

it's a story of a man who is power hungry & everything he wants will be his no matter the path anything & everything will be his no matter the cost it's a villain story about how he gat girls no matter the relationship between him &the girls like mother, sister or daughter & granddaughter in law's no matter what it's a story of a man who wants to rule the omniverse & do whatever he wants ------------------_-------------_------------+++++-----------_ it's slow processing if you are too religious don't read it it's full of gods no matter the pantheon it's R-18 with the mother sister daughter or granddaughter or in-law's it's just a story of a villain The protagonist actually has principles and is not just about a life of sexual adventures. He's about growing incredibly strong through challenges and looking damn good doing it. But not everything comes naturally to the protagonist. He has to work for it and we will accompany him. That means it will be explained, to a certain extent, what the protagonist is thinking and why he does what he does. It is a process. Timeskips will not just happen, but they will be witnessed and lived through. Everything that happens during this time will be explained. As for Harem, it looks like you never heard the line "AS THE UNIVERSE INFINITELY EXPANDS SO TO DOES THE HAREM" so it's going to be Big, Bigger, Biggest, and more Some warnings so I can save your time: Yes, Incest. Yes, Harem. If you don't like it, I'm sorry to waste your time. ~OMNIVERSE fanfic. Worlds Planned: Marvel/The Boys/ Invincible/Most Of the Superhero Super Villian Supernatural Magical Worlds/ HOTD/Outer God Realm/ Akame Ga Kill/ Tensura/ Overlord/ Danmachi/ Highschool DxD/ Kumoga Desu/ Helltaker/ Dragonball Super/Fate/One Piece/ Hunter X Hunter, Fairy Tail, Code Geass, Seven Deadly Sins, MHA, Teen Wolf, Vampires, Transformers, Umbrella Academy, The Walking Dead, Lucifer, Witcher, Halo, Skyrim, Mass Effect, Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, Some Good Comic worlds, Some Good Game Worlds, Most of the Anime Tv series Worlds and many many More. So Mc will visit these worlds and Conquer them and take Waifus for himself So expect a pretty Giant Harem Expect action and the lewd. Disclaimer: Harem, system, and world-hopping with a twist, no ntr, yes stealing girls, very lustful and pretty aggressive MC. Not really his fault though. He's not dumb either. No RAP* I hate that ---------------------------------------------------------------------- it's fanfiction so don't be mad & don't give a fuck so don't try haters if you know about DC comics so be my guest and give me suggestions I am a student ------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Frist starting chapters are a mess that even I can't fix but as you read more you will notice great changes so dont judge it just by reading starting few chapters as with this you get knowledge of many mythologies and Gods plus DC and many things I talk about real science so you also get this but they all came in later chapters. But I and my current readers promise you if you some how able to read to hundred chapters you will love this so, please give it a try NOTHING BELONGS TO ME IT BELONGS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE COMPANIES

GodOfGreedAs · Anime & Comics
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207 Chs


Time Skip

So I am returning to the earth from Jupiter.

It's been 9 months passed since I Goro Goro no mi I have to say it's one of the most powerful Devil fruit if not the most powerful.

I now have a logia body so I am immune to most physical attacks. At least anyone who doesn't use an elemental attack with a physical assault. So the grand scheme of things, it's just a small benefit. hey, but I will take whatever I get.

Now I am fast as lightning I can now able use Size Manipulation by transforming in thunder.

Size Manipulation: So I can become as small as an ent as big as 90 feet & I don't get the ant-man strength problem no matter the size I still have the same strength as the original size.

I am now able to use up to 1.30 billion volts, now I can shape thunder whatever I Desire in an instant size up to as big as the island.

my attacks now can't travel as far as Solar System.

plasma as hot as 10 billion° Celsius in temperature.

I get an OP power after Consuming The devil fruit.

