

An author found himself in a universe with a certain watch that needs a manual book for him to use it. "Wait. Where is Swampfire? Cannonbolt? I do not recognise these guys?!"

EMIYASENDOU7 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs



"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This is your New York Daily News Channel. Today, we are going to talk about the recent sight of some creatures which seems to be rescuing some of the unfortunate incidents from being injured badly."

In the early morning where I am eating cereal, a large amount of it in a fairly large bowl than a normal bowl.

"At least my popularity in this word now start to rise albeit now I am thinking thither they are thinking I am a menace or not." I thought in my head while munching the cereal.

"Is New York finally have it's like Metropolis who has the Man of Steel, Superman himself as a guardian angel in that city, Gotham who has it's own Dark Knight who take criminals during the night and Central City, where the Scarlet Speedster zoom through the city searching for any crimes to be solved.

With the crime rates of New York keep increasing little by little with many sighs of metahuman, the evil ones frequently being sighted in our city, creating chaos everywhere making the police have a hard time to arrest them.

But now with the clearance, if these creatures, maybe New York will have its protectors or maybe not. Maybe these creatures are bad who just pretend they are good? Or they are kind ones. You decide them." She speaks as I turn off my television knowing right now, my popularity as the alien hero will be known to the whole world.

Which is not okay since now many people will start to lay attention to me and it is only a matter of time for people to figure out all the lines hero has the same symbol on their body.

Meh, not like I care since nothing can separate me from my beloved Omnitrix. And my hero suit is almost done which is good since I need to stretch my human body too rather keep using my alien form patrolling the city.

Speaking of Omnitrix, my alien right now has increased by 2 as right now the total number of an alien in the Omnitrix is 13.

Which mean more training time with these aliens in my base, the abandoned apartment building.

Stretching my arm while cracking my neck, I start to wear along with black pant with a white shirt and wears a pair of sports shoes since right now, it is time for me to train my human body.

Exercising is always the thing I love after playing games watching anime since it inspired me to maybe become strong like Saitama or the real fact is just to keep me healthy.

Remembering how Batman's diet and training regime, I try to aim that as I use it smartest alien to calculate the possibility and cons getting that kind which ends with me maybe get his body albeit slightly weaker but hey, baby steps.

That is why I right now am searching a place or rather a building that mostly will be used by me alone to you know, get things done there.

A place where I can do that kind of exercises since if I do that in the gymnasium, it will cause attraction by some people there.

Secrecy is important in this world where the government literally may or may not know the real identity of the heroes and villains, I think since in the Justice League unlimited, that Amanda Waller knows the real identity of Batman, which is Brice Wayne.

My fighting styles should just be a brawl one where I just lash out my enemy with many punches and kicks, in a dirty way if had to since I think, that will suit me.

My financial is not bad since mostly my dead parent left me 20 million dollars and with me trade-in stocks of the famous company in the world and do some trading like in my previous world, I can say money is no longer my biggest issue right now.

Sprinting for about 30 minutes make name lose my breath as I keep pushing my limit, and urges my body to do it remembering how powerful and dangerous some being in this world that makes Thanos pale in comparison.

"Yup. Gonna search for a building for my need after this." I thought in my head while taking a rest in a park.

Sitting in this park which has a lot of people doing many activities with their families make a bit sad knowing I am alone in this world but then again, it is also not a bad thing knowing some villains or government agents especially that Amanda will make my family as some kind of hostage for me to heed his, her or it demand.

Yeah, fuck that. Luckily they did not have to if they do, well, let just hope I am able to hack the Omnitrix for me to just unlock Alien X and erase this damn universe.

Fortunately, I did not have to do that.

Taking a deep breath while enjoying the wind breeze that hit my face, I enjoy this peace knowing nothing right now can disturb this moment right now.

Shit, I jinx myself right there right?

Sound of the helicopter can be heard but everyone can see smoke come from the pilot as everyone right now takes covers and walk to somewhere safe seeing the uncontrolled flying vehicle keep going back and front with it spin full 360 degrees for a few times.

The passenger and the pilot are trying their best to control it but failed.

"Okay. Hero time, I guess." I enter the toilet and approach a room as I felt glad knowing the security cameras in this toilet just has broken down based on the technician who just runs for his safety with no light can be seen from it.

Twisting the face of the Omnitrix, the dial popped up revealing a hologram of Heatblast making me spin it one more revealing a flying alien, the only one I have.

Heatblast already used by me, the same goes for Blitzwolfer and Spidermonkey so a new alien, especially the once can fly is needed here.

Slapping down my wrist onto the watch, a green flash engulfs me as my skin turns red. Three large gills on each side of my ribcage and stretches my arms, which become thinner and longer. On both hands, the index and middle finger merge, as well as the ring finger with the little one. My feet split into two toes, with a third toe-like extension growing on his ankles. Right below me is a tail that sparks with green energy on its tip. My head shape changes and his nose and eyebrows turn yellow, as they extend to form his horns. My green glowing eyes open and spark with green energy, as I smile. Two black lines that have a thunderbolt design emerge from his shoulders and end up on his chest, where the Omnitrix symbol pops out.

