

Read chapter in advance: p@treon.com/MrLarsBar [replace the '@' with an 'a'] Aaron Reigner. A seemingly ordinary man in the unordinary city of Gotham. One day after work, he encounters Batgirl and his life completely flips on its head. Women flock to him like animals, all the while a massive conspiracy begins to rear its ugly head. By pounding his way through the city, maybe he can make a difference and grow along the way. *** Tags: Smut, Plot, Porn With Plot, Harem, Character Development, Comic Accurate WARNING: Minor raceplay in certain chapters. I do not promote or encourage any material or comments written nor do they reflect my personal beliefs. It's just smut. *** Volume 1: Shadows Beneath Smiles - Aaron Reigner, a young man working for Wayne Technologies, meets Cassandra Cain, AKA Batgirl. After spending his holiday weekend railing her, his world changes. One after another, the ladies of Gotham fall into his lap. However, he also begins to see that not everything is as it seems... Volume 2: Leviathan - A threat like no other begins to make their move. Leviathan, an international organization hell-bent on fixing the corruption of Gotham City, enters the fray. What will Aaron do...? Volume 3: Chosen One - Destiny revealed! The Chosen One, the mysterious figure that Leviathan has been frantically searching for, is Aaron Reigner! Who is Aaron? What are his powers? Who chose the Chosen One? So many questions and so little time, especially as the World's Greatest Detective begins to suspect Aaron. Volume 4: Gotham City - The battle for Gotham City begins! As begins a lot of sex! Like a lot! *** A/N: I read a LOT of comics, so expect plenty of comic accuracy, references, and characters. This fic takes place in Prime Earth which, if you don't know, canonizes nearly everything from Post-Crisis and Post-Flashpoint. Also, this fic does not take comics released after March of 2023 into consideration. Essentially, this is a huge project of mine where some white dude goes around fucking the bad bitches of Gotham City. Chapters with smut/R18 scenes will have a double slash (//) in their title.

MrLarsBar · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Lazarus Island // Talia al Ghul

It was Tuesday, a school day. Chloe's legs were dangling off the chair in extreme enthusiasm. She munched on her slice of Nutella bread with a huge smile. With a fork, Aaron ate his own toast.

"You look excited," Aaron said.

"Mhm, mhm. Yesterday was so fun! We did an art project! And math! It was so much fun!"

Math? Fun? Well, as long as she enjoyed herself. He pushed himself off his chair and waited at the door. In a minute, Chloe followed, backpack worn and her chocolaty breakfast swallowed.

"Is the taxi here? Or is Carrie dropping me off?" Chloe asked, running down the stairs. She didn't like elevators–said they were too cramped and slow.

Carrie functioned as a co-parent of sorts. Again, courtesy of the Waynes, she worked full-time for his daughter's well-being. Breakfast, school homework, and whatever else Aaron required whenever he was busy with ordinary work or Gotham-changing work. Occasionally, Carrie wasn't available and he had to rely on Claire (Gotham Girl) to babysit or pick-up. The past two weeks was a time of learning as he adjusted to raising a child at school. It wasn't easy but he was getting the hang of it.

They stepped outside the apartment but rather than a yellow taxi waiting for them it was a sleek, black sedan. Cyan highlights wrapped its automotive curves and its front lights a glorious navy. Chloe was immediately smitten.

"W-woah, what is this?" Chloe looked up at him, wide-eyed. "I-is this ours? No way, right…?"

Hands in his pockets, he approached the car and, as if sensing his presence, the door slid open. The inside was just as futuristic as one would expect. "Our new car. I got a friend of mine to pull some strings."

Tanya Fox, as the wife of Wayne Enterprises' CEO, could snatch a model of the Mirage X500 in less than an hour. Two hours before Chloe was awake, he texted Tanya and requested the brand new model. An hour later, the car had arrived at his apartment parking lot.

"No more taxi!" Chloe leaped towards him, grinning.

Aaron laughed and caught her in a hug.. "No more taxi. Also, we have a guest inside."

"Huh? Who? Who?"


Chloe detached herself from him and peered inside. The driver's seat was empty. The back, however, was where a certain black-haired woman sat. "Oh, Ms. Cassandra! It's great to see you!"

Cassandra sent a small salute. "Captain Chloe, reporting for duty."

A grin. "Reporting for duty!"

The car was self-driving so really Aaron didn't have to sit in the driver's seat. He did because he didn't want to risk a police officer pulling him over or mistaking him for a criminal. Seriously, the self-driving feature would be amazing in helping pull off heists.

As they drove off, with the help of the front mirror reflection, he watched as Cassandra and Chloe played rock-paper-scissors.

"Not fair! How do you win everytime?" Chloe asked, pouting. Cassandra pointed her nose upwards, proud.

"You snooze, you lose."

"More like…you cheat, you win!"

Cassandra pretended to be offended and shook her in disappointment. "Skill. All skills."

"I will discover your secret, Ms. Cassandra…"

Chloe's warning came off childish rather than menacing. A little chuckle escaped the pretend driver. He glanced at the wheel and saw as it smoothly turned and drove the car. 'Self-driving cars are so cool.'

Aaron turned on the radio. Immediately, he was blasted with the over the top voice of Jack Ryder.

"Breaking news! Last year, Kane Enterprises bought out Hamilton Rifle, a Fortune 500 company, and placed them as their second largest branch. Net worthed at approximately fifteen billion dollars now, it is the number one supplier of guns in all of America!"

Oh. Ohhh. So that was what they were talking about. Aaron chuckled, the noise unnoticed underneath Cassandra and Chloe's games and laughter. 'Man, I love it when things go according to plan.'

"Yet!" Thud! Jack Ryder slammed the table through the radio. "Today, Catherine Hamilton has announced she will be training her daughter, Elizabeth Kane, as the next CEO of not just Hamilton Rifle Company but all of Kane Enterprises. A daughter, mind you, that has been shielded from the public. Is she up to the task? Is this not too sudden a move? What will the shareholders think!?"

Good question. What would they think when he cleaned the streets of Gotham of its gun problem?

'Who cares.'

He focused back on Cassandra and Chloe. Those two mattered to him more than any shareholder in the world.



