
Dbz Remade

hi thanks for reading. I'm the first author for mha remade with a twist,my crew and I have decided to take a small break from the series and start our own stories

Jefferey_Oladejo · Book&Literature
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Chapter Two: Species Extinction

We panned over to Freiza as he was in his custom space pod. "Hmm,let's see what will happen when I send my army down," Frieza said as hundreds of his soldiers came out from all the ships he had. Bardock and Mathew used their scouters and saw the army in space . "Well old friend,it's time we put up one last fight for our race,for our pride and honor as Saiyans." Bardock said as he and Mathew flew into the stratosphere. "HAAAA!" Bardock yelled as he and Mathew powered up to their full power. Their Ki surged as clear aurora's surrounded them. The two men flew at high speeds towards the army and began to fight groups of men by themselves. "Ohohoho,look at these silly monkeys, do they really think that they stand a chance?" Freiza asked as he lifted a finger up and charged a small sun-like ki blast. "Frieza!" The two men yelled as they launched the men that were on top of them off and charged up a blue ki beam in their hands. "OHOHOHO!" Frieza bellowed as he made the ki sun massive,"every last one of you monkeys will perish!" Frieza yelled as he sent the ki sun at the two blue beams. The two blue beams merged into one and clashed with the massive ki sun.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

    The ki sun overpowered the massive blue beam and incinerated everything that got in its way. "Aghhh!" the two men yelled as they were consumed by the massive ki sun. "Live,don't forget us" Bardock thought as the massive ki sun incinerated their bodies. However the ki sun didn't explode, it kept on it's course as it was aimed at the entirety of planet Vegeta. The ki sun was visible from the ground of the planet as all the Saiyans there could see what was coming. As the massive ki sun hit the planet it devoured it causing a massive explosion. "What lovely Fireworks' ' Frieza said as he had a scouter on and watched the exploding planet until the scouter couldn't detect any power levels. Frieza then turned on his scouter and put out a message to the Saiyans off world on missions. "To the last remaining Saiyans,I'm very sorrowful and displeased to tell you that planet Vegeta was hit by a large meteor. The entire planet has been wiped out along with the Saiyan inhabitants that were so unluckily on the planet." Freiza said as he turned his scouter off, "Zarbon, Dodoria, I think we are done here" Frieza said as a tall light green skinned man with long green hair and a  Large woman with pink skin purple lips flew back into the ship along with Frieza. "Lord Frieza if i may ask,why did you genocide ournstrongest army,the Sayins as barbaric as they are,were a massive help and integral part of the Frieza Force" Zarbon asks as Frieza steps down from his space pod "If you really must know. I did it because i couldn't have any Saiyan upstarts trying to rebel against me,especially if one of them happened to be what those monkeys called a Super Saiyan'' Fieza said as Zarbon was even more confused "Lord Freiza what's a Super Saiyan?" Zarbon asked as Frieza went into detail "apparently what these monkeys call a Super Saiyan is a Saiyan that has ascended past the normal limits of an average one. A being with flowing golden hair,an incredible golden aura,and the strength to defeat and kill me!" Frieza said as his aura began to flare violently causing the ship to shake and tremble "WHAT INSOLENCE! THESE LOWLY MONKEYS THOUGHT THAT I'D ALLOW SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO EVER HAPPEN! I'LL BE SURE TO ELIMINATE EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM THAT REMAIN!" Frieza yelled as a large purple aura formed around his body "I've never seen Lord Frieza this agitated at anything" Zarbon thought as Fireza took a deep breath and calmed down. "Excuse me,I'm usually more composed. But as I said before,I'll make sure to eradicate every last one of them from existence." Frieza said as one of his remaining soldiers ran to Frieza 

"Lord Frieza sir! A call from your older brothers sir!" The soldier said as as Fireza walked over to his control center in his ship and put the call

Through. "Oh baby brother,how's the army?" A lizard-like man with dark gray skin,white armor-like skin on his chest and arms,and ruby-like skin on his face,arms,head,legs,and chest. "Oh ,Frost, what do I owe this splendid visit?" Frieza said, forcing a smile "I noticed that you genocided your strongest army asset. What was that for? Have you no idea what that will do to your empire? I have no idea why father left a snot nosed brat like you in charge of an empire such as this' ' Frost said shaking his head. "In any case,I'll be coming down to meet you in around a year's time. I've spoken with Cooler and father already. One last thing brother,don't screw up,you've lost the Saiyans and if you aren't careful you'll lose your entire empire as well" Frost said as the call ended. "Fireza sighed and sat in his space pod,"stupid Frost Blaze,i can't wait until he get's here so i can wipe that smug look off of that pompus prick's face!" Fireza thought as his subordinates looked on in surprise at the debris of planet Vegeta.