"Jetray!" I announce as I quickly sped out from the toilet.

"There. I need to act fast." Zooming straight into the helicopter, the door of the helicopter already open slightly as I push it revealing a female reporter, the one who just reported me this morning.

"T. Vale." That is her nametag shown.

"The alien hero." She mutters as the camera point his camera toward me.

"You guys need to bail out of here right now or you will be dead," I tell them as I grab both reporter and cameraman, but my body then flies out from inside the helicopter as I land down on the park.

"Go somewhere safe quickly. I am going to grab the pilot." I tell them as my body fly back to the helicopter which now almost fell to the ground as I dash into the flying vehicle as I see the pilot has fire on his cloth as my hand already grab him, with me quickly toy out from the helicopter that has just crash to the ground.

"Hold on. I am going to erase that fire." I feed him for a second and then used my legs to grab his shoulder, flying him near a water fountain as I lower him, to the point the water hit the fire, as the man retracts his hand which keep hitting the fire as he attempts to eradicate it.

I freed him as he lands in the ground with him looking at me.

"Thank you." He thanks me as I smile hearing that. At least he is not hostile toward me even though I rescued him.

"You are welcome," I replied as I then go toward the fallen helicopter which is now creating smoke as I ponder how to erase it.

"Hope this work." Spotting nearby trash in which has 2 huge water bottle, I grab them and filled them up using the water from the water fountain, then fly back toward the helicopter and pour them down toward the fire as I hold my breath as the smoke hit my face.

Seeing my effort paid as the fire is not big but is still there reported the same action as the fire now has been diminished by me as I throw these water bottle back toward the same trash bin I pick them up.

The female reporter that I resumed like with the camera approaches me who is on the air above them.

"Mr Alien, can you give us some time for an interview?" She asks me politely as I stare at her while in my head, I am deciding whether to accept it or not.

"Let's just accept it shall we. Nothing harm will happen if I get interviewed." I land down near them.

"Sure," I replied with a polite smile. as the female reporter feels very happy hearing my response.

"This is Tanya Vale from your New York Daily News Channel. Today, we have another alien hero who just rescued me and my crew as our helicopter goes haywire just now." She said toward the camera as I calm my self since any time right now, I have to answer her question.

"So, what should I call you?" She suddenly asks me as my mouth response to her question with my current alien form name.

"Jetray," I replied.

"Are you an alien? Like Superman and Martian, Manhunter?" She asks me.

"Yes," I replied.

"May I know what are your intentions on this planet?" She asks me a question again.

"To become a hero," I replied simply.

"Is Superman the reason you want to become a hero? Like a fellow alien." She said to me.

"No. I want to become a hero due to me want to help people in trouble. And no, Superman is not the reason I want to become a hero." I answered but then my eyes sees smoke coming from the town.

"Excuse me, but I need to go right now," I said to them and hover myself on the air.

"Wait a second. We are not finished interviewing you, Jetray." She called out to me.

"Sorry Miss, but if you look at the city, you will notice smoke on the air. Which mean someone needed help." I tell her as my body fly toward the city as my mind now is thinking whether or not to change into another alien.

"Nah. Not worth it. I will just use the same technique again." I thought in my head as an apartment building is now on fire with the firemen already arrived, which mean I did not have to search for any water source until I notice a man, where I can say his age is nd 40 with him is on the roof who has that regret face and a depressing aura around him.

"Gosh, is he going to kill himself up there?"

"Just calm down sir. We are going to get you down here." A fireman shout toward the man who I think did not even hear it as he slowly approaches the edge of the building.

No sign of him stop walking despite the shouts of the firemen with many people now is fearing for the worst, which make them think the man is about to commit suicide.

"Sir!Stop!" One fireman shouted desperately as other firemen quickly urge the civilians to back away.

The middle-aged man now is a step away from falling off from the building and with the height of this apartment building which I can say is about 40 feet which mean, if nothing can cover his fell, the chance of him to be paralysed for his entire lie or the worse, death is high.

Without hesitation, he jumped from the roof with him already closed his eyes as he seems to be accepting his fate to die by committing suicide.

I, my whole life never see someone, commit suicide. I just heard the news about some people commit suicide.

Of course, there is the various reason why they commented suicide. For example, debt, stress from overworking, divorce or they have given up on their life.

I fly toward him and catches him with my hand as both of us slowly land down on the ground but just a few feet away from the ground, he opens his eyes with him seems to struggle under my grasp.

"Why? Why the fuck did you save me huh?! You damn freak!" He tries to punch me but I drop him on the ground with him fell on the hit that makes him wince in pain.

"Hey! Snap out of it already." I shout to him as he seems to not heard me with him right now is trying to choke himself by tightening his grip on his throat but both my arm pin his arm on the ground.

"Man. Calm down, will you?" I ask him as he keeps struggles to free his arm from my grip.

