
DC:Amazonian Prince

Dont be too harsh this is my first and this is heavily insired by DC:The male amazon and kind of inspired by Survival of a loner so check those out too. And the picture on the front isnt mine if you want me to take it down I will thankyou...

tdk_lastking1910 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Aptitude Test

I arrived at home did some light training and basically passed out. When I woke up I saw a strange blue hue coming from my hand as a huge bolt of electricity shot out of my hand. I was quite shocked to say the least(😏). I got up and searched for answers and found that I had made a hole in my roof. I tried to do it again and I was actually quite surprised as a small bolt of electricity shot out. But now I had to do some more thorough tests.

In the Batcave

"Master Bruce, I think you should take a look at this", he said as he passed him a monitor. The screen showed an unknown masked vigilante, roughing some crooks up. "What about it",he said as he gave him the screen back. "I have a suspicion that this man could be Michael Prince, the one you told me to keep tabs on", he said as he showed him a video

I went on patrol as GK (Ghost Knight for short) and found a criminal. I was surprised since it was so early but decided it was just Gotham. He looked like one of penguins goons. I took him for interrogation after a short fight although they got some good punches in, with him and another random guy as they were trafficking some illegal substances. We were on top of a building and I said "Where's penguin", as I looked at him. "I'll never tell you." I smiled under the mask as he just made my day. I then shot a small electricity bolt from my hand and he writhed in pain. 'What is this guy', he thought. He then said "Is that all you've got, you're even weaker than I tho-" I cut him off as this time I tried to concentrate the lightning into my fist but, it didn't go exactly as expected as it flared out of control and exploded before it made contact but it made me look even more menacing. "Last chance", I said "ok Penguin is in a house just past 7th avenue, he's been holed up there for a couple of days. Please thats all I know". I then dropped him off the building as I jumped as well. He screamed the whole way down but there was a huge trash bin below us we both fell in and I jumped out straight away, knocked him out and left him there.

I went back home and started training again and decided to look into where these powers mysteriously came from.

I woke up and continued my day like usual. After work I went to lessons but today was special. As I entered class today I saw Alex with an unknown woman beside him wearing a cat like mask. He said "truthfully I have been rushing your training for reasons we will discuss later. Today you guy's are having an aptitude test. If you do well then you will be moved to our headquarters where you get to train free of charge". Some students sounded eager but I was more suspicious. "The person you see here is one of the instructors in said branch and if you fail to impress then you're out." she looked capable so I didn't question it. He gave each of us a partner for our aptitude test and it began.

The first match was between Sarah and some guy that I dont know. The match started as she quickly rushed him ready to punch. He attempted to block but it was just a feint as she swept him from underneath but he jumped over her. As he was falling she caught him with an uppercut square on the jaw and he was sent flying. Alex declared the match over and the winner Sarah.

After a couple of boring matches Alex announced that the next match was between Brandon and Aaron. Sensei Alex said "You may begin". As the match started they were both calm and slowly advanced. Aaron attempted to punch Brandon but he parried it and kneed him in the stomach. Aaron responded by spin kicking Brandon sloppily on the side of the head. He took it but then retaliated by rushing him and front kicking him but instead it was caught and he was tripped and brought to the floor "Very sloppy of you I must have overestimated you", Aaron said. Brandon got up but Aaron was already there as attempted to roundhouse kick but Brandon doged to the left and punched Aaron right on the nose busting him open. "I thought you were stronger, where's all the talk gone",Brandon said.The crowd seemed to be eating it up and the instructor and Alex seemed impressed. "End it already", sensei Alex said lazily. Both men looked at each other and dashed towards each other ready to end it. "Hiyaa!" Both men screamed as both Aaron and Brandon jumped in the air and did karate kicks to each others faces. The both definitely broke each others noses and were collapsed on the floor. The match was over and was declared a draw. Both men were out as you were tasked with taking them to rest. I commended them for their fight and laid them down on a mat. Once I were done you headed back to watch the last fights.

The last couple of fights were boring but I had the last fight so I sat through the whole thing. Once the last fight was over nobody but you was left to fight. Then the woman spoke "I shall fight you since no-one is left". "Very well but may I know your name", I replied. "How silly of me, you may call me Cheshire", she said as I readied myself for battle. "You may begin", sensei Alex then said. She wasted no time and charged at me. Her movements were fluid and I couldn't keep up with them. She appeared in front of me and punched me across the face. Her hands were too fast for me to keep up with, but I managed to semi block it as I was sent sliding. "Impressive, you managed to block it", she said as she once again rushed me. I was trying to figure out her fighting technique but, it was something I had never seen before. This time she pounded me with a barrage of punches not allowing me any breathing room. She was assumably trying to end it as she prepared for one big punch. I noticed it and backed away but instead she pounced towards me but with the space I had I sidestepped and threw a punch towards her but she just appeared behind me. 'I thought she is much faster, stronger and more experienced than me. I have no way of winning'. Just then she slowly clapped then said "nice job, even though I was going easy on you, you did well". Then sensei Alex declared the match over, told us to come early in the morning for the results of our aptitude test and sent us on our way. I was intrigued at idea of free membership as my pockets weren't too deep although it was a bit weird the way sensei Alex was speaking but I would question that later.

When I got home I was sore all over from the beating I collected and, passed out on my bed as soon as I made it there and there I slept.

Sorry for the hiatus but im back and thanks for reading it means alot

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