sisters, I couldn't shake the feeling that they were inappropriate in this particular context. The thought of me subjecting my own twin to such rituals, especially given the sensitive nature of the situation, felt like a boundary that I was not ready to cross.

"Bora, you cannot deny the pull of curiosity—to test his mettle against our own," she pressed, her voice akin to a siren's call.

"His well-being is our priority," I insisted, my words a lighthouse guiding us back to safer shores and out of the typhoon. "In time, we may uncover his… capabilities... For now, he needs rest and care."

A pout graced her lips, a fleeting shadow of disappointment. "Of course," she conceded, her tone softening. She inhaled deeply, the healer's poise returning. "So, do tell me, who is he? What strange tide brought this… formidable figure of a man… to our shores?"

The question hung heavy in the air, a silent testament to the complexity of my predicament. How could I explain the unexplainable? How could I reveal that Yeong and I are twins, an unheard-of concept among the Amazons, created by the Goddess without male kin? The true origin and enigma of my existence—a life once human, a Medical Student, and a prodigy now reborn into myth—was a tale untold among my sisters. I had deemed it unnecessary, a chapter closed as I sought to heal. But fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony and the past I thought I had departed now stood before me, breathing and real, demanding acknowledgment. Yeong's return has resurrected a past I had consigned to memory, compelling me to reconcile the woman I am with the life I once lived.

Exhaling deeply, I prepared to unveil a truth long concealed. "This man… his name is Yeong," I whispered, the name resonating in the quietude of the room. "But Before I answer your question… there… is something you should know, Althea, we have journeyed together through many seasons, yet… there's a truth about us—about me, that related to this man here in particular—that I've withheld. It's a truth no one else knows, but with what has transpired at the moment, it's time I share it and get it off my chest now rather than later. It's the absolute truth, and I need you to trust me. What I'm about to reveal may seem unbelievable, so I implore you to listen with an open heart. Will you do that?"

The Amazon healer's gaze held mine, unwavering, as the weight of my words settled in the air. Then, her expression shifted, solemnity giving way to understanding, and a gentle nod of acceptance graced her attractive visage. "Speak, Bora. Your burdens are mine to share."

Summoning my courage, I inhaled deeply, ready to cast off the shroud of secrecy that had long been my companion. As I faced Althea and took her slender hand in mine, her cerulean gaze, a silent comfort, a harbor in the tempest of my confession, I felt the chains of my hidden past begin to dissolve. Turning once more to behold Yeong, the truth yearned for release.

"Yeong Maxwell… The man before us… he is my brother. My twin."


Back to Yeong Maxwell or Yeong's POV.

Private Wing.

A Day later…

My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dim light of the chamber. The room was a symphony of tranquility, the soft glow of the fire pit casting dancing shadows on the walls. I was in a bed, the sheets soft against my skin, a stark contrast to the harsh elements I had braved in my journey.

Struggling to rise, my body resisted with a muted throb of discomfort. My eyes roamed the unfamiliar space, absorbing the alien environment. The architectural style was vaguely familiar, a fusion of majesty and fortitude, echoing the days when I served as a Custodian under the Emperor of Mankind during his Great Crusade in the 40k Universe. The splendor of the room, the elaborate patterns carved into the walls, and the gentle radiance of the fire pit, all mirrored the Emperor's palace on Terra. However, a unique element set this place apart - a peaceful calm that was conspicuously absent in the battle-scarred vistas of my history.

Rising from the bed, I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me. I steadied myself, my hand gripping the edge of the bed. My body was still weak, the remnants of my ordeal in the sea lingering like a ghost. I took a moment to gather my strength, my gaze wandering to the window of this chamber. The view was unexpected, a panorama of what looked like a Feudal city bathed in the soft glow of twilight. The architecture was a harmonious blend of nature and craftsmanship, the buildings adorned with intricate carvings and surrounded by lush greenery. The sight was a stark contrast to the war-torn landscapes I had grown accustomed to.

"Where in the Emperor's name am I?" I muttered, my voice a hoarse whisper. The question echoed in the silence of the room, a testament to my confusion and disorientation.

