
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Accompanying her

His sleeping posture made him looking adorable.She wondered why this celebrity is sitting in her room.

She noticed the extravagant room.Surely this is some VIP hospital room. She tried to recollect how she ended up in hospital room.

"oh!! I met with an accident"..I saw some vague picture of a handsome man rushing to my side. After that I can't remember what happened.

May be Shawn was the person in the other car. Thats why he is currently sitting by her side. This extravagant hospital room is also not affordable for a normal person.

Because of the movement from her side,Shawn slowly opened his eyes.His eyes met with her's.Initially both of them don't know what to talk.

Then Shawn told her.

"Sorry Aleena..it was my mistake that I hit your car earlier. I came to the wrong side. Please forgive me. Doctor told me that you don't have any serious injuries. You will get fine soon. Don't worry about the hospital expense. I will pay for you. If you want some remuneration,please tell me the amount. I can provide that."

She wondered why Shawn is telling all these things and requesting for an apology. Not in her dreams she thought,God like person in the entertainment industry will not ask for an apology from her.

She suddenly said.

"its ok..I am fine..I don't want money".

She thought if I was able to die because of the accident,it was great. So I can met my family at heaven and escape from this loneliness. Her thoughts reflected in her face.

Shawn noticed the emotions reflecting in her face. She us trying to suppress her sadness.He wondered what made her this much sad.

He suddenly thought one thing and told her.

"I have tried to call to the emergency number given in your ID card.Nobody picked up the call.I just thought to inform your family".

After he said this he noticed a sudden rush of tears in her eyes.

She tried to hold back her emotions..

She mumbled ..

"l don't have anybody to inform".

A sudden pain hit his heart. He dumbfounded and he don't have words to console her.

She regained her coolness and thought why I am showing emotions before this super star. He don't have time or interest for my sad story.

She bit her lips and slowly said.

" you can go back. No need to worry about me. I can manage myself. You are a busy person."

But he hesitated and said .

"but nobody is there to look after you. No problem,I am on holiday currently and will restart my work only after two days".

"Anyways I thought to take rest and I can take rest from here without any interruption".

She tried to defend but he stopped her and said.

"So it's finalized and I will take my rest from here. He smiled and this made her uneasy. She don't want to become a burden for someone."

Shawn thought why he took this decision. Normally he always have people surrounding him to take care of him. He can ask somebody to take care of Aleena.

But he don't want to part her in this condition.Is it because of the helplessness and sadness in that women's face. It touched soft part of his heart.