
DC: Allen The Alien

In DC as a Allen, a member of the Unopan race, a race belonging to the Invincible universe. He has four more gifts.

Tenzi_Rohana · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


"Target authorized, Unopan Allen, B-06. Welcome, Allen, to the Watchtower," the Watchtower AI said to the shocked Allen. He was still hang up on the fact that the Justice League had a space station for their hero work!

"Guess I owe you money," Green Lantern Hal Jordan said to the Flash who had a smug smirk on his face.

"You did not have this in your home planet?" Martian Manhunter asked him.

"A space station? Yeah, but not like this. Besides, never been in it," he responded, sobering up before looking at the gathered Justice League members.

"We have been thinking of what to do after our earlier talks," Batman started, his face a nonchalant mask, "we believe you have been on Earth for thirteen years since your crash landing."

"Huh, that's a lot, though relatively short compared to the ones I can live," he blurred out. Viltrumites are extremely long lives that decades might as well be used for travelling in space to be consequential.

"We have a proposition for you," Superman spoke up while Batman was observing him. Allen knew the brooding hero was probably building some kind of file about him, he reminded him of Robot, Nick Fury or even Dr Doom in the way his mentality worked. Only thing he was kinda relieved of was that he didn't have powers, fighting a Dr Doom would be eldritch abomination level nightmare due to how bullshit he was. But, Allen was still going to keep a close eye on him. He wasn't going to let someone of this callibre any where near him.

"Earth might be a new environment to you. But its people have shown they are quite tolerable to aliens who do not cause trouble here. We can work on relocating you here permanently if you show us you can earn your keep," Superman continued. Allen looked at him with his brow raised at the bullshit. He is a human deep down, he knows humans are quite xenophobic.

"That might be so to shape shifting aliens like the Martians' that can look like humans at will. I am a one eyed, eleven foot tall, brown skinned alien with three fingers and toes! I have no ability to appear more human, living here will be equal to living under a microscope. No way, not that I'm not grateful for your generosity but no way am I living under constant scrutiny. I'ld rather take my chances out there, thank you very much," Allen spoke up, a little too heatedly. He saw Superman frown at his words.

"Allen, the Justice League is made up of not so human members," Wonder Woman spoke next. "I myself am a demigod, daughter of an Olympian God and an Amazonian. Superman is an alien from Krypton and he has found Earth to be his home more than Krypton. Both Green Lanterns here are a space police force that mostly recruit aliens. Aquaman is an Atlantean, not human, a king who rules an underwater kingdom called Atlantis. You see, you will be most comfortable here if you just give it a chance."

"You know what I see? Humans," Allen countered. "Everyone here could die so that the human race would not go extinct even if they are not humans themselves. They have brainwashed themselves in the ideality that they belong. They have been indoctrinated into the human society and molded by it to become this. I do not agree to this. This is not my planet and it never will be. So, if you don't mind, I will be on the next flight out of here and probably never return. My first time here is already filled with unpleasant memories." There was silence in the room as they all knew of what Cadmus had done to him while he was in a coma.

Allen on the other hand was not having it. He had already decided to get the fuck out of Earth. If this was the similar troupe as comics, he will be swept by the undercurrents about to hit this planet. Soon, he would be facing gods and primordial beings just to give an Earth villian motivation to ressurect more! No way!

"That is unfortunate, friend, but understandable," Wonder Woman spoke up, breaking the silence. "I wish you safe travels to the planet of your destination and hope we will meet again under favorable circumstances."

"Yeah, I hope so too," Allen told her. Wonder Woman might be the only one he was fond of here due to their spar the other day. Definitely not because she gives dommy mommy vibes, definitely not!

With the session over, he walked back into the teleporter with a weird name and with a burst of light, he was in Mr Justice. He sighed in relief and contemplated whether to head out at once. Thanks to his Viltrumite lineage, he could survive in space with no air or food for weeks and due to his speed, could move fast enough to arrive at a civilization before the supply runs dry.

"I'm gonna miss this planet though," he sighed emotionally. He had lived in Earth for a decade and some years, so he was much definitely attached to this dirt of a planet.

So, he decided to take a stroll out and then head out. He wore a hoodie that was oversized, imagine that, cargo pants and boots suited for his unique feet. Pulling the hood over his bald head, he headed out to the town Mt Justice was situated in.

Happy Harbor, a generic town whose main source of in come was fishing. Population twenty thousand and then some. It was a quiet little town, especially now that it was night time. He walked passed closed stored, reminiscing of his previous life. It's fascinating how much you would miss something now that you know you can't get it, isn't it? Further in, he met something that just made him stop. There was a constant meowing that was coming from a local dumpsite. Thanks to his hearing, he could hear the weak distress callings the kitten were making. This made him be unable to ignore them and went to where the kittens were. Swaddled in a dirty box were three kittens that looked newly born, meowing and screaming in hunger.

"Where're your parents, little guys?" he cooed as he lifted the box gently. Feeling the movement, the kittens just yowled even louder, pulling his heartstrings even more.