As I wrestled with the unfamiliarity of my surroundings, a gentle knock resonated through the chamber. The door slowly swung open, unveiling a silhouette illuminated by the soft hallway light. As she stepped into the room, my eyes widened in recognition, and for the first time since my transformation into a Custodian, I experienced a rush of emotions that were both foreign and comforting. It was Bora… my sister… my twin… and she appeared… radiant… like a beacon of elegance and power, her beauty unmarred by the passage of time. Her verdant eyes, reflecting our shared history, held a depth of emotion that stirred my soul. A sense of familiarity washed over me, a connection that seemed to defy the constraints of time and space. It felt as though the universe had orchestrated our reunion, mending the frayed threads of our shared past.

"Bora," I whispered, my voice barely audible. The sight of her brought forth a torrent of memories, a deluge of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me. I had so many questions, so many things I wanted to say, but all I could do was stare at her, my heart pounding in my chest. "Is that really you?"

She moved closer, her steps soft and measured. As she neared, I could see the concern etched on her half-Korean face, her eyes filled with a mix of relief and worry. She reached out, her slender hand gently brushing against my cheek, a gesture so familiar yet so foreign. "I'm here, your sister is here…" she finished, her voice barely above a whisper. Her hand was warm against my cheek, a comforting presence that grounded me in the reality of the moment. "I'm here, Yeong."

The words hung in the air, a testament to the profound bond that had been rekindled. A wave of relief washed over me, a soothing glow of the turmoil that had been churning within me. My sister, my twin, was here with me. The reality of her presence, the undeniable truth of our reunion, was a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainty.

"Bora…I— Oh!" I began to murmur, but I was suddenly taken off guard when Bora suddenly embraced me in a hug, her arms wrapping around me in a gesture of warmth and familiarity. The sudden contact startled me, but I found myself returning the embrace, my arms instinctively wrapping around her slender form. The sensation was comforting and warm to the storm of emotions raging within me.

"Bora," I murmured, my voice calm yet… filled with a sense of disbelief. "I can't believe it's really you," I managed to say, my voice slightly choking with emotion. "After all these years…"

Bora pulled back slightly, her verdant eyes meeting mine. "It's me, Yeong," she said softly, her hand reaching up to gently brush a stray lock of hair from my forehead. "I'm here."


The sharp sound of the slap reverberated through the room, a stark interruption to the unfolding drama. "Ouch!" The exclamation was instinctive, a natural response to the unexpected pain that flared across my cheek. I turned to Bora, my eyes wide with shock. "Bora!" I cried out, incredulous. "Why would you do that?"

Bora stood resolute, her arms folded across her ample chest, her posture as unyielding as her gaze. "That," she declared, her finger pointed accusingly, "is for the torment you put me through after the Denali Incident. We mourned you, brother… we were certain you had perished. We even held funerals…"

Her words struck me, a mixture of confusion and realization dawning upon me. "I… I never intended for any of this," I faltered, the weight of her words pressing down on me. "I had no choice, Bora. The lives of those hikers were my responsibility. My duty as a Deputy Sheriff was to protect, even at the cost of my own life." I paused, seeking in her eyes some semblance of understanding. "But here I am, returned to you. And for all the anguish my absence has caused, I am deeply sorry."

The sternness in Bora's eyes melted into a poignant blend of sorrow and solace. "I understand, Yeong," she responded softly, her voice a soothing tide. "You've always acted with honor." Her hand reached out, resting on my shoulder, a silent symbol of forgiveness. "But knowing that doesn't ease the pain. We grieved for you, Yeong. By Hera… I believed I had lost you to eternity."



"I'm aware," I whispered back, the remorse evident in my tone. "For that, I apologize."

Bora exhaled, her features relaxing as she regarded me with a tender gaze. "Then make me a promise, Yeong," she implored, her voice a mere breath. "Promise me there will be no more farewells."

Silence hung between us, heavy with the gravity of her request.

Finally, I took her hand, holding it firmly, a silent vow in my grasp. "I promise you, Bora," I affirmed with conviction. "There will be no more goodbyes."

"Good…" she murmured a soft affirmation hanging in the air.

A thoughtful murmur escaped me as I gently touched my cheek and attended to the unexpected nosebleed, a sense of curiosity in my voice. "I must ask, and please don't be offended, but your slap, Bora, it had an unexpected force from someone of your stature, even for a person as robust as myself."

