
DC: Astrape, the Golden Gale

Have you ever opened your eyes and seen the unexpected? For this story I need you to do something for me, I need you to believe in the impossible. I died, or at least I thought I did, but I was able to open my eyes again right after and what I saw was amazing and impossible.

HangerBaby · TV
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8 Chs

The Terrifying Trickster

In Central City, it's been just two weeks since Jonathan discovered his extraordinary abilities. Since then, he's taken on the role of protector, using his remarkable speed to stop muggers and save people from fires.


It was like a bomb had gone off with the advent of Jonathan speeding around saving people. A new type of villain had shown up and he called himself the trickster.

Within a day the Trickster's tricks ensnared Central City, a palpable sense of insecurity blanketed the once vibrant cityscape.

As Jonathan sifted through the day's news at a bustling café, a frantic buzz of conversation enveloping him. A hushed silence gripped the patrons as a news report blared from the mounted television screen. The reporter's voice quavered with urgency as the camera panned across a scene of destruction—the aftermath of a bomb detonation at a public event, its devastating impact rendered in vivid detail.

"Authorities confirm a devastating explosion at the downtown event, causing considerable damage and multiple injuries," the reporter announced, her voice tense and urgent. "The city is on high alert as law enforcement works to secure the area and assist those affected."

As the reporter's tense voice echoed through the space, a captivatingly chilling video appeared on every screen. The Trickster's voice, littered with glee, filled the air with a chilling kind of happiness.

"Good afternoon Central City, I hope you enjoyed this trick of mine. Cause there are so many more throught the city." The Trickster laughed. "Don't worry though, I'm very fair. The remaining tricks are only on the river front. Have fun looking."

The reporter appeared back on screen, looking grim. "If you reside or are currently near the riverfront, I urge you to evacuate as soon as possible. Your safety is our primary concern. Please follow the instructions provided by emergency services and evacuate without delay. Thank you for your understanding, and please stay safe."

As the chatter in the café reached a crescendo, Jonathan rose from his seat and with a determined yet stride, he left the café behind.

In the following moments, Jonathan's form was a streak of velocity as he dashed towards the riverfront, seeking a solution to the unfolding emergency. The wind whipped around him as he sprinted going the fastest he had yet. The speedforce lightning slowly shifting from red to orange, signifying his connection deepening.

As Jonathan darted into the nearest building, his senses heightened by the urgency of the situation, he threaded through the corridors with lightning speed. "Gotta find it... fast," he murmured to himself with a sense of urgency, each word a whispered oath as he scoured every floor, every corner, driven by an unyielding determination to avert catastrophe. The sound of his own quickened breath hidden by the screams of those trying to run away, driving him faster with purpose. Each room he cleared and every hallway he traversed bore the weight of his relentless quest, an unwavering procession through the heart of imminent danger.

As he traversed the building, his sharp eyes espied a peculiar box emblazoned with a cartoon bomb.Without a moment's hesitation, he whisked the bomb into a secure hold, moving as fast as he dared. He reached the river's edge and hurled the box far into the frigid waters.

No sooner had he ensured the bomb's containment in the watery depths, Jonathan raced back to the city streets, ready to repeat the relentless process in the next building.

As he finished clearing out six more dangerous devices from various buildings, a wave of relief washed over him. 'Phew, glad I've got them all for now,' he thought with a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. Not know that his lightning had faded back to red, if only a little lighter.

With the immediate peril averted, Jonathan's thoughts turned to relaxing. 'Time to head home and unwind,' he decided.


As Jonathan walked into his fathers house, he spoke to his dad and Jesse. "I saw what happened on the news. That blur that's been spotted was seen throwing stuff into the river."

"It was the bombs, killed a lot of fish though man." Jesse laughed, while pointing at the news. It showed the aftermath of placing 7 bombs into the river.

Jonathan, seeing the report shook his head. "Honestly, I wonder how many environmentalists are going to shame him for it."

"Either way he probably saved a lot of people out there." David smiled.

"Yeah but honestly that was close," Jonathan laments, his eyes reflecting a blend of exhaustion and determination. "And who knows how many that crazy fuck killed."

Jesse, raised an eyebrow in surprise, "You hate him that much? Some seriously harsh language coming from you."

His father, his voice resonating with concern, adds, " Yeah bub, are you ok?"

"I'm fine, I just don't understand how people like that can exist." Jonathan exclaimed in frustration.

"You can't ever know why people that crazy do anything," Jesse responded.

"Maybe, but people have died and that freak should pay for it." Jonathan argued.


Later, within the hallowed confines of the Central City Police Department, In the Captain's office, Detective Joe West, and Detective Eddie Thawne are engaged in an intense conversation with Captain Singh about the looming threat that is the Trickster.

"What are we going to do, Captain?" Joe inquires, a tinge of frustration evident in his voice. "This was an obvious attack. Honestly if it wasn't for that blur a lot of other would have died."

