
DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)

Well, if I had plans for a wild adventure, this wasn’t what I had in mind. One moment I’m crashing on the couch, thumbing through my dog-eared DC Comics collection, and the next... Boom! I’m smack dab in the middle of Metropolis, and let me tell you, it's not the Metropolis you see on postcards. Imagine, the skyscrapers you dream about from movies and comics, now they're crumbling. Flashing lights and explosions paint the skyline. No, it's not some fancy holographic display; this is real, alarmingly real. There I was, regular old me, standing in all my awkwardness in a city under siege by god-knows-what-and-who. Superman is up there, cape fluttering and all, throwing down with these ominous-looking entities. And me? I'm over here, equal parts stunned and terrified. As debris rains down like a disaster movie on steroids, I’m diving for cover behind a partially collapsed building. The dusty, shredded pages of my comic collection flutter around me, a stark contrast to this gritty, chaotic reality. Then, out of nowhere, this shimmering interface pops up, hanging in the air like a neon sign in Times Square. It’s like some cosmic computer screen offering me options like I’m about to pick a new phone plan. I poke at it because what else do you do when you’re yanked from your comfy world and dropped into a super-powered showdown? The thing offers guidance, quests, and, get this, points. Points! Like I’m suddenly part of some cosmic rewards program. So here I am, taking cover, trying not to stick out like a sore thumb in my jeans and old band t-shirt, while navigating an interface that might as well be from a sci-fi flick. “Welcome to the Universal Network System,” it says. And I’m thinking, “Yeah, thanks for the warm welcome, but can I get a ticket back to my couch?”

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Handling Business #76

Stepping into Livewire's studio, I was greeted by a crackling bolt of electricity that narrowly missed my head. "Is that any way to welcome your boss?" I quipped, dodging the stray arc with a raised eyebrow.

Livewire shot me a defiant glare, her hand crackling with energy. "You're not my boss, Micah," she retorted, her tone tinged with defiance. "If anything, I should be calling the shots around here."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her bravado. "Sure, boss lady, if you can offer me the same things I've given you," I teased, listing off her newfound freedom, a studio, and a chance at stardom.

With an eye roll, Livewire brushed off my comment. "Fine, whatever," she muttered, clearly unimpressed. "But seriously, where have you been?" she demanded, crossing her arms expectantly.

"Here and there, you know how it is," I replied casually, flashing her a grin. "But enough about me. How's my superstar doing? Keeping on the straight and narrow?" I inquired, giving her a pointed look.

Livewire rolled her eyes at my comment. "If you consider hacking into social networks to boost my show as staying on the straight and narrow, then sure," she retorted with a casual shrug. "But besides that, everything's running smoothly," she added, a hint of pride in her voice.

Chuckling, I leaned back, unfazed. "Hey, as long as nobody's getting hurt and you're not getting caught, it's fair game," I remarked, waving off any concerns. "Besides, it's not like we're not investing in promotions anyway. You're just taking matters into your own hands," I pointed out.

Livewire nodded in agreement. "Exactly," she confirmed, eyeing me curiously. "But seriously, what's with the new look? You've changed a lot since I last saw you," she observed, taking note of my altered appearance.

With a nonchalant shrug, I downplayed it. "Oh, nothing major. Just a little underwater skirmish at the bottom of the sea," I replied casually. "But why the sudden interest in my appearance? Starting to fall for me?" I teased, raising an eyebrow playfully.

Livewire shot me a mischievous grin and took a step closer. "Maybe I am," she teased back, lightly tracing her finger over my chest. "You're kinda of my type now..." she said, her tone playful.

I chuckled and gently pushed her hand away. "Careful now, that's bordering on sexual harassment-- you don't want me calling HR, do you?" I quipped with a smirk. 

"You're no fun," Livewire said in a pouty tone. "But seriously, did you just want to flirt, or is there something important you want to discuss?" She asked, getting down to business as she sat behind her desk.

"Bit of both," I admitted, taking a seat. "Your talk show's been great with you yapping about this and that and all, but we need to think about shaking things up before it gets stale," I suggested, shooting her a meaningful look.

Livewire shot me a skeptical look. "Seriously? You think my electrifying presence isn't enough to keep the audience engaged?" she retorted, her tone tinged with disbelief. I maintained my pointed gaze, waiting for her to come around.

Eventually, she relented with a sigh. "Okay, okay, I'll admit, I'm starting to run out of material. And trash-talking Superman after he vouched for me just feels wrong," she admitted begrudgingly, her tone tinged with resignation.

Nodding in understanding, I suggested an alternative. "Ever thought about having guests on the show?" I proposed. 

Livewire's expression shifted to one of disdain. "Oh, please. I've had requests pouring in from every Tom, Dick, and Harry wanting a spot on the show...." she explained. 

