
Dc's mysterious assassin

When Drystan finds himself dead and full of regrets, a powerful yet mysterious being grants him a new life in a world he barely has any knowledge of along with a few gifts. Why did he get this chance... because i said so. Deal with it. (This is my first experiance writing so dont expect flawless work. I accept critism and appreciate any and all forms of advice, suggestions , corrections, etc.) Thank you for reading : )

Lucius_Frey · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Getting things rolling

~Two months later~

Drystan was sitting at his desk on his computer going over the progress he has made in these first two months.

His website is up and running on the dark web with more and more assassins and clients using its services every day.

The site he named The Strangers Hidden Sorrow or S.H.S. has swiftly became a go to for assassins as its services are quite simple and easy to use while nobody in the dark web could manage to get into its mainframe.

The way it works is after receiving an order it will run its program to automatically investigate the target over the internet by hacking into different government and criminals servers and within 72 hours estimate a price and difficulty level associated with the target.

If the client is willing to pay the estimated amount then it will be posted on the sites page and is forwarded to assassins that frequently work in the targets area that meet the required level.

Assassins are ranked 1-5 stars as are the orders. The higher the amount of stars the lower the cut the site takes. A 1 star assassin pays out 5% of their total earnings while a 5 star assassin only pays out 1%.

Even though its not a particularly high cut, 5 star orders could cost tens of millions to be carried out so 1% of that that would still be tens of thousands while the cheapest 1 star would still cost at least ten thousand.

This is much, much cheaper than any other middle man agency as well as much safer and more reliable as it is difficult to set a trap for an assassin as the sites servers are so secure nobody knows who will or can take what mission as higher star assassins have priority on missions and could request to be the sole person working on that order.

He himself isn't listed on the site as an assassin because he still hasn't taken his first target yet as he wasn't to familiarize himself with his new skillset first.

The second of his ten wishes was the top tier skillset of an assassin from deadly combat techniques to appearing as harmless as a fly he has the full knowledge of the skills that are needed to be a peak assassin.

Although he was directly gifted the skills and didn't need to really train them, he wants to be as comfortable as possible with his skills before getting started.

Aside from getting himself ready for his life as an assassin, he also had to get ready for his life in the light.

He took the time to prepare his lesson plan and think up a few inspirational speeches in advance so he can properly inspire his students.

But mostly it was so that he sounded cool.

He was going to be himself most of the time but there is nothing wrong with wanting to sound cool every once in a while.

His first class was tomorrow morning so he was just making sure he made a good impression.

So how was he doing so much in just 2 months? Well that is because of his 3rd wish.

His 3rd wish is also his first superpower. He gained the ability to clone himself in as many as 20 different clones that can have any skill that he has that he allows the clone to use.

Meaning that if he creates a clone he can make it just have his art ability, or just his combat ability.

This way even when he goes on a mission there is still a version of him here to teach at Gotham.

The downside to his clones is that despite them having his skillset they can't however use any of his abilities that are 'super'.

Now he is down in his houses basement in nothing but his boxers training against several of his clones and he was kicking his ass.

Meaning he was beating his clones down. They may have the same skills as him but he is superhuman while they are just peak human.

His 4th and 5th wishes came in the form as Spiderman's powers and a healing factor.

He isn't full Spiderman so don't expect to see him swinging around on webs but he has the 10 tons strength, the flexibility, and the Spidey senses.

His healing factor on the other hand is pretty solid as wounds he has gotten while training have healed pretty fast.

After a couple days after starting to train one of his clones accidentally cut his arm pretty deep so he unfortunately got to see his healing factor in live action pretty early on.

Even with all of his abilities fighting against 20 top of the line assassins is pretty difficult, as even as he knocks out the last of his clones you can see wounds rapidly closing on his body.

This is why he trains in his underwear as getting his cloths torn up and bloody every time he trains is pretty troublesome.

After he knocks out the last clone he leaves them on the floor and goes for a shower to wash away his sweat and and blood.

Training for the past two months has really built up his confidence to be an assassin.

He may have wanted to be one but getting the nerve up to go and kill his first person is pretty hard.

After all in both lived he was just a normal student. Well maybe not normal as he was freakishly a genius in both however he had never even been in a real fight yet in both lives unless his clones count.

He wanted to be sure that when he made to final decision and selected a target he would be able to follow through with it.

That being said, he was going to wait until a particularly nasty target pops up so he knows he can finish the job.

After getting out of the show he went to bed excited for his first day of work tomorrow.