
DC: I am the Monkey King

What happens when a young and sickly child inherits the will and legacy of the Monkey King in the world of DC? Will the Monkey King succumb to this world full of Aliens, Magicians, Immortals and beings with powers of gods? Or will he dominate with his godly abilities and truly become King? *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- This story will follow the Monkey King from the Journey to the West storyline. I know I have Mori Jin as the front cover but his Monkey King isn't the same as mine. No System and No Harem. The front cover isn't mine. The source is Pinterest. Also, join the discord!!! discord.gg/wfxxZv8j4B

_MYSTERY · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Guardian Angel

The sound of shoes making contact with concrete echoed through the stairs of a worn-down apartment complex as the sun started to set. A female with pigtails, a short skirt and a sweater, dressed quite stylishly and looking a bit out of place, walked up some stairs as she struggled slightly due to the high heels she was wearing.

It had been 2 weeks since the Street Demonz incident. Since then, Ravenwood District has experienced a slight metamorphosis. The streets were quiet, the usual nicotine and smoke that lingered in the air was absent, and crime rates had drastically decreased.

It was some sort of miracle. All the things Ravenwood was known for were nowhere to be seen. The gangsters were practically extinct, and drugs as well as other harmful substances were off the streets. Additionally, during these last few days, the streets had started to fill with regular citizens as they all felt safe to roam freely during the day.

No one knew what was causing this, forcing many to create conspiracy theories. The most popular being, Ravenwood District had its very own Guardian Angel. It didn't help that strange events occurred during the night, such as random shady individuals passed out, beaten, bruised and tied up, sitting before the officers that separated the Ravenwood District from the city. They almost always had small notes, consisting of a few words that could be seen as confusing.

"We are super bad guys and we deserve to be locked up. Throw us in the deepest dungeon and throw away the keys. This is definitely what we want." The notes usually consisted of peculiar messages that confused the officers. However, they didn't hesitate to grab the gangsters after noticing they were scum that had escaped from Gotham.

This went on for countless nights as the police department decided to stay quiet on the situation. However, the people weren't stupid. Nothing could be hidden from the public forever.

Reporters and journalists frequently visited the streets they usually avoided, whether there was a story or not. A certain interaction with a madman didn't help this.

"I've seen him! From my window at night before I went to bed! As I was closing the curtains, I saw a man standing before the Street Demonz! Before I could get a good look, he turned his head and looked straight at him! It's like the vast distance between us and the darkness didn't bother him! His eyes were glowing amber as he stared into my soul with cold eyes! I ran back and hid under my bed!" This is what he said, however, many failed to believe the words of a man who appeared to be insane. Due to this and the current headline, it was enough to make any professional take the risk.

"Guardian Angel or Myth? The secret behind Ravenwood's change." The story caught national television, prompting all types of news bugs to grow a pair and venture into Ravenwood, hoping to find anything related to the mysterious 'Guardian Angel'.

At the current time, the female finally cleared the countless steps as she huffed and cursed at her poor choice of wardrobe. She stumbled and staggered to a specific door as she stood before it. After taking a deep breath and fixing her demeanour, she knocked a few times.

"One second!" Yelled a masculine voice as the door swung open shortly after. The female was presented with an old, grey-haired man. Yet, despite his clear old age, his bulky and muscular physique never failed to play tricks of doubt on those who laid eyes on him.

"How can I help you?" Asked Derek after noticing the well-framed female that stood before him. He quickly scanned her body without her seeing, noticing the intricate curves and the heavy melons that the female had.

'She's young, no older than 30. Judging from her modest clothes and unwillingness to flaunt her gifted body, I'd say she's a girl who was raised right and isn't welcoming to the alpha male attitude. However, her slutty high heels could indicate a hint of rebelliousness. Let's not attempt to overanalyze it. It could just be a poor sense of fashion. If she decided to wear those shoes after knowing she would be walking up all these flights of stairs, it could tell me something about her intelligence not being the best, making it easier to catch my prey.'

'Not to mention the fact that she successfully arrived on the 5th floor while wearing those obnoxious shoes and didn't seem to be sweating very much, revealing that she's quite athletic and has some endurance. How she acquired that endurance is still unknown. A more compassionate and charming approach is the way to go here while occasionally hitting her with a few semi-dirty lines.' In the span of a few seconds, Derek completely planned out his strategy in his mind as he began to talk. However, before he could say anything, the female began to speak.

