
DC: The Enchanter

Previously hailed as the mastermind, The Godfather, behind the world's most significant organization, now reduced to blend into the nameless multitude. Jasper Hughes is about to unleash a seismic shift, rocking the world of heroes and villains, as he ushers in a fresh era of power struggles, organized crime, faction formation, and corruption. "Greedy and corrupt, yet not harming the kind and helpful." "Unforgiving towards those who betray, lie and steal..." These mottos once propelled him to establish the world's most prominent organization and will undoubtedly guide him to triumph once more. This time, he possesses not only unparalleled knowledge and skills but also wields an incomprehensible power – The power of Enchantment. A power that will not make him the Godfather; but THE GOD. TAGS: Selfish Protagonist, Corrupt Protagonist, Superiority Complex, Smut, DC, Empire Building, Corruption, Hypocritical MC https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Curiosity Didn't Kill The Cat, Thankfully.

I might have gone a 'little' overboard while showing off. As Thorn was lying outside the ring with her eyes closed.

Closed as in 'unconscious' closed. She was out cold.

While, I pretty much broke a few lady bones, but that little display did manage to make the crowd happy.

And you would be surprised how apathetic someone can be towards a person in predicament, when they are presented with entertainment as a distraction.

They would ignore the poor person and rather cheer at the 'show' that was presented to them.

The same situation that was happening as we speak.

"Jasper!" "Jasper!" "Jasper!"

The crowd definitely got their money's worth as to them it was a free show.

To my surprise, Croc did not come down, instead he gave me a thumbs up before going back to enjoy his drink.

Well, I guess it shouldn't be surprising to him. He could have done the same if he wanted and he was already aware of what I was capable of because of the mission.

"L-Looks like our champion has been defeated," Despite the anchor trying his best to sound excited, I could see the pain in his eyes as he probably lost a lot of money because of me, "Make some noise for the new champion, JASPER HUGHES!"

Now, I didn't care about most of that, but it did feel good to be able to wipe the grins of the cocky folks.

Waving my hand at them, I decided to walk out of the ring. There was a certain woman whom I needed to talk to after all.

Giving the audience a smile, I made my way toward the woman who was responsible the whole fiasco.

"I hope you enjoyed the show," With a semi-flirtatious smile, I took the seat next to her. 

With a smile on her face, she said, "I didn't expect anything less from you," seemingly uncaring of the fact that I might be annoyed by her pulling such a stunt.

"I do hope that she is alright, though," She looked at the woman who was being carried to the nursing place.

"She is fine," I assured, "I might have used a bit too much strength but she shouldn't be too hurt."

I sure as hell hope so.

"She passed out from the punch," Selina said, amused at my statement, "I think that's more than being hurt."

"I mean she shouldn't have suffered from any serious injuries, right."

She stared, "Right? You are not sure?"

"Look," I sighed, "What do you want me to do? It wasn't me that planned this whole thing."

"Can you prove it?" She asked, aware that I was accusing her.

"Do you deny it?" I asked, at which she smiled.

"I don't." She said, "I do apologize if that triggered you too much. But I was curious about the new guy who seemed to have been the talk of the town lately."

"And it didn't have anything to do with Carol Ferris?" I asked, making her chuckle.

"You are quick to catch on," She smiled, "It does. But she isn't involved, she just told me about a guy that Penguin hired to protect her. But when I learnt that it was the same guy who made such a scene at my club recently, I couldn't help but test you for myself."

It does make a little sense but I had a certain question in mind, "Why specially a test of my physical capabilities?"

"That's because no one in Gotham had seen you take physical fights. I know you are a type of magic user as every record of you says you fight with magic or something similar to that." She explained.

And well she wasn't wrong, I never bothered to have a brawl with anyone in Gotham.

"Imagine my surprise when I heard Carol mention that you defeated Lady Shiva in hand-to-hand combat!" Her expression was filled with amazement. "In fact, I found that even more intriguing than your magic, considering that I too think of myself quite skilled in martial arts."

Catwoman didn't have superpowers. It was her fighting skills, flexibility and quick thinking that made her so popular.

"Besides, you were here in the club when I wasn't," She said, "So, I also missed your confrontation with Zsasz."

"How is that guy though?" Until now I hadn't looked into Zsasz –mostly because I didn't care.

However, I knew that if he was alive he would come for me. 

Not that he can do anything, but it still would be annoying.

"He went completely blind as both his eyes were melted off and is now in the mental asylum," She explained, "He did kill enough people to be deemed insane."

He deserved it. Losing his face and his eyes was still less than what he should be facing –but it was better than what the justice system would have given him. 

"How do you know Carol?" I finally asked.

"She and I go way back, when I was still active as a burglar. She loved flying and got into a crash once," She said, possibly reminiscing about the past, "I ended up saving her and then one thing led to another, and before we knew it… we ended up becoming quite good friends."

That was something I didn't expect. 

"I hope you can forgive me for being curious," She chuckled, but I didn't find it very funny.

"Forgiveness isn't without a price," I said, at which she smiled.

"How about free drinks for a month?"

Or well I can forgive her just this once.

Sitting on the rooftop of the Gotham City Hall, a man marked a certain character –a certain villain.

"Are you planning on finally killing him?" 

He heard a feminine voice, echoing behind him.

"You are more than capable of doing so," She said, "You know that right?"

"I left Batman with one last letter," He said, "One last chance to correct the mistake of ages ago."

The woman whose snow white hair blew with the wind, leaned onto the wall close to where the man sat.

"You think that the man that let the clown run around for so long, letting him kill innocents, assult the poor and even torture his son… would kill that clown?" She asked, baffled by the thought that the man was even considering giving Batman another chance.

"I know," He said, "I know he will not do anything. But maybe it is to satisfy my own heart that I did that."

"You will only end up hurting yourself more," She stared at the smoke filled roads of Gotham, "Just like my father ended up breaking my heart."

The two stared at the crime riddled city for a while, before the woman spoke again.

"Did you hear about the new guy?" She asked, "The one that took over Scarecrow's place."

The man nodded, "I have. But I haven't seen him hurting the innocent yet."

"No," She shook her head, "That's not why I brought him up."

This made the man curious.

"The place he has occupied is right next to one of the Joker's many hideouts. And from what I heard… Joker is trying to occupy Scarecrow's place as well," She said, surprising him.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know," The woman shrugged, "But I do know that it might lead to a major clash between the clown and the newbie."

The man went silent, contemplating if he should intervene.

"No matter what you decide to do," She walked towards him, before wrapping her hands around him, "I will support you. I owe you my life, Jason."

Jason Todd, the Red Hood removed his mask, keeping his gaze fixated on Gotham streets.

"We might have to take action soon, Rose," He said, "I have this inkling of a feeling that there will be chaos in here soon."

Chaos that will weed out a certain few people from Gotham. 


[[A/N: Read 25+ chapters ahead on:

