
DC: A Rusted Sword

A boy ends up in DC, along with a system to aid him of course. However, his system only seems to have one purpose....making him stronger. Young Lucis dreams to become a master of the sword and do whatever he wants. Yet, Reality proves to be different from what it seems like, Thrown into a requiem of betrayal, misery and sadness, will he be blinded by Rage and become an intergalactic menace or will he show much more of an ability to walk a path where he won't regret his choices and find what the being who granted these powers to him want in exchange. For there are people seeking out his head and will his nascent mind be able to handle all of it? Let's find which path Lucis Stryke takes. ================================================================================================================================ I'm vey bad at writing a synopsis, nothing is owned by me, except the OC and his system. And uh, ENGLISH ain't my first Language nor is my second........SO things may be upsies and downsies sometimes. He'll join YJ My knowledge on DC is so mediocre, I do have the baseline knowledge tho, able to keep it going for 50-ish chaps. Just gotta re-check the years

AsshingtonDC · Movies
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2 Chs


Lucis, as soon he he re-gained is consciousness, jumped from fright as he remembered the events that had occurred before he fainted.

Instead of finding him in his room or in a medical ward, he found himself in an damp alleyway with dumpsters and garbage surrounding him.

The stench entered his nostrils and Lucis almost puked at the amount of bad odor and disgusting things around him

Lucis had his fair share of bullshit, but this had broken the thin line of patience he had.

He was gonna beat the shit out of his brother and fucking kill his dad.

Enough is enough. that man has gone beyond his fucking limits just to annoy him.

Lucis also hadn't expected the sudden betrayal of Sebas, his old kind butler.

Now, to find where he exactly was to find where he was, Lucis quickly made his move and fled the alleyway since he's unsure whether there's still some lackeys of his father lurking around.

Lucis, now in the main street sees people with gloomy expressions? Almost as if darkness loomed over them every passing second.

One also had to note that the pollution was worse and felt more disgusting in general.

Not caring much, Lucis went to the nearest newspaper stand which was suspiciously close to find, which made Lucis's mind go bonkers again as he was overwhelmingly cautious of his father and was thinking something of the lines-

'Did he hire the entire street to fool me? How long have I been asleep for? Did he put this close where to predict my movements? Is he still watching me?'

With thoughts like this one might say, 'Does he think he's more important than he truly is?' But Lucis knows that he is more important than what he seems.

He's built connections with various people, is popular on the internet and has various scientific organizations backing him up in case his father decides to get rid of him.

His father had to act extremely passive with him since Lucis's disappearance may allow other organizations to investigate his father and find out his real self, which is why Lucis thinks that his father can't act rashly.

Putting all his bizarre thoughts away, Lucis checks the latest news and see if there's any mention of him but what he saw gave him a headache that even his dumbass of a brother and shitass of a father weren't able to give in his 16 years of age.


                      GOTHAM     NEWS 


Batman has finally caught the Joker again and has put him in Arkham Asylum yesterday Night.

The Joker has been terrorizing...........................................................



Lucis squinted his eyes at the text before he put it back gently and calmly organized his thoughts once again to a more peculiar but correct conclusion.

'I'm Fucked. Fucked Bad'. Was what Lucis thought before nearly falling down.

He made his way to the previous alleyway and sat down at a corner for planning.

Otherwise he was fucked like shit, since he's in Gotham city, the backyard of our favorite paranoid freak, Batman.

He had respect for batman, and that amount of respect didn't add to much.

Batman's ways and ideals did not align with his and since Lucis had to gain power, Batman would mark him and designate him as a threat.

And if he does get more powerful, a second later the ENTIRE Justice League would be after his ass like crazy molesters- *ehem* too much but not a bad analogy.

As Lucis was planning on how to survive in his current predicament, a translucent blue screen appeared right in front of him that snapped him out of his thoughts.








.....A system? The fact that there was something to aid him truly elevated Lucis's mood.

"Now this is top-tier service...IS this from the weird notification before I fainted? Surely....THE GUY BEHIND THIS IS A SADIST FUCKING- ok calm down Lucis calm down......Alright, It's be lying if I said I weren't happy."

Lucis said as after a long time he had formed a true smile from genuine happiness.

He was thoroughly excited for this gift of his and he will make the greatest use of it.

With a newfound determination, Lucis thought of the magic word 



Za Endo since I have work to do

At night 1 more chap? Not sure tho. BYEEEEEEEEEE