
DC: Alistair Wayne [Comics]

Upon his death, Alistair was granted three wishes, his first wish was to be the older twin brother of Damian Wayne and son of Bruce Wayne.

dsm1895 · Anime & Comics
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The trip to the renowned city of crime was peaceful, using his family's private plane, the journey took only a few hours.

With his ten shadows, he stands on the outskirts of the city.

Turning to his assassins, they fall into a kneeling position as they await their orders.

"There are a lot of big names in this city, six of you will infiltrate their organizations, two of the remaining four will infiltrate the police, I've already prepared the documents with convincing backgrounds"

"Over these past two years, I've trained you to not only be skilled killers but excellent spies too, prove to me i didn't waste my time"

As he turns to continue his walk into the city, eight of his ten shadows vanish into thin air, speeding off to execute his orders.

Walking into Gotham Royal Hotel, he approaches the main desk, "Good evening, I'm Mr. Rashad's son, here to pick up my key to the penthouse suite"

After a few minutes, he sits at a large black desk in his new luxury apartment.

His two remaining shadows kneel in front of his desk awaiting orders.

"Tenzen, notify my father and brother of my arrival in Gotham, arrange a meeting with the illustrious billionaire bat"

The shadow on the left, Tenzen, nods before jumping out the window and vanishing.

Looking towards his last guard, his most competent and eternally loyal follower, Burai, he holds out a sheet of paper.

"Here's a list of people, mostly mercs and assassins, some of them aren't in Gotham, contact them and set up a meeting with them all at the same time"

After the last shadow is gone, he wastes no time, looking towards his pc screen, he gets to work only to hear a ding on his phone.



My mission for you is a lot more than just to gain a foothold in Gotham, it's true that most of the underworld and the JLA know of your existence and the fact that you're my heir.

But you need to also make a name for yourself. hypothetically, if you were to take my throne tomorrow, bugs and leeches would swarm from every corner of the planet to kill you and take your place.

Fifteen years, you have fifteen years to make the world respect and fear your name, make allies but remember, trust no one except family.

Your Grandfather, Ra's al Ghul.


'Interesting, then i will become the Deamon's Head when i turn twenty-five, good.'

'That gives me a deadline to meet, i should spend these first few years expanding and recruiting'

'Having a strong force will help me crush the bugs that infest Gotham's underbelly'

'I should use a proxy to take my place since I'm not an adult, and make a business inventing tech from my previous world'

Taking out a sketchbook from his drawer, he starts writing down his ideas that will make immense cash.

'It's gonna be a long few days', putting his head down and focusing entirely on his work, days pass by quickly.

=== Five Days Later - Wayne Mansion ===

Sitting around a long table, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, and Damian Wayne await for their guest to arrive.

Dick looks over at the smiling boy that is normally brooding, "You must be close with your brother for you to smile like that, care to tell us about him before he gets here?"

The others in the room look at Damian.

He gives them a devilish grin, "Are we close? I'd kill everyone in this city with my bare hands if i thought for a second it would do harm to him... but no one can hurt Alistair, if you underestimate him, your already dead"

Bruce stops Dick from replying, he takes out a very thin folder, "Not much is known about my eldest biological son"

"Alistair Wayne, son of Talia al Ghul and myself, heir to the Demon's Head, identical twin brother of Damian, ten years old, and the recent addition to Gotham's criminal underbelly"

Tim sighs at the brief description of Alistair, "So the information we have on him is superficial, he must be special for Ra's to stop pursuing you and make a child his heir"

The room goes quiet as the dining room doors open, revealing a boy in a red hoodie and cargo pants.

He takes the seat at the opposite end of the table, "The family is all here, i see, other than mother and gramps anyway"

Looking over to Damian, he shoots the boy a cheeky smile, "Sup bro, i heard that your studying under Bruce 'The Batman' Wayne".

Damian moves to a seat closer to him, "How long are you in Gotham?"

Alistair glances at the present company, "A while", he turns to his father.

He stands from his seat and gives a perfect bow before sitting again, "It's good to finally meet you, father"

Tim and Dick stay silent, waiting for the tension to end.

Bruce leans back in his chair, "Why did Ra's make you his heir?"

The boy just smiles at the older man, "You'll find out, for your safety, you better look after my brother... he better not end up like Jason Todd"