
DC: The Enchanter

Previously hailed as the mastermind, The Godfather, behind the world's most significant organization, now reduced to blend into the nameless multitude. Jasper Hughes is about to unleash a seismic shift, rocking the world of heroes and villains, as he ushers in a fresh era of power struggles, organized crime, faction formation, and corruption. "Greedy and corrupt, yet not harming the kind and helpful." "Unforgiving towards those who betray, lie and steal..." These mottos once propelled him to establish the world's most prominent organization and will undoubtedly guide him to triumph once more. This time, he possesses not only unparalleled knowledge and skills but also wields an incomprehensible power – The power of Enchantment. A power that will not make him the Godfather; but THE GOD. TAGS: Selfish Protagonist, Corrupt Protagonist, Superiority Complex, Smut, DC, Empire Building, Corruption, Hypocritical MC https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Guess Who?

Finding a job in Gotham was difficult.

Most people that worked in small businesses didn't get that many customers to keep themselves busy. Most of them spent time trying to attract customers and failing –leaving them with nothing but free time.

Most people in Gotham were either without a job or they had a job outside of Gotham. 

And thus unless you were a part of a big business or one of the public services like hospitals and law firms, you would be mostly left without anything to do.

"Chief, we have located the child," Gordon heard through the intercom, "We have successfully rescued her and are on our way."

But even more than the health care of Gotham, there was one department that was always busy, always at work and never seemed to be able to catch a break.

"Thank goodness," Gordon felt a breath of relief leaving him. Two days of straight sleepless nights and they were finally able to rescue the little girl.

Being in the police department was without a doubt the most hectic, dangerous and mind numbing job in Gotham.

And as the commissioner of Gotham, his job was even more draining than others.

Slowly relaxing his hands, he looked up and closed his eyes.

He felt relieved.

Theft, Robbery, Rape, Torture, Kidnapping and Murder were quite common in Gotham. It was an everyday phenomenon for most to hear about.

And Gordon was no different… If anything, he was more exposed to these things than the majority of the population.

However, that didn't mean he was desensitized to the point of not feeling anything about such cases. Instead, he always felt the pain whenever he had to witness such a case.

Especially cases such as today.

He had a daughter as well, so he could relate to how the parents must have felt to hear about their daughter's kidnapping. 

It resonated to him greater than most cases. 

He unlocked his phone, scrolling through his contacts to get to his favorites –specifically to the one whose name was on the top of that list.

Just to realize that the person left the call on voicemail.

"Hello, you've reached Barbara Gordon. I am sorry I cannot take the call at the moment but I promise to call once I am free. So, please leave your message after the tone and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Have a great day ahead!"

Sighing at the realization that she was busy, he decided to just leave a voicemail.

"Hey Babs," The one he called was his daughter, Barbara Gordon. "It's dad."

He wasn't able to talk to his family properly for the last two days because of the case.

"Just got done with this case," He said in a tired yet contented voice, "I will be home after clearing out a few documents at the office."

He wanted to be done with it all and just get back home, to his wife and daughter.

"I love you, sweety." He said, "And I miss you."

But as he was about to cut the call, he decided to add an extra question.

"Do you want to eat out tonight? We can–"

Sadly, he was unable to complete his question.


In the darkness, Gordan had been unable to notice the shadowy figure that manifested behind him, holding a piece of cloth clenched in their hand.

"He He He!"

In one swift and ruthless move, the figure lunged forward, covering Gordon's mouth with the cloth.

Jim Gordon tried his best to resist, but he quickly realized that it wasn't a simple cloth that was placed around him –but something that was laced with chemicals.

"Now now~" He heard a voice that sent shivers down his spine, "Don't be so scared, commissioner. It's just me, your goody old friend Joker~"

Gordon was horrified at the reveal, as the man behind him wasn't just any petty criminal. Panic flooded his eyes, as his body shuddered while the fabric's chemical payload started to take effect.

"Gahh!" He somehow was able to push the cloth a little away from his mouth, allowing him to talk, "W-Why are you h-here!"

Yet that was all that he could ask before the chemical fully came to affect his senses.

"Just for a surprise hehe!" The joker chuckled, "A surprise for the Bat!"

And with that, Gordan's mind slowly drifted into the darkness as his limbs went entirely numb.

Leaving nothing but a broken phone on the ground.


In just a few days, barely a month.

My name was all over Gotham. The heroes knew of me and kept me under their radar and the villains either liked me or they avoided me.

Now, I don't think that I was hated by the heroes –at least, not by all of them.

Nightwing seemed okay with me, although I know Green Arrow hates me.

Which… is understandable.

But yeah, one thing was for sure. I had gotten famous, a bit too much for my liking. However, I was aware that it was necessary if I wanted to succeed.

For now, I was enjoying a thick cup of latte while sitting opposite to a beautiful woman.

That beautiful woman being Ivy.

She had learnt to control the toxins in her body quite a lot after the first time I turned her powers off. And because of that, she was able to keep her skin tone to her human one rather than the green.

To put it simply, currently she was Pamela Isley and not Poison Ivy.

But that took a lot of effort and hence she only did that when she had to go out to another city –like Metropolis.

"Is this… Jasper Hughes?"

The sudden voice drew our attention. 

"I-I am Raymond Palmer." The man quickly introduced himself while tidying the clothes he was wearing.

I could see Ivy trying to figure out who he was before looking at me with an expression that asked, 'Were we expecting someone?'