"Bye-bye!" Chloe waved at him and dashed to the entrance. The bell had just rung. It was time to go in. Once she disappeared inside, Aaron smiled in relief. His life was a complicated mess but with her it seemed to tip back onto the side of normalcy. It gave him motivation and a pleasant break to look forward to.

It was just him and Cassandra in the car. The engine was eerily silent. He opened his mouth but before he could speak Cassandra climbed through the middle and went to the passenger's seat. She was lithe and quick and plopped down in a second.


Cassandra smiled at him. "So."

Aaron swallowed. He wasn't sure how to begin the conversation so he decided to use his go-to technique. "Chloe is going to school. It's great."

A nod. "Mm."

"I feel really relieved, you know? I can chill for six hours and either go to the Manor or my workplace. It's just so flexible, you know?" He said you know twice. His nerves were catching up to him. Cassandra smiled knowingly and let him relax for a few seconds. "By the way, Cass, about the whole, erm…"

What was it she asked him? To cuck her? That was technically what it was. She wasn't asking for an open relationship or polygamy. Open relationships meant they were loose and fast with whom they dated and fucked. Polygamy was much tighter. It wasn't just sex with no strings attached, there was an emotional attachment between the couple and their new lover(s).

In response to the dull silence and suggestion, the young woman's cheeks reddened and she fiddled with her fingers.

"We…" Cassandra breathed and started again, this time with additional confidence. "...we can just start with videos…." Okay, she was murmuring again. "Um, watching you have sex directly would be…"

"Y-yeah, let's build up to it. If you want to, of course," Aaron added hurriedly. "If you don't, then just say the word."

"Mhm." Cassandra nodded shyly. God, they were both bad at this.

"I…I think I have someone in mind today," Aaron said. "At work. She might agree, she might not. If I do succeed, it's…do you want me to…?"

A nod. "Pictures," Cassandra muttered, face down but eyes darting towards him excitedly.

"By the way, we should also make this clear: this isn't an open relationship. I'm only doing this because, well, you want to. If you ever want me to stop, I'll do it, no questions asked."

Aaron was serious too. He had said it once and he'd say it again: there was only so much sex in the world, so much joy that you could gain from a harem. He didn't HAVE to fuck his hypnotized Harem, it was merely a formality. With his current level of powers, he could easily control Lady Shiva. Although he enjoyed her honest servitude, she had done fucked up stuff. Hypnotizing her didn't exactly bring guilt to his heart.

"Aaron…" Cassandra called out. She placed her hand over his. "I…I'm not sure if I ever will. I love watching people have sex. Almost as much as having sex with you."

"Really? I'm not lying about stopping, you know. Do you really want to do this?" His eyes travelled to her stomach. They still needed to do a pregnancy test but–


Cassandra pulled him by the back of his head and reeled him in for a kiss. Damn, she was quite the minx, wasn't she? Aaron closed his eyes and melted into the passion. So this was it: this was the agreement.

'Sorry, Cass,' Aaron said mentally, a hand on her cheek, furthering the kiss. 'I did lie a little bit there. Although I said work, it's not the work you're thinking of.'

Indeed. Two weeks ago, he had met with Talia, Angel Breaker, and Lady Shiva about when he would go to Lazarus Island. Today was that day. Today was the day he would breed Talia al Ghul and Angel Breaker.


Aaron had never been on a private jet before. It was a novel experience. He glanced out the window, staring at the white clouds which hid the Atlantic Ocean.

"First time out of Gotham?" Talia asked from across. He nodded gingerly. "I see. I hope this experience serves you well."

'Me too,' he said in his head. He didn't feel comfortable having Chloe so far from his reach. She was at school, ignorant to what her adopted father was doing. That was fine with him. As long as she was able to live in a safe, peaceful Gotham, it didn't matter what secrets he kept from her.

At the very least, he was thankful that the trip didn't happen on her second day of school. Two weeks had passed since Cassandra's confession and Chloe's first day of school. He had grown accustomed to his new life. Part-time Wayne Tech employee and part-time peacemaker of Gotham.

"A drink?" an attendant appeared with a tray of alcohol. Aaron tenderly took it as did Talia.

The interior of the jet was a symphony of elegance and comfort, boasting plush leather seats, polished wood finishes, and tasteful ambient lighting. The spacious cabin featured a well-stocked bar, a state-of-the-art entertainment system, and a cozy lounge area where he could relax during the flight.

Whose jet was this? Talia's. Forget the League, the woman herself was very, very wealthy from stocks, investments, and businesses spanning the globe. There was a reason the League of Assassins were regarded as a world-wide threat–an illuminati-esque organization.

Tagging along were Lady Shiva and Angel Breaker. The two of them were in the cockpit, observing for abnormalities. They didn't want to risk an attack. Aaron personally believed they were too paranoid but hey. The better secured he was, the longer he would live.

As the jet soared through the sky, Aaron was attended to by the attentive flight crew, who catered to his every need. They served him a delectable array of gourmet dishes, carefully crafted by an onboard chef. From succulent seared scallops to tender fillet mignon, each course was a culinary masterpiece, accompanied by fine wines and expertly mixed cocktails.

The jet's advanced technology and powerful engines allowed for a smooth and efficient journey. Flying at high altitudes and cruising speeds, the distance between Gotham City and Lazarus Island was traversed in a matter of two hours, making the journey remarkably swift. When they had soared over the vast Atlantic Ocean, Aaron marvelled at the panoramic views below. In particular, the coastline of New Jersey before the vast expanse of the ocean. It was magnificent to witness.

"It won't be long before we arrive," Talia said. "My Talon-1 is state-of-the-art. It's on the same level as the Batplane. A maximum speed of 4,400 mph, capable of converting into a helicopter and submarine, infra-red spotlight, giant flood light spots, aerial cameras, TV and radar screen, and auxiliary jet propulsion motors."

'This thing is beginning to sound like a private jet and more like a military-grade weapon of destruction. Well, she is a terrorist, I guess.'

"You must be proud," Aaron said, cupping his face towards the window.

"It was intended for my son when he came of age. It took ten years to build it. I have to be proud."

