
DC: Monster

One day, Taylor woke up as a child in a woman's arms. A beautiful and gentle-looking woman, sure, but also a woman he'd never seen before in his life. At first he'd thought he was dreaming about giants or something...but when an entire hour passed and he finally got a look at his own body, he realized this wasn't a dream. This was his new reality. His new reality being that he was a baby again and had an entirely new family. Or rather, he had a new mother because that's the only family he seemingly had. Despite all this confusion, Taylor didn't have any time to sit around and take it all in because a screen appeared to him on his first night in this new place, [You're the in the DC Universe! Good Luck and make sure to use the gifts I've given you well or I might very well take them back!] ...Taylor felt quite tired after reading that screen, honestly. (A/N - Should go without saying because of the 'Heroic Protagonist' tag but I'll say it anyway: the MC is gonna be a Hero. Maybe not a goody two-shoes hero like Superman who never kills but he'll definitely try his best to not kill unless it's absolutely necessary. For the most part he's gonna have morals. If that isn't your thing, that's cool, but it'd be best if you didn't read this story, honestly. It won't be your thing.)

Heroic_Beowulf · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Status (Spoilers~)

Status (As of the end of Chapter 1)

[Name: Taylor Jackson]

[Age: 8-years-old]

[Races: {Human Lv1}, {Troll Lv1} and {Ogre Lv1}]

[EXP: 0]

[Strength Level: Class 5 (5000kg/5 tonnes]

[Speed Level: Superhuman (19.4 m/s or 43 MPH)]

[Durability Level: Small Building-level]

[Stamina Level: High]

. . .

Status (As of the end of Chapter 2)

[Name: Taylor Jackson]

[Age: 8-years-old]

[Races: {Human Lv10}, {Troll Lv10}, {Ogre Lv10} and {Griffin Lv1}]

[EXP: 180]

[Strength Level: Class K (144 tonnes]

[Speed Level: Subsonic (38 m/s or 85 MPH)]

[Durability Level: Large Building-level (Bullets of most calibers do no damage to him and explosives such as rocket launchers have very little effect on him. It would take sustained fire from 50. cal machine guns or anti-tank missiles to hurt him at this point.)]

[Stamina Level: Very High]