After all, I didn't tell her that we were going to meet anyone today.

But this person just happened to be too important to ignore.

"Ah, just in time, Dr. Palmer." I decided to stand up before extending my hand. It never hurts to follow the common manners and etiquettes. "I was about to move out."

"Thank goodness," He breathed in relief, "I managed to arrive on time."

"Pamela," I said, aware that it was best to introduce them, "This is Dr. Raymond Palmer, a genius physicist and a man that I am hoping would work with me."

I then pointed at Ivy, "And Dr. Palmer, this is Dr. Pamela Isley, a botanist."

Palmer seemed shocked to see another person with a PhD, but well even I had forgotten that Ivy had a PhD before introducing them.

"Why don't you have a seat, Dr. Palmer?" I pointed at the empty seat next to us, "It's better to discuss these things over a cup of tea."

"Ah, sure." He said, quite nervous in my opinion.

Well, it makes sense. 

When looking for people, I thought of finding some scientists and researchers as well. They are always an asset when building a business or organization.

And while flipping through a few files that I managed to get my hands on, I found Raymond Palmer.

And guess how amazed I was to see that the Atom was not a part of the Justice League and was even suffering from multiple failures in life?

That was possibly a golden opportunity that was presented to me, one that I would have been considered an idiot for if I skipped.

"Thank you." He said, seemingly hopeful.

Oh well, he did have high hopes for the job.

Immediately ordering the waiter to bring him a cup of tea, I asked.

"So, I hope you had read the contents of the letter?" I put on a smile, one that I had perfected over the years of dealing in such businesses.

"I have," His face said it all. He was more than happy with the content, "But is that all true? $400,000 a year with free housing and other added benefits?"

I could understand him. It was too good to be true especially in a time where finding a job was proving to be a nightmare for many.

And four hundred grand was far higher than anything he could get just as a physicist. Besides, I gave him an additional eighty grand to draw his attention.

But I wasn't paying him to be a physicist.

"It is all true, but I hope you know why I am paying you such a high salary."

Truth be told, it wasn't high at all. Instead it was the bare minimum when you realize that I am paying the Atom and not Raymond.

But considering he had been jobless for a while and was rejected by hero organizations, he didn't have the same view as me.

"I have," He said, "And I am still unsure if I can be of much help to you. So, please think this through."

He had yet to experience what he was capable of and because of so many rejections, he had lost confidence in himself.

Because of this, he saw an offer that was decent at best to appear too good to be true.

He looked around before saying, "I have yet to master my skills so I am not sure if I can be of much use to you in that aspect."

"You can always improve," I said, "I don't just need Raymond Palmer, but The Atom with me as well. And vice versa."

Ivy didn't say much, as she knew that I was planning something.

"If you agree to support me with both those personas, I promise you that you will not feel unsatisfied with the payment and the benefits, Dr. Palmer."

"Are you certain?" He asked, a bit unsure of himself, "I think you are overestimating my capabilities."

"Of course, not." I assured, "I know what you are capable of. So, I hope that you can give me the chance to work together with you?"

For a second he thought about what to do, but ended up nodding.


Exactly the outcome I was looking for.

And thus, this made me look at Ivy before putting on a smirk that said –'Got Em!'

[Joker's nth Hideout, Gotham]

"Wakey Wakey Jimmy~"

Jim Gordon felt a sharp pain all around his head, echoing through his entire body.

"Ugh!" His vision was blurry, but he could make out his situation.

"Did you enjoy your princess sleep?" The crazed clown asked, grinning maniacally at the tied up commissioner.

Gordon slowly regained his senses, feeling the tightened straps around his feet and hands alongside a thin but sharp wire around his neck.

"If I were you, I wouldn't move much," The Joker said, "Jimmy~"

Jim had not been this nervous in a long time.

He felt fear… crippling fear surging through his body and mind. 

He wasn't afraid of death, he had signed a death waiver the moment he started working as a commissioner in Gotham. But he was well aware that being captured by Joker was a fate worse than death.

He had seen Joker ruining people, destroying their lives, dreams and hopes.

He had heard of tales worse than death.

He had heard of Jason Todd.

He had heard of how a hero was broken.

As for him? He was a mere commissioner in comparison.

"What do you want from me…" He asked, surprisingly finding himself with an unbound mouth.

"Owh~ Nothing from you, but everything from batman."

This made Gordon widen his eyes, he realized that he was being used as bait to draw out Batman.

"You won't get away with this…" He gritted his teeth, "Batman won't leave you unharmed."

Joker stared at Gordon for a second before bursting out laughing, "Batman hurting me? He will never!"

He laughed, deluded by his vision of Batman, "Bats and I are meant to be! We are never complete without one another, for him to be Batman –I, Joker has to exist."

His expression changed, "Oh, Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy! You are but only a part of my plan, just an attraction to draw out Batman! The real show will be bigger, much grander and something that you would never be able to guess!"

Jim couldn't even think of trying to get out, the sharp wire around his neck made it impossible for him to even move.

Jim wasn't worried about himself, but he was worried about his family. If something happened to him, Barbara would be left without a father and his wife would be widowed.

"W-What plan…" He asked, gritting his teeth.

This quest made the Joker elated.

"The plan! The plan of a Burning Bridge of Destiny!"

The plan that was going to be the catalyst for the shift of power between heroes and villains.


[[A/N: Read 25+ chapters ahead on:

https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog ]]