
DC's new Assassin

Wished to be come Oliver Queens younger brother after his took a add Arrowverse

DragonMaster876 · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 (Edited)

At Starling City General Hospital a woman was giving birth too her second child. She has been in labor for four hours and the baby is almost out.

"Congratulations Mrs. Queen it is a healthy baby boy." Said the Doctor as he handed the baby to a vary tired woman.

"Robert look at how cute he is. What are we going to name him?" asked Moira staring into the baby's eyes.

"I think David would do nicely for our new bundle of joy." When Robert said that their smiles instantly became bigger.

(MC P.O.V)

When we got home to say I was stunned would be an understatement. The TV show did the size of the house no justice. The inside is even more so, but being a baby sucks I can't even move my own body.

[Time skip 10 years]


The most important thing I did in the first year of my life is, I no longer shit myself. Now it took a lot of embarrassing time with Raisa our maid but it was worth it. Who wouldn't be happy that you don't wake up in what feels like clumpy mud. Another thing I did was torture my new mom. If she tried to hold me I would cry and sometimes I would let her hold me till she started to smile then I would freak the fuck out, but when it was my new dad, Robert, Raisa, Malcom, or Rebecca I would sleep like a baby. I enjoyed letting out my inner Rayn Reynolds. I started to walk too. I was eight months old at the time. I would run from Mom into Dad's arms. Every now and then I would hang out with Mom and she would smile. She had a pretty smile. My first birthday was loud and I only stayed visible for as long as possible. By now My parents understood how I am when things get crowded and loud I like to vanish but they would always find me in my room playing with my toys. I also met Oliver but he was always very annoying so I liked to keep a distance but since he was my new brother so I had to try. Tommy was the same way but I could avoid him.

For the second and third years of my life, I did pretty much the same thing except I ran faster and could talk fully. It was a relief to be able to have a normal conversation. Oliver and Tommy are still annoying but that won't change.

For the fourth and fifth years I had to convince Dad to get me some stuff so I could make a droid. It took me two months of constant pestering for him to finally get him to let me build it. He took me to the foundry in the Glades to get the metal I needed to cast. It took me a few months to do the programming for the droid cause it is kind of dumb but I had to make it so he isn't to dumb. So after five months of work, I had a DUM series droid. The only reason it took me so long to make the droid is because of my small body. When I showed the family they were shocked. I made the droid for Raisa to make her work a little easier.

"David, did you build this?" Dad asked me while Dummy, the droid, was doing cartwheels on the floor.

"Yeah, I noticed that Raisa is our only helper so I decided to make this dummy for her. I had to figure out how to program it, but It will aid in her struggle to clean this place." I said with a happy smile on my face while Raisa came over and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you very much for the offer Mr. David but it is my job to do what this family needs. So I can't accept this," she said with tears in her eyes.

"And as a member of the family you work for it's my job to keep you able to perform the job daily, and that includes making sure you don't get exhausted doing said job. Now it won't do everything for you so you are still needed. You're a part of this family too." I said as I saw her start crying.

"Davy, can you make me one too? Please, Please. Pretty please." Oliver started begging me to make him a droid too. But I immediately said no. While Oli was crying I just left the room. More time passed after that.

For the next 3 years, nothing major happened other than Aunt Rebecca's murder and Thea being born. Dad had known from the beginning that Malcolm was the father but he didn't care. I would spend most of my time with Thea or training in a gym I had dad add to the house. I had made two mouse droids to clean the floor so Raisa didn't hurt her back.

For years 9 and 10 I spent time with Thea still and trained on an obstacle course I had dad build (Paid people to build) for me so I could start training my coordination so I didn't slip on a ledge. Oliver called me stupid for training but we had a good relationship. Only if he knew what this would do for him in the future should he join me. While we were out one day we ran into the lance family. They were nice and Sara is cute, our families grew closer after that. After Malcolm left Tommy moved in with us and he is nice for the most part till he gets with Oli then he changes. The school has been good since I aced everything they threw at me so I could stay home most of the time. People have tried to butter me up including the teachers for some money but they are immediately shot down and blacklisted for what I will sell in the future. In my spare time that I haven't been Training, studying, or playing with Thea I have been designing my outfit for my vigilante days. My relationship with Mom was a normal one. We talked about my training. She asked me why I was training, so I told her it was to protect Thea's smile. It wasn't entirely false either I can protect that smile and kick bad guy ass at the same time. I wanted to ask if dad could get me a bow but I figured I was too young.

I started to make a compound that I can weave into the fabric of my suit so I will be fully protected. I'm still gonna wear the plate amour that Ezio does but this is so I won't get shot in the leg.


[I was thinking the company name could be Genisis Tech]