
DC: Apostle of the Arcane

Thal'Kor. The fallen Ancient God of Arcana from a multiverse unknown. Left on the verge of death and banished in the void for his crimes against his fellow gods. Darius Malik Campbell. A member of the feared gang DMC forced into crime by his horrible situation. Sentenced to life for the murder of his best friend. DC. A multiverse of the never ending battle between good and bad. Forever stuck in a cycle of destruction and creation. Gotham. A city ripe for the taking. "What is it you want, walker of the abyss?" asked a booming voice laced with a mysterious abundant power. "...Freedom." replied the voice of a soul defeated by the hardships and curses of life. The enigmatic source of power observed the soul before it gave an answer. "Very well. Raise your head, walker of the abyss. The Apostle of the Arcane does not accept fate."

Meiwa_Blank · Anime & Comics
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I Need Help

This is the only time I will ask you guys for help, and I will delete this when I begin to write the new chapter. I can't decide on which city to start the story in and the way I start it will vary depending on the city. I want to do something with Gotham but I feel that the Gotham way is too cliche, so should I do Gotham or Central City for the start? You're help will be greatly appreciated.