
DC Naruto

Uzumaki Naruto Image by Ichiisworks In the midst of the battle with Kaguya, the powerful adversary unleashes a space-time jutsu that engulfs Naruto and drags him into a seemingly endless black hole. The force of this incredible vortex propels him through the depths of space and time until he suddenly finds himself in an entirely different universe altogether: the DC Universe.

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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Naruto in the Dc universe 3


Naruto was abruptly jolted from his slumber by a loud and resonant voice that seemed to emanate from within the depths of his own mind. It was the voice of the nine-tailed fox, and its words were so powerful that they shook Naruto to his very core, causing him to shudder involuntarily. With bleary eyes, Naruto looked around, trying to make sense of what was happening.

"What's going on?" he asked groggily, still trying to shake off the drowsiness that clung to his mind.

"We have an important meeting to attend," replied the fox in a serious tone. "We need to get ready as soon as possible."

Naruto nodded, suddenly remembering the purpose of the meeting. "Oh, right," he said, rubbing his eyes to clear his vision. "I almost forgot about that. Let's get ready then."

"Good morning Naruto, You look much more refreshed than yesterday," said the flash.

Naruto smiled and said, "Good morning Flash, how are you?".

"I'm fine, how are you?" asked the flash.

"Good," replied Naruto, his eyes scanning the room as he spotted the rest of the Justice League already gathered inside. He made his way towards his designated seat and took a seat, mentally trying to push aside his worries. Superman's voice boomed across the room, "Okay, everyone, now that we're all here, let's get started." Naruto tried his best to focus on the meeting at hand, but his thoughts kept drifting back to his friends. He couldn't stop thinking about Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi and how they were managing without him. Being in a different dimension didn't help matters either, as it made it even harder for them to locate him. As the meeting wore on, Naruto couldn't help but feel more and more restless. After about half an hour, the meeting finally came to an end, and everyone stood up to leave, only leaving the main members. Naruto does not realize this as his mind is still preoccupied with his thoughts. Superman noticed Naruto was still sitting and walked over to him, "Hey Naruto, are you okay?" Naruto looked up at him and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine; I just have a lot on my mind." Superman sat down next to Naruto and asked, "Want to talk about it?" Naruto hesitated, then shrugged and said, "Sure, why not." He took a deep breath and continued, "It's just that I miss my friends, and I'm worried about them." Superman nodded in understanding and replied, "I'm sure they miss you too, but I'm sure they're okay."

"NO! NO, THEY AREN'T okay!" shouted Naruto standing up and startling Superman and the other Justice League members who stopped and stared at him. Naruto clenched his fists and gritted his teeth "KAGUYA IS STILL ALIVE AND I'M HERE; she'll kill them. SASUKE WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO KILL HER ON HIS OWN, AND SAKURA WOULDN'T EVEN BE A THREAT TO HER SHE'S PATHETIC, THE ONLY ONE WHO MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE IS KAKASHI, BUT EVEN HE WON'T BE ENOUGH" Naruto yelled clenching his fist hard enough that blood dripped onto the ground and eyes turning scarlet red. Superman stood up "calm down naruto, we don't know that for sure". Naruto glared at superman "how can you say that, YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME OR MY WORLD, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WE'VE BEEN THROUGH!" Naruto shouted. Superman sighed "look naruto, I understand your frustration, but we can't just rush back and fight a battle that may not even exist yet". Naruto scoffed "you don't understand anything, you haven't been there, you don't know what it's like". Superman frowned "maybe not, but I do know that rushing back without a plan would be foolish". Naruto growled and turned around "fine, do whatever you want, but don't expect me to sit around and wait while my friends die because you're too afraid to do anything" he snapped as he stormed out of the room. Superman sighed and shook his head "that kid has some issues" he muttered. Naruto stomped down the hallway angrily, cursing Superman under his breath. He had almost reached the elevator when he heard someone call his name.

He spun around to see Flash 'running' after him "Naruto, hold on." but before he could Barry could continue, the watch tower's alarms went off, signaling intruders "Oh boy, not again," Barry muttered. Naruto rushed after Flash wondering what was going on as the two entered the meeting room to see Batman looking at a screen "What's going on Batman" asked Superman.

"Darkseid " replied Batman. Naruto looked confused "Darkside, who's Darkside," asked Naruto. Batman glanced at Naruto "An enemy of ours, one of the worst villains we've ever faced," replied Batman.