"Hi, I'm Emily. I'm Isaac's girlfriend." Derek stood still for a few seconds, frozen as a smile was plastered on his face. Those words rang in his head as someone tapped him on his shoulder.

"Emily! Grandpa, this is my girlfriend. I'd love for the both of you to get acquainted, but we have somewhere to be. Bye." Said Isaac with a backpack on as the female wrapped her arms around his. Since she was taller than Isaac, she had to bend down slightly which further exaggerated her features.

"It was nice to meet you, Mr Hale. Soon you might just become my Grandpa too." She said as they walked away. A few minutes passed as Derek stood in the same position, the same smile never leaving his face.

"What have I created?" He said silently.


"Thanks a lot, Cass. I owe you one." Said Isaac as he and his supposed girlfriend stood in a dark alley.

"No problem. After all, you did save my life." She said with a smile.

"Even so, don't be afraid to ask if you need help with anything." Said Isaac as he saw her about to leave.

"Well, to be honest, I would like it if you kept an eye out for a red scarf of mine that went missing." Before Isaac could nod and reply, he started to recall certain memories that played like a horror film in his mind.

"Red s-scarf…?" He stuttered as his eyes became hollow and the PTSD of a certain night returned.

"Yeah, I think I left it on a couch or something. But when I went back it wasn't there. It might still be lying around so I'd appreciate it if you brought it back to me if you find it." She said as she started to walk away, leaving Isaac alone with his haunting thoughts.

"Yeah, sure thing." He said with a forced smile and trembling hands.

As she waved at him and disappeared into the dark alley, Isaac snapped from his nightmare and began to walk. During these past two weeks, Isaac has made a vast amount of improvement regarding his Qi. Firstly, the Qi in his dantian had grown to the size of a basketball. It didn't seem like much at first, but it made a big difference for him during his late-night trips around Ravenwood.

He also figured out a few things. Firstly, he found that one's physique and body played a role when enhancing themselves with Qi. He found that someone with a physique that could be considered below average would need more Qi when enhancing themselves to a certain level compared to the average person. However, a person whose physique could be considered Athlete-level could further enhance their body with the same amount of Qi. This meant that two people with the same amount of Qi could have different stats depending on their physique.

Although this opened a lot of doors for Isaac and showed him a way to become stronger without having to rely solely on his cultivation, it also hit him with the crushing reality that unless he cured his heart, it would always need a vast amount of Qi that would leave him with fewer reserves that he should have.

After finding this out, Isaac decided to put work into transforming his body. He could never exercise because of his heart, therefore it left his body in a skinny and timid state. But now that he had access to Qi, he didn't need to worry about that. He now woke up bright and early before school to run a few laps around Ravenwood. After taking a bit of advice from his grandfather, he now had a strict diet and training regime.

In real-time, Isaac climbed up a ladder beside a building in a dark alley with his backpack still strapped to him. He stood above the building as he opened his bag and withdrew a white shirt, black suit pants, a tie, sneakers and a gorilla mask.


"Hop to it, boys! This neighbourhood's going to be ours!" A dark-skinned man wearing glasses and a black trenchcoat yelled as he stood on the hood of a black SUV. Countless men worked around him as they seemed to be in a warehouse with countless crates containing guns, ammunition and even RPGs.

A handful of SUVs littered the damp warehouse while the individuals were dressed in shady clothes. The man who led them all yelled with an egotistical smile.

"Have you people not been reading the news or are you just stupid?" A voice yelled from the ceiling of the warehouse as everyone dropped what they were doing at the sudden uninvited guest.

"The Guardian Angel of Ravenwood. I've heard of you. From the news and even from the punks you battered. I was just having trouble believing it was true." Said the man as he jumped down off the car he was standing on and stared into the darkness, instantly guessing who the voice belonged to.

"Well, now you know. Don't you know it's rude to trespass on people's property? Let me tell you what'll happen if you don't pack up and leave right now. Firstly, I'll rub your face on that guy's nuts and I'll rub his face on that guy's nuts." Said the voice as the gangsters looked around, not knowing who he was talking about.

"This is my territory." Said the voice once again.

"Yes well, it won't be for long. But before all that, allow me to introduce myself. You may call me The Mayor. Fresh out of Star City." Introduced the man with an over-the-top performance.

