
DC: Son of Satan

Hades Morningstar, Son of the Devil, and Prince of Hell... this is my story

Fanfiction_Fanatic · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Spawn of the Devil

Lucifer Morningstar, King of Hell and God of the Underworld, he's spent billions of years governing over his many affairs and duties.

But even a god needs to let loose eventually, after not leaving his domain for half a billion years, he gets "forced" by his friends on Olympus to attend a party they hold every hundred years.

Many Gods and Goddesses came to this party, from a multitude of different pantheons and backgrounds.

The one that caught the eye of Lucifer was perhaps the most mysterious. Nyx, the Goddess of the Night, and many other things.

Her elusive persona, piercing gaze, and smile that sent shivers down his spine caused him to want her attention even more.

Approaching her felt like a test, every step seemed to add pressure onto his shoulders but the reward seemed all the greater.

As he stands in front of her, sweat on his forehead and panting heavily, she beams a smile at him that seems to rejuvenate him.

The party continues to light up the night sky as they enjoy each other's company, they had many dates that ended with nights of heat and love.

It wasn't long before they proclaimed their love for one another and gained the forgiveness and acceptance of his father, God.

She became his queen and would eventually become the mother of his children.

She didn't just live in comfort while he controlled his domains, she was the Goddess of Night, illness, suffering, dreams, misfortunes, quarrels, war, murder, sleep, and death.

Spending her time wastefully was not her style, despite what many believed, she was very hands-on and took charge of many things around her.

Millions of years passed, and they had many discussions about having a child, they had many reasons not to, since having a child that would have both their powers combined would be devastating should the child become evil.

But they accepted that it's part of being a parent. with the blessing of fertility from Demeter for a safe birth.

They created another domain, a private plane of existence where their son could grow and be raised without fear of his blowing up the world by throwing a tantrum.

Of course, they planned to let him be visited by the other gods, they didn't want him growing up to be anti-social and distant.

Their son was a late birth, almost a full year went by before he decided that he wanted to come out of his mother's womb.

Born with pitch-black hair, bright yellow eyes, and chubby cheeks, he was truly an adorable child.

Upon his birth, he was granted a blessing from many of the more powerful gods, such as, Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Athena, What surprised everyone was when the brothers of Lucifer arrived.

The Archangels arrived from above, using their wings to carry them through the sky, Upon landing, all seven of them ignored their brother and stood around the crib where the sleeping child was kept.

After a few moments, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Saraqael, Raguel, and Remiel all looked towards Lucifer, "We may not be on the best of terms but your son is a member of our family, he will be accepted with open arms"

Before another word can be spoken, they all point towards the child, and beams of light flow from them and into the newborn.

Everyone knew what this meant, this child had the blessing and protection of Heaven itself.

After many tries and many failures, they decided to name him, Hades, after the god that was lost during the great battle between the Old Gods and Cronus.

Once they revealed the name of their son, it brought joyful tears to the eyes of the many gods of Olympus before they rejoiced.

Raising Hades brought joy, stress, laughter, and endless surprises, much like any parenthood.

The biggest surprise was during one outing when Hades turned a year old, they visited Heaven to see his uncles.

Why was this surprising even though everyone was staring at Lucifer? Hades couldn't take his eyes from the shiny golden sword on Michael's waist.

Waddling over to it with the occasional stumble, he touches the sword before making his father laugh as he begins to lick and chew on it like any teething child.

Michael immediately snatches the sword away but in doing this, he accidentally shoved the boy backwards, making him fall awkwardly.

As he sat up, tears started welling in his eyes, immediately, as if it was a state of emergency, his parents tried to silence his sadness.

But as he eventually cried, the walls of Heaven shook, the day became night, volcanoes erupted, and natural disasters appeared throughout the planet.

No matter what his parents did, they couldn't get the boy to stop crying until Nyx had an idea.

She picked up the boy and thrusted him into the arms of the shocked Michael.

Almost immediately, the boy snuggled into his neck and stopped crying.

The gods let out a sigh of relief, but everyone was now staring in disbelief.

The Archangel that always had a stick up his ass and never knew anything about children was rubbing his back gently with a smile.

It was clear to them that he didn't even know that he was doing it and it was purely on instinct but they now knew of the special connection the boy had with his uncle.

After this incident, the family returned to the boy's hidden and safe plane of existence.

A couple of years passed by, Michael and Athena were named the boy's godparents.

As a god, Hades was expected to learn quickly, but he learned quicker than most, by the time he was five, he unlocked many smaller powers but he had finally gotten his first godly one, Omni-Magic, The power to possess absolutely every type of magic.

He had a minimal amount of control over his abilities, sometimes, there would be outbursts due to his emotions but thanks to his new level of control, they were never big enough to destroy a planet.

He was mischievous as a child, often playing harmless pranks on the gods of Olympus, they enjoyed his antics, being immortal can be boring but having an adorable nephew keeps things interesting.

But the time for constant games and fun was over and he was surprisingly fine with that, his family decided it was time for him to learn about the world, universe, basic studies, war, politics, etc.

Each god and goddess of Olympus taught him several things each.

Poseidon took him to Atlantis, taught him to use water-based magic, command sea animals, and wield a trident in battle.

Zeus taught him politics, air/weather/lightning-based powers, and internal affairs.

Michael taught him about war, tactics, and army-building.

As the years passed, he learned more and more things from the many other gods, until he turned ten and had to make the decision he's been waiting for.

As his parents and godparents follow him into a room, his eyes sparkle with joy and his mouth hangs wide open, causing his family to laugh.

The Arsenal of Heaven, a room where the walls and shelves are filled with powerful godly weapons,

God interrupts his joyfulness, "Today, you choose a weapon that you will use for your entire life, choose wisely and not just because something looks cool"

Athena interjects, "Think about the kind of god you want to be and choose accordingly"

Walking through the massive hall, he lets his fingertips touch each of the weapons.

Many weapons catch his eye, a sonic screwdriver, a single golden glove with six jewels in it, a strange-looking fruit was a tag on it that says [Devil Fruit].

But as he comes to the end of the room, his eyes glue themselves to a pair of red daggers, the hand and child are made from obsidian, carved to look like dragons while the blade is the flaming hot breath.

The blades burn as hot as newborn suns, satisfied with his choice, he sheathes one on each side of his waist.

"I want this", his choice causes them to smile.

Zeus kneels, "This was my brother's weapon before he died, you have his name, you should have his weapon"

As they enter the main room, he is greeted by his parents once again, "are you ready?"

Lucifer, his father, was talking about their discussion from the night before, he would go to Earth by himself and see both good and evil with his own eyes.

It was a test and a command by his parents, he needed to experience the harshness and benevolence of Humanity.

He would spend four years as a villain in Gotham then four years as a hero in Metropolis.

He was forbidden from joining any groups, revealing his origins and godhood.

How would he hide his identity? easy, he merely shapeshifted different aspects of his appearance.

Now, his hair was brown, his eyes were blue, and he stood at 6'0ft.

With a hug from each of his family members, he teleports himself away, appearing in the night sky above Gotham.

His first words describing the city couldn't be more true, "Damn, what a shithole"