Naruto frowned "Well, let's kick his ass," said Naruto cracking his knuckles. Batman shook his head "No, you stay here; you're unstable and could endanger yourself and the others." said Batman. Naruto glared at Batman "screw that, I'm not staying here while you risk your lives against this dark side guy." snapped Naruto. Batman narrowed his eyes "That wasn't a request, Naruto, it's an order, and as long as you're on this station, you're under our command, and you'll obey our orders." snapped Batman.

Naruto snarled "Like hell, I will; I'm not taking orders from you or anyone else." snapped Naruto. Superman stepped between the two "Both of you calm down; we don't have time for this." said Superman. Batman glared at Naruto "You will obey our orders, or you will be confined to quarters, and you will remain there until we return." snapped Batman. Naruto clenched his fists "Go to hell." snapped Naruto as he turned and stormed out of the room.

As Leugue prepared to deploy, Barry looked at Superman "Are you sure we shouldn't take Naruto with us" asked Flash. Superman nodded "No, he's too emotional right now and could endanger others as he is; we can't afford to have him lose control while fighting Darkseid." replied Superman. Barry frowned "But if he stays here by himself, he could endanger himself." replied Flash. Superman nodded "I know, but it's better than the alternative; now let's go; we don't have much time," said Superman. Barry nodded "Right." replied Flash as he ran out of the room. Superman sighed and shook his head, hoping Naruto would be okay while they were gone. He activated his comm link "Justice League, move out" ordered Superman. The heroes nodded and flew or teleported out of the watchtower down to the Earth.

Naruto paced furiously in his room, cursing Batman and the others. He hated being told what to do, especially by someone like Batman, whom he barely knew. He punched the wall angrily, denting it slightly "damn them." snarled Naruto. Suddenly he heard a voice in his head "Relax, Naruto, there's no point in getting angry over this." said Kurama. Naruto sighed "Your right, Kurama; I'm sorry." replied Naruto. He sat down on his bed and rubbed his temples, trying to relax. "It's okay, Naruto, I understand how frustrating this must be for you; I am in your head." replied Kurama. Naruto nodded "Yeah, I just wish there was something I could do." replied Naruto.

As Naruto was contemplating what there was he could do, through his bedside window in the watchtower, the earth could be seen exploding into the fire as Darkseid, the evil ruler of Apokolips, attacked Earth using Parademons. Naruto jumped out of bed "What the hell" exclaimed Naruto as he rushed over to the window. He stared in shock as the earth burned below him, not understanding what was happening.


Back on Earth.

Darkseid roared. "PREPARE FOR DESTRUCTION JUSTICE LEAGUE." bellowed Darkseid as he unleashed his omega beams at the heroes, causing them to scatter. "SUPERMAN" cried Diana as Darkseid blast hit Superman, knocking him back. "Damn it." muttered Batman as he threw a batarang at Darkseid's face, which bounced off harmlessly. Darkseid chuckled "Foolish mortals, you cannot defeat me." taunted Darkseid as he blasted Wonder Woman, knocking her unconscious. "Diana" cried Green Lantern as he flew towards her. Darkseid fired his omega beam, hitting Green Lantern, causing him to crash into the ground. "John." cried Hawkgirl as she rushed towards him. Darkseid grinned "Ah, Hawkgirl, come to join your comrades." mocked Darkseid as he blasted her, sending her flying.

Hawkgirl groaned as she landed next to Green Lantern "John, wake up" pleaded Hawkgirl. "Shayera." moaned Green Lantern weakly. Darkseid laughed "How pathetic." mocked Darkseid as he raised his hand towards them. "Leave them alone" cried Superman as he flew towards Darkseid, punching him in the face. Darkseid staggered back slightly "Argh" grunted Darkseid. Superman punched him again "Stop this Darkseid" demanded Superman. Darkseid smirked "Make me" mocked Darkseid as he blasted Superman, sending him flying. Superman crashed into a building "ARGH" cried Superman in pain. "Superman" cried Aquaman as he charged towards Darkseid, swinging his trident at him. Darkseid deflected the attack and blasted Aquaman, sending him crashing into a nearby building.

Batman rushed towards Darkseid "Darkseid, stop this now" demanded Batman. Darkseid chuckled "Never" mocked Darkseid as he blasted Batman with his omega beams disintegrating him instantly. "Batman" cried Green Arrow as he fired an arrow at Darkseid, which bounced off harmlessly. Darkseid chuckled "Is that the best you can do mortal" mocked Darkseid as he blasted Green Arrow, killing him. "Oliver" cried Black Canary as she rushed towards Green Arrow's ashes"No" cried Black Canary.