"Why don't you end me right now alien?" He asks me as I look at him raising my eyebrows hearing his demand.

"Are you crazy or drunk?" I ask him as his hand keep trying to shake off my grips.

"J-just let me die will you?" He asks me as tears start to pour out from his eyes.

"What happens?" I ask him in a soft tone.

"I-It's that damn c-clown. My daughter. He works as a bank receptionist at Gotham City. She works there for about 5 months. She lives in an apartment that has good security. No boyfriend yet even though I ask her to find one. S-she always visit me at the weekend even though I told her not to. But she insists to visit me. I live alone in this city. My beloved wife died when my daughter graduate from university. She died not because of cancer but because of a villain named Metallo. She just wants to surprise me with a chocolate cake but the next thing she knew, many building debris fell on her and I sees her just seconds after she died at the Metropolis hospital."

The man monologued as I keep quiet, letting this poor man let out all his same feelings as the other citizens, firemen and reporters pity hearing his stories.

"Her death hit me and my daughter very hard but she, Fara, my daughter is strong. She keeps moving on with her urging on me to move on too. It is hard when I cannot hear my beloved wife voice again in my living place. I cannot taste her cooking any more. But my daughter every day will urge me to move on and even said to me that my late wife will be sad seeing me always sulking like that.

I manage to move on after all I have my daughter. But tragedy strike again. It happens yesterday. That damn shit clown barges in and takes her and the tiers as a hostage. My heart shook when the Joker suddenly injects her with his venom that makes my daughter goes crazy. Batman arrives and rescues the day but it happened.

My daughter suddenly ran in front of that clown goon who releases a shot toward Batman, and the bullet pierces, killing her." The man ended his speech as I keep quiet like the feeling of sadness overwhelmed me hearing his story.

Of course, I know about that story when I read the newspaper from another city but I never expect for his daughter is the one who died.

The memory of the died woman I met in the previous days make me know this world, is not the happy go lucky world that the villain spares the hostage and monologue their evil plan like the villains in the Ben series.

The villains in this world are the real villains. They will strike suddenly to you and will use many tricks to keep the heroes from approaching them.

Taking hostages, especially some innocent bystanders who did not make the villain angry is a routine here.

I start to remember how many people died when Superman and Zod clashes despite many people avert their eyes when reading the number of people that died.

Even though the number did not reach 2 digits, but people died.

I look at his eyes who has lost his will to live and for the first time, I did not know what to do. Despite having the Omnitrix, the watch that gives some limitless potential, my mind goes blank as I never encountered this kind of confrontation when I decide to become a hero.

"Kids should not become a hero. Leave this kind to the adult. Become one when you become a mature person." I always hated when I read that kind of statement when a teen or kid superhero tries to become a hero but then again, they are true.

When there are light, there will be dark. Everyone knows that.

When you become a hero, you will bear a huge responsibility where people will depend on you to rescue them.

Like this person, he will hope for the hero to somehow rescue her daughter for her to visit him again in the weekend.

But now, she no longer will visit him at the weekend again.

My grip on him become loose as I started at him who has dried tears on his face

"I-I do not know how to say about that sir," I said to him as I take a deep breath remembering what I shall do and said to him, after all, I for once, know about his feelings as "I" in this world similarly lose my parent due to some terrorist has the brilliant idea to hijack my parent in this world and you know, one is smart enough to shot both pilots sending the aeroplane to crash in the sea.

Memories of the previous "me" grieves for his parent resurface when he sees his parent corpse. Taking a deep breath, I release a sigh as I know what I must need to do right now.

"But one thing I know, she will not like you if she sees you like this sir," I said to him as I pull him to stand up as my eyes met him.

"Remember sir. You are not the only one who also lost someone precious." I tell him as he looks at my eyes.

"What you are doing right now is something that makes both of your daughter and wife sad. No matter how hard and sad your current situation is, you must learn to move on. Just do something that makes you happy. You must learn to live without them. No matter how much you miss their touch and words. No matter how sad you are when you cannot see them anymore. No matter how much you grieve them, they will not return to you back. Live for them, sir. That is all I can say to you." My body hovers in the air as he seems to be staring on the ground.

"Life may be not fair but at least you have some good memories you treasure in yourselves to remind you they will always be in your heart and mind," I then fly away after delivering that speech.


"Life may be not fair but at least you have some good memories you treasure in yourselves to remind you they will always be in your heart and mind," I then fly away after delivering that speech." The speech from Jetray sounded in all the television in all the news.

"This is the speech that is delivered by New York's newest hero who is named Jetray. This speech now has become popular with many people who spread the speeches. Everyone agrees with what he delivers and due to his speech, Mr Trent Sergy, who attempt to suicide due to some unfortunate incident that fell upon him shake away the idea with him now is placed in the hospital to get some treatment for his mind.

One thing for sure, New York has officially called the alien hero as their city hero due to the majority of citizens positive statement toward their hero.

But one question remains, are all these creatures are on our side or they all just act kindly to gain our trust? I am Tanya Vale from the New York Daily News Channel."