

An author found himself in a universe with a certain watch that needs a manual book for him to use it. "Wait. Where is Swampfire? Cannonbolt? I do not recognise these guys?!"

EMIYASENDOU7 · Anime & Comics
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"Urghh. This sucks." I am now writing an essay, titled "What I Do In My Free Time?", not less than 500 words and more than 250 words.

Luckily, as an author, I pride myself for finishing the essay in 30 minutes and double-checked it for any spelling errors, since that is mainly the reason why mostly essay's marks got reduced.

I am now doing it while listening to the news about regular stuff. Reporting about sports, economic, entertainment and lastly heroes defeat villains stuff.

And know this? My action last night get the attention as in the social media that mostly focus on New York City has many pictures of Blitzwolfer in actions.

Some said that I am a werewolf which leads them to an argument where some people say I am a metahuman who jas the ability to become a werewolf.

Of course, the group who call me werewolf are fans of mythical creatures as they keep posting history or should I say their fan-made pictures of a man turn into a werewolf.

Yeah, sometimes they go over a little board as I did not bother to reply to them even though I want to since I want to troll them but sadly no, I do not want to.

" Hhmmm. I need to sketch a hero suit for me. I will just base it on. Rook's Proto Tech armour, but I want it in black.

But for I successfully need to build my hero suit, I need material and buy many types of leather clothes with Kevlar for it to mix to create that suit.

Maybe adding a good and eye mask, or a visor to gives an enhance eyesight and my prime weapon, Proto Tool that surely can act exactly like Rook's Proto Tool do.

But that equipment is made by Galvan, or Ben 10 fans know the alien by Grey Matter, a super intelligence alien that helped Plumbers created tech that makes them able to goes toe with taking with an opponent and bad aliens without the help of Ben Tennyson does.

If they did not have that kind of tech, Ben Tennyson will not even have the time to sleep as he must keep helping the Plumbers taking down those bad aliens and criminals.

"Hmm. Maybe, I should start it from basic. I need to actually get a real shotgun or maybe I don't have to. Considering out of 11 aliens I have, I have Galvanic Mechamorph, or should I say Upgrade. Hmm, it can merge with technology so maybe, I do not have actually to have a real shotgun. It will be so suspicious. But then again, I may need it to " Upgrade" to become Proto Tool. Then a crossbow, net, katana or blade with a mini rocket launcher. So much thing to do, but let's first to axially stick using my alien forms."

Processing to take out my laptop, I take a peek at the trade I do as I see I now have 5000$ making me know that even in this life, my skill in trading is still the same.

"Hmm. I need to buy some of the recent gadgets such as a hidden camera, many of them and a laptop. Having a laptop will make me lose my sadness of becoming a live streamer in my last life. It also can kill my boredom. Now back to my current body, should I just do Saitama's training but double them.

Yeah, let's just do that, at least this body is not scrawny and I am not fat, just your normal average body. I need to buy a weighted best to increase met endurance. And maybe some smartphone to connect it to my smartphone for me to listen to some songs when I do my exercise. Hmm, I can buy them at Best Buy and Fitness Shop."

Walling to my kitchen, I friend 3 eggs as a plate of rice, a lot of time if I had to say with a bottle of ketchup and kimchi beside the plate.

Putting all the friend egg into the rice, I put kimchi in the rice and then mix them, as I pour ketchup on them.

My mouth opens as I start to take a spoon of the mixed rice and eat it. The tastes are not that good and bad, but it is enough for me to chew them.

In 10 minutes, I finish eating up my dinner as I wash up all the dirty plate and pan.

I opened up my refrigerator and take out a 1500 ml water in a bottle as I drink it to half as I relate a satisfying sigh drinking the cold drink.

Tomorrow is a school day for me so yeah, I need to patrol the city quickly.

My hand grab the face watching as I twist it as it popped up revealing the hologram of a small figure who has four arms and four eyes.

Gently pushing the face watch down, an emerald light flash around me as my body shrink as I go ok my four with blue fur surround me as another extra pair of arms crowd with another additional pair of eyes also grows on my face. A tail then grows from my back.

"Spidermonkey," I announce as I open the window of my bedroom, and closes it while eyeing around to make sure some people accidentally see me in alien form exit from my bedroom.

My tail shot out a web as I then grab the web and swing through shops while getting hang of swinging. Unlike Spider-Man who shot web from his hands or should I say his web shooter from his wrists, I shot web from my tail so I need to also use my tail to adjust my swinging while hanging on the web with my hand.