Bora's laughter was light and airy, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "So you've experienced its might?" she replied, her tone playful as she produced a napkin from her toga and handed it to me. "It's our Amazonian gift. We are crafted by the Olympian goddess to be embodiments of vigor, both in spirit and body, and that includes the ability to deliver a mighty slap when needed. But then again, who am I to speak? You're quite the sight yourself, brother. What has become of you?"

Wait… Amazonian gift? Olympian Goddess? What does she mean by that? I thought with a raised eyebrow, and a skeptical countenance briefly appeared on my visage before I shook my head and quickly dismissed the thought as I picked up the napkin Bora offered, dabbing at the trickle of blood from my nose with a mixture of amusement and gratitude. Her question lingered in the air, a gentle reminder of the enigma that was my current state. With a self-deprecating grin, I surveyed my transhuman physique, its detailed craftsmanship a tribute to the Emperor's ambitious scheme for his subjects.

"Well… It looks like both of us have questions that need to be answered, right? " I started, managing a wry smile despite my marred features. "It seems we both have tales to share, don't we? How about this: I'll start with my story, and then you can tell me yours, along with where in Terra are we?" I proposed, my curiosity ignited by the enigma of our locale.

Bora's grin grew broader as she motioned towards the window. "This is the City State of Amazonia, the stronghold of the Amazon warriors. It's a realm of valor, honor, and camaraderie among sisters," she said, her voice filled with a sense of pride. "As for my tale… let's hold off on that for now. I'm eager to hear all about your adventures first."

"Hmph… Well…" I started, my demeanor shifting to one of solemnity as echoes of my past as a Custodian in the tumultuous Warhammer 40000 Universe resurfaced. "If you truly wish to know, be warned—it's a chronicle steeped in darkness and conflict. My odyssey unfolded in a galaxy besieged by ceaseless war, where humankind waged a desperate battle for existence against a myriad of foes. But tell me, before we delve into this saga, in our previous life, are you familiar with the lore of Warhammer 40000?"


Hour later...

As time unfolded, I remained in the quietude of the guest room, my consciousness adrift in a sea of memories and stirring emotions. The fortuitous reunion with Bora had kindled a cascade of reminiscences and sentiments. Her metamorphosis into an Amazon warrior, an existence said to be shaped by Olympian gods, presented a curious juxtaposition to my teachings of the Imperial Truth. Yet, this revelation did little to sway my convictions. For beneath her newfound guise, Bora remained the sibling I cherished from my earlier existence, having matured from an enthusiastic medical student to an esteemed healer and counselor in her Amazonian society.

Bora's journey, much like my own, seemed to traverse the realms of an isekai narrative—a life reborn in another world. Her hesitance to delve into the period following my apparent demise and preceding her rebirth hinted at a time fraught with adversity, a notion that struck a chord within me. Instead, she focused on her present life as a trailblazer among the Amazons. She detailed the hurdles she overcame, the connections she fostered, and her rise to a position of esteem as a healer and advisor. She spoke with pride of the unity within her sisterhood, their shared commitment to their purpose, and their unwavering devotion to the cause of Gaea. Her story was one of resilience and transformation, echoing the strength and spirit of the Amazonian legacy.

Bora depicted Amazonia's way of life as an amalgamation of Amazonian principles, cultural expressions, and the martial spirit—a community predominantly led by women, yet flourishing through collective solidarity and support. While she conceded that sporadic skirmishes with neighboring factions arose, she assured that these were minor and never gravely serious.

Bora tended to a modest clinic nestled on the outskirts of the city, a haven for the ailing and a beacon of enlightenment for seekers of wisdom. She also spoke of the central infirmary, the medical heart of Amazonia, where her most distinguished kin sought healing, and which was under the stewardship of Althea, her friend and professional counterpart.

Her tales depicted an almost utopian society, mirroring the future I had envisioned as a Custodian—a future where peace and prosperity reigned, and the scars of perpetual conflict were healed. It was a dream I had harbored in my time in the 40k universe, yet here in Amazonia, it seemed within reach.

Taking a deep breath, I anchored myself in the now. My eyes lingered on the window scene of the ancient mythological Feudal Greek city, somewhat impressed by its twilight's gentle hold. The peace surrounding me stood in stark relief against the war-torn landscapes that haunted my memory. Pausing to reflect, I opened my Minecraft System, taking stock of my inventory. Power Armor, materials, and gear were all in place. My attention shifted to the armor slot, noting the tattered condition of my clothing for just an instant before shutting the system down. My mind wandered, pondering my next move in this serene yet unfamiliar world.

