
Dc's mysterious assassin

When Drystan finds himself dead and full of regrets, a powerful yet mysterious being grants him a new life in a world he barely has any knowledge of along with a few gifts. Why did he get this chance... because i said so. Deal with it. (This is my first experiance writing so dont expect flawless work. I accept critism and appreciate any and all forms of advice, suggestions , corrections, etc.) Thank you for reading : )

Lucius_Frey · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Tic-Toc Batman, Tic-Toc

Tic-Toc Batman, Tic-Toc

Then Drystan pulled out his detonator and pressed the button.

*BOOM* The whole building shook as an explosion went off only a floor below them, flames jutting out from below as windows shattered.

Drystan wasn't just going to do nothing while waiting for Batman, after all this is his debut so he needs to make sure that the attentions on them tonight.

Walking back to the computer he sees that he still needs a minute before he finishes copying the files so he walks over to the currently disabled Lucius for a chat and pats him on the head with his gun.

"Lucius Fox... less than fifteen minutes... before your brains... hit the floor." Drystan said keeping his words long a dragged out.

Acting like an intimidating psychopath is hard, who knows how Batman manages to do it every night.

Its much easier to act like a not so innocent fanboy.

Lucius further paled at Drystan's words becoming more fearful.

If Lucius paled anymore than he is now, he might become a white guy.

After a couple minutes the files stop downloading allowing Drystan to unplug his thumb drive from the computer.

Then Drystan immediately walked over to Lucius, bending down and grabbing him before forcing him to his feet.

Lucius let out another scream as the pain in his legs were to much before starting to fall.

Drystan didn't care and just grabbed Lucius's suit by the scruff of he neck and dragged him towards the busted window.

Looking down he could see that the fire from the explosion has spread and has already engulfed a few of the lower floors.

The only reason that the floor they're on right now wasn't on fire was because the floors and ceilings of the top floor were made of non-flammable materials, It was only a matter of time before the floor caved in after losing support though.

Drystan just realized that he may have just low-key become a terrorist.

He made sure that he placed the bomb in the place that's least likely to kill someone but blowing up buildings is something that's limited to terrorists and demolitionists.

Looking at Lucius who was seeing the fire below for the first time, he could see the panic in his eyes recede slightly as sadness and despair replace it.

He was the man who built Wayne Enterprises what it is today, as before he took over it was failing from Bruce's lack of management expertise.

"Its just a building... build a new one." Drystan said unsympathetically before he pushed Lucius out the window.

Lucius fell nearly 1000 feet with his life flashing before his eyes before Drystan appeared beside him, cloak fluttering in the wind, and touched his shoulder.

Then they appeared back on top of the building with smoke flying up all around them.

Lucius now hugging the ground, glad that he wasn't turned into a human pancake on the sidewalk below.

Drystan just stood there in silence looking at the time, which appeared on a reticle on his mask.

Batman still had ten minutes so Drystan wasn't planning on him to be here for a while.

But he did have something here to keep him company though as an emergency helicopter was now here as well as a news helicopter filming him in his full glory.

Drystan faced the news helicopter and slowly waved with his gun still in hand before going over and dragging Lucius to a place where he could sit.

Then he threw Lucius on the ground and sat on a metal duct while using Lucius as a footrest, letting all of Gotham see him using one of the richest men in the world as a foot stool.

And Lucius didn't even dare resist do to the overwhelming fear that Drystan might put another bullet in him if he does.

After five more minutes of waiting someone finally shows up to stop Drystan.

Only it wasn't Batman but his merry group of sidekicks.

Including his student Stephanie/Batgirl there was also Robin, Redhood, Nightwing, and... another Batgirl?

This showing of people took Drystan a little off-guard as he was expecting Batman and his two sidekicks and not an extra Batgirl, a vigilante, and the original Robin.

It was well known that Nightwing was once Batman's sidekick so it made since for him to be here, but Redhood was a vigilante that's been on a bloodthirsty tirade for the past few months so him being with the Bat family surprised Drystan.

The new Batgirl wasn't that shocking its just that having two Batgirls made them confusing to talk about. However the new batgirls face was completely covered rather than having just a partial mask like the other Bat family members.

When they show up before they can do anything Drystan points his gun at Lucius's head asks "Where's Bruce?"

All of them paused at the mentions of the name. "I told him... To be here... Not to send his children." Drystan said making it clear that he knows that Bruce is Batman.

Then he suddenly feels a tingling sensation in the back of his skull.

Drystan quickly flips backward dodging a batarang that was thrown at him by the new batgirl.

