
DC/Abnormal Memories

In the DC multiverse, an unusual event has left an indelible mark on the timeline. After countless reboots and alternate realities, one singular individual witnesses every pivotal moment in the history of the world's mightiest heroes. A witness to tragedies, triumphs and heartbreaking mistakes that have been unleashed at different points in time.

Victor_AS · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

chapter 1

The man wandered the streets of Central City, a metropolis illuminated by hope and speed. But his steps did not keep up with the pace of the citizens coming and going. He was a spectator of a world that had been reset again and again.

He was a silent witness to the events that had shaken the Earth over decades. Barry Allen, The Flash, had been the catalyst for these reboots, but people's memories were fading with every blink of the scarlet speedster. However, I have recorded it. I have remembered every crisis, every change, every new version of the multiverse.

In one reality, the Justice League had emerged as a ray of hope, protecting Earth from the most terrible threats. But in another, the League had fallen into obscurity and its members were corrupt and divided. Chaos reigned as heroes became villains and the world fell into fear.

The man didn't know the names of the heroes, he didn't know who was behind the masks and capes, but he saw the symbols on his chest. They were the Earth's last line of defense, and also its downfall.

Each reboot of the universe brought with it a new reality. In some, heroes were hailed as saviors; in others, they were persecuted as criminals. Every time Barry Allen altered the timeline, more divergences were created, more alternate realities. And the man was the only one who remembered each of them.

With each new version of Earth, the same question was asked: Why did the heroes always seem to fall into darkness? Why would his good intentions turn into tragedy? The man, not knowing their personal identities, questioned whether the heroes were responsible for their own misfortunes.

He did not know how he had come to be a witness in time, nor why he had been chosen to carry the weight of the multiverse's memory.

He didn't know if it was a cruel joke because only he could remember all that every time the speedster created a new version of the earth he lost everything he ever loved he didn't know it was heroes defending the weak so why did he do it? he has to suffer for the mistakes of those sworn to protect them.

Anger was the only thing he felt, the emotions hit him, those all hit his head, that feeling, memories of weakness, helplessness, only that remained, nothing more, even if he remembered it, everyone who believed him, so be it. tell anyone, they would call him crazy, the heroes who guaranteed him they wouldn't restart everything again.

When that thought came to his mind, fear invaded him, how long until they restarted everything again.

What will happen to him this time? How will he lose everything this time?

His actions did not go unnoticed by people because someone began to record his own head in the middle of the road. None were normal. Seeing this, he looked for a nearby alley and disappeared into the darkness.

tormented by the burden of it, wandering through the dark alley. the helplessness of being the only one who remembered the endless cycle of reboots of the universe. He was a witness to repeated tragedies, a weight he carried alone.

He was caught in a whirlwind of confusion and pain, unable to understand the purpose of his existence as a witness to the resets. As thoughts of him tormented him, an overwhelming feeling of helplessness washed over him, making him feel small and helpless in the world.

He wondered if he would ever be free of the burden he carried, if he would find a purpose beyond being a mere spectator to the tragedy. The anomalous memories had trapped him in an endless cycle of reboots and alternate realities, and uncertainty about his role. he tormented him.

As he advanced, he felt a strange gaze rest on him. Someone was watching him, and it wasn't long before an unknown figure began recording the strange scene in the middle of the road. He knew that he should avoid attracting unwanted attention, so he headed to a secluded corner and faded into the gloom.

As he became lost in the darkness of the streets, he vowed to move forward, to find answers and, perhaps, to discover his true purpose in this ever-changing multiverse.

The next day, the man woke up with the weight of what he had witnessed the day before still pressing on him. He was overwhelmed by the magnitude of the battle and the destruction he had witnessed. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw the images of fighting and heard the sounds of devastation in his mind.

Despite his newfound purpose and changed perspective toward heroes, the trauma of the experience haunted him. He decided that, instead of immediately seeking out the heroes, he needed a moment to process what he had experienced. He couldn't move on as if nothing had happened.

He walked out onto the streets of Central City, but this time he walked with his head down and shoulders slumped. The gazes of passersby fell on him, but he barely noticed them. His mind was overwhelmed by images of the battle, the destruction, and the sense of helplessness he had experienced.

As he walked aimlessly, he remembered how he felt when he joined the fight alongside the heroes. He had felt a new sense of purpose and determination, but that feeling now seemed distant and blurry.

The day progressed, but he could barely cope. His mind was still tormented by questions and conflicting emotions. He didn't know if he would ever be able to overcome what he had witnessed and experienced.

As he wandered through the streets of Central City, the air was filled with a deafening roar. In the blink of an eye, an explosion echoed nearby, shaking buildings and filling the sky with a flare of fire and smoke.

He turned towards the source of the chaos, only to find himself in the middle of a chaotic scene. Villains, with malicious smiles and terrifying powers, were attacking innocent people. Screams of terror and despair filled the air as chaos broke loose.

He found himself caught in the middle of the commotion, unable to move as terror took hold of him. He remembered the heroes' battles and the alternate realities he had witnessed, but this time, it was different. There were no heroes to protect the innocent, and he had no powers to fight the villains.

As he lay on the ground, gripped by fear and confusion, he began to desperately call for help. But, instead of receiving help, the people around him ignored him. His screams mixed with those of the victims around him, but no one seemed to hear him.

The feeling of abandonment washed over him, and memories of his past began to resurface in his tormented mind. He saw the faces of the people in the different realities, their reactions to the disasters he had witnessed, and the faces of those to whom he had asked for help in vain.

Memories overlapped in his mind, forming a chaotic whirlwind of images and emotions. He saw himself, years ago, asking for help for himself and his family as they faced adversity, only to be ignored, mocked, and abandoned by those he sought.

The man's mind, already cracked by the burden of the multiverse resets, began to crack even further under the overwhelming weight of memories and the current situation. The line between different realities was blurred, and reality mixed with fiction in a whirlwind of chaos and despair.

As he lay on the ground, with villains lurking around him and people ignoring him, the man felt as if his sanity was hanging by a thread. He didn't know if he could survive this nightmare, but he knew that, somehow, he must find the strength to resist, even if his mind was about to break.

In the midst of confusion and chaos, when the man's mind was about to break, a ray of hope emerged on the horizon. In the distance, an iconic figure descended from the sky at full speed: Superman.

In a matter of seconds, he rescued the people trapped in the chaos and stopped the villains. It was an impeccable act of heroism, a demonstration of what it means to be a true defender of justice.

However, when the man's eyes met Superman's face, something broke inside him. The Man of Steel's face was overlaid with the multiple versions of him he had witnessed in the alternate realities: the good and the bad. Superman's purity mixed with his worst moments, creating a distorted and fragmented image.

Seeing the change in the man's eyes, Superman quickly walked over to help him, seeing that everything was fine. He just took it as a scare from the citizen because he was involved in all of this.

Quickly after helping him, Superman took the villains away as he rises through the skies, the lights of the sun illuminate him while below the man is covered in shadows on his face that is covered by the shadows of the day, his eyes reflect nothing, anything, fear or anger, it is as if your something had died to give life to an unknown being.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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