
DC: The Enchanter

Previously hailed as the mastermind, The Godfather, behind the world's most significant organization, now reduced to blend into the nameless multitude. Jasper Hughes is about to unleash a seismic shift, rocking the world of heroes and villains, as he ushers in a fresh era of power struggles, organized crime, faction formation, and corruption. "Greedy and corrupt, yet not harming the kind and helpful." "Unforgiving towards those who betray, lie and steal..." These mottos once propelled him to establish the world's most prominent organization and will undoubtedly guide him to triumph once more. This time, he possesses not only unparalleled knowledge and skills but also wields an incomprehensible power – The power of Enchantment. A power that will not make him the Godfather; but THE GOD. TAGS: Selfish Protagonist, Corrupt Protagonist, Superiority Complex, Smut, DC, Empire Building, Corruption, Hypocritical MC https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Oopsie Ivies

"Ahh… Finally a proper break."

Nothing felt better than chilling with the AC on, good food on the table and not a single worry on the mind.

"This is heaven."

"I am glad you feel that way, but do remember that we are supposed to split the bills, so you blasting the AC at maximum means an increase in cost for me as well."

For a moment, I got worried, but then I remembered.

"Ah, don't worry about it. I just made a bit of cash, I can afford to splurge a little." 

At my statement, Zatanna raised an eyebrow. 

"Enough for all this?" She sounded impressed, "That's caviar on the table so it must have been quite a bit of money, huh?"

I didn't give her a straightforward answer, instead a grin. I am sure the grin spoke volumes for her.

Stretching a little over the couch, I asked, "You going somewhere?"

I mean looking at her clothes, she was certainly going out. 

"Yeah, just a little shopping. I need a new bag, I tore the last one."

I must say, Zatanna was gorgeous. I mean it is a given after all every man likes the goth girl aesthetic. 

But even without it –which was obviously a rare occurrence, just like today– she looked gorgeous.

As she stood in front of me, different from her usual hot goth self, she was stunning.

A black oversized sweatshirt that she semi-tucked in her striped short skirt with fishnets that covered her flawless legs and boots with heels that were at least a few inches tall.

And never till today did I know that she wore glasses.

Round cute spectacles.

Overall? She was going with the cute girl look and I couldn't complain at all.

She was looking adorable.

"Is there something that you want me to bring for you?" She asked, and truth be told… there were a few things that I needed.

But I didn't want to ask her to bring them. No way would she look good carrying heavy things with such an outfit.

"I do… but you know what?" I had another idea, "How about I go with you?"

That caught her by surprise.

"Uh? Weren't you planning to rest today?"

And to be fair, she wasn't wrong. Staying in bed, watching a movie and lazing around was good.

But that much freeness was just not for me.

I felt weird stay jobless for a long time.

"Going out can also be therapeutic," I said, jumping off of the couch.

This made her smile, "Sure, I don't mind. Instead having someone to carry the bags would be good for me instead."

I couldn't even laugh at being reduced to a guy carrying shopping bags.

But well, it was barely anything.

"You know? You seem to have changed a little," She said, taking me by surprise.

"Change?" I raised an eyebrow, "How?"

She put a finger over her lower lip, thinking of an easier way to explain.

"Well, you seem less stern and more free. The way you talk is also more free now," She said, "Overall, you seem like you are enjoying yourself."

Ah, that's what she meant.

"Well, lately the stress I have had was lowered," I smiled, "So, I feel relieved and free."

She sighed, "Sadly I cannot say the same for me. But good for you."

I didn't adjust to my younger personality right after coming here, but as the days went by, I am getting adjusted to it little by little.

After all, I am young again and I was this carefree in the past as well.

Not that it is a good thing, but at least it lets me enjoy life a little better.

"Don't worry, you will find your peace as well," I assured.

I know that she had been going through a lot of things, I just didn't know what.

She showed a sad smile, "I hope so."

Everyone has a story, don't they?

Pamela Lillian Isley was a woman that was sought after by countless men.

When she was a researcher, before becoming the eco-terrorist by the name of Poison Ivy, she was one of the most lusted after women in her profession.

And after her transformation, she could say that the popularity that she received, the people thirsting after her grew to an insane amount.

She liked that attention, she enjoyed how everyone wanted her and how she had the ability to have anyone that she wanted.

Or that was what she believed before the whole incident with the guy that single handedly took down Victor Zsasz.

Took down was a kind word, he ruined Zsasz.

But it didn't change the fact that Jasper Hughes was a guy that caught her eye.