This was unmistakably Terra—Earth. Yet, it was as if I had arrived in an epoch long before my sister and I came into being, before the rise of humankind. It was an unfamiliar realm, but its inhabitants led lives of purpose, their society echoing the ancient Greek's martial ways. This was a matriarchy, a societal structure seldom seen in human annals, though not unfamiliar to me from my days as a Custodes in the Great Crusade.

In the quietude of the chamber, I contemplated the starkly different fates that had befallen us. Bora, reborn into an era of myth and legend, had found her place among the Amazons, her spirit alight with purpose and a sense of belonging. Her adaptation was seamless, her life now a tapestry of ancient customs and sisterly bonds, her eyes reflecting the tranquility of a soul at peace.

As for myself, I had been thrust into the bleak expanse of a far-flung future, a realm of unending conflict and duty. But now, here I was, in a time long before my own, unshackled from the obligations that once defined my existence as a Custodes. The path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, my role in this archaic world yet to be carved out. It was a daunting prospect, yet within it lay the freedom to redefine my destiny, to seek out a new purpose amidst the echoes of a forgotten age. The journey ahead promised discovery, not just of this world, but of myself and the life that awaited beyond the shadows of war.


As the guest chamber door opened, Bora entered, her hands holding a neatly folded set of fresh clothing. "Yeong, I've brought you some new attire and a meal back at my place," she announced, her smile brightening the room. "Join us for dinner; we're all looking forward to meeting you."

I pondered for a moment. "Did you prepare dinner? Maybe I could lend a hand? I used to help out in the kitchen back home, and it might be a good distraction," I suggested with a playful smile on my face.

Her eyes danced with playful mischief. "Yeong, taking on the kitchen? I recall you being quite the culinary disaster. Your specialty was cereal, and even that was a stretch," she jested laughter in her voice.

I laughed along, the past humor not lost on me. "True, culinary arts were never my strong suit, but I've learned since I became a Custodes then," I retorted, a spark of determination in my eyes. "How about a little test of my current skills?"

Her demeanor turned earnest. "A challenge from Yeong? I wouldn't miss it," she replied, enthusiasm evident in her voice. "Come then, show us what you've got."

Standing up, I hesitated. "Bora, hold on!" I exclaimed. "You said 'we'?"

With a teasing grin, she responded, "Indeed, you'll be introduced shortly. But first, get dressed. We have tasks ahead."

I watched, bemused, as she tossed the clothes to me with a playful wink and exited, leaving me with the simple tunic and sandals that… surprisingly fit my impressive stature. After a brief interlude, I stepped out of the guest room, the door closing softly behind me, ready to join my sister and her companions. Bora was waiting for me in the hallway, a smile lighting up her attractive visage as she nodded in approval.

"All right, follow me. Our sisters will be coming shortly," she instructed.

A moment later, we emerged from the main building, the crisp night air enveloping us as we walked down the cobblestone path. The city was a symphony of light, the buildings bathed in a gentle glow, their ornate façades illuminated by torchlight. The architecture of Amazonia reminds me of those old art paintings depicting ancient Greece That I used to see in the art history book with column and statue designs, but the overall ambiance feels more... mystical. As we passed, curious onlookers gazed at us with some stopping with what they were doing to just stare, but their expressions were not of distrust but a mixture of admiration and intrigue. I was aware of my striking appearance, a product of my Custodes genetic engineering.

"This is quite impressive for a Feudal City," My eyes drinking into the spectacle around us. "It's like a scene from those classic Epics that are set in ancient Greece. And… I don't know how to feel about it, but it seems that I have some…admirers… here."

"Yes, it seems so, that the news of your appearance has spread across the city. Come, let us hasten to my abode before the sisters decide to gather and you are beset by questions and admiration and… and before they decide to… let's just say… take you into their care..." Bora remarked, her tone hinting at her concern. "In Amazonia, strength is admired and beauty is celebrated, and you possess both. I dare say you have the potential to be the envy of our sisters. It may be best if we make haste and retreat to my sanctuary for the night, where we can enjoy the dinner in peace."