"Okay, okay, guess we can get you fed proper," he chuckled as he remembered the base had milk in it. His eye suddenly shot to his left as a clone slid out of him, shielding him with its back.


A shockwave was produced when the object collided with the clone. Dirt and gore were splashed away as Allen flew back, his eye hardened into a frown that made him look quite sinister. The dust cleared showing the clone clutching onto a hand that had pierced through its back and chest, not letting the attacker move.

"You react fast, for a mortal," the attacker grinned. It was a hardened man with a residing hairline, sharp pointed ears, wearing a black suit version of a hero he knew, Shazam. "But that will not save you from what's to come!" Lightning suddenly came out of his body and with a roar, a giant bolt slammed into the clone, cooking it into a charred mess. The man grinned savegly before ripping his hand out of its chest, letting it collapse to the ground like a puppet with no strings.

"Who are you?" Allen asked the man who just scoffed

"What use is knowing my name when you will be dead soon," the man laughed before going into a stance. "It would do you well to surrender and let me kill you with no resistance. It will save both our time."

"You talk too much," Allen said with a smirk. The man was confused before a powerful punch thunked him right on his chin, sending him flying away. The clone he had seemingly killed off got up, naked but very much unharmed.

"Handle it," Allen said then walked away with the kittens still yowling in hunger.


Black Adam looked at the sky looking quite stunned. He was trying to think of how an enemy had appeared right beside him without him knowing, delivering a tooth breaking blow on him before he could respond. Yet, he couldn't arrive at a conclusion. He struggled to get out of the crater he had created and floated up, only to see the miles long ditch his body had created!

"You can still stand up after that, huh? Count me impressed, just means I can use more force on you," he heard someone say, making him look up, only to see his target, naked, looking down at him. Black Adam became much angrier at this.

"I will sunder your bones to ash and feed them to demons!" he roared as the weather started becoming stormy.

Allen just scoffed before they shot towards one another. Black Adam dubbed himself with lightning before their fists clashes in a heavens sundering boom that blew the clouds away. They both struggled to move the other before their other fists came together in another resounding boom. Allen suddenly kicked him off, sending him sprawling away as he made distance and looked at his hands with a grin. He felt his bones fracture and his muscles tear after that clash but they were good as new now. If he persisted, Black Adam would have torn through the hands and put him on a huge disadvage in this fight.

"It appears you have limits," Black Adam taunted.

"Doesn't everybody?" Allen scoffed before another clone slipped out of his body. Then another till there were five more clones there. Black Adam's grin was not present any more.

"You fight cowardly!" he taunted only to have all them laugh at him.

"We only need one to take care of you. The others are just to cheer me up," one of them said before blasting towards Black Adam who became on guard immediately. The other clones turned towards each other.

"Let's get started," three of them said.

Black Adam was flabbergasted to see the clones suddenly starting a beat down towards their fellow clone who was just stood and let himself take it, a smile on his face! This was the first time he had seen such a method and it didn't help the one after him was just as crazy! The fight had become a full on brawl at this point because he was too fast for lightning to strike him! The more they fought, the more the clone got injured. The insane thing was just how fast he was healing and it appeared he grew stronger too! What horrified him even more was seeing the one getting a beat down absorbing the three clones and producing three more.

His wisdom of Horus had come to a conclusion already. The three clones had reached a point where they could not damage him so he had absorbed them and made clones the same power as him currently. If he did not do anything, he would be in deep, deep trouble! The worst thing was that he was fighting desperately yet the one he was fighting did not seem to care for his injuries! In fact, it wanted to get injured as much as possible, not even dodging blatant lightning attacks now and then.

One whole hour of this and Black Adam was just done. His attacks were not hurting his oppont at all and to make matter worse, the others had gone cloning thrice! This was just too much for him. He had taken the job thinking it was the easiest with the most promising reward for his people but he was traumatized by this target.

"Guess I kept you waiting for long, my apologies," the one fighting him suddenly said as he made distance. Black Adam was instantly on guard. What alarmed him even more was seeing the other one absorb the three clones and head over. He was horrified seeing the two combine, knowing he was cooked!

"Now, as I said, only one of us is enough!" Allen said with a sadistic grin on his face. He recognized the face Black Adam was making, it was a plain 'Bruh!' face.


A sudden flash of lightning followed by an earth shaking thunderous clap and he was gone! Allen was surprised by his sudden escape, not quite expecting it. He looked conflicted, remembering the torture he had just put himself through only for the man of the hour to flee tail between his legs.

"Worst foreplay ever!" he cried out in indignation. Sighing in frustration, he flew over to Mt Justice and was absorbed by the main who was feeding the kittens warm milk.

"Recognized Superman 01, Batman 02, Wonder woman 03," the AI announced as the teleporter came alive. Out came the three Justice League members.

"We were given a report of a fight happening near the base. What's going on?" Superman asked.

"Took you guys long enough," Allen sighed, looking away from the kittens. "You're late, way late."

"The Zeta tubes were mulfanctioning. What happened?" Wonder Woman asked.

"You might want to sit down for this," Allen answered.