The Talon-1 was custom-designed to meet Talia's exacting standards. Its sleek and aerodynamic exterior boasted a matte black finish that would seamlessly blend into the night sky.

Finally, after a few hours of flight, the jet began its descent towards Lazarus Island, the small island off the coast of South America. The azure waters and lush landscapes came into view, painting a picturesque backdrop.

While he was sipping on an orange cocktail, Lady Shiva and Angel Breaker arrived. The white swordswoman cleared her throat and announced, "We are here, Chosen One."

"Alrighty then." Exhaling, Aaron got up from his chair, dusted himself off, and headed over.

Once they touched down on the island's airstrip, the whir of the engines gradually subsided, and the cabin filled with a sense of anticipation.

With a soft hiss, the main cabin door unlatched, and Aaron made his way towards the exit. The ladies weren't too far behind. The door, elegantly designed and seamlessly integrated into the aircraft's sleek exterior, slid open smoothly, revealing the breathtaking landscape of Lazarus Island.

Stepping out onto the jet's retractable stairs, Aaron was greeted by a refreshing tropical breeze and the warm embrace of the island's climate. The stairs gently touched the ground, their sleek metallic surfaces gleaming under the vibrant sunlight. As Aaron descended, he couldn't help but be captivated by the natural beauty that surrounded him—the pristine beaches, lush greenery, and the faint scent of the ocean.

"Different from Gotham?" Talia asked, once on solid ground.

"Way different. I can't recall the last time I saw a tree."

"Mother nature has been denied its place in Gotham." Angel Break looped her arm around his. "Perhaps you can change it."


'Assuming Ivy helps.'

Yep, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn were vaguely in his plans. One way or another, however, regardless of their participation, he was going to bring greenery to Gotham. With this island, his thoughts on the matter were cemented. Forget climate change, the kids of Gotham needed to be able to see a tree that wasn't spawned by a supernatural genocide-talking lady.

Waiting for him ahead was a lone woman with snow-white hair, a tanned complexion, and green markings on her face. Her cheekbones were high and her face was subtly wrinkled. Age was not on her side.

"I am Mother Soul. I am Rúh al Ghul. Welcome to Lazarus Island, Chosen One. I shall be your host."

His eyes scanned her. This was Ra's al Ghul's mother. 'Okay, I've never believed in GILFs but woah. That is a seriously attractive grandmother. I see where Talia got her looks.'

"Where are your men?" Aaron asked.

"Managing the ritual," Rúh replied, "as you requested."

"I meant your protection. You are clearly a woman of high honour. To stand alone like this even for my arrival does not do your service."

As an office worker, Aaron was great at stroking egos and he could tell when it worked. Seeing the small smile on her lips, in this case, it worked phenomenally.

"Apologies." Rúh bowed her head. "My League has lost much of its fighting force. I could not afford to greet you with them."

"How pathetic, grandmother." Talia stepped forward, sneering. "To greet the Chosen One so whimsically, you have lost your touch."

"Talia," Rúh responded, closing her eyes and opening them, unfazed. Her disinterest in her granddaughter was as palpable as his interest in trees. "Come, Chosen One. I shall take you inside."


The abode of Rúh al Ghul, perched atop the elevated cliffs of Lazarus Island and against the supersized skull, was a sight to behold—a majestic fortress that resonated with an aura of ancient power. The palace stood tall and formidable, its silhouette commanding respect against the backdrop of the island's lush landscape.

The palace was a sprawling structure with multiple levels, spanning several floors that from the outside reached half of the giant skull's length. Aaron wondered what manner of creature could leave behind a skull of that magnitude. From a distance, the exterior showcased a fusion of architectural styles, blending elements of traditional fortresses with intricate Eastern influences. Far, far back, as they reached its innersteps, he saw a volcano.

"That is the Lazarus Volcano," Lady Shiva pointed out. "It was the cause of the unnatural storms and supernatural powers last year."

"Right." Stuff like that happened every month. If he was an ordinary man, he wouldn't have been able to differentiate them. "So the effects of Lazarus waters go beyond just healing."

"Precisely." Lady Shiva nodded, arms behind her as she walked beside him. Though Angel Breaker pressed her breasts further into his arm, it did not deter the grandmaster of martial arts. "There is a theory that it was due to the change in shape. The pits are liquid, whereas the storms were Lazarus clouds raining down Lazarus resins."

"The magic of the Lazarus Pits is sensitive. A change like that is to be expected," said Rúh. "I myself have seen prophecies in my dips. Truly, it is a substance of true magic."

"Magic at YOUR disposal, my Chosen One," Angel Breaker interjected, her temple nestling his shoulder. "You can do whatever you want."

"Thanks," he said, smiling down at her. "I appreciate your insight."

Angel Break giggled and was glued to his arm. Hearing the swordswoman giggle like that was weird. Talia rolled her eyes. Rúh remained in front of them, hips wagging, unconcerned.

Stepping through the massive entrance, the interior of the palace revealed a world of opulence and mystery. Intricately carved archways and corridors led to chambers that whispered tales of ancient civilizations and forgotten legends. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of heroism and triumph, while gleaming chandeliers bathed the halls in a warm, ethereal glow.

"Are these Ra's adventurers?" Aaron asked.

"Yes," Rúh replied. "Before his death, my son and I had many disagreements. But I did truly love him."

'Loved him…? You were a psycho fortune teller who nearly destroyed the world by releasing a super demon with your faulty dreams.'

The palace boasted vast halls that could accommodate grand assemblies, its high ceilings adorned with ornate frescoes and delicate murals. Exquisite marble columns lined the paths, supporting the weight of history that permeated the air.

As one ascended the palace's floors, a sense of reverence and ancient knowledge permeated the surroundings. Hidden libraries housed scrolls and tomes of untold wisdom, guarded by fierce sentinels who had sworn their loyalty to Rúh al Ghul and the League of Lazarus.

Up, up, up, they went. Aaron wondered if he should have sped up the process with a teleportation spell. Oh well. He had walked too far to do it now.

"Chosen One…" Rúh gestured at a tall double-door. "Talia's personal guards are already inside to tend to you. She shall prepare you for the ritual."