Electromagnetism Manipulation:

I can create, shape, and manipulate electromagnetism which accounts for almost all physical phenomena observable to the unaided human senses, including light and other electromagnetic radiation, all of chemistry, most of mechanics (excepting gravitation), and of course magnetism and electricity. That said, few powerful individuals reach such heights of power most users have to content themselves with lesser but still impressive abilities.

Due to the versatility with electricity (such as electrocution, heat generation, computer, mind hacking, electrolysis, etc.) and magnetism (such as metal manipulation, magnetic levitation, atomic manipulation, attract and repel, etc.), electromagnetism is one of the strongest and versatile abilities in existence.

So I am Way batter magneto in DC. but it's going to take a time to master so many powers. but I have time.

but I still can control metals.

I make 2 moves from this power. that is famous in culture.

1 Banshō Tenjin (Universal Pull):

I pull my arms in, making any opponent within the targeting range fly closer to me. It deals no damage, but it can help extend touchdowns since the recovery time is VERY little.

2 Shinra Tensei (almighty push):

I can narrow the repulsion's direction, only pushing away things on certain sides so that nearby allies will be unaffected.

I can destroy up to 40 km.

so everyone will know the pain.

I now can shave sound in simple forms.

sonic scream enough to destroy a big mountain.

I can now transfer shock waves inside a body & destroy it inside out.

I now can use my old moves batter.

now I can lift to 450000 tons I can obliterate any mountain on earth in a punch.

I can travel space in a single jump.

I am tough, enough to direct heat from the sun & Gravity pull from the sun.

I return to the earth after going hell training.

AA' it's good to be back I miss the food.

Time Skip

it's been 3 days since my return to earth I was thinking about how to free my Wifes/workers from Kronos stomach I will be going OG Zeus plan.

Party, will be after 2 months on the new year on mount Orthys

so OG plans to talk Kronos into drinking the weed.

Time Skip

Just like that 2 months fly away. I am not practicing my powers much in 2 months because Fear Kronos founding me. my move is now very flashy, destructive that everyone will know. I was practicing Melee fighting. but not much I was spending time with Amalthea

and Mthis. I spend these 2 months with them.

now I am near to them. we sleep nude in the same bad eat in the same place. I kiss them sometimes cuddle with them play with their juicy boobs. I already told them my plans about the world and harem. first, they are sad but after some, days they accepted it. I can say maybe in 2 to 3 months I will be able to get inside their pants.

On my 28th birthday, everything was prepared. I had finally reached maturity. I was 11 feet tall naturally and had well-defined muscles on my body. Metis had my disguise and the potion ready for me. Putting on the brown cloak, I pulled the hood over my shoulder-length, curly light brown hair. I grabbed a satchel and put gold and the potion inside.

"You ready babe?" Metis asked, and I nodded. We had planned this for 3 years, and now we were ready. Every year, Kronos allowed the mortals to give him offerings and we were planning to hide the potion into wine and present it to him. If things went as planned, it should make him barf up the other Olympians. They were gods, being eaten whole couldn't kill them.

We walked into the water and I turned myself into a dolphin and swam alongside Metis towards Cronus' throne.

I forgot to mention I have Beast Boy powers without His green Skin problem like every God can change into any animal I wish. without His green Skin problem.

When we landed on another beach I could already see the son of a Sexy bitch.

Kronos was seated in between the tops of two mountains. His scythe was at his side, The handle made of white wood and the silver curved blade on top. after getting an affirmative nod from Metis, I joined the long line of humans.

The mortals wore simple clothes and carried their valued treasures in hopes of pleasing the Titans. I was already feeling Helios' eyes piercing my back. I honestly don't know where Metis keeps "borrowing" this stuff from, but the cloak was doing its job of hiding my divinity, otherwise, all titans in a 500-mile radius would instantly notice me.

After long hours of waiting in line, and climbing another mountain, I finally reached daddy Kronos. His Light brown hair pooled around his shoulders, and he scratched his neckbeard. He looked down at me with golden eyes. "What do you bring, mortal," he said. I swallowed and bowed down. I could now see Rhea standing just to his left.

