
DC: Celestial Light Human

(That's right...this is a remake.) A tired soul is chosen by God to become his warrior. R18 - If you see * in the chapter title, that means lemon. Disclaimer: - If you are mentally weak, don't read this story. It's very dark, and the mc is NOT a good person. - There's no release schedule. I drop chaps when I feel like it, which can vary from 1-3 times a week.

SwayStar · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

A Sick Obsession

It took a full stomach for the mistress to finally make the trip. Rude drove her throughout Gotham, stopping wherever she wished. There were plenty of shopping bags in the car by the time they even reached their destination.

St. Lucy's Orphanage. Alice would look around this place today. Her money was funding this establishment, therefore it was her right to audit. To make sure there wasn't any foul play. To make sure everything was proceeding smoothly.

When she stepped out of the car, a massive building decorated in white, silver, and gold presented itself. This orphanage was extremely wealthy by the looks of it. One could mistake it for a boarding school at first glance.

There was a vast yard that covered a lot of acres. Children could be seen playing all over the green expanse. As Alice walked down the entrance path, several kids stopped and stared. Her beautiful figure matched with elegant clothes seemed like a painting.


"Who's that?"

"Um…excuse me! What are you doing here?"

One of the braver kids spoke through the fence. The beautiful doll turned to face them, and they immediately froze. Her empty eyes caused their hair to rise. Others only watched with interest. Alice smiled at them before speaking to the brave boy.

"Hello child. I'm looking for the head of the house. Do you know where I may find such a person?"

Her voice washed over them like an instrument. Did the gods make her voice so nice? Several orphans blushed along with the boy. An older kid spoke up since nobody else would.

"You must be talking about Sister Isabel. She's in the mess hall, helping with lunch." He said. Alice nodded in return.

"I see. Thank you very much."

With those words, the forlorn fairy made her way inside. The other kids couldn't help but chatter amongst themselves. Was she here to adopt? Hopefully they were chosen.

Alice was only a few steps away from the front door. Before she went in, she glanced at one of the windows above. A pair of golden eyes were looking down at her. The doll stared right back…and the abyss made its presence known.

The golden eyed boy immediately crouched down below the window and held himself. What the hell was that? That woman was beautiful…but she was scary. He was a timid kid, and this had almost left him trembling.

Meanwhile, a completely different feeling was taking root within Alice. She'd never seen such beautiful eyes before. She even caught a bit of snow white hair. The fallen princess was now struck with curiosity.

Upon entering and reaching the dining room she found an old nun setting the tables. The lady glanced away from her activities and noticed the elegant doll. A homely smile soon adorned her lips.

"Welcome to St. Lucy's Orphanage. Is there anything you need?"

"Are you Sister Isabel?"

"I am. And you are?"

"Alice Lockhart. I was just stopping by, though there is a chance that I bring someone into the family today."

"Oh? Hohohoho! So it's our benefactor. A pleasure to meet you, Miss Lockhart. Come, come. Let me show you around!" The old nun exclaimed before nodding to Rude.

After passing her duties onto an older kid, Isabel gave Alice a lengthy tour of the place. There was a library, a courtyard, an elementary school, and more. It seemed that the Lockhart funds were being put to good use.

Throughout this entire tour, golden eyes would follow wherever the doll went. Alice would only glance at the brown skinned boy discreetly so he wouldn't notice. Still, this game of cat and mouse was getting her quite excited. She was feeling playful. It had been a long time since she'd played with anyone. A long time indeed.

"That's the end of the tour. Is there anyone that you found suitable for adoption?" Isabel asked. Alice thought for a moment.

"I don't know yet. Will you give me time to search by myself?"

"Hohoho…of course, benefactor. Do as you wish. I'll go back to my duties then. It's time to clean up the lunch tables."

"Mnnn." The depraved beauty nodded.

Before the old nun or Rude could even understand what was happening, Alice had already snapped her gaze to the boy hiding around the corner. The timid boy jumped in fear and bolted. Alice held the hem of her dress and chased after him, a playful smile on her lips.


Isabel and Rude looked at each other and shrugged. It seems this woman had her own plans. Another nun couldn't help but quietly whisper in the old nun's ear.

"Are you sure we should leave her be? Didn't you see her eyes? What if she does something-"

"Don't say anymore. If anything happens, we shall not speak on it. Ever." She snapped quietly. The other nun bowed her head and scurried away.

Other children were able to witness the chase. When they saw who this elegant woman was running after, the older kids grew angry. They didn't like the white haired kid. That's why they chased after him too.

The timid boy was quick. He leapt over obstacles, and slid under props. He even used a tree trunk to catapult himself into a window. Acrobatic skills were displayed. Alice would end up having to go the long way just to reach the same areas. Luckily, she didn't tire.

Knowing that this child was somewhere close, she quietly waited behind a few boxes. A few minutes went by before he revealed himself. The golden eyed boy snuck across the second floor and checked all sides before entering his room. He thought he'd escaped. How wrong he was.

'Here's how you keep a man. Trap him. Make it so that he can never leave.' Genevieve's voice rang in the doll's mind.