"But it's all just a bunch of suits trying to promote their stuff or the occasional celebrity plugging their latest movie. Nothing remotely interesting," Livewire dismissed with a scoff.

"Well, we'll just have to find an intriguing guest to shake things up, won't we?" I countered, a glint of excitement in my eyes. Livewire's expression softened, indicating she was considering the idea. 

"I already have a couple of people in mind, but it's too early to announce anything," I revealed. "In the meantime, we need to hype up this mystery guest in the upcoming episodes so we can deliver a spectacular reveal when the time comes," I concluded with a grin, eager to see how she'd react.

"I'm guessing you won't tell me who to expect even if I ask?" Livewire queried, a frown etching her brow. I responded with a nonchalant shrug. "Acting all mysterious... seriously, you're not impressing anyone," she remarked, her irritation evident.

I grinned at her reaction. "But why the hell not-- trusting you has brought me this far, so I'll leave it to you. You better not disappoint," she warned, her tone laced with a glare.

Chuckling, I assured her, "I wouldn't dare." Standing up from my seat, I stretched casually. "I've still got some business to tend to and people to visit, so I'll take my leave," I announced, making my way towards the exit.

Livewire didn't bother to see me out. "Don't let the door hit you on your way out!" she quipped, a hint of amusement in her voice.


As the gates of the Wayne mansion swung open, I was greeted by Alfred Pennyworth, standing at the door with a quizzical expression. "Welcome, young friend. Pray tell, who might you be, and how did you find yourself here?" he inquired, his demeanor tinged with suspicion.

I flashed a grin, trying to jog his memory. "I actually gave you a heads-up before arriving... don't you remember me?" I prompted, arching an eyebrow at his puzzled expression. 

"We crossed paths some time back in that place down under, remember? I'm the chap with the rat..." I continued, gesturing towards Rattigan, who peeked out from behind my shoulder and gave Alfred a friendly wave.

Recognition flickered across Alfred's face. "Ah, Mr. Foster," he acknowledged, nodding in realization. "My apologies for the oversight... you've undergone quite the transformation," he remarked, eyeing me with curiosity.

"Yeah, well, I've been hearing that a lot lately," I quipped, chuckling at the observation. "Anyway, is Bruce around?" I interjected, steering the conversation.

Alfred nodded. "Indeed, he is," he confirmed, stepping aside to usher me in. "Please, do come in. Allow me to escort you to Master Bruce," he offered, gesturing for me to follow him inside.

After a brief stroll through the Wayne mansion's labyrinthine halls, I finally arrived at the reception hall. There, I found Bruce Wayne seated comfortably in an elegant chair, surrounded by an array of snacks and steaming beverages on a nearby table.

Alfred, the ever-gracious butler, announced his departure with a promise of refreshments. "I'll leave you here to chat with Master Bruce at your leisure. Excuse me," he said before vanishing into the mansion's depths without waiting for a response.

Bruce acknowledged my presence with a nod. "You're early. Take a seat," he invited, gesturing to an empty chair nearby. I complied, settling into the seat with a smirk.

"Shouldn't you be asking who I am and why I'm here?" I teased, raising an eyebrow. Bruce's lips curled into a knowing smile.

"Your appearance may have changed, but the way you speak and carry yourself haven't," he remarked coolly. "Besides, Alfred wouldn't allow just anyone to wander in without my consent," he added, waving off any concerns.

I let out a sigh, feigning exasperation. "Of course... the world's greatest detective, how could I forget?" I remarked, rolling my eyes in mock disbelief.

With a subtle yet unmistakable smirk, Bruce Wayne assumed his persona as he glanced at me, swiftly transitioning from casual conversation to more pressing matters. "So, what brings you to my humble abode? Are you ready to take the reins of our little project?" he inquired, his tone carrying a hint of seriousness.

"Not until I have the capital to buy it from you," I replied, shaking my head. "But I did come with a business proposal," I continued, a spark of excitement evident in my voice.

Bruce's interest piqued as he raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what might that be?" he asked, leaning forward slightly in anticipation.

With a mischievous grin, I reached into my inner pocket. "A universal cure for cancer," I announced, presenting a small bottle of pills without labels. "I can't hog all the glory to myself, so I thought I'd share," I added with a chuckle, tossing the bottle to Bruce.

He caught it effortlessly, inspecting the contents with a thoughtful expression. "Very well," he replied simply, much to my surprise.

"Aren't you going to question the efficacy of these pills? Or inquire about why I brought them to you?" I asked, eyebrows raised in disbelief.

Bruce chuckled lightly, his demeanor unperturbed. "Naturally, my team will conduct tests on these pills. There's no point in questioning their effectiveness when we can simply verify it," he explained, a hint of amusement in his tone. "And I trust that you wouldn't bring a counterfeit product to me. You know how cautious I can be..." he added with a shake of his head.