As we quickened our pace, I cast a thorough glance around the Feudal city, observing the diverse populace, predominantly composed of Amazonians. Every woman in this city possessed an undeniable attractiveness, coupled with strength – their physiques were voluptuous, yet toned and athletic. Their legs varied in length, while their skin tones spanned a broad spectrum, from fair and pale to olive and sun-kissed.

Certain Amazon warriors were distinguished by their notably voluptuous and well-defined rear, while others were characterized by their abundantly full, symmetrical, and invitingly soft bosom. A select few possessed a captivating blend of both attributes. Each Amazon radiated an irresistible charm that could be described as 'Seductive,' and they all carried themselves with confident elegance and composure.

The warrior women of the city wore a diverse range of clothing, from full plate armor to flowing togas and tunics, and some of their attire was more… revealing, pushing the boundaries of modesty. The garments, barely containing their abundant assets, showed off ample cleavages, toned bellies, and the curve of their thighs. Despite the varying styles, their attire accentuated their athletic and curvaceous physiques.

The Amazonians' fashion choices, combined with their diverse beauty, evoked a sense of awe and wonder for the normal mortal men, reminiscent of mythical creatures from the fey realm. Their confident and poised demeanor, along with their striking appearance, suggested a powerful and alluring presence, a testament to their… battle-hardened sex appeal...

And all of them… are looking at me.

I felt their eyes upon me, their gazes filled with curiosity and… intrigue. I was used to the looks of admiration, even attraction, from the many women I had met on various Imperium worlds, yet their attention caused me to feel... exposed and made me wish I had my power armor on. They regarded me with interest and desire, their eyes appraising my muscular trans-human physique and distinctive appearance.

I felt both flattered and uneasy under their gaze. "They certainly do present a… remarkable sight…" I commented, with a hint of curiosity in my voice. "If I were still a typical man, I would likely be tempted by their beauty. Sister, I must ask, is your society and culture open and accepting of such promiscuity? I say this because, if I was a mortal man, I would find myself overwhelmed by the allure, and not in a positive way."

Bora let out a mischievous chuckle. "Yeong, my dear brother, you're still as prudish and rule-bound as ever, aren't you? Yes, I can assure you that Amazonian culture and society are indeed quite open-minded when it comes to matters of love and desire. Aphrodite has instilled in us a deep appreciation for freedom and pleasure, and we wholeheartedly embrace our desires. In Amazonia, women are free to choose one or multiple partners and lovers, and their sexuality is celebrated. So, I suppose you could say that our culture is... quite liberal. There's no shame in seeking pleasure, and our sisters are more than willing to indulge. However, to partake in this, you would need to undergo one of the Sacred Rites of the Amazon to prove that you can handle their, let's say, 'passionate' nature in the bedroom."

I hesitated, slightly taken aback by the implication of her statement. "Well, I'm not exactly the rule-abiding type anymore, you know? But sister, could you please elaborate on what you mean by that exactly?" I asked.

Bora cringed and chuckled, her amusement is evident in her voice. "Yeong, you are aware that Amazonian women are considerably stronger than the average man. In my time as a physician, I've seen my fair share of cases involving men with injuries sustained during intimate encounters with Amazon women. Broken pelvises, hips, and even genitals were not uncommon. And let's not forget about the egos that were left bruised and battered. The consequences of having intercourse with an Amazon can be quite severe, as it's not uncommon for us to accidentally cause injuries to our male partners during the act. It's almost a rite of passage for the men of the city to endure this, and I've heard tales of men who succumbed to the intensity of the act."

I raised an eyebrow in surprise as I processed Bora's words. "You're implying that men could potentially die from intimate relations with an Amazon? Is this a genuine concern here?" I inquired, seeking clarification. "So, it's essentially... 'Death by Snu Snu'? Is that a legitimate risk?"


As we passed by the courtyard, the clanging of metal on metal pierced the air, drawing my attention to a cadre of Amazons immersed in what appeared to be a training bout. The flickering flames of fire pits and torches cast a warm glow, a stark contrast to the darkness that shrouded the surrounding night. The group of Amazons was engaged in sparring sessions with each other and to my experienced eyes, their movements were swift and precise and I could tell that they were very well-trained, their fighting style a perfect blend of form and function. As we passed by, I caught the eyes of one of the Amazons, her gaze filled with curiosity and interest.