Alice walked over to the door with quiet steps. The boy heard his door open, and watched as the eerie girl entered the room. The door was shut and locked behind her. He was already out of breath. Right before he jumped out the window, the depraved beauty spoke.


Her voice washed over him and he froze. Alice slowly approached and he backed away. It didn't take long before his back was to a wall. He was scared…and the look in her eyes only made it worse. Was she going to eat him?

The beautiful doll stopped once she was directly in front of him. She then crouched down to his eye level. Her hand cupped his chin forcing him to look at her. Teary golden eyes stared into the abyss.

"Found you ~" She commented with a giggle.


"You're very fast. What's your name?"


"Sora…a beautiful name. It fits you."


"Sora, do you know who I am?" She asked. The boy shook his head. "I'm the person that keeps this place open. I own it."

"So you're rich?" Sora finally spoke. His fear was melting away due to her gentleness.

"Fufufu. A little. Does that excite you? Do you want to be rich?"

"Mmmmm…" He thought for a moment.


Multiple bangs resounded from the door. If it wasn't locked, the door would've already flown open. Sora looked toward the source in fear. His eyes watered up. Voices could be heard from outside.

"You think you're hot shit, huh?!"

"Wait till we catch you away from your room!"

"It must be nice having that lady chase after you! I'll break you, Sora!"

"Hmph. If it wasn't for your looks, you would be just like us. Don't let me see you again."

Alice didn't so much as glance over at the door. She was too focused on Sora, almost drooling over him. Her hands played with his hair and caressed his cheeks. She'd made her choice already. Now she just had to make sure everything was successful.


"Do they bully you?" She asked quietly. Only then did the boy notice how close Alice's face was. Her empty eyes were right in front of his.

"They-they call me a monster. It's because of them that nobody plays with me."

The bangs eventually stopped as the kids left in disappointment. He heaved a sigh of relief. Alice only smiled at his reaction. He was so cute.


"Is that why you didn't eat lunch and followed me around instead?" She joked while poking his tummy.

"...Mnnn." He nodded in embarrassment. He hadn't realized she knew the whole time.

"Sora, if you come with me…I'll never let you go hungry. You'll never be hungry again. You'll never get bullied again."

"But…I don't even know your name."

"It's Alice."

"Alice…" Sora hummed her name.

'I must have him.' The doll thought.

"Come with me." She said.


Alice placed her chin on his stomach and looked up at him with puppy eyes. It was a strange sight to see. Sora didn't know what to think. This lady was beautiful, but she was weird. From what he could tell so far…she was kind.

"Please? Sora, please…" She begged sweetly.

"...Mnnn." He finally nodded while blushing.

Seeing such a woman beg him like this was new. He'd never been in such a situation. No way could he handle such pressure. Alice jumped to her feet.

"Yes!" She exclaimed.

After grabbing his hand, she dragged him out the room. All of his belongings were left behind. He would get new things. It didn't take long for them to reach the bottom of the stairs.

Isabel was already standing there. She must've been waiting for a while. Upon seeing the young boy, she smiled with understanding.

The orphanage doted on this boy due to his features. He was like the golden goose of this establishment. Many adults had wanted to adopt him, but they were rejected. They couldn't reject Alice, though. This was a suitable match in their eyes.

"I'll be taking him with me. You can send the paperwork to the manor." The happy princess exclaimed. Isabel bowed her head.

By the time they reached the car, Rude was already in the driver seat. Alice brought Sora to the backseat with her. The entire time, she hadn't let go of his hand. The timid boy was starting to notice how handsy the lady was, but didn't pay it any mind. He wasn't privy to her true intentions.

Sora didn't know how familial love was supposed to feel. Since he had no experience, he could only assume it was like this. His thoughts would be further solidified as they returned to the manor.

The young boy was shocked upon seeing how large the place was. A little rich? More like insanely wealthy. Alice took him around the manor and played with him all the while. There was always some form of skin contact. She would often hug him, and he'd almost suffocate due to her cleavage.

'He's MY Sora. I own him. He belongs to me!' She chanted in her mind. The depraved woman was so happy.

As she left to do who knows what, Sora finally gave Rude a questioning look. The butler already knew what he was asking. What was up with Alice? Was she always like this? The old man pulled him to the side.

"Sora…I'll be teaching you many things, but there is something you must understand." Hearing Rude's words, the boy gulped.


"Alice isn't like most people. I believe you'll understand what I mean in due time. If she ever does something that makes you look at her differently…please don't hold it against her. She's had a hard life."

"Mnnn." Sora hummed. He didn't truly understand what that actually meant.

"The things I'm teaching you will vary from etiquette, the role of a butler, and many more topics. But don't think that a butler is all you are. Alice needs more than that. You must help her maintain this household. Alright?"

"Alright. I'll do my best."

"Do more than your best. Be perfect. This may be hard to do, but trust me. When you grow older, you'll know why I say this."

"...Mnnn." Sora nodded. Those words made him a bit nervous.

It's actually going to be a triple chappy upload =)

SwayStarcreators' thoughts