I can see the pedestrians now are taking pictures of me as some of them are taking pictures of me and record my swinging with some of the flashes hit my eyes as I had to squint my low pair of eyes.

"Now, how do I search for crimes? I mean, beating up some thugs in an alley is very cliche." I mutter but then again, I am just your beginner level hero who dream big to beat some super villains such as Bizarro, the failed clone of Superman who has the same strength almost the same level as Superman.

My feet then grab the edge of the building as I pull my self toward the top of the building as my 4 eyes now are looking at the city that never sleeps.

"Wait a minute. Today is 1st September 2014. Hmm. I wonder if they have discovered Superboy already?" I thought in my head as then the sound of stretching can be heard as 2 police car now is chasing a red scrambler that has its a passenger shooting toward the police cars which endanger the pedestrians.

Waiting for the motorcycle to be near me, I shot my lab toward the edge of the building as I make the elasticity to be hard and jump backwards, as the web then pull me to the front. launching me after the motorcycle.

I make use of my tail to shoot a web line on a traffic light post as my body land directly on it and start to chase after the scrambler which is a few feet away from me as I jump from a tree to a light lost and then on a truck which is just behind the scrambler.

"Here goes nothing." I then leap over the scrambler as I kick away the gun on the passengers with me grabbing his collar and throw him away as I shot a web that send him to be planted on a tree.

"What kind of monkey are you?!" The rider asks but I just shot a large amount of web toward the motorcycle back tyre that makes the vehicle did move faster as the rider jump away from his bike as I see a woman now is in front of me.

"Shit." I shot a web on a building as I swing toward the woman and scoop her up as the bike hit not hit anyone and hit the back of a van that only leaves a dent.

"Sorry for just scoop you up suddenly," I tell the woman who I take notice is a blond woman and is carrying a briefcase on her left arm and wears her handbag on her right arm.

I slowly descend as she stares at me.

"No. It is okay. If you do not scoop me up, I will be a goner." She said to me as I take a great look on her face. Okay, she seems very familiar.

Nodding to her, I turn behind and immediately jump toward the rider who just turns his head only to see my flying kick that hit his visor that only leaves a big crack.

He takes a step backwards as I quickly swipe his leg off from the ground as his body falls to the ground.

I then web him as he now has been plastered on the wall.

"And 2 criminals are done," I announced with pride on my sentence as the police arrive as I quickly climb on a building.

"Based on my knowledge of superheroes meeting with police on the first time, especially a new hero that no one notices and with my appearance that did not look like a human, they may or may not try to ask me to go with them due to my action that is counted as vigilantism. So yeah, better not meet them until they have gotten comfortable with my actions." I then swing toward the east direction.


"Psst. Do you guys hear last night?" A fat teenager who sits in front of me whisper to his friend who is the definition of nerds based on his appearance who wears a glasses and has that smart student ara around him.

"No." The nerd replied.

"Seriously?" The fat teenager who I remembered his name is Fred, ask the nerd who is pretty smart due to him get a perfect score in the sudden history quiz. His name is Dean.

I meanwhile just get 80%. Sorry for dishonouring of the designated person who always is smart in every class since they got the past knowledge except mine is a bit different since Adolf Hitler in this universe has a spear that gives a normal human a power that matches many metahumans at the same time. Had Doctor Fate did not exist here, I can say this world will be like Earth X from the Arrowverse.

"New York now has a guardian protecting it," Fred said to Dean who raises his eyebrows.

"Like Superman?" Dean asks Fred who nod his head.

Fred then takes out his phone and shows the pictures of me in my Spidermonkey transformation stopping the robbers, who I know just steal jewellery from a jewellery store. I know it because of the morning news

"Is he a he or " it"?" Dean asks Fred who shrug his shoulder.

"Don't know but all the passerby's around this hybrid spider and monkey said he said a sentence. And he is a he since many said his voice is a male tone." Fred said toward Dean.

"About time New York has a hero," Dean said to Fred.

"I know right," Fred said as he put back his phone into his pocket as our homeroom teacher enter the class. Another school day goes on which I can say, not boring at least since the last 2 sessions, the teacher is absent so that leaves me to sketch my hero suit without letting anyone notices what I am doing.

The school bell ring as all my classmates stand up and walk out from the classroom as I also followed their actions.

As I am walking to Big Belly Burger for some burgers, a man crash against me as both of us fell as I notice he dropped a familiar handbag.