Without warning, the chamber doors with opulence. What came into view were high ceilings and grand windows allowing natural light to cascade in, illuminating the room's elegant tapestries and polished wooden floors. At one end, a luxurious canopy bed with rich draperies and plush bedding served as a centrepiece, offering a place of respite and comfort. Ornate furnishings and intricate decorations adorned the space, exuding an air of regality and timeless beauty.

Several women awaited him. They were like ninjas with black masks, exposed backside and arms showing the red tattoos coursing through them. Their figures were strong and sexy. Kneeling and expectant. They didn't dare look at his face. Instead, they remained at the centre of the room.

"These are my personal guards. I left them with my grandmother in order to keep watch on this island. I have trained each and every one of them since childhood. They serve me and me alone." Talia brushed his shoulder. "Go on. They will help you change."

"I must also change," Angel Breaker said, finally parting from his arm. Aaron didn't particularly miss the softness of her breasts. When Cassandra did it at the Hedonist Society, he enjoyed it but Angel Breaker? Meh.

"Chosen One?"

He blinked. She had been standing there, seemingly waiting for something. Aaron blinked again and out of reflex put a hand on her head. He must have done the wrong thing because she jumped and he quickly pulled his arm away.

"S-sorry, what is it that you want?"

It was as if she had felt affection for the first time in her life. Slowly, she touched her and the region he had massaged. "...a kiss…"

This woman seriously had issues. Moreover, Aaron had way too much empathy. Why were his eyes softening?

"Master, I shall take care of the whore." Lady Shiva bowed and proceeded to haul Angel Breaker away. It was an amusing sight as Angel Breaker did not resist and her feet dragged across the floor.

As for Rúh and Talia, the two of them said they would be waiting outside. Hands in his pockets, he headed in. The doors behind him closed. Talia's personal guards were like statues. All seven of them, identical in complexion, facial features, and attire. All carrying swords. All loyal to him, the Chosen One.

He wanted to sigh. Instead, he played along with the charade. "Take me to the bath." At the corner of his eye, he had seen the bathroom door. Even so, he knew he had to act like the Chosen One if he wanted to be able to get them in the ritual room.

"Of course."

They spoke as one, then rose from their rooted spots in order to guide him forward. Two attaching themselves to each arm, and the remaining three behind him, pushing him. Entering the bathroom, his eyes squinted. It was the glossiest, most uppity bath area he had ever seen. A personal hot spring for him judging by the steam emerging from the water.

Without his permission, they started stripping him. First with his shirt, then his pants. Eventually, he was left in his boxers.

"How many times have you done this?" he asked. One of the female guards, whom he presumed to be the leader, responded while each of them dug their fingers into his waistband.

"Once with Bruce Wayne, once with O-Sensei, once with the great Ra's al Ghul, and once with our Mistress."

'For each potential leader. Makes sense.'

A nod. At once, the female guards yanked his boxers.


Without leverage, his cock swung back to land on his thigh, a loud clap between flesh splitting the room. The reactions were universal. All seven of them, no matter the angle, whether it be his cock or his ballsack, were flabbergasted.

Only harsh breathing and the enduring echo remained. Brows were raised high, expressions were bewildered, jaws were dropped.

All because of that thing between his legs.

Given the colour in their eyes, this was NOT going to be an ordinary bath.


'Okay, I was right about it not being ordinary but I did not expect this.'

Due to his experience, Aaron expected sex. But no, although there was plenty of sexual touching, there was no actual sex. No penetration or oral or handjobs. Instead, the dignified, ceremonious women into a bunch of bimbos vying for his attention. Laughing, smiling, and having an all-around fun time.

Everytime he said something, they acted like he made the greatest joke in the world.

"You're so funny, Chosen One."

"Yeah, so funny!"

"Hey, hey, tell us another story."

All seven of them were so giddy and cock-eyed that he wondered how they became Talia's personal guards. Perhaps this was their real personality. The part of themselves they were forced to lock up due to their mistresses' training and orders.

"Here's a funny one: a long time ago, when the Flash was sixteen and making out with his first girlfriend, the Reverse Flash used time travel to jerk him off at super speeds so that it seemed like he nutted at just a woman's touch."

"Awww~! So his girlfriend thought he was a quickshot?"

"She probably broke up with him."

"Hahahaha~! Aww, poor Flash!"

Aaron wished he was making that up but no. The Collective Unconscious, a waterfall of knowledge, contained endless stories like these. Like a powerful stream, he could only drink what the palm of his hands could contain, so a majority of the stories he learned were pointless and irrelevant. He did NOT need to know the time a Green Lantern's girlfriend got killed and stuffed in a refrigerator, or Big Barda being mind controlled into doing porn films, or pink kryptonite turning kryptonians gay. Wait, what would happen if said kryptonian was bisexual? Would they become asexual? Or what if they were asexual? Would they turn bi?

So many questions, so few answers. Unless he went into another meditative state, he wouldn't get his answers.

"Hey, hey, another! Another!"

"...one of the best detectives in the world is a chimp."

Laughter erupted from them like a tuned melody. Honestly, Aaron didn't know if what he said was from this particular reality but he hoped it was. He plucked it from the Collective Unconscious on a whim.

"A chimp? Really?"

"You're so funny!"

Their valley girl accents threw him off since they were arab rather than blonde bimbos from California. Was this the result of globalization? Aaron shrugged and smiled. Listening to them carefully, he understood what exactly had transpired to turn them into such shameless women.

The Chosen One was hope. The Chosen One was everyone's friend. The Chosen One was the League's saviour–the answer to their training and trauma.

'But they can't fuck me because of the ritual. I'm only supposed to rail Talia in their eyes. That's unfortunate.'

Tits, cunts, and naked bodies were served on a silver platter here yet he couldn't touch him. It truly was unfortunate. He thought about using this hot spring and these guards to snap a photo for Cassandra. The image of seven women surrounding his cock would definitely serve as excellent masturbation material.

"Hey, could one of you girls take a selfie of us?"

Aaron did promise Cassandra a photo. Although since his phone wasn't with him, he would have to make do with theirs. Seven women, each with matching red tattoos and a wonderful rack. Would Cassandra recognize them as Talia's personal guard? Probably not, right? As smart as Cassandra was, her strength lay in fighting, not detective work.