"Are you kidding me? Is it so much to ask for some original bad guys? Why am I always stuck with someone else's leftovers? Let me guess, you fled from Star City because you're all scared of the Green Arrow." Said the voice, sounding annoyed. His words seemed to strike a nerve as in the next second the Mayor yelled with a tone of frustration.

"I didn't run! You better believe I'll get my revenge on that masked freak! I'll work my way to the top, shooting down anyone who stands in my way! Starting with you!" The Mayor pulled a gun from his hips as he shot into the darkness.

A few seconds of silence passed as the Mayor raised an eyebrow, questioning if he just killed the man he had heard so much about. However, before he was answered, one of the SUVs in the area started as it zoomed toward him.

Countless gangsters jumped out of the way, including the Mayor as he dropped to the ground, watching his beloved car get smashed to bits.

The Mayor quickly looked around as he signalled to his men to get ready. They all armed themselves with heavy artillery as they scoured the warehouse.

"How does this thing work?" Said the same voice behind them. As they shot their heads back to shoot at their foe, they froze slightly as their life flashed before them.

They witnessed a man in a shirt, tie, suit pants, sneakers and most prominently a gorilla mask, fiddling with an RPG on his shoulder pointing right at them.

"Do I press a button or…" Before he could finish, a rocket-like object shot from the weapon as it soared toward the gangsters. The few whose legs were working, jumped out of the way as the missile hit the ground, creating an ear-piercing BOOM and sending shockwaves into the ground, all while most of the gangsters were sent skidding across the ground.

Countless men laid unconscious as others struggled to stand, all while Isaac stood still and witnessed the carnage. He blinked a few times before placing the weapon down and stepping away carefully.

"You bastard!" Yelled the man as he swung his head to find his foe while picking up an assault rifle. His adversary had once again disappeared, however, he didn't care and shot uncontrollably as the artillery echoed through the night. He turned and swung his weapon around, not knowing where his enemy would attack from.

After a few seconds, the man came to a stop after his ammunition finished. Before he could look for more, the assault rifle was kicked from his hand and he felt his hand vibrate with pain. He turned around only to be met with the face of a hairy gorilla, staring into his eyes and carrying one of his men.

The Mayor felt a hand touch the back of his head as it was jolted down with superhuman force into what the Mayor assumed to be some kind of bag. However, after a few seconds, a funky smell and humid air started to waft around his face. His mind started to race as he feared the Gorilla man's words might have been true. It didn't help that a long unknown object was currently pressed against his face, moving across his lips and nose. Soon, a bush of hair started to tease his orifices, making him sneeze and getting stuck in his mouth. In the next second, the man realised what was going on and started to scream.

"I'll kill you! You won't see the light of…wait a second, WHY IS IT HARD?!" Isaac laughed as he sat on the hood of one of the surviving cars.

"Well, that was easy. I figured they'd pose more of a threat. They talked big and had all these guns. Jeez, when am I gonna get some real villains?" He sighed as he prepared his ropes, watching the few individuals before him suffer.

"Although, I wouldn't mind more scenes like these. They really do make my day." He said with a laugh.

"I bet they do. To be honest, I can see why." Said a voice in the darkness. Isaac shot his head back as he raised an eyebrow.

"I gotta say, you really gave me a laugh. Watching these cunts eat each other's bullocks is quite the show, I'll give you that." Isaac immediately went on guard. He started to sweat as he became wary. He had never reacted like this when fighting with these gangsters. However, now, he felt as if he was in a lion's den, being eyed by his prey. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as a chill ran down his spine.

"I'm only here to confirm something, so be a sport and humour me would ya, mate?" The voice with the thick British accent made Isaac raise an eyebrow as he was confident he had heard this voice before.

The owner of the voice stepped out of the shadows as an old bulky man with grey hair and wrinkles emerged from the dark as he fashioned a black leather coat.

"Don't get too nervous now, I'm just an old geezer after all." Said the old man as he removed his jacket, and then his shirt to reveal a toned physique with detailed and intricate muscles, covered with scars and old wounds. The old man withdrew a few knives from their scabbards strapped to his pants. The knives had peculiar handles that acted as brass knuckles as well as a comfortable hold on one's weapon. However, Isaac focused on none of that. Instead, he stared at the old man's face as his jaw dropped and his eyes widened.

"Grandpa!?" He yelled inwardly.


Author's Note: I'll try update tomorrow since I know how annoying cliffhangers can be. You know what will help me with my work?


Also, join the discord!!