Captain Singh, sharing Joe's outrage, "I know, Joe. This situation is out of hand. I'm going to speak with the Mayor about a city wide curfew."

Their conversation is haunted by a lingering sense of helplessness and the unspoken lament that even with the emergence of a new hero, and even though the Trickster just started, he hadn't been caught.

"Who is this Blur," Eddie muses, "We're lucky he's as fast as he is."

Captain Singh nods gravely, "We can't rely on the blur alone to contain this though. We need to take a proactive approach. We'll coordinate a sweep across the city, gather every scrap of intel we can find and pool our resources to find this... this terrorist."

As Captain Singh went to outlined their plans for a counteroffensive, a sudden gust of wind disrupted the room, drawing everyone's attention as Jonathan, made a swift and unexpected arrival. With Jonathan concentrating on his speed, causing his entire form to shimmer and blur. His features, already concealed by a dark hood, become even more indistinct, making it nearly impossible to discern his appearance. In this state, he exists as little more than a quivering, obscured figure.

The room fell silent, the Captain and the detectives regarding the newcomer with a mix of surprise and intrigue.

After a moment, Captain Singh inclined his head and inquired, "Who are you?"

Jonathan stepped forward, the air quivering slightly around him as he spoke. "I am Astrape," he declared, his voice steady and resolute. "And I'd like to work with you"

Captain Singh, nodding in acknowledgment of the newcomer's declaration, responded with a tone of cautious respect, "Astrape, we can certainly use all the help we can get. If you're willing to join forces with us, then we welcome your assistance in catching the Trickster."

Detective West, leaned in, his words tinged with a mix of skepticism. "So, what's your angle, Astrape? Why are you trying to help?"

Astrape's voice buzzing, vibrating. "I want to help because I enjoy it. Plus I have this power, that is truly amazing, and I can't not help. I feel like that would make me a bad person, being able to do something and not."

Eddie, leaned in, his eyes reflecting the still present skepticism. "Alright, it's good to have someone who's here because it's more than just a job. But tell us, how do you propose we stop him? What's your plan?"

Astrape responded with confidence. "We'll make it public that we're transporting Trickster Sr. It's the perfect lure—once the Trickster catches wind of this, he won't be able to resist showing up, believing he can outmaneuver us. When he takes the bait, we'll be waiting to spring the trap."

They exchanged thoughtful glances, contemplating the bold plan, and then turned to Astrape. With skepticism, Capt. Singh queried, "Why do you think he'd fall for something so straightforward? What makes you so certain this will work?"

Astrape explained, his eyes reflecting a hint of insight. "I believe there's more to their relationship than what's known. I think he sees Trickster Sr. as more than just an someone to imitate. If anything he may already be planning a break out, which would make this an even better lure."

"So, your bet is that he won't be able to resist because he feels a connection to Trickster Sr.," Detective Thawne remarked with a furrowed brow. "You think there's more to their relationship than what's known. That's a bold move."

"I'll handle the paperwork to make this a public event," Captain Singh affirmed. "It's a bold strategy, but it's the best solution we've got."

"Thank you for trusting me," Astrape said in a flash, already gone before the words even echoed in the room, his figure blurring as he disappeared into the bustling city.

As Astrape ran through the city, he was lost in thought, mulling over the plan to catch the Trickster. The world around him was a streak of colors and sounds, a backdrop to his racing mind. It was the sharp cry for help that jarred him back to the present—a mugging unfolding just meters away.

Reacting in an instant, he veered into the alley. The muggers barely had time to register the sudden gust before Astrape was upon them. He swept the knife from the first assailant's hand, sending it skittering away into the darkness, and then, with a swift motion, he pinned the second against the wall, his swift hands ensuring no harm came to anyone.

Swiftly, he bound the muggers' hands, with zip ties he held in his pocket, ensuring they remained subdued as they lay prone on the ground.

"Hey, what the—?" one mugger stammered in disbelief.

The other, still reeling from the sudden turn of events, could barely muster a response, his dazed expression speaking volumes.

The victim, now freed from the immediate threat, stood trembling, their face reflecting a blend of relief and astonishment. "Thank you," they breathed, their voice tinged with lingering fear.

Astrape turned to them, his expression reassuring. "It's going to be okay. Call the cops and stay safe," he urged before vanishing into the city's bustling rhythm, speeding away to resume helping those that need it. While the now freed victim completed their call to law enforcement.

Later that night, Jonathan found himself reclining in the cozy warmth of his apartment. The soft glow of the city lights danced across the room, casting a comfortable ambiance. His thoughts drifted to the day's events—he couldn't help but smile as he ruminated on the exhilarating highs of zipping through the city to save those in need and the thrill of putting together a plan to best the Trickster. As he allowed himself to unwind, a sense of contentment settled over him, accompanied by a quiet eagerness for the challenges that awaited him.


Was this good? I don't know. I read it of course after it was finished and it seemed good but what do you think.