Flaccid peeking through the water, bright smiles facing the camera–


The picture was taken. He instructed the female guard to send it to a certain number. Without question, she did.

"I'm honestly surprised this place has service," Aaron muttered.

Like siblings in a comedy, the seven guards responded, "We have service, just not the legal kind."

"I assume you also have the internet but not the legal kind?" Aaron asked.

The female guards giggled and simultaneously replied, "Yessss."

Laughing, he got up. Water dripped from every inch of his pristine body. He could sense the gasps and admiration. The lust. With a single glance, they followed him out of the bath. Two of them went to fetch towels. They watched as he raised his arms and went into a T-pose.

Then they started scrubbing.

Having seven attractive, toned women dry him was liberating. He felt like a god.

The soft towel gently rubbed his ballsack, absorbing the wetness on the satchel. Slow, tender, and safe. His dong was carefully dried and tended to.


He was getting goosebumps. His fingers were curling in anticipation. He couldn't wait to fuck Talia in front of the entire League.


The cave reverberated with an eerie silence as torchlight danced on the ancient stone walls. The League of Assassins and the League of Shadows, two legions of shadowed figures, kneeled in solemn vigilance, their eyes fixed upon the ritual unfolding before them. At the heart of the cavern, a large pool shimmered with an otherworldly glow, its waters still and foreboding.

Aaron's heart pounded in his chest as he felt the weight of the moment. The torches lining the path seemed to guide him toward an uncertain future, their flames casting shadows that whispered ancient secrets. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead.

He was draped in a flowing black robe and stepped forward with measured steps, his bare feet making no sound on the cold stone floor. The flickering torch lights casted an ethereal glow on his chiselled features. Behind him were Talia's personal guards. All seven of them were in his shadow and cautiously protecting him from a potential betrayal. The Assassins and Shadows were kneeling between the torches.

As he approached the edge of the pool, the two brides awaited him. Talia al Ghul and Angel Breaker. Their presence was intoxicating, their gazes drawing him closer with a magnetic force.

At the helm of the pool was Rúh al Ghul, adorned in intricate robes. She raised her hands in a gesture of reverence. "Behold, the Chosen One, who has come to partake in the sacred union and embrace his destiny."

Standing beside her was Lady Shiva. The goddess of martial arts nodded at him. He nodded back. At once, the seven guards came up and untied his robe. It fell. He faced the Assassins and Shadows. He could feel the burning sensation of a thousand eyes.

Gasps. Wonder. Awe.

Between his legs lay a huge, godly cock.

He did an unveiling of his manhood via a gradual thirty-sixty. He could see it in Rúh al Ghul's eyes. The realization. The fear. Aaron Reigner was indeed the Chosen One and it was plain to see by the size of his cock. No hero, no Chosen One could be special and have a small pecker. It was a stereotype, a logic instilled deep inside every human being.

While the whore smirked and put a finger in her mouth, Talia went wide eyed.

'Right, she's never seen it. Ha.'

He could sense the emotion in the air and the ensuing loyalty. Due to how flawless his physical body was, the League of Shadows and Assassins understood that this was their new leader. Even so, Aaron did not want to risk it. He activated his pheromones and bound them all in his spell.


It was invisible and the smell was eagerly swallowed by his new servants. They must have thought this was a part of the ritual. To an extent, yes, it was. This ritual marked a turning point, an irrevocable shift in his journey. With the most talented human warriors at his behest, he could finally help Gotham at a scale never seen before.

'Stage two is finally, FINALLY complete. The League of Shadows and Assassins is completely under my control. Rúh al Ghul is under my control, so I get a bonus too: the League of Lazarus.' Aaron smirked and gazed down at Talia al Ghul. He had spared her, Lady Shiva, and Angel Breaker from his pheromones. Why?

Because he made a promise. He said he would figure out other ways to wrestle evil to his side. In other words, he was going to fuck her till she submitted, just like Lady Shiva.

The mini staircase to the pool caused his cock to slap from thigh to thigh. Talia swallowed and prepared herself. She knew she was gorgeous and lifted her bosom with her arm. He had already seen her naked form before but with the hue of the pool her beauty was magnified.

Two of the hottest bods and eyed his cock which at the flick of his willpower rose to its full glory. Talia swallowed again. She was a woman of dignity and nobility, she could not show weakness. Yet he could it in her eyes: she wanted him and she wanted so fucking badly that she wanted to forgo the damn ritual.

"Two Chosen Bride candidates," Rúh announced, much to Talia's annoyance. "My granddaughter, Talia al Ghul, and the leader of the League of Assassins, Angel Breaker."

He did not submerge himself in the water, standing on the second last stair, his erection just barely above the peaceful water. Talia gulped again. It was long, it was hard, and it seemed to throb as her grandmother spoke. Through her eyes, he could see her comparing Bruce's four incher and Aaron's thirteen incher. She couldn't believe he was triple the size of her beloved. It was a colossal fucking gap.

"We shall bear witness to the worthy one," said Rúh. "The Chosen One shall make his decision. The Chosen Bride and the future of the League, of Ra's al Ghul's ambition, shall be realized."

There was a tremor in the air. A thrill from the spectacle they were about to witness.

'I'm not one to disappoint,' Aaron said in his head. He took a step forward and his waist was engulfed in the pool. Unlike with most pools of water, there was no bending of what lay below. It was a totally transparent substance. Talia's eyes were lowered. It was like his face and the remainder of his entity did not exist.

"I am going to thoroughly check your cunts," Aaron declared. "Turn around and bend over. I want to see how wet you two are."

His Chosen Bride had already been selected and it was neither Talia or Angel Whore. Still, he could play around, couldn't he?

Talia and Angel Whore obeyed. The pool wasn't very deep, so he could watch as their asses rose from the water and their cunts presented themselves to him. Talia's booty was thicker but her waist wasn't as snatched. Angel Whore had slightly thicker thighs and a pasty white complexion. Not necessarily better but…

"Interesting," Aaron said to himself. Then, without warning, he inserted a finger in each of their dripping wet cunts. Talia gasped.