No, Jasper made her want to have him.

Sadly, for the first time in her life she couldn't have someone that she wanted.

Her powers didn't work on him, he didn't lust after her beauty and wasn't interested much in her story either.


The one night stand that they had was possibly the best sexual encounter that she had in ages. After all, her power made it impossible for her to have sex with a normal human.

And now, when she found a person with whom she could experience such pleasure –he cut her off.

He didn't receive her calls, and even when he replied back to her texts, it was barely a one liner.

And most of the time he would say that he was too busy to meet her.

"What gotcha' so sad these days, peanut?"

Thankfully, she had someone she could talk to about all these things.

Sighing, she said, "It's just this guy that I told you about. He hasn't been replying to my texts or calls recently."

The person next to her was a blonde and borderline psychotic minx that hung out with her almost on a daily basis. Within Gotham, there was no one that didn't know about the friendship between Ivy and Harley.

Harley Quinn was notorious within Gotham for being Joker's sidekick, but that was not all that she was.

She was a pretty fun person to be around and Ivy knew that very well.

"The hot redhead you talked about?" Harley asked, making Ivy nod.

"The one with messy yet stylish hair, a pretty good body, tall with a sharp jawline?" She kept asking, "Like the models that you often see in TVs and magazines?"

"Yeah…" Ivy sighed, but Harley's next words surprised her.

"You mean the guy right ahead of us?"

"Huh?" With the most confused look, she looked ahead to find Jasper walking straight towards her direction.

But just as she felt a sense of happiness, it quickly evaporated and changed to jealousy as she saw the person next to him.

"That's one pretty girly he got next to him," Harley grinned making Ivy frown.

"Fuck him!"

When you are in Gotham, you are bound to meet the heroes and villains from time to time.

But did I expect to run into the one I had a one night stand with this early? Especially when I wasn't even in Gotham at the moment?

Of course, not.

Especially when I was out in the open among this wild crowd.

"Pamela…" I greeted, a little awkward at seeing her after ignoring her texts and calls for so long, "Quite a surprise to meet you here."

She seemed absolutely furious, and if not for us being in a crowded place, she would have definitely latched out at me.

"Neither did I…" She didn't sound happy, especially with her eyeing Zatanna every few seconds, "But then again you haven't been taking my calls to know when and where we can meet."

Okay, she was angry.

"Your friend?" Zatanna asked with a curious smile.

"Uh, yeah. We met each other a few days after I came to Gotham."

Ivy had changed her appearance other than her hair to mix with the normal folks. Her green skin was changed to pale as she stood in front of us.

Not that she didn't have her powers, it was just makeup I believe.

And as for the one next to her, I knew exactly who it was.

A beautiful yet mischievous looking blonde wearing twin tales. Her dressing sense was quite dangerous with clothes that barely covered her privates.

Oh, I knew exactly who it was.

"You must be…" I asked, at which the girl grinned.

"Harleen Quinzel," She said, "Nice to meetcha! Peanut has told me a lot about you."

"Harleen!" Ivy was horrified at Harley casually revealing so much.

This made Zatanna look at me with  mischievous smile as well.

"I didn't know you made so many 'friends' in such a short period of time," She teased which almost made me roll my eyes.

But I knew that I had to explain the situation before it worsened.

"Well, Zatanna, this is Pamela Isley, a researcher that I met when looking for a place to stay. After talking for a while, we became friends," I then looked at the other woman, "And Pamela, this is Zatanna. My roommate. After finding a place to stay and realizing that it was way over our budget, we decided to split the rent and share the house."

I tried my best, "But that's how I met both of you."

But I knew that Pamela wasn't going to be happy with just that. But thankfully, Zatanna came to the rescue.

"Yeah, Jasper was a life saver. Thanks to him I have a decent place to live," She said, "But I think I noticed your number once on his phone when he was in the bathroom. It's interesting to meet you in person now."

I did not know when that happened, or even if it did happen.

"Well we just did some shopping, if you are free do you want to join us for some coffee?" She asked, "I know a great place nearby."

Pamela was still upset and was about to decline the offer, but Harley had different plans.

"Sure!" She said enthusiastically, "We would love that!"

Ivy didn't even get a say as all she could do was frown at Harley.

But thanks to the two of them, I had a chance to salvage the situation.

I will make sure to treat these two to something good later.

"Then let's go," I said with a smile, "What are we waiting for?"


[[A/N: Read 25+ chapters ahead on: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog]]