This woman stood out among the Amazons, her presence commanding and her beauty undeniable. She was a vision of power and allure, her physique a testament to her battle-hardened prowess. Her hair, a cascade of fiery red curls, flowed down her back like a river of molten lava, framing her striking features. Her eyes, a captivating shade of emerald green, sparkled with intelligence and a hint of mischief. Her lips, full and soft, were curved into a confident smirk as if daring anyone to challenge her.

Her body was a harmonious blend of strength and femininity. Her shoulders were broad and powerful, a result of years of rigorous training. Her arms were toned and defined, each muscle a testament to her skill in combat. Her chest was ample and voluptuous, her bosom perfectly rounded and soft-looking, yet firm. Her waist was narrow, accentuating the curve of her hips, which flared out in a sensual invitation. Her legs were long and shapely, their muscles rippling with every movement, a promise of power and grace.

She wore a chainmail bikini, a daring and revealing outfit that left little to the imagination. The metal links clung to her body, accentuating her curves and highlighting her toned muscles. The bikini top barely contained her abundant assets, showcasing ample cleavage and the curve of her breasts. The bikini bottom was equally revealing, showing off the curve of her hips and the toned muscles of her thighs. A belt of leather and metal encircled her waist, holding a sheathed sword and various other weapons.

Her skin was sun-kissed, a testament to the countless hours she had spent training and fighting under the open sky. A scattering of freckles adorned her nose and cheeks, adding a touch of innocence to her otherwise fierce appearance. A scar ran down the left side of her face, a battle wound that only served to enhance her beauty, a testament to her courage and resilience.

This warrior woman moved with a grace and poise that belied her strength. Each step was a dance, causing her heavenly ample asset to sway gently, adding an alluring rhythm to her movements. She wielded a sword with ease, its blade glinting in the firelight as she parried and thrust with practiced precision. The clashing of metal against metal resonated in the air, a symphony of power and skill. She was a vision of power and beauty, a living embodiment of the Amazonian ideal. As she met my gaze, her eyes filled with curiosity and intrigue with me equally looking back at her. Her lips curved into a mischievous smile as she flashed me a playful wink.

"That's Sonja," Bora said, her voice filled with a mix of respect and caution. "She's the one who found you near the Thermodon River, and one of our newest sisters. But don't let her newness fool you. She's already proven herself to be a formidable swordswoman and warrior. She's known for her unyielding determination, her sharp intellect, and her almost unparalleled prowess in combat. However, be careful around her, Yeong. She's also known for her... voracious appetite for men. Many and I quite literally meant MANY have succumbed to her charms, only to meet a fate worse than death."

"Hmm, noted," I replied, nodding with my arms crossed, still intrigued by the fiery Amazon. "I'll make sure to thank her later." A thought crossed my mind. "Tell me, Bora, do our red-headed friends here happen to be called 'She-Devil with a Sword' by any chance?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and smirking slightly. "Her name and her looks are remarkably similar to that one female character from the comic books I used to read in our previous life."


"Huh... That is quite an interesting coincidence," Bora replied, a thoughtful look on her face. "You make a good point. How did I never notice that before? She does look almost exactly like a certain Hyrkanian warrior from the comic books you used to read. I suppose it's just one of those things that you don't notice until someone points it out to you. But yes, you're right. Sonja does bear a striking resemblance to that character."

"Hmm... something to consider... later, perhaps..." I nodded, taking in the information as I continued to observe the fiery warrior woman from afar. I couldn't help but feel this deep sense of respect for her strength and beauty. However, I also knew what kind of woman she was and my vast experience as a Veteran Custodian tells me to be careful around her, yet at the same time I couldn't deny this… unexplainable pull I felt towards her.

As we continued our journey through the city, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. I turned to look over my shoulder and saw the red-headed Amazon standing there, her eyes locked onto mine. Sonja flashed me a mischievous smirk before disappearing into the shadows, leaving me with a sense of anticipation and unease.

"Death by Snu Snu," I murmured to myself, a strained smile playing on my lips as I recalled the term from a popular animated sitcom. I knew that the situation was anything but humorous, but I couldn't help but find the irony amusing. I knew that I would have to be careful, that I would have to navigate the complexities of Amazonian society with caution. But I also knew that I was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead, that I was ready to embrace the unknown and see where it would take me.


Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoy it. As always, please remember to leave a review and tell me what you think.