
Dc's mysterious assassin

When Drystan finds himself dead and full of regrets, a powerful yet mysterious being grants him a new life in a world he barely has any knowledge of along with a few gifts. Why did he get this chance... because i said so. Deal with it. (This is my first experiance writing so dont expect flawless work. I accept critism and appreciate any and all forms of advice, suggestions , corrections, etc.) Thank you for reading : )

Lucius_Frey · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Its a Party

Drystan spend some time decorating the Siren for the party.

He had banners, party hats, cake, alcohol, spiked bats, poisons, flowers, cats, hyenas, the whole nine yards.

He prepared anything that he thought the girls might enjoy.

His favorites are life sized cardboard cutouts of Gotham's finest heroes and villains.

No doubt that they would get destroyed by the end of the night but it would make for a good time.

After he finished setting up he called Ivy to let them know that he got the building.

"Hello Sweet William, you need something?"

"Ivy, didn't I tell you to stop calling me that? Please call be Drystan or Grey like the other girls. Sweet William doesn't really fit me."

"I think it fits perfectly my Sweet William."

"Fine, call me whatever you want it doesn't really matter. Anyways I was calling to let you know that I just received a call from the bank letting me know that the Siren is now legally mine."

"I say we go check it out and see if they changed anything."

"Really! Harley, Cat, Drystan just called and said he got the Siren back!"

He could here their excitement through the phone.

He could here Harley say "Lets go!!! Come on! I need to see if they found my collection of Wonder Woman figurines!

Drystan just laughed and said "I'm a bit far away at the moment but I will start heading there. You and the girls head that way and I'll meet you there later."

Then he sat and waited for them to show up.

He never understood Harleys obsession with Wonder Woman but he doesn't really care, the more power to her.

To fair he doesn't understand a lot about Harley, and that's saying something considering how much he tends to over analyze things.

He was standing in the middle of the room when Harley kicked to doors open and charged inside, dragging Cat and Ivy behind her.

"Surprise!" Drystan said while pulling the string on a homemade confetti cannon.

The cannon launched the confetti through the roof leaving a big hole in the ceiling.

As debris fell around him Drystan stiffened up and awkwardly said "I'll fix that."

The girls looked around and saw all the things he had prepared.

He got Ivy a few rare and borderline extinct plant species that she could take care of.

He got Cat a really big scratching post and some floorplans of some of Gotham's richest homes.

And he got Harley a life sized, very realistic statue of Wonder Woman that was wearing some of Wonder Woman's actual clothes.

All three were acquired by less than legal means but he didn't hurt anyone to get them so who cared?

Ivy was looking at the plants like a mother who just saw her baby for the first time, Cat was looking at Drystan irritated over the scratching post, and Harley was hugging Drystan telling how much they loved it.

And so a four person party ensued.

They partied more like high schoolers rather than adults as they chugged beers, took shots, played truth or dare, drew funny faces on the cutouts of heroes, burned the joker cutout, etc.

They did this for hours until they started playing darts with Batman's cutout, which they had drawn a mustache, a monocle, and a dress onto.

They were supposed to be aiming for his forehead but the girls seemed to hit his junk, eyes, and heart more.

He seemed very loved here.

They were interrupted halfway through their game however by the masked crusader himself.

They were having a good time drinking and throwing darts at cardboard Batman when the real thing dropped down from the ceiling and his sidekicks Batgirl and Robin appeared from the shadows.

Drystan was surprised to see them here as they weren't causing any trouble and were just playing around.

"Bats, did I send you an invitation to the party by accident?" Drystan asked like he was genuinely confused.

He walked over and tried to put an arm around Batman, to which his wrist was grabbed and he was given the stare down of the century.

*Cough, Cough* "Anyways let me introduce you to my good friends over here.

"This is Harley, this is Ivy, and this is Cat. Oh wait, my bad you already knew that."

Batman continued to give Drystan a stare down "What are you doing here kid?"

"Yeah! Don't you know who they are?" Batgirl said, concern clear in her voice.

"They are better now." Drystan says with a smile.

Robin chimed in sporting his own grin "I saw Harley feed a living person to her hyenas earlier this year."

"They haven't done any serious harm to anybody in the last two months and in the last couple weeks that they have been with me they only did a few petty crimes."

"Three days ago they kidnapped Bruce Wayne and beat him with a baseball bat."

"They just wanted to get their home back. Besides they wouldn't have harmed him much."

"Much?" Batman asked.

"Nothing more than a couple bruises, then they would have moved on to gentler methods."

Batgirl seemed frustrated that Drystan was taking their side as yelled "They don't know any 'Gentler' methods. They are villains and all they know how to do is hurt people!"

Drystan looked at her and said "That's not fair. They were all originally good people before they became that way, they are just readjusting back into being good people again."

"When was she ever considered a good person!" Batgirl pointed at Ivy "She is a terrorist Drystan! A Terrorist!"

"Im not a terrorist!"

"Then what are you!?"

Ivy seemed to want to answer but Drystan interrupted by saying "A person. She's a person that made mistakes, that's all."

"She killed people!"

"So has he." Drystan pointed at Batman.

Everyone in the room was surprised to here him say that.

"What do you mean? No killing is his number one rule." Cat asked behind him.

"Yeah there's no way that he ever killed anyone!" Robin yelled.

Drystan just stood there calm.

"I have proof."

There was silence around the room as people on both sides looked at him shocked.

Cat was the first to speak as she walked up and put a hand on Drystans shoulder and said "Show me."