"Silence." His left and right index fingers curled inside the brides. Tremors spread across Talia whereas Angel Whore thanked him.

"Thank you, Chosen One." Angel Whore peered over her shoulder, smirking. "It is clear I am better, no?"

Talia grit her and withstood his finger's lashing. Aaron understood his fingers were thinner than Bruce's so he made up for it with rigorous, rough movement. He delivered equal pleasure. He withdrew, traced their labias, and then went back inside. He went in circles and received little reactions.

He flicked a second finger inside them. Talia swallowed down her gasp, despite her legs shaking. Aaron Reigner was phenomenal at what he did. He could seamlessly switch from aggression to expert skill. Calling him the master of foreplay didn't do him justice. His fingers were a divine sensation like no other. She didn't know whether it was the water or his fingers that turned her into a whimpering waterfall.

"Mmmph…!" Frankly, Talia didn't care. She chewed on her lips and closed her eyes. This was the Chosen One, she realized. She should enjoy this.

Instantly, sensing those thoughts in her, Aaron extracted his fingers and slapped their booties. Both of them moaned–cute little noises of indignation. Talia's was the one with the larger ripple, however. Aaron eyed her brown toned ass cheek.

"I suspect you haven't had a good cock in a while."

He heard the wetness from the slap and it wasn't from the water.

"No," Talia replied, chewing on her bottom lip. "It has been…a year."

"A year? You haven't had the taste of cock for a year?" Aaron snorted. "Turn around and suck it down. Maybe it could give you a reminder of what to expect."

Talia did. She gulped again and stared at his colossal length. Within the incredible mass of cock, she saw Bruce. She saw the ghost of his dick hovering over it. Bruce was…so small.

Bruce was taller. Buffer. His shoulders were broader and his muscles were more defined. But his cock…

Talia bit her bottom lip. There was no denying it, it was tiny. Insignificant. She wasn't an idiot, she had known he wasn't the most endowed male but Aaron was so much superior that it was ludicrous. The penis that impregnated her fifteen years ago versus the penis impregnating her today. The difference was so vast. Four inches…thirteen and a half inches…

She dropped to her knees, the water coming close to submerging her shoulders. Her hand quivered as she touched the tip. She gave gentle, skilled strokes at first. She compared family jewels. Aaron's balls were quadruple the mass of Bruce's. Would he pump her with four kids instead of one? She was torn between excitement and fear.

Aaron sighed in his head and placed a hand on his hip. He could read her like an open book–he could see her eyes dim and light as she compared him to Batman. It was the same set of expressions Selina and Vicki made. He glared down at her.

Talia nodded and stretched her mouth open to encapsulate his cockhead. Like a machine, she sucked on him. She was fast and efficient and her saliva was nice and thick. Her tongue didn't swirl but her ability to suck was to be commended.

Angel Whore decided to stand by his side, breasts to his arm, and watch her old master service him. It must have been a satisfying feeling. She put her on his shoulder, smirking.

"I hope she is to your joy, Chosen One," Angel Whore asked. Aaron closed his eyes and smiled. Without his sight, he could feel her gulps and how her throat and mouth guzzled him. Her head went in small circles as she sucked him off. Again, interestingly enough, her tongue was not at play.

"She's passable. Good at sucking dick."

"But not as good as me," Angel Whore said snarkily. Aaron opened his eyes and saw Talia glare up at her former student. He laughed.

"It's about even, so far. She's much better at sucking than you," Aaron commentated. His hands balled into fists as Talia doubled her efforts. She gobbled on his cock and blowed him like her life depended on it. To an extent, it did. Depending on her performance, Aaron would cement his hypnosis.

"G-good work, Talia." Aaron smiled. "I-I see your beloved taught you well. Not using your hands…you follow orders well…! F-fuck…!."

He was throbbing so hard that Talia couldn't believe it. Her mouth was already in an O-shape yet Aaron was managing to thicken and worsen her troubles. She expected this but to experience it was another thing altogether.

"That's enough," Aaron said, heaving. Talia pulled herself out, her saliva connecting. Mouth open, fingers playfully breaking the connection, Talia looked up at him and smirked.

"Thank you for the taste…Chosen One." Her chocolatey brown eyes eagerly awaited another order. Ooh, he now knew why Batman wanted to creampie this woman. She was a powerful woman but she could play the submissive role well. Too well. It was like you had no choice but to fulfil your duties as a man and nut in her.

"She wasn't that good, right, Chosen One?"

Angel Whore pestered him. His hand opened up, slithered to her bottom, and slapped it. She yelped and stepped forward.

"I want both your cunts at the ready. Now."

Obedience was mandatory. Talking back would be seen as treason, especially as he had everyone, including Rúh al Ghul under his control. If he so wished, he could end this ridiculous ritual but he was too horny not to. Talia and Angel Breaker were wagging their asses at him, ready for a doggy-style mating.

"Who will you select as the Chosen Bride?" Rúh al Ghul asked from far behind. "Talia al Ghul, daughter of the Demon, or the heretic wielder of the ultimate blade, Angel Breaker?"

"The Chosen Bride…" Aaron peered over his shoulder and smiled at the white robed woman. "Who said there only has to be one?"

Rúh's expression turned into shock. "I…I suppose…as you say, Chosen One."

Lady Shiva smirked and nodded at him. Aaron returned to the two fresh cunts. He stroked his chin, thinking. Now that he had declared the possibility of multiple brides, it was only a matter of order.

In the end…

"I'm going to breed you first."

Aaron went left, to Talia's direction. His cock nudged her entrance and teased her on what was to come. She shuddered and arched her spine, jutting her ass out further and nearly connecting sexes. Angel Whore looked on with jealousy.

"Talia al Ghul. You are…my second Chosen Bride!"

He penetrated the cunt of the princess–of the woman whose pussy was valued as top-tier. The implications of his words stunned no one, as they were too captured by his meaty phallus plunging into the Mother of Demons.

"Mmmph–!" Talia slapped a hand over her mouth, narrowly avoiding total humiliation. Her cunt was stretched like never before. Fifty years of being a woman yet she had never experienced something like this.

