
Dbz Remade

hi thanks for reading. I'm the first author for mha remade with a twist,my crew and I have decided to take a small break from the series and start our own stories

Jefferey_Oladejo · Book&Literature
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Chapter Four: Fatal Mistake

While Jeff was training with Muten Roshi,Roger and Kakorot were training as well. "What a cute kid,what's his name?" an old man asked as he walked behind Roger "Wah!" Roger said as he was carrying the sleeping Kakarot. "I don't know who you are, old man but you better stay away from me and my nephew!" Roger said as he jumped back and charged a ball of ki in his hands. "Woah there young man,i'm not gonna hurt ya" The man said as he dropped the basket he was carrying on his back. "Your awfuley young to be wandering these forests alone. You'll need a place to stay for now" the old man said as it began to rain.'' Maybe you're right but I don't need your help" Roger said as thunder crackled in the sky. A loud boom could be heard in the sky as the rain was getting heavier. "Okay,where's your house?" Roger asked as the man put his basket bag back on his back and carried the now soaking wet Kakarot. Just up this mountain,we'll get there faster if we hurry" the old man said as he began jumping and running up the mountain. "This old man is fast" Roger thought as he and the old man got to his small house in around 15 minutes.

    "My name is Gohan,what's your name friend?" Gohan asked as Roger dried his and Kakarot's hair off with a towel. "I'm Roger, that's my nephew Kakarot,we ended up in this forest because we were looking for food *grumble* ahh,that being said it'd be great if you had some" Roger said as Gohan brought out some apples,oranges,and blueberries that he picked from the trees in the forest. "I only picked these off just now so try eating these and see if it helps'' Gohan said to Roger as he took a bite from the apple "this is really good,it's juicy too" Roger thought as he finished the apple in a couple seconds 'your a ravenous boy aren't ya?" Gohan asked as Roger looked confused "ravenous?" Roger akss as Gohan explains it to him along with other words. Kakarot is fast asleep in Gohan's bed as he hits his head when traveling with Roger. "I'm worried,it's been a week now and he hasn't woken up" Roger thinks as Gohan sees his growing concern "let me try something" Ghan asks as he focuses his ki to his hands and puts his hand on Kakarot's head "haa!" Gohan yeled as a bright flash of light came over Kakarot. "What did you do?" Roger asks, confused as Gohan tells him to just wait.  Kakarot wakes up and slowly sits up,"huh,what happened,Roger?" Kakarot asks as he rubs his head. "Young boy,how do you feel?" Gohan asks as Kakarot looks at him and Roger "a bit funny,i can't remember much" Kakarot says as Roger tries to ask him his name "do you remember your name?" Roger asks as Kakaort shakes his head "i can remember your names though" Kakarot said to the Gohan and Roger as they step out

    "I don't know what to think,maybe,maybe it's best for him to just live his life without the knowledge of being a Saiyan, that'd probably be best knowing our race's history,it'd probably be too much for him" Roger thinks as he shares this idea with Gohan "if you think that'd be for the best then we can do that my boy" Gohan says to Roger as they walk back inside "Your name is Goku, Son Goku, your my grandson. Something unfortunate happened to your parents and now you and your big brother are living with me" Gohan said as Goku looked at the two of them. "Okay" Goku said as he hugged Gohan and Roger "is there anything to eat grandpa ?" Goku asks as Gohan brings out a pie he and Roger made the other day.  "While young Goku here grows up you'll need to train to protect yourselves" Gohan told Roger as he shook his head "there isn't much you can teach me Gohan" Roger said as Gohan grabbed a small red staff  and walked outside with Roger "just watch young man,i'm a lot stronger than i let on" Gohan said as he made the pole extend to the size of a normal staff. "Okay old man," Roger said as  he charged at Gohan. "Power Pole Extend!" Gohan said as the red pole extended and hit Roger in the chest knocking him into a tree "haa!" Gohan said as he charged forward as the power pole retracted. "That's some staff" Roger thought as his feet were swiped by Gohan's power pole. Roger fell on the ground as Gohan stood over him and put the bottom of the pole to his face. "There's a lot to learn in the way of martial arts my boy" Gohan said as he stuck his hand out for Roger. Roger grabbed his hand and pulled himself up. "Thanks, and you may be right,teach me and Goku everything you know," Roger said as he got up and bowed. "Well i'd be glad to, but first we need to get you some clothes,you can't be wearing that all day" Gohan said as he  walked back into his house "i'll also have to remodel a bit" Gohan said as he looked at the size of his house.  Gohan went to his room and found his gold training uniform . The outfit was black gi pants,a white under shirt and a black  button up jacket with it's sleeves folded up.  "Try this on," Gohan said as he grabbed a small blue gi for Goku.  The two boys tried their gi's on and came back out. "Now you boys look ready to train" Gohan said as the boys readied themselves 


    Two months would pass as Gohan and Roger are in the house as it's getting pretty late. "Hey where's Goku?" Gohan asked as Goku was doing some extra training. "I'm going to get just as strong as big bro!" Goku thought as he slipped and fell on his back. "Maybe i'll train in the morning" Goku thought as he stared at the moon "the moon sure is pretty toni-" Goku thought as he felt his heart pounding in his chest . Roger looked outside and saw the full moon and immediately covered his eyes "this is bad Goku's outside,i need to grab him before that happens" Roger thinks as Gohan looks at Roger worriedly "what's going on?" Gohan asked as Roger quickly explained it to him  "when Saiyan stare at the full moon they turn into great apes. A massive monkey like creature with immense strength. It multiplies the user's power by 10x. I've done it once before and it makes you go berserk. That's why I'm always inside before the moon comes out" Roger said as they heard a loud roar from outside. "RAAAAAHH!"  Goku yelled as he was turned into a massive Ape  "oh god,we need to do something about him" Roger said as Gohan grabbed his power pole and ran outside to face the great ape. "Gohan, you'll be killed if you face him alone!" Roger said as he was forced to stay inside due to the moon being out.