But as soon as he flips away from Lucius the rest of the Bat family rush him.

Realizing that the Bat family is composed of the strongest martial artists in the world Drystan moves fast.

Drystan teleported behind Nightwing taking him by surprise and put two bullets into the back of his legs only for them to bounce off, not leaving any real damage.

'So they have bullet proof suits, nice to know'

Not wanting to completely waste the opportunity of possibly surprising them with his ability, he quickly teleports behinds Stephanie and grabs her before teleporting them to the other side of the roof to give him time to quickly subdue her 1v1 without hurting her.

So after appearing he quickly swept her legs out from under her and gave her a swift kick in the head.

Sadly she didn't happen to be as easy to knock out as robin is. Or maybe he held back to much out of fear of hurting her. Either way she wasn't unconscious.

He was about to continue attempting to knock her out when Redhood hood started firing guns at him forcing him to move.

He didn't move away however, no he moved towards Stephanie forcing Redhood to hold his fire as the Bat family rushed him once more.

The new Batgirl was once again the first to reach him as she launched a kick at his head.

As he dodged and tried to counter her, she dodged his punch before he got close to hitting her.

Then she went to kick his legs out from under him he moved back a little out of range of her sweep but she seemed to predict it and used the momentum of her sweep to roundhouse kick him.

Drystan barely dodged the kick before teleporting away from the girl.

The way she fought was really odd to Drystan, it was almost like...

Then he had an epiphany and looked at the girl in amazement.

But he decided to turn it up a notch as he wanted to take out the pack before the alpha showed up.

Drystan put away his guns and decide to go barehanded as guns weren't going to be of any use anyways.

The he decided to take out the big dogs first and teleported right in front of Nightwing.

He could already tell that the new batgirl would be able to beat any of these other sidekicks, but Drystan thought that he had already figured out how to take care of her so he decided that Nightwing was the next biggest threat.

When he appeared in front of Nightwing, he just decided to use brute force and kicked Nightwing in the chest with superhuman force sending him flying back into the roofs railing making the metal railing bend from the force and making Nightwirng cough up blood with a slightly caved in chest.

Getting hit by someone with over ten tons of force isn't small thing after all.

He then Teleported over Redhoods head and did an axe kick down in his shoulder.

Drystan heard a *Crack* as he teleported behind Redhood and kicked him in the back of the knee bringing him down on one knee before teleporting back in front of him to kick him in the side of the head sending him sliding across the roof unconscious.

This all happened in an instant as he immediately teleported after landing his strikes.

Then only the three newbies were left, Robin and the Batgirls.

He looked at them with Stephanie still on the ground with the other Batgirl standing over her and Robin standing on his own on the other side of the roof.

He made eye contact with Robin for a minute before vanishing, and reappearing right in front of him giving him a left cross to the chin, dropping him like a sack of potatoes.

Batman's really got to work on Robins chin. That's two times he's got knocked out in one punch this week.

Looking over at the Batgirls they are still where they were on the other side of the roof, the only difference was that Stephanie was now on he feet.

Instead of teleporting around he just slowly starts walking towards the Batgirls and they follow his lead and start walking towards him.

Then at some point their walk becomes a run as he just keeps walking.

It looked like the new Batgirl was going to reach him first with just enough time to get one strike in before Stephanie so decided to use that one strike to figure out if he was correct about her ability.

Its either that she can predict the future with a superpower, or that she is going full Seijuro Akashi and Emperors' eyeing his ass.

So for this next strike he will make it so that if she has an emperors eye like skill that she wont be able to predict his punch.

It was within his skillset for him to be able to have completely bodily control and unpredictable moves its just that he still has to put in a conscious effort to do so as he hasn't completely integrated all his skills perfectly yet.

So when she gets close he controls his breathing, muscle movements, body tension, rhythm, etc. in a way that says he's about to punch at her.

Then he kicks at where she should dodge.

And he's correct, she dodges to the left of his none existent punch and meets the bottom of Drystan's foot to the face, her head snapping back from the force of the kick.

She surprisingly doesn't go down though and only falls to a knee before pouncing at him again.

This time both Batgirls attacked together.

Except that Stephanie was currently the weakest member of the Bat family and that the new Batgirl couldn't figure him out after he started actively concealing his movements.

So it only took him a moment to finish knocking the two of them out.

Then he went and grabbed his grappling hook that was still on the roof and used the rope to tie up the Bat Familia with Lucius.

The he took his gun out and pointed it at the family before looking at the news helicopter and saying in a voice loud enough for them to hear.

"Tic-Toc Batman, Tic-Toc"