She wears scarlet red peplos, and she had put her hair into a bun. What beauty my mother is I can't even describe in words I have seen beauty like Amalthea and Mthis but she is even more beautiful. Even in ordinary clothes. she is insanely beautiful.

Kronos, wore a simple blue chiton, with gold embroidery, depicting the downfall of Ouranos, his father. And I was ready for something similar. More cruelest.

"Titan lord Cronus!" I called up to him as I presented the satchel. "I bring you the finest drink ever created." I presented the wine.

The man behind me shook his head. "No lord Kronos, this is the best drink known to man. The stout man presented a black bottle, opposite my white one. Rhea only smiled and Kronos raised an eyebrow. "I'll see about that."

He took my wine and had a few sips. "Ah, not bad at all. It kinda excites- GAK!" He clutched his stomach, and his hand instinctively went to his mouth right before he hacked up the contents of his stomach. The Olympians all fell down the side of the mountain and stopped near the river. Kronos' eyes widened.

"Ah, foolish mortal!" He swatted me away and off the mountain. Any normal human/New orn god would have turned into mush. but to me, it's not even tickle well I am breaking my bones since I was 10. Sadly though, my disguise was ruined. And instead of throwing up 6 grown men and women, there were only five and a rock the size of a baby.

Kronos' eyes turned from surprise to rage. "RHEA!" He boomed but the Titaness was nowhere to be found. One of the Olympians helped me up. He was slightly shorter than me and had pitch-black hair that ran to his ankles.

Somehow, even though he's lived in someone's stomach for the past few decades, he was still lean and muscular. The Olympian looked at the rock and back at me, understanding the situation. "I presume you have a plan?" His voice was rich like chocolate and with his deep blue eyes that seemed to stare at me, I assumed he was Hades.

I nodded, "we need to make it to the ocean, I have a friend there who can bring us to safety. I began to run towards the beach with five naked Olympians tailing behind. Cronus' eyes bore into mine I also stare at Him.

I could see all the things he wanted to do to me and the Olympians at that moment. I could feel his desire to plunge his scythe right into my stomach.

Mine stood my ground. Just as he was about to slash at me my Lightning speed activated. I could see Rhea in the distance, fleeing.

The Olympians were scared, awed, and confused faces, and Hyperion and Selene made their way towards us. The eyes also seemed to give my body new energy as I jumped out of the sickle's path. I stood up I and my siblings began to run.

The mortals began to scatter and panic as Kronos held his scythe and began to raze the ground. Looks like the blindness kicked in. It had also been noon when I had arrived, but because of the unbelievably long line, it was already midnight. Just as we were reaching the water, Metis ran out and pointed to the woods.

"There, quick! Oceanus is already on his way!" There was something new in the sky. An actual moon. Not just the silvery light from before. Hyperion, Kronos' brother was already running towards us, sword in hand. And another titan could be seen emerging from the waters. Most likely Oceanus. The green-haired olympian shook his head. "I thought you had a plan."

"I didn't expect this!" I replied as we began to run.

"I've lived in that man's stomach for years," the woman with the blonde hair said, "and even I know to have a backup plan!"

The myths just said they had fled. How was not specified? "Can you guys shapeshift?" I asked. They shook their heads. "Look it's easy, just imagine yourself to look like me," I said as I turned into a brown eagle. They all concentrated before pulling it off as well and we flew fit of rage. away while Kronos scream in range.


War is hare


I make mc selfish so he is not in so much love thing he is greedy possessive & a collector.

so don't think so much

yes it's R 18

What metals package will be used

it's a grand plane involving annihilation maker, Dragons

different robots from all fictions

different Super suits

different AI's

a supervillain from marvel

& many more

The next war will be with Odin

Thor will be female

this will have 2 sisters hela angela


Awesome please share your thoughts upon war. dragons

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