
Dc's mysterious assassin

When Drystan finds himself dead and full of regrets, a powerful yet mysterious being grants him a new life in a world he barely has any knowledge of along with a few gifts. Why did he get this chance... because i said so. Deal with it. (This is my first experiance writing so dont expect flawless work. I accept critism and appreciate any and all forms of advice, suggestions , corrections, etc.) Thank you for reading : )

Lucius_Frey · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

A Long Days Resulting Clarity

A couple hours after the fight with the Bat family Drystan could be seen sat it his living room with his hands on his head.

He was having a serious case of post fight clarity.

Dristan's original plan all hinged on Batman being there.

Fifteen minutes might not seem like a lot of time for Batman to get to Wayne enterprises but Batman has Bat planes, cars, helicopters, motorcycles, and even boats that go much faster than anything on the market.

You also have to take into account that he doesn't need to deal with traffic as Batman always seems to find away around it. Without traffic it wouldn't even take five minutes to get from one side of NYC to the other.

Much less to get to the center of Gotham as even normal helicopters got to Wayne enterprises a few minutes after his attack.

His whole entire plan fell apart the moment Batman didn't show up.

So from there he just winged it. Sadly, the assassins skillset doesn't include the mindset of one, nor does it include acting skills.

His skillset only include the things that are most essential to him as an assassin like fighting techniques, weapon skills, making and using poison, stealth, torture, disguise, and escape techniques.

That means that even though he has the skills of the best assassin in the world he still has to make his own decisions and judgements, and as an art and computer nerd Drystan hasn't had to improvise a lot.

Even his normal assassin jobs only end in a single attack so this is the first time his missions haven't really gone according to plan unless you consider the time Batman showed up when he was confronting Barbara.

He had watched the playback of his fight on the news over dozen of times and inwardly cringed as he damaged his own Image as the Boogeyman.

He was original only supposed to say a couple of words after beating Batman to express disappointment at hoe weak he was before he left.

But now he had beat-up and humiliated his sidekicks before spouting out some lame lines.

Who the fuck says 'Beware'. When he first said it he thought he sounded cool but watching it back it looked like he was beating some children and bragging about it.

Now that he thought about it, why does he need to try to get on the heroes good side this early?

If he just ignores them as the Boogeyman until there is a crisis then silently helps them, they will except him much more easily.

In fact, in the future he decided that when he is in his Boogeyman persona he just going to keep the speaking to a minimum and end any fights he gets in as quickly as possible.

This is also the simplest way to keep his real identity from getting found out as when he doesn't speak, he wont accidentally give any verbal clues to his identity.

*sigh* "I really need a drink." Drystan said while running his hands through his hair.

Its been a long day with many fuck ups.

He's just a man after all, mistakes are made.

Drystan got up and grabbed a jacket before heading out to find a bar or club that was open.

He hadn't been drunk yet in his new life as his healing factor, physique, and natural poison resistance as an assassin normally keeps alcohol from affecting him.

But he could control his body enough to let the alcohol affect him for night.

After walking around for a while Drystan realized that the only places in Gotham that are willing to be open this late are the ones that are owned by shady people.

Currently there were only two real options, The Iceberg Lounge and The Sirens as the others are all owned by smaller time thugs that wouldn't care if someone started a fight with him.

Which was likely as he was a very handsome guy that looked quite weak. Thugs seem to like to target him because of some inferiority complex as people had tried to mug him at least three times the past couple months.

So he needed to pick somewhere that's owned by someone that acts as a deterrent to the small time guys.

The Iceberg Lounge is owned by the Penguin Oswald Cobblepot and is the most luxurious and well maintained club in Gotham.

But Drystan had killed people there a few times so tensions are high and fewer and fewer people are going to the Lounge as they are afraid of death.

So that left The Sirens.

The Sirens was managed my Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn.

Gotham's three most famous villainess's.

Normally Drystan would steer clear of them as he doesn't want to get mauled for entertainment, but today he didn't really care and just wanted to relax.

Arriving at The Sirens, the first thing Drystan sees is that almost nobody is here.

After going in he quickly realized why though as The three beautiful Sirens were in the corner of the room playing pin the tail on the office worker with an exceptionally sharp dart as the tail.

Drystan just ignored them as he went to the bar and ordered a drink.

He wasn't worried about the guy as Catwoman would probably keep the other girls from going to far.

He drank as the office workers screams echoed throughout the building.

Its truly been a long day.