"Fuck kid. Don't you ever watch where you damn walk?!" He shouted at me as I quickly snatch the handbag from him.

"Stop him!" A woman screamed as the man quickly take out a knife earning gasps from the nearby folks who are afraid of seeing a man wield a knife in the daylight with him quickly make a motion to stab me.

I act fast by avoiding his stab as my elbow hit his nose as I kick his knee making him to bent forcefully.

His hand who holds the knife once again moves to stab my ledt arm but a kick hit the knife away. And looking at the heels on the feet that just kick away the knife, I know it is a woman as I quickly bend his arm and use my knee to pressure his body on the ground.

"Would someone call cops please?" I ask as then a police car stopped beside me as 2 cops approach us.

"Ms Lance." One of the cops greeted the blond woman.

"Arrest this guy here. He just tries to snatch my bag and try to run away until this kind of teenager beat him to the ground." The blond woman who I know now her name is Ms Lance inform the cops as one of them take out a handcuff and put it on the man hand as I freed him with the cops pull him up.

"Damn it, boy. I will remember your face. You hear me?!" The man shouted at me but I did not even attempt to listen to an empty threat.

The cop pats my shoulder.

"Good job young man but make sure be careful okay? The world needs someone as kind as you." The cop said to me as he gets into his car and drives away from this place.

"Umm. Can I get your name?" Miss Lance asked me.

"Benjamin. My name is Benjamin Million." I replied.

"Oh. Then what shall I call you?" She asks me.

"You can just call me Ben," I told her.

"Then you can call me Miss Lance, Ben. I am sorry but here is 50 dollar for you. Consider this as a payment for stopping that burglar. Sorry, I am in a hurry. Until we meet again." She said to me in a rush as she placed a bill of 50 dollars ok my palm and excise herself from me as she walks quickly to somewhere else, probably her workplaces. She must be late for her job or has a meeting at her workplace to be rush like that.

But anywhere, time for some Double Cheeseburgers, 2 of them to be filled in my stomach.



"These cheeseburgers hit the spot with this vanilla shake," Ben said as he throws away the wrapper to a pillar as he takes his time for his stomach to digest in what he eat and drink.


"Okay. Now I am not hungry. Time for me to check out if this world is Young Justice or not?First search about Robin. Let's if this Robin is Dick Grayson or not? Maybe he is Jason Todd or Tim Drake or worse that demon brat, Damien? I hope Robin is Dick Grayson."

Opening up my Searching app, I search for any news about Batman and Robin.

Many kinds of articles popped out as I read the articles one by one as I discover how this Robin just recently started 11 months ago.

And fortunately, he is Dick Grayson, which makes me think that no Batman: Under the Red Hood happens yet.

Then back to Flash and his sidekick, Kid Flash, okay I can see this Kid Flash is not the Arrowverse version.

And the Speed Force also exist in this world, which makes me kind worried about this Flash. I mean look at the Flash from Arrowverse, he created a new timeline that then he fixes but come with a cost, a heavy one where some history like John Diggle is supposed to be having a daughter, not a son.

"Make a mental note if I ever find myself in Flashpoint, use all my knowledge to end the life of the Flash. Or steal his speed." I thought in my mind as I search for Superman.

"So far so good except he did not meet Darkseid yet already battle General Zod. But no city destroyed since both Kryptonain met and clash with each other. Hmm. That is not good. I hope this Superman is not full of himself because he never meets anyone who can match his strength."

Then I search for Green Lantern with 2 images appears.

"Well, well, look here. It seems Hal Jordan and John Stewart are Green Lanterns that the world knew. Hmm. Okay. How about Shazam?That kid who can turn into being who has divine empowerment by six Olympian Gods that make him able to match Superman? I know he already battles Doctor Sivanna. But the thing is, it seems he defeated him alone so no Shazam family yet."

Then I search for Green Arrow and sees his picture with a red version of him albeit he looks like my age. So Green Arrow and Speedy are a thing here huh? Wonder if he is a clone or not?

And any news of the old heroes like Doctor Fate is not that many since only Doctor Fate and Wildcat are the ones who is still active to this day.

"Okay. The Halls of Justice just finish being built. Hmm. I still did not know if the Young Justice first event which is finding Superboy in the Cadmus Labs. Urghh. I need to keep track of what the Justice League is doing. Guess that leaves me to build some sort of radio or computer that alert me the activity of Justice League and their sidekicks. Well Best Buy, you are about to get a large sum of money from me." I said as I walk out from this building as I need to build equipment that will help me a lot in this universe.