
Dc's mysterious assassin

When Drystan finds himself dead and full of regrets, a powerful yet mysterious being grants him a new life in a world he barely has any knowledge of along with a few gifts. Why did he get this chance... because i said so. Deal with it. (This is my first experiance writing so dont expect flawless work. I accept critism and appreciate any and all forms of advice, suggestions , corrections, etc.) Thank you for reading : )

Lucius_Frey · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Questioned... Again

Drystan, Huntress, Blackhawk, and Canary were all sitting around a small table in his living room.

Drystan had pulled a chair up in front of his couch so that they could have a nice civil chat face to face without him almost shooting one of them or one of them potentially screaming so loud his eardrums explode.

"You can take your mask off if you please. I already found out your real identities, after learning Barbara was the Oracle you three weren't that difficult to find out."

In fact, it was easy as the only one of the three that actually wore a mask was the Huntress.

It was one of the biggest mystery's he came across as hardly anyone recognized them out of their hero costume.

It was the same for superman and super girl as they only wore glasses but nobody noticed their real identities.

After the Huntress took off her mask Drystan took the opportunity to take a better look at the three girls.

The Huntress, Helena Bertinelli was 5'11 with blue eyes and long black hair. She was in a very sexy yet complicate outfit that looked like it was all connected but was still super revealing as it showed off her midriff and long legs. She also had cat ears which somehow made it hotter. Or were they bat ears?

Black Canary, Dinah Lance was much smaller at 5'4 with blue eyes and bleached blonde hair. Her outfit was very stripper like as she wore a tight corset like blue top that showed of her cleavage, short shorts, and fishnet leggings. Besides that she also had a black leather jacket and choker on.

Lady Blackhawk, Zinda Blake is 5'7 was blonde with blue eyes wearing a very police inspired costume, with a black hat and a short skirt.

All three of them were outrageously pretty as they could easily be models instead of heroes.

It was something he noticed when he came to this world was that more attractive people were more often more talented.

He guesses that's the result of the creators of the Dc universe making their female characters excessively pretty to bring in more reader.

"Alright now before you three start interrogating me, let me introduce myself."

"My Name is Drystan Amon Doyle, I'm twenty years old, I have PhDs in computer and forensic sciences as well as several master degrees in subjects related to the two. I am currently teaching Computer sciences at Gotham university but besides that I am the CEO and majority shareholder of Jayde tech. My dream is to be a great teacher and hope to inspire them to be better. Its nice to meet you."

The three girls looked amazed when they heard his list of achievements. The girls were no slouches as they were all very intelligent but Drystan took the cake.

Seeing that none of the girls were responding he asked "Would you like do introduce yourselves as well or just start asking me questions?"

Dinah was the first to reply as she said "Since you have apparently already investigated us there isn't a need to introduce ourselves. However I'm Dinah, this is Helena and Zinda." while motioning to the two when she said their names.

The she got into asking him what they wanted to know "Tell me, why did you chose to approach Barbs at the clocktower, if you just wanted to talk to her about her identity you could have done it anywhere?" she said while leaning back into her seat giving him a inquiring look.

"I just wanted to prove to her that the tower isn't safe and that it would be easy to break into. Plus it saved me the trouble of her constantly trying to deny it."

Thinking that his answer was reasonable she asked him another question "Where did you learn to fight? Not everybody can defeat Zinda and Helena."

"After my parents died I was afraid of meeting the same fate as they did so I hired a man to teach me krav maga." Drystan replied.

Drystan was a very private person in the past with no friends or girl friends so he spent all his time at home, because of this it became almost impossible to claim he wasn't taught martial arts as a kid even though he wasn't.

"While we are on the topic, where did you learn martial arts Dinah? From what I know you should be among the top in the world." He asked genuinely curious.

The only people he knows that he would put on a higher tier than Dinah was Lady Shiva, Batman, David Cain, and Deathstroke.

That put Dinah as the number 5 strongest martial artist in the world, at least on his list.

He hasn't been able to estimate Ra's Al Ghul's skill level as he hasn't been recorded fighting but he should be on a similar level as his top 5, he just doesn't know where to put him.

"Wildcat" was all she said in reply. But it was all the reply he needed.

Wildcat was a martial artist that had lived an exceptionally long life and had acquired a considerable skill level in several different fighting styles.

Unfortunately, he still isn't as good as some of the more natural geniuses even with the extra years so he is only on Drystan's top 20.

Then Helena asked a question that he wasn't expecting "Why do you own a gun?"

Drystan thought if he should answer the nice way or not before saying "Sweetie, this is Gotham, everybody with half a brain owns a gun."

Helena frowns at the condescending tone of voice Drystan spoke to her in "You don't have to be an asshole you know."

"I know, but if you don't want a sarcastic answer don't ask a stupid question." Drystan says while shooting her a grin.

He was considering giving a nicer answer as her question wasn't really that stupid but he has always been a little arrogant and domineering in both lives and that wasn't going to change instantly even though he was doing his best to tone it down a bit so he isn't just straight up a young master.

"Do people ever tell you that you are unbearably difficult to be around?" Helena asked with a look on her face that was more of a pout than a frown.

"I've been told much worse that that, but thanks for putting it politely." he said.

The girls then continued to ask him questions for a while before Drystan finally got tired of it and escorted them to the door.

"Oh yes, a piece of advice Drystan, is that when your dealing with women in the future you need to reign in you attitude a little or you wont be popular in the future." Dinah said before turning around and walking away.

Before she got to far he yelled " I don't need to control my attitude, everyone else needs to control themselves to not to piss me off!" before closing the door.

After that he went back to bed tired after a long day of being questioned.

He decided that in the future instead of being interrogated like this he will just have one of his clones to write up his background story so that he can just email people his information instead.

He doesn't have anything to hide after all.

Besides all the killings, but nobody really needed to know that so he wouldn't put that in the email.


Before falling asleep he was thinking about the three beautiful women that were in his house today thinking 'Should I get a girlfriend?' before nodding off into the silence that is sleep.