
Dc's mysterious assassin

When Drystan finds himself dead and full of regrets, a powerful yet mysterious being grants him a new life in a world he barely has any knowledge of along with a few gifts. Why did he get this chance... because i said so. Deal with it. (This is my first experiance writing so dont expect flawless work. I accept critism and appreciate any and all forms of advice, suggestions , corrections, etc.) Thank you for reading : )

Lucius_Frey · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

The Psychology of Batman

Three days later Drystan had become the legal owner of the Siren.

He didn't tell the girls though as he wanted to throw a surprise party for them.

It wouldn't be much of a party as the girls didn't have any actual friends for him to invite, but the four of them would have a good time breaking the place in.

It took a lot of effort to get the place.

It took blackmailing the manager and adding a zero to the places actual worth to get it as Bruce was adamant about getting the place.

He really wished he knew what Bruce had planned for the club but if the man wants the place then he would have to come and get it.

Over the past couple days he had received calls from Barbara Gordan, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, but never Bruce Wayne.

Its like he was being specifically avoided by the man.

Drystan couldn't understand why though. If Bruce suspected him of something then he would actually interact with him more but instead the guy avoids him like the plague.

He had done a lot of research on a few important people since his new life started.

The ones he did the most research on were Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman.

He did research on others of course but his research on these three were far more extensive than his of the others.

But even when compared to the other two he has done far more research on Batman.

His understanding of Batman is so vast that he knows three times as much more about him than he knows about Wonder Woman and Superman combined.

This is added to by the fact that Batman is the one hero that he actual had a decent amount knowledge on before he died.

According to his understanding Bruce Wayne, he suffers from at least one and maybe even all of the following disorders.

Obsessive Compulsive(OCD), Post-traumatic stress(PTSD), and Narcissistic Personality disorder(NPD).

In fact Drystan thinks that his PTSD led to Bruce's OCD.

But the three have a few similar symptoms that bruce exhibits so he may not have all of them.

His PTSD makes Bruce relive his parents murders in his dreams, possibly even have flashbacks.

It also effects his emotions as Bruce became distant, becoming negative in his view of the world.

PTSD numbs emotion and causes people to always be on guard for danger and feel an overwhelming guilt or shame.

Drystan believes that Bruce's PTSD fuels his OCD as constantly remembering his parents death and his growing negative view constantly gave Bruce to urge to personally meet out vengeance.

At first Bruce had the common symptom of unwanted aggression but he lost this with training.

But he kept some more serious symptoms of OCD.

These are the need for orderliness, difficulty tolerating uncertainty, and his main obsession and compulsion.

He is obsessed with the thought of vengeance and when it isn't met out he is constantly met with thoughts of his parents causing him to feel anxious, depressed, or distressed.

Eventually he is compelled to take action by these thoughts and takes on his moniker of the Batman in an attempt to relieve these thoughts.

It doesn't though so every night he feels compulsed to go out and fight crime.

When he was young these compulsions led Bruce to start training so he could better bring justice to the world.

As for narcissistic personality disorder, Drystan is the most certain that Bruce has this disorder as he also has it and knows its symptoms more than anyone else.

People with NPD are generally unhappy when they aren't given special attention which is why Drystan was so pissed when Bruce wouldn't personally talk to him over the phone.

He thinks that Bruce actually gained this when he was a kid because his parents were excessively doting on him giving him an exaggerated sense of self-worth.

Most people with NPD have fantasies about success. power, brilliance, and beauty.

On top of that they tend to exaggerate their talents and achievements.

But Bruce Wayne was rich, handsome, and a genius so he didn't need the fantasy so he projected this feeling to personal power which his OCD drove him to improve on.

Bruce believes he is superior and will only associate with people his deigns worthy.

He is unwilling to recognize the needs and feelings of other and tends to expect unquestioning compliance with his demands.

On top of that he insists on having the best everything be it car, building, suit, or even martial arts.

He feels inferior to other heroes with powers so he searches for every possible way to compensate for that.

The plus side is that Bruce controls his emotions pretty well which most people with NPD have trouble with.

But you'll find all the signs you need for the disorders on either Bruce, Batman, or both.

All in all the guy is holding himself together pretty well. Drystan still thinks that the guy is an asshole though.

Anyways he had party decorations to start setting up.


I wasn't sure what to type today so i ended up writing my observations on Batman and my thoughts on his phycology.

Thanks for reading though and let me know if you agree with my Batman breakdown.