With a commanding voice that echoed across the ruins of Metropolis, Superman called out to Darkseid, imploring him to cease his destructive rampage. In a blur of speed, the Man of Steel soared toward his foe, delivering a powerful punch that sent the tyrant hurtling backward. But Darkseid was quick to recover, launching himself towards Clark in a clash of fists that reverberated throughout the city. The two titans exchanged blows, and their strength, and determination matched in a battle for the fate of the world.

Despite Superman's best efforts, Darkseid proved to be far superior, eventually gaining the upper hand and unleashing a barrage of devastating attacks upon the weakened hero. Seeing their leader falter, the remaining members of the Justice League rallied together in an attempt to turn the tide of battle in their favor, but even their combined might was no match for the seemingly invincible New God. As hope began to fade, however, salvation appeared in the form of a young man clad in orange, descending from the heavens above to join the fray.

Glowing flaming gold, Naruto Uzumaki launched himself at Darkseid, unleashing a flurry of powerful attacks that pushed the villain back and gave the heroes a brief respite. Fueled by rage and desperation, Naruto fought with ferocity and skill, unlike anything the Justice League had seen before, his fiery aura burning bright as he battled against Darkseid. In the heat of battle, it became apparent that the newcomer possessed incredible power, but despite his best efforts, Naruto ultimately fell short, succumbing to Darkseid's overwhelming might and collapsing to the ground in defeat. As the heroes looked on in horror, it seemed as if all was lost. It was.

"Cease this foolishness at once! Your resistance is utterly futile!" bellowed Darkseid. He then proceeded to forcefully hurl Naruto's injured and beaten form aside, leaving the rest of the heroes feeling powerless and unable to prevent the inescapable outcome. Regrettably, Barry lost his life while aiding Naruto, and John met his demise while bravely attempting to hold back the overwhelming might of Darkseid. The situation was indeed tragic and heartbreaking for all involved.

However, despite the crushing loss, Superman refused to give up, and in a final act of defiance, he launched himself at Darkseid in one last desperate attempt to save the world. Unfortunately, this heroic gesture proved to be in vain, as he was ultimately defeated by Darkseid, who mercilessly obliterated him with a single blow. A fist through his chest and pulled out his spine, With Superman's demise, any lingering traces of hope vanished.

Naruto watched with horror as Darkseid ruthlessly killed Superman, unable to do anything to stop him. Anger and despair filled Naruto as he witnessed the death of Superman. With a cry of rage, Naruto unleashed his Rasenshuriken throwing it at Darkseid, who easily swatted it away. "Foolish mortal, your attacks are useless against me" mocked Darkseid. Naruto gritted his teeth "Shut up" snarled Naruto as he unleashed a barrage of rasenshurikens at Darkseid, which he easily deflected. "Is that all you got" mocked Darkseid. Naruto gritted his teeth "Shut up shut up SHUT UP" snarled Naruto as he unleashed a flurry of rasenshurikens at Darkseid, which he easily deflected.

Darkseid chuckled "Foolish mortal" mocked Darkseid as he blasted Naruto, sending him flying. Naruto groaned as he crashed into a pile of rubble, struggling to get up. "Pathetic" mocked Darkseid as he blasted Naruto again, knocking Naruto out of KCM mode and back to normal. Naruto groaned as he lay on the ground "dammit" muttered Naruto. Darkseid chuckled "Pathetic mortal" mocked Darkseid as he blasted Naruto, knocking Naruto out.


Darkseid's booming laughter echoed through the air as he taunted the valiant heroes before him. "Your efforts are in vain. Resistance is futile, mortals," he declared, his voice dripping with malice. Hawkgirl charged forward, her mace held high, but Darkseid easily blocked her attack and swiftly knocked her unconscious. Undaunted, Wonder Woman snarled as she launched a ferocious assault with her sword, but her efforts were in vain as Darkseid effortlessly parried her blows. With a cold, cruel voice, he proclaimed, "Then you can all meet your doom." And with that, Darkseid unleashed a barrage of devastating attacks upon the remaining heroes, bringing an end to their brave resistance.

The devastation was overwhelming as Naruto lay buried under the rubble, struggling to free himself from the debris. The once vibrant world around him had crumbled into a scene of destruction and sorrow. The dust had settled everywhere, and it was clear that no one had survived the merciless attack from Darkseid. With only one eye peering through, Naruto watched in agony as Darkseid stamped the ground before floating away into space and returning to his home planet, Apokolips. Naruto's efforts to free himself proved futile as he lacked the strength to do so, leaving him helpless and unable to do anything but lie there and witness the tragedy that had befallen the world.

