
DC: The Enchanter

Previously hailed as the mastermind, The Godfather, behind the world's most significant organization, now reduced to blend into the nameless multitude. Jasper Hughes is about to unleash a seismic shift, rocking the world of heroes and villains, as he ushers in a fresh era of power struggles, organized crime, faction formation, and corruption. "Greedy and corrupt, yet not harming the kind and helpful." "Unforgiving towards those who betray, lie and steal..." These mottos once propelled him to establish the world's most prominent organization and will undoubtedly guide him to triumph once more. This time, he possesses not only unparalleled knowledge and skills but also wields an incomprehensible power – The power of Enchantment. A power that will not make him the Godfather; but THE GOD. TAGS: Selfish Protagonist, Corrupt Protagonist, Superiority Complex, Smut, DC, Empire Building, Corruption, Hypocritical MC https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs


How would you like me to define Metropolis?

A city filled with job opportunities, rushing crowds and bustling roads.

A city of overpowered beings.

Or a place totally different from Gotham –bright, clean and full of hope.


That's what superman's logo stood for. 

And while I am not a fan of Superman, I can see that he has been doing a better job at preserving the city's peace than Batman.

"Totally different from Gotham, isn't it?" Ivy asked, taking a deep breath. "Still filled with smoke and pollution but it still smells better than Gotham."

Metropolis was a rather advanced city, with skyscrapers being visible with each turn of your head.

It was a megacity, but despite the cars and industries –it made sure to preserve its greenery.

Well, at least somewhat.

The place had parks with plants and flowers, and most of the roads had medians that were filled with trees, which I haven't seen in Gotham at all.

But then again, Gotham was more of a wasteland than a place of habitance.

"I am surprised that you manage to live in Gotham considering your love for plants," I asked the queen of flora, "I think something like Metropolis would be better for you."

She stared at me like I was stupid, which maybe I was for asking that question.

"I don't live in Gotham because I like it, but I live in Gotham because I have to," She explained, "I want to save my little babies that are barely surviving in the hell called Gotham. Plant life in Gotham is almost non-existent and if I leave that place, they will cease to exist entirely."

She wasn't wrong. She was possibly the only reason there was at least a bit of plant life surviving in Gotham.

"I can ask you the same thing," She said, "Why are you so invested in Gotham."

That was possibly one of the best questions someone can ask about me. But there was a simple reason for that.

"Gotham is the easiest place to be if you want to build connections, at least the wrong connections," I shrugged, "Getting your feet dirty in Gotham is easy and if you have the skills, you can turn those wrong connections into the right ones for your needs."

What I said makes no sense for a person who hasn't been to Gotham. But if you have the power to protect yourself, then a place riddled with crime is easier to make money at rather than a safe haven.

Now, I could have started at Metropolis or Star City, but it would have been difficult to build connections. 

Metropolis has like who? Luthor? 

He isn't someone you can work with, he is worse than Penguin.

And I am definitely not working with the archer of Star City, Green Arrow. He has PTSD worse than a World War II veteran and ideals worse than Wonder Woman.

So, Gotham was a no brainer. However, now that I have built a bit of fame and power, I can slowly start branching out.

"Besides," I smiled at the pretty redhead, "It's not like I live in Gotham. Gotham is simply my place of operations."

I wanted my peace at least when I slept. And there was no way I could get a peaceful sleep in Gotham.

"That… I will take that answer," She said, as we looked around the shops and street attractions, "But I do have another question."

"Shoot." Not like I had anything better to do, I can at least answer a few things.

"Why associate yourself with the villains?" She asked, curious about my reasoning. "Why not the heroes?"

And well, it was a fair question.

"With how I operate and with my views… I would be thrown out of a hero squad in a day." I said, "Not killing off the rapists, putting their morals over others… To be fair, most heroes are hypocrites."

Ivy couldn't deny my words, "I cannot say that I don't agree."

"At least with villains or vigilantes, they don't call themselves heroes or even morally correct. You either can relate to their tragic stories or totally hate them for it," I said.

"You know they are the bad guys so you have no expectations from them," I saw her nodding, "That's why it feels worse when heroes that you look up to fail you."

Heroes disappointed me from time to time, even with Scarecrow.

Batwoman promised that the Crow would not escape, but he did escape the very same day thanks to his goonies. And if not for me putting a timed enchantment on his heart, he would have been roaming around commiting crimes even today.

Ivy nodded, agreeing with me.

"We should get something to eat," She said, "We are not in Gotham yet and talking about the place is making us depressed. So, to lighten up the mood, how about some ice cream?"

I was definitely venting about nothing. There is no reason to waste talking about such things.

But that paints a picture about my general dislike of working with heroes.

But well, there were a few certain heroes whom I respected.

One of who resided here.

And the one who was on his way.

Around three days ago, Raymond Palmer received a weird letter lying on his doorstep.

Raymond was a rather sad man.

He lost his wife not long ago and because of that, he ended up drowning himself in alcohol. He sent multiple letters to Justice League, hoping to get a spot among the superheros, but that ended up only as a pipe dream.

Even his job was taken away from him. A former genius physicist was now a jobless man with a drinking problem.

When he first saw the letter, he thought it might have been a job letter or even something from the superheroes.

But when he saw the name, he lost his excitement.

"Jasper Hughes."

That was not a name he had heard before. It wasn't the name of a famous scientist and neither was it the name of any superhero that he knew.

So, he pretty much gave up hope when he saw the name and almost threw it away before reading.

Thankfully, he didn't.

"He is in town?"

He thought the man was a fraud. He thought that the man was trying to scam him, promising him a job with a decent pay.

But then he was shocked.

He randomly received $80,000 dollars in his account one day. He rushed to the letter recalling the content and upon confirming with the bank, it was Indeed Jasper Hughes that sent him the money.

And now he received another heads up that the man was in town.

He rushed towards the city center, hoping to find Jasper Hughes.

After all, it was not everyday one got such a high paying job offer. And Jasper seemed to know his capabilities well, he was aware of his talent and even in the letter he expressed his respect for Raymond.

Raymond felt happy that there was someone who respected his work, his research and saw his potential.

He knew he would be a fool if he did not take this opportunity. So, he rushed as quickly as he could to meet his possible employer.

"Jasper Hughes," He smiled, "I hope you will keep your word."

After all, he not only asked for his service as a physicist.

But as a metahuman as well.

After all, he was The Atom.


[[A/N: Read 25+ chapters ahead on:


+My Marvel Story

The Sandman ]]