
DC: Rose Of Death

He can not die, in his last world at least. Can this new nonsensical world prove to be a challenge to that? Or will death still be his bitch? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me. (By Stanley Artgerm)

VQuintessence · Anime & Comics
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Best Of Dreams III

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[32 Chapters in Advance on Patre.on]


Chapter 129: Best Of Dreams III


"Hmm, she's definitely a snake, but... Her goal is way different from I first thought," Ian mused to himself, seated on the edge of a certain roof.

"But god I love magic," He really loved the bullshity nature of magic, especially as the pages of the book hovering before him turned by themselves.

He was exploring the beauty and the law-breaking nature of magic. That was largely why using magic had such serious consequences in this world.

Miss misfortune will always find you as long as you reek of magic, and she will be tough to handle, not in a way anyone would like.

Ian on the other hand found himself safe and sound no matter how much magic he uses, something he attributed to his isolated nature from the magical principle of this world.

His magic was different than other people's. Its fuel was his Death force, and he could only use it through a medium unless the Rose of Death is used.

The beauty and the unprincipled nature of magic were being thoroughly explored by him, something made easy with Rose of speed.

So it really wasn't hard for him to see through Hugo Strange and Talia's intentions.

Hugo actually just wanted test subjects, Ian even saw fear in him leading him to believe the man may know something, and he indeed does.

All he needed was to take over Arkham Asylum, a place that Ian doesn't have satisfactory control over. Hugo's intentions were of course a bit more ambitious, but they were still in line because of his fear of Ian.

Talia on the other hand was a bit special... She wants to Have a baby with Ian... Yeah, despite seeing through her goals, Ian was still a bit stunned at how her mind works.

'But doomsday though... It's here,' Ian threw those thoughts out of the window and focused on the important stuff. Doomsday has appeared, the true Doomsday.

It appears that Luthor released the test product he spoke about but it was no Doomsday. According to Ian's observation, it was a mutated body of one of the dead Kryptonians.

It was soon taken care of by Superman and some of the other Justice League members. However, that was followed by the arrival of Doomsday as he freed himself from his prison.

'To think he'd be able to easily handle most of the Justice League. It makes sense I guess, especially considering the strongest of them have yet to join... However, I may have underestimated Doomsday.'

Doomsday was a creature that was forced to endure the agony of death, thousands upon thousands of times; the memory of these countless deaths were recorded in his genes and drove it to hate all life.

It was first a test subject, an experiment of sorts, but even its creator couldn't imagine its potential. Doomsday became something more, in sought of nothing but destruction.

Its hate for all life was further supplemented by its special ability, something born from all the torture it went through... Infinite evolution, exactly what attracted Ian's attention.

Something else soon got his attention. The grand battle was starting. Ian started floating far above the roof, looking down on the streets of Gotham.

His magic was doing its job, allowing him to see things he wouldn't have been able to otherwise.

The Roses' network information in Gotham was immaculate, and it's only becoming better by the day, so almost nothing can deceive their eyes. they could very well see the sudden traffic of vampires.

The Roses' eyes were on them. Whenever, Wherever, they see you because this is their garden. Every safe house taken by the vampires was known to the Roses and today was what could only be called as the Blood Massacre.

The team was split, everyone going alone. They're all strong enough to handle most of what can come at them. Layla however remained in the base protecting it along with Ralf, Barney, and Mike.

Even Harley was alone. Well, she had the monstrosity of a weapon, called the God killer, so she was safe.

"All at the same time. Eliminate either by discretion or destruction. Just don't take too long. 1... 2... 3... Go!"

The one who gave the orders was none other than Zatanna. In Ian's opinion, she was still a bit inexperienced in leading, and she has a lot to learn, but she was the best on the squad.

She's also extremely confident, and absolutely decisive, a quality that Ian values quite a lot.

Ian's sight was mainly on Selina, observing her change. She didn't look much different, still just as gorgeous, but something definitely changed. She was much faster and stronger than before.

Not just that, she showed the ability to control cats, and even see through their eyes, allowing her to basically scan an area from afar, and the range of the ability was quite big.

'Yup, definitely Goddess Bastet's powers. She was granted Bastet's blessing...' And Ian knows why. The diamond known as Hope diamond was cursed by Bastet herself which is how she found her.

It seems that one thing led to another until Bastet blessed her. Either due to Ian's words at the time or the feline powers Ian granted Selina.

And now he was granted with the wondrous show of Selina climbing the walls and jumping around like a cat, except much stronger. She was so stealthy in fact that even the vampires didn't notice her.

"Hmm, They can sense humans, but they can't sense her at all, well, it's more like sensing the scent of human blood even when it's inside their bodies... Very interesting."

Her movement allowed her to hang from the ceiling of the warehouse, undetected by the vampires below her. Her whip, the one made by Hephaestus was already in her hand as she let go.

She nimbly fell to the floor with an odd sense of gracefulness, landing on the floor like a feather. That was followed by swinging her whip around her as the short whip extended by itself, lunging at its targets like a snake.

In less than a second, about a dozen vampires found themselves tied together by the extremely long whip from which long needles started to spurt, going through the vampires' tough skin instantly.

It was a trap they simply can't get out of, not with numerous needles keeping them in place, supplemented by the whip getting tighter and tighter.

That all happened while Selina just stood there, seemingly controlling it by her mind, "Hah, lovely, very lovely. Yup, I should thank my darling again, very sweetly."

She mischievously murmured to herself before pulling away the whip, making it tighten around them again as it started to get hotter, basically burning the vampires alive.

Selina however didn't seem to react as she was zoned out, seemingly lost in her own imagination. She only got it back together a bit later, eyeing the scene before her.

"Aghh, it's not my fault, it's Ian's," Selina shrugged before turning around, her cats already told her no vampire was left in this place, but there are plenty of other places.

"God, I really have no say in calling Harley crazy, but she said it herself, it's hard not to be crazy amid crazy people, especially those special bunch amongst them."

And a crazy person was going wild at the moment. In contrast to Selina's stealthy approach, Harley was the source of chaos as she jumped directly into action, just smashing vampire heads again and again.

She was absolutely defenseless. All that she was caring about was destroying things while giggling along the way, mainly because the god killer was protecting her, contorting into different shapes to shield her from any harm.

"I love this!!!" Harley being Harley, jumped around amidst the pools of blood and giggle in happiness even as the vampires sought to take her head, "Sooo happy!!"

"She's lovely, isn't she?" Ian murmured.

"She's just annoying and stupid." The man floating next to Ian responded.

"Hmm, different points of view. You see things differently than I do. While you see annoyance, I see entertainment and the mix of bright colors, giving some more life to the world.

While you see stupidity, I see naivety and potential. Naivety and stupidity can be considered one and the same but Naivety is more prone to change."

Ian stroked his chin with a bit of anticipation, "It's like the life cycle of a butterfly. She's in the Chrysalis stage at the moment, slowly but surely going through a metamorphosis before emerging as a gorgeous butterfly."

"Hehehe, Still just a butterfly, something I can accidentally squash while playing with bats... But I see your goal. It's an entertaining game. I can think of a hundred more entertaining games, but have it your way."

The man spoke, giggling from time to time. He was quite the strange person.

"Hmm, your friend is calling," Ian murmured as he brought out his phone, "I'm the opposite of you, I think the butterfly is entertaining and the bat is annoying..."


3rd place in the rankings= 1 extra chapter!

2nd place in the rankings= 2 extra chapters!!

1st place in the rankings= 3 extra chapters!!!

I don't think it's possible but here it is...


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