Amidst the chaos that surrounded him, Naruto experienced an inexplicable surge of energy coursing through his body, the same unfamiliar sensation he felt while in sage mode. It empowered him to break free from the debris that had pinned him down. With a renewed sense of strength, he emerged from the wreckage and surveyed the destruction that had befallen the once beautiful Earth. The landscape was a wasteland, with towering buildings and sprawling cities reduced to mere heaps of rubble, and thick clouds of smoke and ash obscured the sky. It was a truly harrowing sight that left Naruto in disbelief at how such immense devastation could be wrought upon the world.

The surface of the world was marred by numerous crakes that extended across vast distances. These fissures in the earth's crust spewed forth magma that surged forth with great force, creating a dangerous and unstable environment for all who dared to traverse it.


Kurama responded to Naruto. "Yes?"

"I need your chakra" replied Naruto.

Kurama sighed "I'm sorry Naruto but you used it all when you fought Darkseid" replied Kurama.

Naruto cursed "dammit" muttered Naruto as he slammed his fist into the ground angrily. He took a deep breath to calm down "it's okay Kurama, I'll find another way" replied Naruto. He closed his eyes and concentrated, entering sage mode. Once he'd entered sage mode, he made his way to what remained of Metropolis, searching for survivors amid the rubble, and there were none. Naruto clenched his fists angrily "dammit" muttered Naruto as he slammed his fist into a nearby wall, causing it to collapse.

As he leaned against the wall, Naruto released a deep sigh, his body still fully imbued with the power of sage mode. Through this heightened state of consciousness, he could sense a shift in the natural energy around him, as if the world itself was on the brink of collapse. Suddenly, the ground beneath him began to shake violently, causing him to struggle to maintain his balance. With each passing moment, the tremors grew in intensity, and the very fabric of existence seemed to be threatened by this sudden upheaval. Amidst the chaos, Naruto could feel a deep sense of foreboding, as if something terrible was about to happen.

The tremors intensified, and Naruto struggled to keep his footing amidst the violent shaking. Around him, the landscape was ravaged by massive cracks in the ground that extended across vast distances, emitting intense bursts of flame and magma. The skies were darkened by thick clouds of ash and smoke that obscured the sun, giving the world a bleak and desolate appearance. With each passing moment, the destruction seemed to worsen, and Naruto could feel the tension rising within him as he wondered how much longer he could endure this catastrophe.

As Naruto struggled to stay upright amidst the chaotic conditions, he could hear the sound of distant rumbling growing ever closer. Soon enough, a massive tidal wave of magma erupted from one of the fissures in the earth's crust, engulfing everything in its path. Naruto could feel the intense heat emanating from the magma as it surged toward him, threatening to consume him entirely. Desperate to escape, he leaped into the air, narrowly avoiding the deadly wave as it swept past him. However, this temporary reprieve was soon interrupted as another magma tsunami erupted from a nearby crack, engulfing Naruto and surrounding him on all sides. Trapped in this molten prison.

Then the world exploded into flames as Naruto screamed in agony as the magma burned his flesh and melted his bones. The last thing he saw before the magma covered his eyes was the world on fire, and he realized that he had failed to save the world. Before Naruto could truly pass on and end his suffering, he had absorbed enough energy that he thought was natural energy, but it wasn't; it was something even greater. It saved him, healing him and restoring him.


Suddenly, Naruto awoke, gasping for breath as he found himself lying in a field of grass, confused until he heard an all-too-familiar voice.

"Just in time Brat!" yelled Kurama. Naruto got up and turned around to see Kurama "Kurama," muttered Naruto in surprise. "Where are we? What happened to Darkseid?" replied Naruto. Kurama sighed "In order, we're in your mindscape second, he destroyed the planet and left," replied Kurama.

"Wait, What do you mean mindscape? Wasn't it a sewer". exclaimed Naruto. Kurama shook his head "It was, until what we thought was Natural energy from the planet wasn't; instead, something else, Stronger, more potent, and it changed you and me." said Kurama as his tails uncoiled themselves, showing Ten-Tails. Naruto gasped "Whoa" exclaimed Naruto as he stared at ten tails in awe.

"What about me?" asked Naruto as he looked at himself. Kurama pointed at Naruto "You, Outside appearance did not change, Inside however, you're chakra has become something similar to that of Kaguya but stronger, more potent, and your body's much stronger, I'm not sure how much, and the bonus is you have a sewer as a mind, but none of that matters as you should probably take control of your body".

"What, why?" Questioned Naruto.

Then he was forcefully given control over his body. Naruto opened his eyes, finding himself falling; Naruto panicked, "AHHHHH Again!."