"Hm. Interesting." Aaron grinned. Inch after inch went inside. Moan after moan was stifled. Talia had her pride, he supposed. "Let's see how long you last."

This was a ritual, a mating, not some romantic outing. A thousand people were watching. He had to give a show, no? In a flash, the entirety of his cock went inside her. Talia went limp, her arms falling and her core failing, but–

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap–!

Water flew into the air. It was also what was keeping her afloat. Each thrust required a deep roll of his thrust. Her mouth was letting out obscene moans that utterly destroyed her dignity. Orgasm, orgasm, orgasm–

"Don't stop! Don't stop! Fuckfuckfuck! FUCK!" Talia's high notes went into a whimper. She was cumming so much she couldn't comprehend it. Her mind was losing direction. Her old pride wasn't discarded, it was forgotten. The claps of her ass cheeks were her sole anchor to reality. "Oh god…it's so–! Damn–! Goooood~!"

It was cock heaven for Talia. The year-long really must have fucked her up.

"Never stop! Never stop! Keep fucking me! Chosen Cock! Just keep fucking me with that thing! It's so deep! So deep! So goooood~! I've never felt anything like this!"

"Never?" he asked calmly.

"Never!" Talia howled. Her cunt tightened. It was like a vice never wanting him to leave. Aaron ignored the royal orders of her pussy and kept pounding into her. "Never! It's like your cock meant for me! F-for meeee~!"

'I gotta agree, her cunt is perfectly tight and wet. It's a soft, warm blanket. Ahhh, I love it.'

Clap! Clap! Clap–!

Talia was breaking faster than she anticipated. Damn. Maybe Aaron was just getting too good. After defeating Lady Shiva, the apex of sex, he doubted anyone else could hold a candle to him unless he held back. His cock was a machine aiming for her weakest points. Every thrust was an orgasm for Talia–a blur between heaven and earth.

The ritual was everything she had predicted and more.

"I-I've been waiting for this all my life! All my life! My beloved! My Beloved Chosen One! Spank me and tell me I've been a bad girl! I've been so bad! I've been wasting my time with other cocks! Fuck me! Fuuuuck meeee~!"

Her drizzling folds were interesting to see stretched. He pounded into her again and again, going for those different angles, stretching the sides of her folds. Phenomenal didn't cut it. His waist in the water, all Aaron could feel was the pleasantness of the world.

His fingers dug into her booty. Sighing, he smiled and slammed himself deep, deep inside her. "Here it comes, Talia al Ghul! It's time to breed!"

Talia gasped and moaned. She blabbered out a response but it was beyond human recognition. Judging by her emotions, however, she was moaning out, "Impregnate me!"

His cock throbbed, pulsated, steadied, and then released. Spurt, spurt, spurt! He surged her womb with an uncontested amount of quality semen. It was impossible to resist. Her eggs were forced to fuse.

"Four!" Aaron announced, feeling the connection–the seed inside her soul. "I'm giving you four children, Talia al Ghul!"

He slammed into her a few more times. Again, if it wasn't for the magic water keeping her afloat, she would have been long gone. Each clap matched his immense pumps and shots. The twitch in his balls was mitigated by the water.

Clap–! Spurt! Clap–! Spurt! Clap–! Spurt!

Talia felt so fucking full. She could tell the thick difference between the water and Aaron's cum. It was vast, vicious, and so much better than her last creampie. When Bruce had impregnated her, it was while under a heightened state of arousal. Yet Aaron…he had taken no such pill and his volume was ten times worth his. The Chosen One was gifted balls that could impregnate a thousand women.

Her eyes fluttered close. She could feel it…she could feel it…

Inside her womb, Aaron sealed a contract thicker than blood.

When he pulled out, her cunt was filled with white but the water quickly dissolved it. Aaron tilted his head. He had suspected the pool was magical but to think its purpose was to dissolve semen…

'Ra's al Ghul sure was weird.' Seriously, who designed a semen-melting pool for a ritual? No wonder Batman disagreed with his methods.

"My turn, my turn!" Angel Breaker's desperation broke through his inner thoughts. She was still in the same position as before, wagging her hips like a dog ready to pounce. But like a good dog, she waited for her owner. "You own my cunt! I do not care if I am the second or third Chosen Bride, I merely need your seed inside me!"

"Angel Whore…" He shook his head, clicked his tongue, and side-stepped so his steely cock was teasing her. "You damn slut. You shall." The call of her name acting as a bell, he went inside.

It didn't take long to create a rhythm. Flecks of water flew up again. The claps were slightly lessened as Angel Breaker met his thrusts. Unlike Talia, she had adjusted to his cock and could respond in kind. He was sure to the spectators, she was the superior woman.

"I love you! I love the Chosen Cock! Please! Fuck meee! Fuck me! Tear me apart! I love it! I love everything! I love being your fuck slut! Your little bride! Your Angel Whore!"

The tempo was faster and her words became degrading. Aaron smirked and kept fucking her nice and hard. The water didn't slow him down. He tapped into the Speed Force, amplifying his momentum to fuck harder and deeper. Pound, pound, pound. That was the extent of Angel Whore's experience. She was getting fucked and she was getting fucked as if she was in a dream.

"Oh, Chosen One! Ooooh~♡!" Her eyes rolled back and tried to look at him. Her saviour. Her Chosen One. "Ohh~♡! Oh~♡! Oh~♡! Oh~♡! Grab my hair and fuck me like a dog!"

"You're getting demanding. I like it, whore!" Thrust! Clap! His hand took a handful of her white hair and used them as reigns. She was like a horse to be ridden and abused. He loved it. He could unleash his dominating sex without hurting others. He could punish and reward her while also not dishing out misery and pain.

Angel Whore was begging for him. Of course she was. She didn't want to miss out on a creampie.

"Please, please, Please, PLEEAAAASSSSEEEEE…!" the whore screamed. "Chosen Cock! Chosen One! Tonight is all about you! Cum! Cum! Cum in meeee~♡!"

The ritual did have to end at some point. He thought about it long and hard and wondered what it would mean if he gave this woman kids. They would be his kids, after all. Could she take care of them?

Her heart-shaped eyes looked back at him and begged. They begged and begged and begged till he was convinced: Angel Whore would do ANYTHING for him. If he said she should become a housewife, she would. Aaron decided that would be her role. To become a cum slut who did nothing except take care of his kids. Someone who was powerful and capable enough to take care of all his children. Cassandra's, Talia's…it didn't matter. Angel Whore would be their babysitter.

"Here it is, Angel Whore! The seed you've been waiting for! Take it!"

Pulling her hair hard, she practically slammed into his pelvis and clamped down on him. The pressure came undone. He came. Angel Breaker moaned.

The prime, exclusive baby batter was all hers, as she had been wishing since she unsheathed the Angel Breaker.

Extracting himself was easy. The hearts in her eyes had disappeared. Her body was currently in the process of creating two children.

He sighed, turned around, and stepped out of the pool. Fourteen inches softened into nine, still so long that no male could compete. The cum and juices that should have been dripping from his flaccid length had dissipated, replaced by magic water. Rúh stared at his flaccid cock, gulping, before looking up at him and handing his black robe. Aaron casually put it on.

"Thank you," Aaron said. He slid his arm through the sleeve. "I appreciate it, Rúh."

"O-of course," Rúh said, eyes returning to his crotch. This limp, girthy schlong was so long that she couldn't believe her granddaughter got pounded by a longer, steely version of it. Aaron chuckled in his head. Were all old ladies perverts? Rúh did not look away from his cock till it was totally covered. Once it was, she exhaled and switched to her noble, professional state.

"May I speak?" Lady Shiva requested.

"Go on."

From behind, he sensed Talia's royal guards picking their fallen leader from the pool. Before Lady Shiva raised her request, Aaron snapped his fingers and ordered, "Take Angel Whore too."

He felt their nods and the affirmation of his hypnosis. Good. He nodded at Lady Shiva and told her to continue.

"Who is your first Chosen Bride?" Lady Shiva asked, brimming with curiosity. She held no illusions, however, and clearly didn't think it was her. Rúh was equally curious and waited for an answer with her hands folded.

Aaron contemplates telling the truth. When he first arrived, he had no intention of telling anyone of Cassandra being his Chosen Bride. However, feeling the control he held over the Leagues and their leaders, he felt no need for secrecy.

"Cassandra Cain," Aaron answered.

The mask of Lady Shiva broke. Sandra Wu-San's eyes went wide. "W-what…? She's…"

"Already pregnant." Pause. Aaron smiled to himself and whimsically stared off into the shadows. "Well, we still have to do a pregnancy test. However, I have chosen her as my first Chosen Bride."

"Without the ritual?" Rúh asked.

"Without it," Aaron said. "Afterall, this ritual was a creation of your sons, not mine. I chose to follow it for Talia because I did not wish to disrespect you."

"You honour with your kindness," Rúh replied, lowering her head. She accepted that way too quickly. Aaron suspected there was bad blood between her and Ra's. There was no other explanation.

"I…" Shiva inhaled sharply and smiled widely. "...am glad I gave birth to her. For you to say she is worthy of being your Chosen Bride is my greatest honour, Master."

Wow, she was seriously proud of her daughter fucking him? What a strange woman. Consider that she wasn't under a spell either. Lady Shiva said this of her own accord. She thought him impregnating her daughter was her greatest accomplishment in life.

'Sheesh, just badly did I fuck her? Did her third eye supposedly open that much?'

With Talia al Ghul, his Inner Harem was complete. Indeed, Aaron had decided to separate his sexual exploits into two groups: the Inner Harem and Outer Harem. His Inner Harem members included Hadiyah, Jaina Hudson, Selina Kyle, Lady Shiva, Talia al Ghul, Julia Pennyworth, Elizabeth Kane (he hadn't fucked her but she counted), and Angel Breaker.

His Outer Harem, so far, consisted of Vicki Vale, Tanya Fox, Iman Avesta, and Claire Clover (Gotham Girl). Those whom he could manipulate but were not in the know. They weren't aware of his grand schemes yet were supporting him in small, significant ways. Vicki with the Gotham Gazette, Tanya with her funds, Iman with her position at Wayne Enterprises, and Gotham Girl with her sheer power.

Cassandra was the Chosen Bride. His relationship with her was more than just sex, after all.

Then there was Stephanie Brown. 'Hm. I guess she could be the Chosen Mother? She is Chloe's biological mom.'

Trying to put labels on everyone was slightly dehumanizing. He decided to figure it out later. For now, he had to pick up Chloe from school.

"I'm leaving." Eyes glowing, Aaron ordered, "I expect everyone here to answer to my Inner Harem."

The Shadows and Assassins had not risen from their knees. Their minds linked with his, they understood his intentions and the meaning of his words. He could feel Rúh and Talia's personal attendants obey as well.

Lady Shiva did not need a magic link, nor did Talia or Angel Whore. The latter two weren't in the cavern anymore and were resting up in their private quarters, while the former was devoted to him in mind, body, and soul.

It was done. Aaron Reigner was officially the leader of the League of Assassins and Shadows. The culmination of Ra's al Ghul's ambitions and theories. The ultimate human whom he had entrusted everything to. His wealth, his knowledge, his daughter, his Lazarus Pit. All belonged to the Chosen One.

He drew in a breath.

Aaron's magic and reality was still limited by his backward speech. However, limit did not mean weakness. While there were some drawbacks to Logomancy, there were also plenty of advantages. For example, there was a massive boost in manipulation of reality. There was a reason Zatanna was regarded as the Sorceress Supreme. Her magic was efficient as it was terrifying. She could bind otherworldly entities, change rain into falling petals and shift the day cycle in Gotham from night to day.

Zatanna was practically a goddess.

And Aaron had copied nearly all her powers.

"Tropelet em emoh."

Teleportation. Rather than waste time with a jet, he opted for instantaneous travel. In a flash, he was in the comfort of his apartment. He had a sweet new car in the parking lot. Might as well pick Chloe up in that.

A/n: Lately I've been in a bit of a slumb writing-wise. I've been trying to do some reading but...yeah, I've now gotten distracted by that XD.

MrLarsBarcreators' thoughts